Will Brock Formative Assessment Spring 2014

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INTERNSHIP SKILL FORMATIVE/SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT a Evaluation of Student's Progress Formative ‘Summative, Brock Cohort: WEN) 8 2013 Date: 3- = I Pies student's Name: Willicas Please complete the following evaluation and be prepared to discuss with UNI Faculty Field Supervisor at the end of ‘each semester. to be completed by the mentor to assess student's knowledge and experience in each of the following 35 ISSL.erteria. Ifthe stadent has not had the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of experience in a particular skill area, please check (None) in the appropriate circle. valuation Seale ND (high depee) SD (some degree) LD (low degree) None (Chock appropriate eile) Hp SD) LD None Standard 1: Visionary Leadership Te staden has demonstaicd knossledge or understanding of A. Uses Data for Establishment of Achievement Goals 2 © © »6 BL _Usesbest practice in Program Improvement es 6 2 6 Atk ‘esta ons for teaching/learsing eo 6 6 1D. Aligns educational press of Disvct Vision and Goals 2 5 6 E, Provides Lsadership for Mj Iniatives & Change Efforts 2 8 F. Communicates effectively w/Various Stakeholders on progress eo 6 Standard 2: Instructional Leadership ‘The stodent fas demonstrated knowledge or understanding of ‘A. Provides leadership for Assessing’Developing/Improving ClimateCultue © 0 8 BB. —SystematcallyFaitly Recoanizing/Celobrating SiaSt. Accomplishment @ 988 C. Encourages design of more effective learning experiences forstulents §@ = 8 1D, Monitors/Evaluates Ffective CuriculunvTnstuetion’ Assessment nr ° Evaluates Sta & Provides ongoing coaching for improvement 0 @ 9 8 #._Ensures professions development tht enhances teachingleaming == @ ° 6, hoptevise profes © 6 2 6 a ithall sakoholaers e 8 6 ° able tall sae alden e 2 6 ° samy e 5 8 K. Aniculates& reinforces desired school culture, showing evidence == Standard 3: Organizational Leadership The student has demonstezed know!edge or undersading of A, Cofapies wih tte & Feral mandates & local boant policies ee 3. Recruiting seletion, induction, reer‘on oF sta or quality instustin © @ =O 2 Addresses eurent& roel fates ins time'y manner e588 3, Elfeetively/oMicienel inanagos fiscal & phy'seal resources ° 0 S, otects instructions di © 9 9 0 se eatin sdon wistonoa & ex sho opera Gee ode 36 HD SD LD None Standard 4: Collaborative *.eadership The student has demons ae or understanding of ‘A. Engages families & community snd promotes shared responsibilty Por siacent learning & edncation 6 6 2 © 1B, Promotesupors strctare for Familyeommunity involvement eee C.__Faelltates connections of students! fo heallsocal services ‘that suppor: Rots on learing » 2 © 6 DP. Collborativelyestabishes culture tha: weleomes & honors families & comininity & asks ways to engage them instudentleaming = @= Standard 5: Ethical Leadershi ‘The stadt has frovsadae of usd ing of th neod 0 act with integrity, fumes and in am ethical manner as elated to: |. Demonstmnesethies! 4 professions behavior 8 1D. Derurstsaes eriae "Tete &

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