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: 18.02.09 07:50. :

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20 2005
4- .
71381921 - , .. ,

17938 + 91893 - . -
, -
189317514 - 10
8193719831 - 10 .

193751891 - ,
8931719 519381 -

81319719 - ,

817219738 - -
3197289718 - .

391728519 - ,

91371895 - ,

9372185319 - , ,

97513181 -
7391891 + 198 - , 198

9718318 - , ,

97189179 -
398 - , D5

, ,
975198931 - , , ,

97185319 - ,

918 - ,

97319819 - ,
, ()
3917518941 - ,
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918197185 - , 100%
81739519, 81739814, 7139189641
, ,
, 1.
81739519 1
81739814 1
7139189641 1
1 9 3 9 8 5 .
7 4 9 1 3 - .
9 7 8 3 1 .
1 3 1 1 7 ,
9788819719 - - , ,

9738197 -
937 - , -8, -9, -9,
, .
97518319 - , , ,
93718519719 - , ,

9731817541 - . . ,
, ,

( ). 1 3,
813791 -
519719 -
718981 - .
91738919 - ()

915777918934198 - ,
, ,
, ,
978914512791 - ,

7 :
7189 - ,

51918 - ,

71981 + - 3 .
, ,
891 + - ,
72918 = -
13 1+3 = - 13
1 3 = 4
4- 4 - 4

2 ,
- 97183179
9738151 - ,

931751891 - .
1 3, -5, -1,
937184319 - ,
9371851791 -
71198891731 - -
917318 -
, ,
. 5 -
( )
9718319575148179 -
9371857195 - , ,

9187758981818 - ,

91753217819719 -

3175142179 -
73918531791 - , ,
973185419171 - ,

7185319718419718 - ,

317518412 - ,
73197853141 -
97317819 - , ,

971819 - .
, -
817319 -
- ,

971 8 - 3 ,

97132185191 - , ,
971391817 - , ,

573189148 - - , .
, 8
9171851 - , 8 8 1 ,

713218519 -
7193185143218 -
9175854171 - .
, .

93178151 -
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97318541218 -
7135412718 - ,

971185341781 - ,

971318191 - , 8 .
997889131719 : , ,
, ,
821421751 -
93171891 - ,
, 10
917318918 - , ,

973185141 -

31975418191 - ,
31758519 - , .

731854217 - .
, ,



: 0

- 9 [ ]
Forum " Teachings of Grigoriy Grabow " CONTROL
number series
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Posted on: 02/18/09 7:50. Title: Controls the numerical series


Posts: 341
Mood: sanguine +
Joined: 14.11.07
Location: Russia, Tver
Reputation: 0

Number series for forecast-based

Numerical series created Grabovoi Grigory Petrovich May 20, 2005 at the
time of the 4th extraordinary congress DRUGG. 71381921 - geometrical
center, ie, man, from which there is a control 17938 + 91893 - fixation
point start control. First row - this space, and the second row - a task on it
189317514 - solves all the problems for 10 years forward 8,193,719,831 the number of problem divides into 10 parts. Each digit is working with its
part simultaneously 193751891 - fills the problem of knowledge that it is
solvable 8931719 519381 - these two rows permeate the problem from
both sides and it was quickly solved 81319719 - vertical row solves all
problems, efficiency at the expense of verticality 817219738 - this is a
personal tool - works everywhere and always 3197289718 - regulates the
form of space. Management counterclockwise from the thoughts in mind.
391728519 - Increases structure to address the issue, identifies a problem
and solve it now 91371895 - ensures no recurrence of the problem, the
figures are scattered in space and time 9372185319 - everything approved
this series will only be properly and harmoniously on all 97513181 - is a
powerful diagnostic series examines the problem on the other hand, has a
trail of compulsory execution 7391891 + 198 - educational aspect, 198 specifically to impart knowledge 9,718,318 - transfer proven knowledge
that everything, everything will be good only 97,189,179 - as if along the
way decides intermediate targets 398 - solves many tasks at the same
time, the scope of D5sm these figures at high speed from the inside gives a
projection of light on a specific task, solving it, reduced in size 975 198 931
- for the homeless, a number is pressed, pushes the problem of housing
objectives. Here, treatment and release of toxins 97185319 - a rope, he
reveals the problems and solves them simultaneously 918 - a continuation
of the previous row, they are revealed problems in humans from the
beginning of its development 97,319,819 - it's like a boomerang, this series
I'm going to space builds on specific experience in solving problems
(outgoing) 3917518941 - this number multiplies my experience, filled with
the experiences of other common tasks, and comes back to me, (incoming)
918 197 185 - the number of absolute accuracy that everything will turn
out 100% 81739519, 81739814, 7139189641 - these are three rows freely
in the area, it is a tool manager, he is responsible for the transfer of
knowledge and the result of the work. The following three lines are the
same as the previous, but with the addition of 1. They have permanent

81739519 1 1 81739814 7139189641 1 1 9 3 9 August as the 5 series

would descend into space goals. This July 4 9 1 3 huge space-time reserve.
Huge 9 First 7 8 March 1 potential. Decides on the continuous-time and
even 1 3 1 1 July pulls that could pass by August 1 7 8 1 5 8 0 3 9 1 1 9
9788819719 - from top to bottom - is a pillar of light, it is put right on
target, the numbers being transformed to solve the problem of light, goes
universal effect 9738197 - this time a number is entered when there is no
time 937 - go on the situation this series, south-8, the north-9 center-9,
again south-1. Walk on the situation and get down from the previous
number of additional time, thus speeding up the solution of the problem. It
is used for saving the NPP, fast flowing diseases 97518319 - contains the
feasibility of an advantage, novelty, enhances and accelerates the solution
of problem 93718519719 - number of Moscow and Moscow region, a
number of fresh, laid and integration with nature 9731817541 - and so on.
d. from top to bottom here is a form of infinite development of man in the
image and likeness of God. Also form makrospaseniya, macroregulation,
emits a series of mandatory eternal development, eternal life following
three lines operate simultaneously. The first two rows - the structure of
control, direct the movement of the desired task (like a ship among the
reefs). If these add rows 1 and 3, the series will work at any time and in
any space. 813,791 - ideal future 519719 - transformation into details now
718,981 - work and implementation of the current time. 91738919 - the
number of records the result of hard (notary) and disseminate the results
of all of the world 915777918934198 - it creates a number of new
collective consciousness, where the factor of eternity, neumiraniya is the
norm, it synchronizes time and space, the time is always as long as
necessary 978914512791 - number is from me to the target, a beam-filled
experience solving similar problems here while the engine of progress All
further 7 rows work together: 7189 - first row - transfer through temporary
structures for the problem in one figure at one point 51,918 - second row
makes a secondary touch and goes further, increasing the speed to achieve
the goal 71981 + - The following 3 lines will be formed. Here we go into the
problem by attaching more digits, the time series of 891 + - this series is
completely touches the problem from the inside, it solves = 72918 - this is
also a time series of 13 digits + 1 = 3 - we put three rows and the number
of turns 13, we add 1 and 3 4 = 4 on all 4 sides - to disseminate the results
on all 4 sides 1 9 7 2 1 P E R M L These two series are reflected in each
other, all the macro level is reflected in the details of my events 97,183,179 9,738,151 - all my events are recorded at the macro level ,
ranks vzaimogarmoniziruyut all 931751891 - number improves the water
resource. To improve water generally must add 1 and 3, as well as north-5,
1 east-south-3, West 2 937 184 319 - a private cause of universal,
although private still always universal, universal consists of private next
three series again work together : 9371851791 - first - work around the
world 71198891731 - second ryad- work on Russia 917,318 - this series
concentrates momentum of the two previous series about personal
objectives, a number of controls from the world, Russia and its objectives.
If we add to the ranks of the digit 5 - improve management (evaluation in
school) 9718319575148179 - this number starts to work instantly as soon
as you look at it, to harmonize all 9371857195 - prevents possible
explosions, scandals, takes into account the problem of outdated
9187758981818 - protects even a specific person thereof, even one cell
91753217819719 - converts thinking to eternal development and
technology are beginning to work with acceleration 3175142179 - transfer
of information, taking into account to prevent any accidents in the 10 years
73918531791 - number of constraints tension, making aspect of rest, but
the effects of increases in management and no fatigue 973185419171 - a
measurement of the time the information is obtained most branched
structure 7185319718419718 - work through the acceleration of the time
aspect, we get more resources to manage and solve problems 317518412 increases the intensity has been done, the addition to the management.
Wave from the controls made earlier system 73197853141 - equality of all
participants in the life of the problem being solved 97317819 - makes it so
that everyone, all the future will be only too happy to 971,819 - adjusts the
speed of the system information. From south to north - acceleration, from

