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Case Study 1 Toronto restaurant balances social mission with economic return

Back ground: The Hawthorne is a restaurant specializing local cuisine part of HWTC,
which is a non-profit organization with a mission to train and support people with
social assistance, such as people with disabilities, or refugees.
The problem: find ways to achieve the restaurants economic goals while achieving
their social goals
Solutions (train these people in the restaurant, work as chiefs)
1) Training relevant by matching it with market demand (customer want). Use of
local, seasonable and sustainable food. Providing our trainees with the
knowledge and skills about local Ontario produce.
2) find full-time employees, highly motivated trainees
3) Creative in growing training opportunities in this case, catering. our
primary objective is to maximize the number of people trained and
subsequently employed
75% of the 40 trained people have successfully transitioned to paid employment
within the hospitality sector.
Article 2: Hawthorne Food: social conscience
Curating a menu focused on local Ontario ingredients
Hawthorne restaurant has manager that act as facilitators to connect trainees with
others in the industry, ensuring work placement upon exit. Through resources and
connections to groups like the HWTC, they even have follow-up initiatives that track
the progress of former employees and participants in their programs to ensure they
remain gainfully employed.
Article 3:
Chris, a man with disability, was hired full-time in the kitchen at tony One King West
one of the training centres partners, through the help of Hawthorne.
Article 4:


Article 5:

Cutrara joins Hawthorne

Cutrara, a famous chef, closed his own restaurant to join Hawthorne. This is an
indication that Hawthorn is doing very well.

Article 6:

Hospitality Workers Training Centre in Toronto: a local case study from

HWTC offers on-site training in many Local 75 hotels across the city, including
classes in English as a Second Language, literacy, computer skills and housekeeping
skills. The HTWC is a partnership between the union and the major hotels.
Goal 1: Local 75 members with the opportunity to upgrade their skills and move up
in the industry.
Goal 2: create opportunities for newcomers to enter the growing hospitality industry
by providing the training they need to begin entry-level jobs in Toronto's hotels.

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