Bently Nevada 2201-3 For Allen Bradley

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The 2201 Mon This innovative approach integrat ny Ne an ee me BP siestintse crim fener ise Gang neler india arate Coa and fea ae ea eee pues cele eee eee ae ‘Wihmore han Bo years ec cell fe between them, they have combined 0 deliver the Bently Nevada 2251 Monitoring System, This new and innovative approach integrates machi ery vibration monitoring information with plant process data through the Allen-Bradiey PLC-S programmable controller. By using Fewer parts which function more efficiently together, the 220) offersyou reduced instrumentation ‘oats, improved reliability single configu ration management and a shared inter- face with plant supervisory systems, Development of the 2201 Monitoring System came about as a request from a ‘eustomer, a major OEM that uses both Bently Nevada and Allen-Bradley equip ment. This customer expressed a need for a product to collect vibration data and transfer it directly toa process com- itoring signals immediately, while etain- Sequential Function Chart puter without the we of conventional ing the leve) of machinery monitoring programming. bration monitors. To reduce cverallsys- offered by other Bently has the 3300 ster, ‘Typical bearing ubraton dsplay Trend plot "ead SSIEMS, 6 Up 10 Sk words of memory and 3072.10 points. ‘emeost and pane space, they integrated vibration and process ystems, sharing common resources such as chassis, ‘The Allen-Bradley PLC-5™ ‘Built in Remote 1/0 (up to 10,000 power supplics and apcrator interfaces. Pragrammable Controller fect from the controller) and Date In the past vibration monitoring sig~ ‘Highway Plus™ communications. nals were integrated into a programm, poe AbeM-Bradley PLCS" Program rable Controller is a midsize, single- * ‘Program structuring capability able contrllct &y tensmiting & 4 10 Soy pyogessor that mounts ina stand allows logical and diagnostic 20 mA output proportional to wbration 41771 Universal LO. (inputfoutput) ‘segmentation. wnplitude. This output became an input to the programmable controller and was treated as another process variable Majer shortcomings ofthis approch are ceate with, up 10 23 remote 0 racks at the time delay and lack of false trip and, the same time. Allen-Bradley’ remote missed trip protection, The 2201 Mon- * ‘Ladder logie programwning with 1/0 data network allows higher level itoring System integrates bration mon: ‘over 80 possible instructions. information systems and operations per- chassis. [¢ monitors and controls. VOS both ia resident and remove HO chess. Specific PLC-5" controller features include Dependingon the model, the PLC-S™ ‘controller ean connect t, al comanu: itoring System és vibration data and process data sonnel to capture relevant data aster Improved equipment performance, quality and produetiviy result Allen-Bradley furnishes programming softare for you to write the application program for the PLO-S" controller and focustomize the information you wish to monitor. This software consisis of menu: driven packages for programming, docu mentation and on-line report generation programs By using interface devices such as ‘operator panels, terminals, workstations and displays, machine operators and plant management have access to vibra tion data and plant operating informa- tion coneuerently ‘Bently Nevada System mounted in an Allen-Bradley PLC-5" chassis ‘The 2201 Monitoring System ‘The 2201 Monitoring System can be used for continuous vibration monitor ing of eritieal, essential and general porpose machines It provides you with machinery vibration and plant process data from a single convenient program. mable source. This reduces equipment, installation and operating costs The 2201 measures up 1024 ebannels of vibration and seismic information, and provides for wo levels of alam, Ales’ end Danger, for each channel Many parameters manually contig- ured by jumpers in the 3300 Monitorin System can now be programmed dlectly by the machine operator from the PLES" controller. Each 2201 System consists of a $ys- tem Monitor, up to six Four-channel Monitors and # Monitoring Sysiem Backplane. ‘System Monitor ‘The System Monitor peeforms these ‘major functions * Interiaves with the 1771 Unis 1D backplane * Communicates with the PLC® System Processor using block {cansler instructions, + Seans cach of the 24 channels cexery 40 milliseconds + Pronides external communication connections for diagnostics + Generates sensor supply voltage ‘The System Monitor has two status LEDS 10 verify communication with the controller. System Status, Individual Monitor Status and Incividusl Channel ‘Status are communicated from the Sys- tem Monitor to the controller ina single block transfer Four-channel Monitor This universal monitor contains four generic monitoring channels and Accepts signals from up to four Bently Nevada vansdveers, Esch channel can be configured by the PLC-S" controller to perform any of these monitoring functions * Shaft radial vibration (peak-to peak displacement) + Shaft radial vibration (gap voltage) © Thrust position Seismic wibr: n (velocity) ‘Seismic vibration (acceleration) Ifa problem, suchas an Alertor Dan ger condition, is detected in the vibra- tion system, the PLC-S™ controller is immediately notified. Specific action taken will depend on how you have pro- ‘grammed the PLC-5" controller for the application. ‘The Four-channel Monitor contains wo status LEDS 10 verify that monitors are functioning properly and communi- cating with te System Monitor. External buttered transducer output coaxial con- ncotorsane available for test instruments. ‘An unassigned channel may be used for nal Keyphasor® transducers ring System Backplane ‘The 2201 Mositoring System uses a specially-designed backplane that mounts inside the 177L Universal YO chassis and in frantof, but nct connected to, the chassis backplane, It is manufac. tured in six different configurations, depending on the number of Four- channel Monitors used. The backplane provides the interconnection between the System Monitor and cach of the Four-channel Monitors External interface for machine diagnostics ‘The following external connectors axe furnished on the front of the System Monitor for machinery diegnostics: “The 2201 provides mon- itoring features similar to equivalent 3300 Monitors and offers improved features over earlier systems. It allows for direct combina- lion of data with the machine process control system. © ‘Two butered Keyphasor® trans. ducer outputs + Static Data Interface, (SDIX): an RS-2529-pin connector for system. trouble-shooting + Dynamic Data Manages Inter- face, (DDIX): an RS-252 25-pin connector interfaces 10 © Benth Nevada DDIX Communication Processor Summary ‘The 2201 provides monitoring fea- tures similar to equivalent 3300 Moni- tors and offers improved features over caclier systems. It allows for direct com- tats 0 2 iy rocsne i coo Ress Pan 18 owit bination of data with the machine pro- ess control system. Communications between the 2201 and the Allen- Bradley PLC-5" Programmable Con- troller are managed by the controller. ach channel in the 2201 can be pro- grammed independently to perform its individual, distinctive monitoring. funetions, “The 2201 uses software you write for cach specitic application, enabling you 10 customize process and vibration information displays for trending, anal- ysis and protection, Use of the Allen= Bradley PLC-S" Programmable Con- troller enhances the flexibility of the primary operator display. You can now monitor the entire process by integrat= ing vibration and process information ona single scrcen. ml ‘Allen-Bradley isa worldwilleader in dhe manu faotre and ste of Indust suromation contol ‘pstons. tba nit of Rockvel International tmalindsny company applying advanged tah: tology to a wale range of product i is cle {ronica aoroepace, automotive and geaphies business Allon Drala hast headgear in Miteaies,Witeona, USA. PLC is 2 resisered wadematk of the Allen Brauley Company. tne. PLCS and Date Highnay Plus are tademaris of the allen Beacley Compaay dns ‘Thisproguctisticemsed und: patents propsi> curs tology of Allen Pradley Company Ins Pret Setviee Pan previealy Bently Nev Typical confguretien diagram of PLC-5" Programmable Controller September 1992

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