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Matt J.


I am an experienced consultant, analyst, and instructor, with strong backgrounds in diversity science, statistics,
organizational psychology, and financial literacy. My goal is to promote financial literacy as a project manager and strategist.
Organize, plan, collaborate on, and manage long-term, complex strategic projects for businesses and schools
Design and assess organizational policies and strategies to increase productivity, efficiency, creativity, and retention
Create and manage research from design to analysis and reporting using sophisticated methods and statistics
Synthesize and communicate difficult subjects as an instructor, mentor, and with reports and presentations
Lead teams and develop talent through training, organizational policymaking, and transformative leadership
Financial Literacy Strategist: 2 years experience as a consultant and policy-maker at UC Berkeley and with local businesses
Provided guidance and facilitated discussion among UC Berkeley units (e.g., Financial Aid, Graduate Division) on student
financial literacy and funding needs, and successfully lobbied for the creation of additional courses and funding
With the Berkeley Financial Literacy Workgroup and campus partners, constructed an innovative peer-mentoring program
that hosted seminars within students dorms and departments and tailored content to the audience and time of year
Advised community partners (e.g., Operation Hope, Wendler & Associates, and Nerd Wallet) on financial literacy
programming, curriculum, and recruitment. Achievements include reforming young adult curriculum and recruiting over
200 grad students into a new financial literacy course.
Financial Instructor and Adviser: 2 years experience teaching financial literacy courses and advising clients
Designed, taught financial literacy courses to hundreds of undergrad, grad, and younger students at UC Berkeley and with
Operational Hope, tailoring content to student needs and making immediate, actionable suggestions
Assessment revealed courses were well-evaluated, increased knowledge, and directly led to behavioral change
Personal advising directly led to savings and investment returns of over $10,000, helped secure health insurance through
the Affordable Care Act, and increased starting salary by an average of 10%
Organizational Consultant: 5 years experience as an organizational psychologist, strategic consultant, and administrator
Worked with campus and department admin and student government to create policies on staff training, student
service, internships and funding, revenue generation, diversity climate, and public/private partnership
Drafted revenue generation and organizational efficiency policies that saved departments over $25,000/year and
generated over $5,000/year in new funding
Consulted on startup strategy and design (Lifenik, Wendler & Associates, Maestro, and more), leading to streamlined
UX in web and mobile apps, increased user bases, and the development of new revenue and business models
Statistical Analyst: 10 years experience as a researcher, consultant, and analyst in the public and private sectors
Designed, analyzed qualitative & quantitative studies, from surveys to meta-analysis and longitudinal experiments, on
topics from diversity climate to financial behavior.
Presented findings in invited talks, top-tier academic publications, popular press articles, and a TV show
Designed an assessment plan for UC Berkeleys financial literacy programs that would determine whether
programming affected important outcomes from graduation rates to loan payoff
Education: 10 years education in organizational psychology, diversity management, and statistics

PhD Social Psychology

Certificate of Financial Planning
MS Social Psychology
BS Psychology

UC Berkeley 2014
UC Berkeley Extension 2015 anticipated
University of Georgia 2009
University of Florida 2007

References available on request

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