north to south - slowing 817,319 - concentrating lens - light beam

concentrates the management and begins to return. Series is gaining
strength if it reflected in any area, he collapses on the sphere and light in
the desired area of 971 8 - add to the previous number of mechanically
these 3 numbers and Eight keeps stability control 97132185191 - number
of inner goodness, vsedeystviya, works in any the social sphere, the
universal action of a single control 971391817 - prevention of global, local
disaster, any scandal 573189148 - top to bottom - a beam synchronous
control - I and the world. A number of vertically placed above tasks 8 gives
lower resistance 9,171,851 - a number of which you are working is added 8
August 1 and this series is produced by a universal mechanism for all, for
the development of civilization 713218519 - help system without reference
to the place of residence 7193185143218 - ecological safety in anywhere
9175854171 - this series solves problems on a spiritual level. Transfers of
technology from the point of view of the action of God, the Divine
technology. A number of forms of thought transference of eternal
development 93178151 - makes any external information a positive
direction. Adding 1 and 3 positive direction number is included in any
problem and solves it 97318541218 - ecological safety anywhere
7135412718 - this series strengthens tested a number of self-created,
thereby developing the governance structure 971185341781 - all adapted
to their ranks canonizing, reaching the level of sustainability of the
following objectives 971318191 - is hard canonical series, adding 8 - will be
forever. Forever canonize our actions aimed at the development of eternal
997889131719 - number canonize management: external, visualization,
color, type of perception, personality 97138519 - help system without
reference to the place of residence 917,318 - social events 821421751 political events 93,171,891 - these three rows across the social, political
events share it with any of the parties DRUGG, explain the 10
commandments of the charter party, working as a technology of eternal life
and always happy 917,318,918 - the instantaneous transmission of
information, the sooner, the less resistance and distortion 973185141 - put
before any action this series proupravlyat 31975418191 - This series
focuses around the focus, the concentration around the concentration. The
locking ring and management on any task is sent only to the eternal
development, eternal life 31758519 - a series of peace, especially for
Chechnya and the like. Disseminate this information as quickly as possible.
Peacefulness is present in every human being in an absolutely sufficient for
eternal life 731854217 - this next build management in physical space.
Here we put thinking as a substrate, we derive an external level, creating a
dynamic level of the external manager gets the sphere of diagnosis, which
allows you to keep the system under control. It is desirable that the
concentration of control to keep all the time at home. This series contains
the initial action and the final task.

Man is the personification of the Creator


Thanks: 0

Answers - 9 [ Only new ]

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Posted on: 02/18/09 7:53. Title: Thursday 9 November 20 ..


Posts: 342
Mood: sanguine +
Joined: 14.11.07
Location: Russia, Tver
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Thursday, November 9, 2005


Number series from the 7th Party Congress

DRUGG from 14 October 2005.

Numerical series Recommendations for use

19725181 Regulatory control around the globe with all the cosmic events.
t.e.upravlenie absolute sense; And put in the vicinity of the North Pole from
the top down and the next series of numbers between the numbers 8 and 9
provide input into the structure of specific events spirit and soul of man. rule
should be seen by man, specifically you.
9 7 2 1 3 4 8 1 9 in Krasnodar Krai
particular person gets what he needs in the form of some kind of information.
obtaining positive need information that suits the person; we will detail what
he gets. implementation - allows you to see that everything is fine in the
region when it receives - it regulates, yes; you bring him the norm, as it were
helping him. This one here is the level of care allows a single event in the
macro to do almost the information received by people 9188854192
"Krasnoyarsk Territory, is a combination of management, which is in the
name - with steering on the map, the presence of an intermediate point of
making any kind of stuck in the information association infor- tion and
integral control, adding a generalized control unit, we get an infinite
development; a pulse of infinite instantly return again in Krasnoyarsk, and
once again all control. in the numerical series is highly desirable to carry out,
as it were instant control over the actions. Number allows you to work
quickly. Did manage once again looked - and fairly quickly moved on.
4122721845 In Primorye, from the name to the administrative center of
Vladivostok number normalize the situation. modify the properties of the unit,
making the value of the number of discrete - allows you to specify the event.
In detail is management; ability to identify between the numbers well, socalled small bar there signals that almost normalized the situation instantly
just by identifying. It's like, open a law rules. And thus you improve
management; thus you begin to see that the numerical series have a very
simple system and property management. January 9 8 7 9 Stavropol region
take over the letter "A" again in the word "edge" put a number that is close to
eight by seven. That there, try to stay near the number 8 is not visualizing it,
fix, seven; You can put a number 5. And from Stavropol to spend just a
straight line. The moment you spend - fix; is one of the easiest ways to
control: visualize the name and on line registration

Man is the personification of the Creator


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Posted on: 02/18/09 7:55. Title: Continuation 4172814 ..


