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By: Maegan Mosher

What Is The Circus Maximus?

The Circus Maximus is not like the kind of circus we
have, instead it is a place for chariot races, athletics,
public feasts, and religious ceremonies. They also held
war victories (ludi) here.
The Circus Maximus gets its name because it was the
first and largest circus ever built.

Chariot Racing
Chariot racing was a popular pastime in ancient Rome.
Admission was free and anyone could go, men, women,
children, and even slaves.
Chariot racing caused many accidents that lead to
severe injuries and many deaths.
The chariots were usually pulled by horse but they could
also be pulled by ostrich, dog, and camel.

Chariot Racing
4 to 12 carts raced at one time and the course consisted
of 7 laps around the arena.
The last chariot race was held in 549 AD, almost a
millennium after the first race was held.
Only the best raced at the Circus Maximus and it was
considered a great honor to be allowed to race there.

The Structure
It was 2,037 feet long and 387 feet in width.
The Circus Maximus had a circumference of a mile
It could hold about 250,000 spectators and it had three
stories of seats.
In 103 A.D. the Circus Maximus had to be rebuilt as a
stone structure because a fire burnt down the original
wooden structure.

The Structure
The Circus could accommodate about 5 times the
number of the Coliseum.
Eggs and dolphins were used to tell how many laps had
been raced already. The Romans chose eggs to honor
Castor and Pollux, and dolphins because they were
sacred to Neptune
Due to stealing of building materials, flooding, and
decay there currently is no visible evidence of the circus,
however it is believed that there are remnants of the
structure 6 meters underground.

The Circus Maximus Then

The Circus Maximus Now

The Circus Maximus was the largest stadium in the
Roman empire.
The Circus was the first stadium in Rome.
It was used as an example on how the other stadiums
should have been built.

Use Today
Today the place where it stood is a park used frequently
used for music concerts.
Bands like Genesis, Rolling Stones, and Dura Duran have
all played at the Circus Maximus.
The park was also used as a celebration site in 2006
when Italy won the FIFA world cup.

Ludi Romani(Roman Games)

One very important use for the Circus Maximus was the
Ludi Romani.
The Ludi Romani was held every September and lasted
15 days. Those 15 days consisted of chariot racing,
games, and military processions.
The Ludi Romani was a celebration to honor Jupiter.

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