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Alfian Febriandi Pratama

Jl. KH. A. Marzuki 45 Bangkalan, East Java 69115

Phone: +6285234410180
30 October 14
Chairman of Ngudia Husada Madura foundation
Jl. RE. Martadinata No 45 Bangkalan,
Jawa Timur

Dear Bapak Mustofa Haris, M. Kes,

I am writing this aplication letter on my own initiative. I would like to apply to be a English
lecturer in Ngudia Husada Madura. I graduated as Bachelor of Art, English literature in
Universitas Brawijaya. The study finished in four years and six months with GPA 3, 33.
My experience as an English mentor in Koperasi Lestari Santoso and as committee of University
events has afforded me to become familiar to face group of people. I am computer literate; I am
capable to managing and organizing schedule,and work in team or individual.
I would very much enjoy having the opportunity to talk with you further to discuss the
requirements and expectation of the position, and how I could use my skills to benefit the
foundation. I have enclosed my CV, certificate of bachelor degree, transcript, and photo
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Alfian Febriandi Pratama

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