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4172814 Since in any case, each row allows you to see - but this series is
designed specifically for this purpose only; and it improves the situation
normalizes in general - because we have exactly the norm in terms of human
capabilities. When he sees as the physical eye sees - it's just more
opportunities for information to react. And if he sees, for example, in the
future - it turns out, it is much easier then, huh? In principle, even absolutely
simple; in a large sense, in terms of the process logic. And to see more in the
future; ie, the predictive phase - then the next number on the Tomsk region.
Above the town of Tomsk, above the inscription - is placed next number
841725. (2:36:32) But in order; to know exactly where there is a space-time
where you are, so, for example, from the point of view of history, we have in
mind: it is clear what time, and it is clear what space. I mean, it is a historic,
perhaps, there is understanding of the region, area. To understand the
investigative system analytically, not only through direct vision - here you
need to clearly understand and know the past. And here in the Tula region,
south of Tula is placed next row, which allows you to know the past, and then
analytically further implement the management structure. 9721348175 learn
to see everything through there all the future and all; as if there are no more
problems. But we are all the same managers; We must use every resource to
strengthen governance. A knowledge of information - this is an additional
resource, the usual information of the past. look at the past, look. But we
need the past, which suits us, so to speak; we are still managers. If the past
is that we are not satisfied; and we found ourselves in a place that almost
certainly we need to resolve the issue; and past a few, can be specific; and
we need to improve it - then we need to do to improve the management of
the past in terms of prognostication of future events. That is, the information
you will receive about the past - must be such; Well, let's say: you want to
get. in the Tyumen region, the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, YamalNenets Autonomous District; Here on these three subjects of the Federation
can be done at the same time, yes, in terms of management of the card;
scheme, so to speak - that the structure of the historical plan there last was
as you want. Of course, you can read it in books, and so on; but we are
talking about what we need to affect all. It does not matter to a tutorial, or
whatever it was. 91725348 1. And when you start to do the management, so
to speak, in the infinite past - in principle here, the level that you need to do
now, he's simply there looms in that infinite future - is the ability to use it the
infinite past there in terms of good values. That is, in the history of
civilization, is there a good size, right? For example there, from the point of
view of jurisprudence: you need to establish a mechanism for it to protect
doctrine; and you decided to see some literature. We must look so that there
were concrete answers: what to do now. The past, we need to ensure that
was practical experience, you can reference. And so it is - a special
technology: work with the events of the past. We need something past, which
suits us. And when we do manage with this point of view - it turns out that no
matter how the history of development, so to speak, yes; Here, for example,
ask: what need there is the history of civilization? From the point of view
there are well-known concepts: science - this is understandable; but from the
point of view of the problem of salvation, or there makrospaseniya; suppose
that's what is needed history of civilization in terms of Ulyanovsk? Do we
need, there is such a revolution? No, it is not necessary, yes, mean? And so it
turns out that in this case there is a very strict criteria, which clearly limit the
rate of event-spatial processes. That is, on the one hand, some ideas that
positively exist in the world - they certainly exist. On the other hand - they
should not lead, of course, under any circumstances, to the destruction of the
people. That is, the exclusion factor of any problems, yes, a man; any
problems. And that's the structure of rigid fixation, regardless of the past, the
future there, or is there a present - a rigid fixation of norms as such; for the

individual and all the people together. It has the following control for the
Ulyanovsk region, that there was no revolution, for example: Although, as we
know, the revolution itself - it can be a bad thing; there is there any; most
importantly, that they are; ideas, yes, there is. There bloodless revolution
there there, and so on. But I think just need to keep management position
only in accordance with the law; applicable law, and all; the present
constitution. Do you want to, well, there do your some general meeting;
changing the law; If the change - please, yes, for example. That should be
reflected necessarily peer opinions freely; when a person is out there might
think, and so on. And so here is the principle of free will; Why would a man
make something quick to do then; even here in this aspect there.
9721854218 Therefore, the rule of law - it's just an opportunity to give a
person the freedom to choose, freedom to think, freedom of action - well,
just personal freedom: and this is due here guarantor of the Constitution.
Although, actually, we're not just talking there about the constitution as such;
simply that a person must be free and independent, that's all. And when we
do manage that independence of the individual there is required to comply
with certain constitutional rights - it just needs to be done to ensure that we
are just a person is treated with respect, that's all. Has the right to freedom
of action, and for this reason should not be there to make it revolutionary,
yes, movements. However, here there is another aspect; Well there
supporters of revolutionary movements can say that as if it's contrary to
protect human, suppose, yes, from anything out there. Here that's very
important to be able to change the law in a timely manner some legal
system. To be able to introduce new principles of management of the legal
field, not to bring before the revolution; was to dialogue, yes; that was a
natural development system through, there may be one idea. For example
there, the idea of protecting the Teachings, then, can affect, for example
there, the State Duma, but, due to the expression of personal problems of
man, and so on. But it's still just information; is not there some kind of
movement, it is simply an expression of free will. There is no violation of any
laws - an expression of free will and everything. And the expression of free
will at the right side can come to that position was stable. A correct position it's saving people, people's lives, that's all. And, anyway, this freedom will
result in a legal framework. That is, the law, the legal framework as a
manifestation of freedom of the individual; creative person who puts the
problem of creation. Maybe there is somehow a person can put in their own
way; somehow, maybe in their own way there to save them. It is not
necessary that all the same there - the main thing is to be a trend here is
creativity. Therefore, in principle, quite incidentally, unusual sounds when
there is ideology, say, the resurrection; there is an ideology of perpetual
development meets resistance in humans living. Where just the same status
throughout the life causes because these systems in development. That is,
they, therefore, need, in terms of educational well, perhaps, our position - in
education systems, which would be good, that they would, of course, have to
use it, use. And in this regard, management, relating to the dissemination of
knowledge, so to speak, in the universal scale; and then it turns out positive
jet falls into any other system that is just in the political program of the party
DRUGG - is the management of the following: . And so, we can say it is there
- how to ensure that absolutely no one, for example, the student will not be,
well, like there, imprisoned, yes, suppose; so here's the problem: how can we
guarantee. A guarantee can be very simple and obvious fact that simply
DRUGG party program; still it is not a sect, is the official registration in the
Ministry of Justice, the same organizing committee. The program was causing
certain specific acts performed positively. And the work of this program, it
appears that allows you to very clearly determine that a person who works on
the program - it still does not break; what is there to fear at all possible? That
is, initially, yes, the ideological foundations of the emerging norm of events,
that's all. And it turns out that, for example there, I say there is a forecast;
but I just still see the forecast, yes, of course; I'm just there practices.
Forecasting, for example here, if from this point of view, assume that I have a
personal experience - I'm sure there are already predicting that this is my
personal experience. I say it: of course, no one who is engaged in the
teaching of Gregory Grabovogo there, there will not be planted; will not,
therefore, in some situations there there was a sharp adverse, and so on,

yes. This is my prediction. But as it turned out now, it is not just a prediction
- it is simply a systematic development. In principle, in fact because,
reference position also forecast on something constructed; on a specific
design, yes, in the management? Why, for example there, ask a question
there, the party DRUGG quickly come to power? The answer is very simple:
at least on the basis that up to 10% of GDP growth we pass people. It was
suggested that perhaps there is, for example there during the Great October
Revolution? There offers just there to cultivate the land, develop the territory
- but there is not proposed to be applied, yes, the principle of using a rental
growth of wealth, for example. Ensuring that, by the way, infinite wealth
creation, not just the use of a professional. Here deeper law of development,
based on the fact that the collective system is used for each and one, while
just distribution of wealth, well, there, before 1917 year - there the situation
was just the same: the growth of professionalism in the narrow sense. A
narrowly focused system still falls apart sooner or later. He can cultivate one
any field there, one of some plant; may be systematic economy - but
narrowly directed system still leads to market level of interaction in the end.
Because static increases, and as it were a dense system begins to decrease.
While the collective use of the integrated level of growth - a collection; But if
you know these laws: that there is a collective consciousness, as we know it;
we use all the time increasing the capacity of all in this case. Then it turns
out, is the distribution of total GDP growth gives it an absolute guarantee that
there is an increase in the welfare of society and the real mechanisms, where
for example, financial programs eternal development of any person,
regardless of wealth. And there to think that someone would be little work,
someone much; or someone will not work at all, and use - in fact, so here will
be that the increase in material systems, a guarantee for the future, is the
most powerful level of education and potential actions. He will basically
working population; and highly productive working population. And if there is
now a part of the population there, or are unemployed; or do not work
because they do not have time to get an education; they worked to earn, on
some works well there, let's just for a living, but do not have time to raise
their level of qualification - in the case of the distribution is GDP growth they
will have this capability, and professionalism of the population, the level of
education of the population will rise sharply. This is a very serious guarantee
for rapid population growth. Here is the implementation of the party program
DRUGG number will grow very quickly. And so the challenge will be the task
of managing such activities to the rapid population growth, rapid action level;
for example there, including due to the fact that the technology will lead to
the resurrection of the massive level of resurrection. So, here it turns out that
it is life develops in an infinite aspect, as it should be, right? God, having the
status of an endless life - gives eternal life in infinite space. And it turns out
here that's exactly the level of security of life; the level of security of any
form of life - no matter there: just there undies, or is there a resurrection;
just life. 3978514 This level ensuring eternal life for the Chita region; and
here it is possible to consider the more general areas that are adjacent; Here,
for example, some subjects of the Federation. And to put a number on this
issue: providing endless eternal life at all levels of manifestation of life, of any
shape. He is as follows: . And here we must understand that, for example,
there we declare there; write even in the program: the eternal development
for the people; or eternal life means. In practice, for example there, I wrote a
program, the 10 commandments - and then it turns out that, well, this is
usually for technologists there. Usually for those who to conceptual apparatus
is abstractly simple, right? But the translation of this level to action - we
have, in general, specific, practical result, which allows it easy to do with any
man; that is, we know that. But the ability to convey information there fast
there, at ease, and there is no special options for media hype, suppose, yes,
and so on - that's exactly the level of achievement of the actions of any
control on maximally optimal status. Simply there was such a problem - we
need to make it optimally. We did not analyze what is bad, or that good:
optimally; most short, fast; or the longest - it does not matter; importantly,
optimally. 71984219. It turns out that for the Yaroslavl region, we simply
control wires to about geometric center; then - to Pereslavl; and put the
following line: Here, by the way, there may be environmental problems by
type of environmental disasters including, somewhere in the range of 5 years

