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April 2 -End of Third
April 3-Teacher Record
Keeping Day - NO
April 6-12 Spring Recess - NO SCHOOL

Ms. Faulks 2nd Grade

March 16, 2015

This Week
This week we will begin Unit 5-Week 2
One Dark Night.
PLEASE make sure that your child comes to school
with a water bottle everyday. We are using a
Learning through Movement program so your child is
very active and will be needing to drink lots of water.
Important, please help your child finish the
Compliments assignment sent home (due date Feb.
27th) so that we can complete it here in class for our
Young Authors books.

Specials Schedule
Day 1 - Art
Day 2 - Host Nation
Day 3 - PE
Day 4 - Music
Day 5 - Math Lab
Daily Schedule
Lunch 12:25-1:10
Specials - 8:50-9:30
FLES - Mon. and

I use the Everyday Math curriculum in the classroom. Each child has a book of written activities that they
do. The pages stay in the book so they have a collection of
math work. Because of this, you wont see many math worksheets coming home. You will receive the Math book when it
has been completed by your child this week as we finish Volume 1 and move on to Volume 2 (please note that not ALL
pages were required to be completed.) MobyMax is a program that is used to reinforce skills and also to fill in the
gaps , in other words opportunities to learn that your child
may have missed due to absences, family travel or PCSing.
Please see that your child completes their 10 minutes of
MobyMax Monday through Thursday evenings. For the next
week please sit with them and see that they are actually
reading the lessons. MobyMax is programmed to assign your
child concepts that they have not yet mastered. If your child
simply clicks through the lesson without reading and understanding it then they will not be able to progress through the
program and learn all the needed second grade skills.

Contact Information
School Phone:
0711 680 5200

Enrichment activities (NOT

Due by Friday

Take a practice spelling

quiz with a family member. Bring it in to me.

Write 4 sentences using:

dew and due.
Write a five sentence
minimum paragraph report on a famous woman
historical figure.
Practice your multiplication and division fact
Practice counting by 2sand 10s.
Design a menu for the
day using what was
learned in MyPlate.
And/or anything else creative you can think of!

Spelling M-Th

Read at least 20

Moby Max Practice 10

mins. nightly

Any unfinished classwork

Dismissal: School ends at 2:30. It is DoDDs policy that second graders are permitted to walk
home on their own. In your childs Take Home Folder you will have the opportunity to sign off
on how your child will be getting home daily. Once this has been established then you must send
in a note in the Take Home folder stating that the method for getting home on that day is different, if no note is received then the child will return home by the usual method. If you are going to
be late picking up your child, then the child will be waiting in the front office for you. You MUST
send a note if your child is to go home a different way than normal (including being released to an
adult other than yourself.)

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