Cell Cycle Formal Observation

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Jami Williams

7th Grade Science

The Cell Cycle: Mitosis

March 6, 2015

Scope and Sequence Scales (in the students Interactive Notebooks & on the board)
Student Interactive Science Notebooks
Extra Graphic Organizers for the recording notes (for extra support if needed)
Note taking Guides (if a student needs fill in the answer notes
Large MITOSIS and MEIOSIS visuals (for extra support/hands on feel of cells)
Visual for Chromatin and Chromosomes (made with yarn and pencils)
2 paper plates per student
2 different colors of playdoh per student
Mnemonic Visuals (IPMATC- I Play Music At The Club/Caf/Church)
Video: Twilight: Mitosis
Taylor Swift We are Never Getting Back Together to help explain Telophase
Reflection options: Parking Lot, Twitter Board, Instagram Board..etc
Debate Folders with articles and reflection questions: Extension activity, free-time activity,
elaborating knowledge, previewing new future knowledge
Articles include: Superhero Genes, Sports Gene, Musically Included through your DNA

Lesson Background: Prior to this lesson, the students have had only one day of
discussing the material on the Cell Cycle. Students were given their new target
sheets and new vocabulary words. At this point in the unit, students probably are
very unfamiliar with the targets and most of the vocabulary words. The vocab
words we have previously discussed briefly are: cells, Mitosis, chromosomes. The
vocab words that they have had exposure to (but have not learned formally yet):
chromatin, chromatid, chromosomes, DNA, Heredity, Genes, Genetics, Spindles,
Meiosis. Students read about the Cell Cycle and its phases (Interphase, Mitosis, and
Cytokinesis). Students also read briefly about just the phases in Mitosis (Prophase,
Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase); however, the students have not had a
chance to process this new information yet.
Time for Lesson:

2:21-3:06 (45 minutes)

Learning Goal: *The students will understand that heredity is the passage

of DNA from one generation to another

Target: *Describe the key parts of Mitosis and Meiosis.

(SC.7.L.16.3) Level 2 Learning

1. Students will begin lesson by going over review questions projected from the
overhead. Students will participate in a brief REVIEW of old critical ideas and a brief
PREVIEW of new critical ideas. The students will then go over the learning goal and
target. They have the scope and sequence/scales in their interactive notebooks. We
will recite the target and the students will record their current score on their target
sheet. They will give themselves a beginning or intermediate grade on the target.
Since this is day two of the lesson, I would still expect lots of 2s and 3s but a few
1s and probably no scores of 4. I will quickly discuss the checklist which they will
reference throughout the lesson to make sure they meet their target at a score of 3.
I will distinguish what will give them a score of 3 instead of 2 so that they can track
their progress throughout the lesson. They will place stars next to any of the
vocabulary words they feel they have already mastered. They will understand that
we will not be learning about Meiosis today, just Mitosis. They will also see that our
objective can slowly be reached by extension/brainstorming activities like the
Debate Folders I have displayed in the front for after the lesson. I may also place
BRAINSTORM questions on the table for them to look at to determine their level of
understanding with the target so far. (5-10 minutes)
2. Quickly describe some books that I checked out of the library (and some debate
folder articles) for after the lesson. *Mentor Text Books/Articles*
3. Allow students time to organize their notebook to set up their page for our lesson.
At this time I can pass out the supplies to the students and hand out any printed
notes pages/graphic organizers that may help the students who are slow writers or
need additional support.
4. Teach the Mnemonic IPMATC: I Play Music At The Club *Have them write this hint
at the top of their page. Explain the Mnemonic device to help them preview what
we will be exploring today. I can also show them the other visuals of the Cell Cycle
at this point in the lesson.
* Teach the students the hand motions for IPMATC*
5. Students will sign a contract stating that they will not mix the playdoh colors, will
not throw it or try to ingest it. They will be responsible during the lesson. They will
also be signing their name to ensure their coherence with the rules. This contract
will be their ticket to an edible food lab.
6. Using the overhead projector and premade models, I will demonstrate to the
students how to create the CELL CYCLE using playdoh and paper plates. I will
demonstrate the first phase: Interphase. I will create a quick example model of
interphase on my paper plate. I will show the students tips on how to roll their
playdoh out and the amount they should use. The students will have an allotted
amount of time to create the model like mine, illustrate the model in their notes,
and write the description in their notes. The students will explore ideas as to what

they think will happen after Interphase.

*Show students the Chromatin and Chromosome models/visuals and explain deeper
or answer any questions.
7. Students can predict with their tables what they think will happen after
Interphase using their hands, Mnemonic Devices, or their prior background
8. Complete the entire Cell Cycle by demonstrating first, timing students to
complete task, then probing questions for them to infer what will happen after each
particular phase.
9. When we reach Telophase play the song We are never getting back together
by Taylor Swift (just the chorus). This will help solidify the concept of the cell being
totally divided into two cells, forever.
(Time for Practicing New Knowledge: 4 minutes per phase so an estimate of no
more than 30 minutes)
10. Play Twilight: Mitosis and have students reflect by answering the questions
along with the movie clip.
11. REFLECTION: Students will reflect on their reflection page. They will reflect on
their effort and attitude. They can choose multiple ways to reflect off todays
learning goal/critical information. They can either post to the twitter board with an
interesting fact, important info, or a new mnemonic device to remember the
phases. They may post to the Instagram board with a picture associated with
Mitosis. They may ask questions on the Parking Lot board for anything they are
still curious about or things that went unanswered.
12. After their reflection, they must explore new info/elaborate on current
information by checking out a mentor book or mentor article. They can respond to
one or more reflection questions in the folder.

Extra Support/Accommodations : I made additional visuals for students who are

having difficulties with assembling the playdoh on the plates. They can use these
colored-in examples as a visual to look off of, or to place the playdoh directly on.
The plate examples also have the hints and descriptions on the back. Students will
be encouraged to use hand signals for the different phases/phase changes and to
state the Mnemonic device over and over. They will be encouraged to say their
learning aloud and to recite it to the teacher or other students often. Students can
use a notes graphic organizer if they need extra support with time, writing, or
organizing information. They may also work in pairs or with their table if they need
peer support. The visual MITOSIS and MEIOSIS board will be available. This board is
a 3D board that the students can touch and feel the pieces of the cell cycle to.

Students can act out the cell cycle/ Mitosis with their bodies to help them learn the

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