ahead - but not related to the Yaroslavl region, but they looked through here.
That the person who appears here - it is information of a future event. And
the translation of information through it reduces the catastrophic event in the
Chita region. 7 2 1 345 9 1 (02:55:16) This note transitions much like
enough such abstract; they can only be seen, for example, yes. Here, try to
see; that is, the need to see the illogical way. That is, the ability to simply see
the situation - and then we can for example, the Republic of Adygea, Maikop
in the area, do the following operation: . In this case, I'm talking more about
how to see the dynamic situation through this series, as through the lens of
this kind, right? Or even shout: You're still driving, you give information - and
there's something begins to change for the better. I specifically say a word
there "something" - in fact for detail; I resplendence status, I facilitate; in
fact it is the fate of specific people. And I'm talking specifically easier.
Nevertheless, the complexity of the problem does not decrease; ability to
simplify the system, solving it in fact some, for example, complex tasks in
complex ways. 7234812948. (2:56:40) It turns out that if we, for example,
so do management - something for the Republic of Bashkortostan, we have
such control. That in Ufa, for example, the name, we spend so act that the
name itself, it is desirable to form at the time of the initial action. Here's how
to do it the name was formed, right? What did the sound? That is, the
fundamental meaning of the formation of the initial level of a trait territory. It
is here in the Russian transcription, for example, yes, looks like this. And as
in the Turkic transcription may look like? There, let the sound of "PC" or "ST"
when, for example, Turkish as if the control system, so to speak, yes,
transcription - it is read as if the opposite: the sound coming from afar. And in
the Russian language "RT" sound, which is fixed. (2:57:54) It turns out that
we can see in the title of analyst occurrence management system. And it
turns out that that's exactly the name itself is the carrier of the information
that was originally created as if the region, but, so to speak. That is, the
initial root of information - this is the level of the creation of the region. It
turns out that Bashkortostan - a level that can be formed as the initial level,
where there is a change in the level of pronunciation for the primary form of
organization; and at a fixed value. And here is a link between the primary
level formation of its name and current - you can carry it with respect to any
city in general, to the territory. Somehow same name from somewhere
happened. Often it is synthesized;

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Posted on: 02/18/09 7:56. Title: Continuation of January 9 February 7th ..


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9 1 7 2 5 4 7 (03:12:33) On this basis, for example, in the Republic of
Karelia, Petrozavodsk north - you can implement support for Russia as a
whole, if the first seven digits of a number seen in this context. And
management is:
- and then target Office 9 1 - already in the Republic of Karelia. That is,
support and management throughout Russia, and after that localization. 914454817 (3:13:15) and thus can be controlled and the structure of the
world, if, for example, through the republic of Komi make the management of
the geometric center. And thus we begin to put the control in such a way:
that when we need to, for example, highlight the name of the component of
the World; that is, take in the center of a geometric, make managing a
number. We need that in the world, and in Russia in general in any field - was

optimized management. Then we see that, for example, there region of Spain
begins to show, you can see, yes; or there in New York. We need to balance
these regions - then control goes thus: that puts control directly at the
geometric center - and translate into thought-form. That is, other regions - is
the management through the structure of thinking; whereas here - it through
perception; phase separation of the control. (3:14:30) And if, for example,
consider this position control, well, that is, in principle, there is enough
natural. We are engaged in some kind of their own affairs, manage, save, for
example there; we need it, or where I need it, or everyone of those who, for
example, in this room, yes; followers of the teachings of my there DRUGG
party members - they are also on the program voluntarily extend my
teaching - just makrosozidatelyam. And there are people who, for example,
there is, well, they do not need anything at all; or is there just an external
order - they will still be doing against. That is, they can understand that it's
all very well, in principle; very well, that they have someone engaged, the
invention protects them there. But their local interests, they still aim to
ensure that, no matter no matter how well - after all it is necessary to act
against. Well, suppose a game, right? 977,285,142. Hence, in this case, the
control provided a total and permanent; or where periodic but mandatory
systemic resistance in any case, as soon as possible - can be clearly
expressed in this variant. On Yoshkar-Ola to the name of the Republic of MariEl, we can supply a control number, which geographically, it is geographically
originates from the locus, yes, the city of Yoshkar-Ola - and away the names
develops so fast that the structure of the glow gets there south structure, the
Volga city. That is, the instantaneous transmission of this knowledge to
others. Because if it is able to overcome the resistance effectively and
quickly; and it must be able to make sure in some special situations - it turns
out that the universality of knowledge then quickly transferred, and the man
quickly reaches results even under private control. Then a number of the
following: (3:16:40) This raises another question: for example, well
understood, there is, for example, players who always play against. But there
is, assume the task of social types: those who support, yes, the players. That
is, of course: the player, he is a player; as in chess, yes. But why it is
supported by those who should not be, it would seem; that is, break the laws
there in the legal field, there are, for example, there is boundless, not
reacting to anything. Here there is a subtlety here is the plan: that society is
not established because the same type of concepts and designs
corresponding to any one process, yes; process each time the other. And
even if that review, we assume there, from the point of view of jurisprudence
there again, suppose this, in general, the concept of a common enough - as
arbitration. That is, the industrial courts, for example, yes. All being built,
each time a new precedent. That is, there is no rigid system of assessment of
the situation, even for the same type of issue. And it's still the court system.
That is, as it were formally turns out, no something special court like as not,
yes; in each case all the time, a new solution. That is, as one wishes, and so
will respond. That is, the principle of freedom of society; some virtual system
that can always punish or there, or vice versa there, not punish, yes; or there
to do something useful. (3:18:20) And so it turns out that the system does
not punish - you need to know; that is, to control her by some such specific,
whether that prediction-oriented properties, which depend only on the right
to see the situation, and all the more of anything. Nothing else exists, just
the right view of the situation. And this level of absolute accurate view of
events; where you are, then, how would there be independent of all players;
independent of the warehouse company - see extremely accurate only his
personal position. Although there would be, well, pay yourself out there five
minutes of time; once in 100 years, look, yes, go ahead, then. And most
importantly, that this point was you understand what is at this point control,
and it does exist. For those who are just starting to do this - the system is
that, well, there you may encounter a situation that, so for example there is a
law; is there some external influence - all there: prepay, purchase orders,
and so on. (3:19:32) But the fact is that we do what the difference: what
deal? That is, if there is a treatment of the person - there is also often
complex processes, yes; is management. What's the difference, what external
information. The question is: why do we tolerate something, huh? And
because we are busy or there, or do not believe that there is something

problematic. That is, we have also a motive, but that something was missing,
or is there not to miss. Well, suppose there DRUGG party: you have a lot of
people to come to the party. With minimal resources - what can I do? Only
through the hype to attract people to himself - all. No other choice quickly
find a large number of people. (3:20:12) It turns out that, so there is some of
his motives in action, right? So, it turns out that as if there are structures
such as if, well, that exist in a logical management plan. And then, in general,
we are very well, so that if an original level associated with the action of a
person's name. That is, as it were, that none was carried out - I would say
that is a logical version. No need to, I believe, in any case, here in my
opinion, if possible; well, there is such, we are not busy; we have the
opportunity not only there to engage stickers, yes, that is basically a waste,
the development of these, in general, special technologies; for the
development and implementation of salvation while there. And now it turns
out, is belittling spread because of the hype it wrong, huh? It is better that
she was positive there. And it turns out that there are already some
boundaries, which suggests that the situational analysis - he says, maybe
even their good; but a real one should always strive to ensure that there was
no negative information. 972,319,891. (3:21:31) It turns out that well in the
normal control level, so to speak - we, therefore, must necessarily well put
there; whether that is constantly striving to ensure that there was no
negative information - to the extent that we're busy people, and, in principle,
we are still impart knowledge; a perspective, once again equal. Someone
wants to take; someone takes them there, and so forth; the level of dialogue,
the level of co-development with society. So a number that allows you to take
into account the situation and to deprive conflict situation; that is, a number
that allows you to be as well, first of all, to avoid conflict, or there to resolve
conflicts by simply normalizing society, simply, yes. Let maybe gradually yes;
not necessarily there instantly. Then for the Republic of Mordovia we project
about the geometric center again, I have been working here for more on
geometry - management. And then we get that if we assume a geometric
center back to do the name Republic of Mordovia; then to the findings of the
Office of Saransk more intense again with Mordovia; that is, before the name.
That means, this is the series where a lot of information, but, say, a
harmonizing; it is the absence of conflict in the future and the current best
time. 5 2 1 7 3 1 9. (3:23:20) I mean, we can assume that yes, negative
information - also a carrier of information, but we do not need. Well, just the
target control: believe that we do not need. And we respond to, because
there is concrete there, there were uncomfortable values, yes, belittling the
velocity of propagation of information already. This is already the criterion,
namely the criterion value began. Suppose, to Kaliningrad, where you can
enter in any room, there were no problems. As soon as the room suspended this is a question; therefore, it is necessary to suspend the hype, yes,
negative type. (3:23:58) and, on this basis, the option of accuracy of
decision-making, situational accuracy. Here a case in which to decide that it is
correct, the logic? Here on this basis; or there informative accurate, yes;
situationally accurate. For the Republic of Sakha - Yakutia a number that acts
exactly on the territory; and that aspect of the action of this series - the
accuracy of decision-making by each, for example, man. He is as follows: A
certain specificity of action of this series so that we simply enter a number
into the territory of the Republic; information gets into the collective control
field or in the person's information; and the person just has the ability, the
specific resident there republic to decide precisely. Once we have passed this
knowledge, we have got, in general, quite a large number; even such very
large - positive information, which stabilizes the already backward wave from
us, the norm in the area. 972,154,218. (3:25:08) Thus, the problem of
information transmission in accuracy - a special problem, which manifests
itself in collective action to people and from people to you. Therefore, from
the point of view of management, for example, from North Ossetia - Alania
Vladikavkaz and Beslan to, for example, take a city; Well you can take, for
example, any other town is still there, and the third, tenth. The question of
accuracy transfer of control, as happened here, for example, there Well, it
was there after the 6th Congress, yes, an extraordinary party DRUGG. In
principle, the problem is just simply that we accurately convey knowledge, for
example there, the universal resurrection, just simply. (3:26:11) So, our task

is just exactly; and we say that, firstly, there are facts. We also resurrected
there are people such as Boris Pilipchuk Yaroslavovich; others. Knows very
well the structure there is, for example, the technology which he was
engaged, yes; for example, there Nekrasov, and so forth. That is, based on
this, if you take a group of other people who have factology resurrection - but
there they begin to explain the following. The problem exactly - it is simply
the transfer of information as to the accuracy of the torque acting; that would
not be a global catastrophe - we need to bring this information as intensively
as possible, that's all. (3:26:55) So, and this is the case the system; This
applies generally to all, and not only to specific people who are doing this.
And so, when there is a violation of the accuracy of that alleged in the press
there appeared in the forecast period, supposedly - they associate with my
name; but I do, however, have already answered the media that such date
accurate fixation that is where the concept of universal resurrection can not
be. This process can occur at any time, and as the time merge? Are people
generally know one time there, in different countries - the same question,
even logical, is not it? Therefore, data can not be identified as a single
number frequently. And yet, as it were anti-technology, it turns out that they
are already beginning to engage in counter-action. And even here there is, for
example, one transmission once was, it is said that it was for this that they
would be allowed as a duck - to counteract; just a lie to counteract the
technology of resurrection, everything. Technology or even just faith; just
faith even there where the resurrection of Jesus Christ. (3:28:01) Because
the same "Komsomolskaya Pravda" immediately went to article: and whether
there was resurrected Jesus Christ, and so on. That is, the system begins to
be introduced doubt as to counteract the system. At the same time, with all
possible there is any to explain what this technology specifically argues that
the body is indestructible, it makes no sense to make weapons - as the
investigation system. Absolutely no difference, because no one on the other
side does not listen, right? And if we are in a situation that no one sees; Well,
as it is not something that no one - there, who would have to take before you
print something. Nevertheless, we need to go to the desired speed; we did
not have it right, so, for example, formally or morally anywhere diminish the
speed control from the point of view it is makrospaseniya. That just did this
series, it will give management who, irrespective of any external situation,
gives you control that we need. And this is the decision of questions, in
principle, in any territory, right? For example there are exactly where issues
of universal resurrection. And a number of the following: (3:29:25) And when
we use this number, it is advisable to see its effect, yes; real action. For
example there in the real resurrection; Real-level meeting with the
resurrection. That is, we are realists, all you need to do really. And, on the
other hand, here I am, for example, give management; here's all here, for
example, my difference in the control system? Well, I read, for example,
lectures, give technology. There is evidence that these lectures are used,
produce results; I consider that this is. But it may also make any man; I just
simply there to call some numbers, for example, yes, I mean. But the more
that the numbers are even, as it turns out, they're paid dividends. So, the
question here is such that; Well, well there, I can look prognostically.
Technologies that can prognostic learned to look - it might give it control of
what there problems? Or he simply read the numbers, or he's giving only
what has already been tested. Well done, for example, a person having a
prognostic level of development. (3:30:40) And here it turns out that the
level of information dissemination, yes; information accuracy, say so concluded that; or there found there, yes; extended that in principle there is
as accurate as possible aspect of management. Why that's where the
religious phase control are the most active among the population: many
believers, but, in contrast to, for example there, the number of nongovernmental organization. Because identifying characteristics there
repeatability; structure where achievement of certain elements of the action;
Well, as it no longer even manufacturability, logically; Prayer as a system of
technological manifestations of reality - leads to the fact that the
management is always necessary to raise the issue of knowledge transfer.
Because knowledge is - by and large, it is, in general, in essence, no
different: either accepted or transferred. The man who took the knowledge,
listen - it conveys; He also transmits knowledge is the same as it turns out.

(3:31:44) Another question - who reads knowledge there, yes; Well there is,
for the first time plays there. Better when reproduces technologies that can
has; some practical experience has. But are often very helpful when it
reproduces ideology. That is, for example, there ideologist of eternal life. He
wants to live forever - but maybe he was not there very well aware
technology. But it will send exactly the way. Here is his desire to transfer
technology there eternal development - this is precision; accuracy and
comparability. That is, there is one thing technology is transferred; Well it's
just because he practices, huh? He's got all the good and quick turns in the
transmission. But ideologue, I just have such data - there students, well, just
know that the verbal part is transmitted; are enormous; they already have
my students, it turns out well, those who, for my teaching - are the results.
They, for example, master, after all, they believe, is much slower. That is,
they pass because they are ideologues; Here they have to live forever, so
they transmit knowledge. 9721854218 (3:32:50) So, it turns out that that's
here in terms of the process, whether that universality - should be able to
unify once here this whole process, something; be able to give a personal
context: that is the task of the individual free. Just the usual task of
personality that there could lie down, watch TV; there does not differ at all.
But it is the structure of the normal person, an ordinary man who can take
here just now, called the number - and save the region, all; nothing to do he
does not have; Here are just nothing but there is one row. This here is the
instantaneous control due to the fact that either called or saw, or even his
telepathy handed - that even up to this. That is, such a simple, mobile
number, which may be transmitted by one each. I specifically indicated that
teaching is, in principle, as it turns out, can anyone; Nothing unusual there,
no, yes, as I explained.

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Posted on: 02/18/09 8:01. Title: Number series on the mat ..


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Numerical series based on

9- Party Congress DRUGG
Managing forecast
Grabow Grigory Petrovich
on the forecast period 16.12.2005 till

Central Federal District Northwestern Federal District as a management task

should be considered forward-looking vision; that is, the ability to see events
from the point of view of the technology of perpetual development. And in
this regard, we are working on a particular program, the first task
management - see what happened, and will happen with party members
DRUGG. That is, to see tasks that lie before them, since year 2006 - this is
the next year, and in the prediction interval with the collective consciousness
- it also implies a forecast based on the perception of information of the year.
Therefore, in the second part of the forecast will manage the forecasting to
2006-th year. That is, in the beginning, as usual, it's up to next 10th
extraordinary congress of the political party DRUGG, and then the forecast
will be for the year. So when you work, think of information next year.
(00:05:33) and the work it is desirable to conduct in two aspects: first - is on
the card itself; and at the same time on the texts that are given below: that
is, by name. And therefore, can operate as follows: the one who wants to
select a job in some cases, the map; and if you want - you can work just by

name. (00:06:00) So from the point of view of the implementation of the

program is the first paragraph of the party, when we're talking about a
particular person, consider the information that is now here in terms of work
needs, objectives for each individual. We consider separately the level of
control by party tasks because the tasks are often special. And as a control
interval consider here is the period until 20 January 2006. (00:06:38) Thus,
in the Central Federal District, you can review the governance for the period
from Yaroslavl to the Northwestern Federal District. That is, since we work in
the districts - that corresponds exactly to the amount of information the
federal districts. It is necessary to see exactly this information; considered.
That is, everything that we say - in this substructure. That is, there exists a
set, which is called the "Federal District" as an area of information; for
example there scope. Therefore, the transition management is a job, for
example, if the sphere - that work with spheres, yes; if it is considered as a
color - that work with flowers. For example, from Yaroslavl, we turn to
Vologda; that is, we move the line joining easy. Line can be considered as
normal, as if even the rainbow line. And harmonizing events in terms of
standards of any event in Yaroslavl. That is, the problem of control, such as
environmental safety: Select one city; covers the period of the past, where
the situation was normalized - and being transferred to an adjacent field: for
example, in the Northwestern Federal District. Thus, the problem is solved by
the control sample from some well-known standards. Volga Federal District
(00:08:10) Next, considering management in terms of, for example, the
Volga Federal District, we see that the task of management is somewhere in
the 19 January south of Nizhny Novgorod - enter the management on
environmental security; and management, which deals with the current
situation in Vologda. That is, to make sure that in a fragment of the future on
January 19 by a universal control - was not any funds that may be used in a
terrorist attack: for example, there is, in munitions. And make the
management to those in the current time possible, for example, ammunition
depots, who secretly can romp for a major terrorist attack, for example, in
terms of summarizing these funds to Moscow - that these systems are not
implemented. That is, it is necessary to consider the area where there are
possible; Well possible, for example, there explosives. Consider the region
near Vologda, we can find the transport channels, the so-called information.
That is, how do receive such a structure as explosives, yes; what is there: a
box, for example, a particular substance, and so on. 1 9 7 2 4 1 9. Visualize
this matter Far Eastern Federal District. And we are working on a system of
abstract problems. (00:10:10) From this point of view it is necessary to
review the governance of the Far Eastern Federal District. And stabilization,
which occurs in the Far East -perevesti the structure is the lack of access to
the abstract value. That is, if we are working with matter as such, the
personal context in this case can be inferred beyond the capabilities to deliver
explosives, for example there, in the center of Moscow; or there in the
suburbs, we assume. That is, it is necessary here, then, is to work on the
visualization of matter, means, which organizes the event. And in order to
visualize this matter - there is a special series of numbers, it is as follows:
(00:11:10) When working with a number, note that a number of change can
be very fast. That is, you have worked with a number; Information has
shifted, for example, just above; needs, it turns out, the next row. Usually on
one task management put 2-3 rows; and therefore; Well, for example, in the
methods of concentration - where, for example, two rows, but on one task
management. Therefore, if possible, enter the structure of the second series
of their own: the easiest way to work around the map and enter the ranks to introduce a number of series: 1 2 3, for example, 4 5 6 7 by federal
districts; and add structure, for example there the day: any number that is
primarily perceived; and transferred to the management structure. That is,
you worked all federal districts - introduced to the management point, in
general, just normal. Management substrate matter itself worldwide
(00:09:40) and should be considered an information structure: how generally
moves in the control itself here this substrate, yes, matter itself. That is not
what its there someone carries, or, for example, is in the hands of how all
matter is moving in another substance? And here it turns out quite abstract
task that does not depend on the structure of personality: that is, who is this
explosive, who was the initiator of all. (00:12:02) If in this case to consider

the context of the general procedure, the control over the World here is that
we have to consider the position, which occurs this month in New York and in
Canada: that is, the city and the country, the interaction between the two
systems. And so to the same, for example, the organization of any events of
concern to New York to Canada was suspended and restructured. That is, to
prevent a possible terrorist attack on what Canada will be organized, for
example, a variant on the feasibility of the terrorist act - this situation is to
work for New York. But the work should be carried out in collaboration: the
scope for example, information point in New York, and the scope of the
information point of Canada. Federal District Urals, Yamal-Nenets
Autonomous District. 9 January 8 blue 7 1 9 4, gold silver 5 1. (00:12:57)
And here already Regulatory information around the world - we turn to the
management of information on Russia as a whole. Because there is such an
option controls how the work in Russia. And then you need to consider the
Ural Federal District, and to consider the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District.
Work is carried out through the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District as a
structure stabilizing region of Russia through rate effect events - that is,
through the normal events for 2006 and beyond. That is, the detected level of
information, which corresponds, for example, normal events in this particular
constituency - and then we stabilize due to the fact that we identify these
events in their perception. Can be normalized events, such as Russia as a
whole - is revealed through the following series, presented by, for example,
there in the blue. A number of such to blue, it 9 August 1, then made the
transition to a golden color, as it were, well, another painting, yes, put 7 1 9
4; and on silver, then there is a third band - 5 1. That is, it turns out that you
are working with color and with numbers; and the problem is that you are
able to see at all: how the series in terms of event pictures. That is, you put
the ranks, and should see themselves in this case. (00:14:38) That is, the
technology is such that, well, in terms of, for example, makes God - He sees
the management structure in relation to myself, yes, in the first place. That
is, it is an indication of some of the canonical system, so to speak, which
perceives and makes. That is why the task of managing in this case from the
point of view of just such collectivized action from the point of view there are
solutions of Party tasks, yes, union of church and state - it is the task of
identifying the structure of the norm. That is, when you work, you
concentrate on the areas themselves, or numbers there, either on color, or on
some geometric contours. That is, it is the action of this tool; but an act - it is
a special task to which you want to draw. Since the events very much - you
just fail the norm, which is revealed in the form of, for example, the scope of
the norm. That is so, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area - a sphere, which
normalizes the example there, the events in Russia until the 20th January
2006. Southern Federal District (00:15:42) And then again, we go to work
with the federal districts. And for the Southern Federal District, in the city of
Rostov-on-Don, as is the center of the Federal District, we are doing is
managing to; You can work directly on the text; no longer on the map, for
example, as in the text - with Rostov-on-Don, we translate a number of
Makhachkala, thereby working with the Republic of Dagestan. And hence,
realizing this principle, well, let's say that spreads to other areas of the
Southern Federal District - we mean the area, which includes, for example,
the Krasnoyarsk Territory; in terms of an area information region. That is, we
begin to work through one center, for example, through Makhachkala, huh?
That is, why is it that we must be able to stabilize the control, where you
need to see the connections, the specific connection: as, for example, while
the structure of consciousness in Makhachkala - see everything that happens
in the Southern Federal District: first of all the processes that may be
negative. That is actually what I said, so far the Southern Federal District - is
the stabilization of control: that is, we go out on the structure of perception,
control perception. (00:17:09) Next, while at Makhachkala, right But on the
map, no need to even be considering the structure of the city; although
usually visualized some objects city. If it is possible - consider who was in
Makhachkala, some consider the specific location. And at the same time try to
work so that you are here in a controlled manner; that is, improving visualize all events for this period that will occur. To clearly indicate, for
example, up to 20 January - must consider the following in 2006, because the
information of the year, it is projected as the information that is present; and

which, incidentally, normalizes events. Therefore, considering all that can

happen - you can see that there is a kind of glow that's easy on the text
below the map: where there is a record of "Circassian". And you begin to
have this glow to enter into this information, consider what happens in
Cherkessk. That is, the optical system is developed as a system of
information. And then it is clear that addressing issues such as lack of, for
example, hijacking, again, it means that some of the individuals, and
completely unrelated to bandgruppirovkam - just a personal matter man acts,
but individually - solve all the problems for this district. That is, the solution
of the question for one individual decides the question that the terrorist
attacks in the district does not occur. Because it uses the principle of the
universality of management. St. Petersburg Southern Federal District
(00:19:08) And, for example, federal city of St. Petersburg, we can see: that
if we put in the center of the information-rate under the action of any person
in general in the world. So let's say, a person may make some action specific;
e.g., possibly including aggressive. And we put that information that these
actions are restructured; and you can not make a negative effect for people
in general to any individual. Then it turns out that we have a sufficient
stabilizing factor action, yes, to operate: as for the city - and the world in
general, and specifically, for example, for the Southern Federal District. That
is, working with the information, as well as with information that, for
example, represents the amount of 100% of Russia - and then use inside
Russia and exit points of access through which can be stabilized. Find a place
that work on stabilization. And view internal communication across
geographic, social, and political systems, which represent certain levels of
well connections. That is, they look like, in general, some communication
channels such as system development information. And you can see how in a
holographic form, at the level of optics that look like some silvery thread
communication: what is going on, even in terms of the geometry of these
relations; where they are. And to change the structure of this geometry can
see what is happening in general in some day. Siberian Federal District, for
the Altai Republic - Gorno-Altaisk (00:21:01) Now - following management
tasks: to go on a particular day, any . For example, leave on 5 January 2006.
And here you can see that, for example, to the Siberian Federal District, for
the Altai Republic - Gorno-need to spend, so to speak, such preventive
measures to avoid environmentally harmful emissions. In this ejection can
largely be implemented on January 10th. That is, we took one day as a
stabilizing factor, a certain fixation of information - and found that the need to
work out the governance structure, in general, for almost another day. Far
Eastern Federal District. (00:21:48) This is a similar approach was at one
time on the 8th Extraordinary Congress said: that in order to align the
possible toxicological problem in the Kremlin, if possible, for example,
assault, yes, there is a chemical weapon - that we take on the situation, such
as environmental pollution, for it toxicological, environmentally harmful levels
for; in this case it was said that the Far Eastern Federal District. And
stabilizing management: what works, for example, in the Far East District in
terms that there is no harmful effect is common - we do not allow, for
example, terrorist attack using chemical weapons against Moscow. In all of
this was such an article in the press, which is mainly a primary goal of
terrorists and, as a kind of open there, then inquisitorial system - namely the
use of chemical weapons, for example, in relation there to Moscow. So it
turns out that just this information, for example there emerged in the press,
right? But it is not implemented, for example there, really. (00:23:10) So,
here it is necessary to see: what factors are warning; that the general
structure is warning. That is, if there was such information mainly e.g., yes,
whether chemical effect on any central administrative system; there had in
mind, in particular, Moscow. It turns out that, since the article came out later
- we can work with information that, in general, is a kind of warning - but in
any case should not be realized. (00:23:40) So it turns out that we need to
be sure to consider the possibility of transferring control to any other country:
we work in any case universally. If somewhere here is preparing an attack
here, if it falls into the structure of the information; since the work of the
World, it is still including our management - that we should react to it. That
is, there is some country, yes; Suppose there, Uzbekistan - Look at what
point can control the problem. If you would like to extrapolate further, there

surrounding some countries, such as Kazakhstan - what was going on in the

north, so, for example, in Astana, in January 2006? (00:24:20) That is, to
consider issues of governance, which work the same way, communicating, in
a similar way. It employs, for example, the control system by federal districts
- but in other countries it is possible to work, transferring stereotype, say
yes; or a principle of operation such as is done when working on federal
districts. That is, it is a principle of this block, which in particular simplifies and allows, for example, a lecture in regions having only a single card. That
is, nothing extra is not necessary: a man accustomed to work stably with
respect to the map. To do this, too, requires a certain habit;

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Posted on: 02/18/09 8:02. Title: Continuation of the North-West ..


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Northwestern Federal District
: 9 1 7 8 1 9 7 1 2.
Volga Federal District
Ufa Moscow (00:38:08) So here it is necessary to develop such an approach.
And from the point of view of this approach - again work for a person
actually. February 2006, must make the management to the North-West
Federal District, we consider the need for the south of Arkhangelsk prevent
environmental problem, environmental catastrophe is actually such a local, it
would seem, the plan - which does not contain the interests of well anyone
was even as if in general level; that is, no one will be amazed. But the
problem here is that the uncontrolled use of explosives option. That is, again,
uncontrolled arms, so to speak, from old stocks. And we reveal the structure
on the environmental problem: that is, the explosion happens here is the
burning of the soil, we fix a portion of the soil - and start from here to
exclude control. Because the explosion of uncontrolled weapons, even if there
is a small TNT - always a problem: where it came from. And we must subject
itself Exclude generally this type of action. And then move on to ensure that
controlled weapons were not being used.
(00:39:38) Then in March 2006 in Ufa need to do is manage to us for the
Volga Federal District had the structure of the whole control such that the
information, which increases , well actually it seems to be growing right there
in blue; that's just need to see it: information, growing from Ufa - that this
information is spread throughout the world. That controlled weapons, for
example there, the political forces, the forces of the state, and so on; for
example, people who have enough money to buy back, as it were, or, or
affect the weapon - that these systems are not used against the people. That

is, management structure, associated largely with the mindset of people,

then whose situation - whether he likes it or does not want this man - can
cause the use of weapons.
(00:40:50) And so here it is necessary to move more so for example, within
the scope and circumstances; the scope of a certain degree, so to speak, of
human intellectual activity; and within the scope of a particular person
desires - whether he wants to use, or is it just the way he thinks, the
management level, or there is information that he accidentally ended up in
this place, that he takes the position where his duty, for example, yes i do?
We need to remove any motive of the use of weapons: no office, no personal
problem, not a random event - should not and can not lead to a situation,
under any circumstances, that the weapons will be used. And so we worked
that information from Ufa, strengthening its numerical series in Moscow, a
number of the following: 9 July 1 ; Well here you can put such a bar, so to
speak; further management is done on January 8 9 and July 1 2. From the
point of view of a stroke well - connotation, yes; Suppose there in 1917: no
circumstances should lead to the use of weapons, and so on. That is, there
should not be this kind of circumstances, for example.
read digits: Technology read digits
learn to see events. (00:42:30) In this regard, when working with numbers see projective systems to known historical facts on famous historical controls.
For example, in terms of where the study of the legal field of civilization can
be seen that digital systems provide sufficiently accurate information some
angles, some events in the jurisprudence. You can read the information,
without taking the structure of verbal knowledge. That is, the number series
is taken; a sketch - and examines how these figures begin to interact,
change; and is reading the information. That is, to read digits: Technology
read numerals. By the way, the technology simplifies the reading numbers,
generally speaking, the perception of information of the future, the current
one. Because if you read the information common, public way, as well, for
instance, the physical eye; or perceive as usual, yes - it's common control
channels, they are sometimes somehow offset by the fact that in the
collective consciousness occurs, in general, the practical part of the seal
element of information in one phase access. That is, the person looking eyes,
and trying; or is there just looking through the structure of vision - he often
falls into the channel that well, as it can not be said that he is engaged; but it
is the same, and the possibility of interference.
(00:44:13) This is why, if you start to consider control so that there is a
modification of numbers, numbers too much, this is the information you get is
already Soul - it lets you see quite often The exact structure of future events.
That is, as a means of access to information. Numbers themselves - they are
special to you may not be needed; you should visualize how they are
changing. Technological method is very simple: you look at some future
event; See, in the beginning it can be difficult to understand, in fact, there is
nothing complicated: elementary reception - you are on the left side of the
pulse in the shower, for example there, blue, commit modification of numbers
corresponding to the event to manage people; that is, you are constantly
improving. And due to the fact that you see this structure Soul or Spirit, such
as the number of modified - continue for this threshold you see events
visually. That is, it is actually a decrease in, say, noise, yes, in perception.
(00:45:28) I recommend, if possible, who have, for example, such a desire to make such control that take, for example, a sheet of paper A4 writing
events possible the next day, or there next month. And then, when you are at
this point events that were previously recognized you - watch what is going
on at this time. That is, to learn to see the situation from the point of view of
what you are currently registered. Over time, you can just simply look back,
what you expected, or is there a recall or remember in advance, and all. That
is, constantly in practice to learn to see events. Of course, it is better for the
first time to do it well, as far as you need it again; not just so, and specifically
performing tasks. Training a situation, they can bore; but the real work - it
does not tire. So just look at a real job. Often, the real work is enough to
know the information, not necessarily to see events as well be visualized
manner. So there you just have to choose; because the collective
consciousness basically until

Man is the personification of the Creator



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Posted on: 02.10.11 15:02. Title: Power, thank you. I am looking for ..

Vlasta , thank you. I am looking for someone who has learned to use the
series and who turned out.

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Posted on: 02.10.11 15:13. Title: Vitdina ', all re ..


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Vitdina ', all recommendations on the use of digital series have lectures
I rarely use the numerical series.
But then. that they are working, it is - YES. First. you need to do, in my
opinion, is to structure consciousness or perception of meaning of each digit.
For myself, I analyzed the symbolic link with the meaning of each of the
commandments. I must say - the connection number commandments and
meaning. put in it so logically reconciled and harmonious simple that nothing
else for myself, I did not even look. A sequence of numbers suggests
structuring of spatio-temporal relations that occur in the inclusion of a law
that governs and creates opportunities, puts prohibitions and restrictions .
that achieve a certain result. According to the norms of the Creator of the
One God. In short - it is necessary to achieve the right to enter the numerical
universe. And for that, you need a good grasp Commandments and accept
them as the law of interaction in space and time. Numerology and number
series - in my opinion very far in meaning. Moreover, numerology just might
have something to suggest, but do not control.

Man is the personification of the Creator



Posted on: 06.10.11 20:44. Title: Power, I understand your ..

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Vlasta , I understand your answer. One desire is not enough. You want to say
that I just do not yet reached a level where you can work with numbers. A
purely mechanical they do not work. That is useless to sit, look at them and
something to represent.
Recommendations are, but I have very bad visualization, there is simply no
such ability. Is it possible to somehow buy it? Do like me, are simply
discarded, discarded as incapable?
But this is contrary to the teachings. And that means "to structure
consciousness"? Are all those who attended the lectures Grigory Grabovoy
and to whom he was referring, has already arrived there to assimilate the
commandments and those reaching the "right of the entrance to the
numerical universe"?

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Posted on: 24.10.11 18:52. Title: Vitdina, and what is the ..


Message: 785
Mood: sanguine +
Joined: 14.11.07
Location: Russia, Tver
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Vitdina, but why such secrecy "friend" so full of information about how and
You so disrespectful attitude to registration without specifying anything about
himself, and I hope that you will be treated differently? All you need to do
here in the forum already have. And even more than that.

Man is the personification of the Creator


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