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Solution Manual for B. P. Lathi Signal Processing and Linear Systems Oxford University Press (Oxtord University Press (Oxford New York ‘Athens Auclland Bongkok Bogti Buenos Aes Calcutta ‘Cape Town Chennsi Dares Salam Dethi Florence Hong Kong. Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madd Metboume Mexico City" Mumbsi NNaiobi Pais’ Sto Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toro Waraw nd srsociated companies in Berlin Toadan Copyright © 2001 by Oxford University Press, nc. Published by Oxfoed Univesity Pres, Ine. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10016 ‘tp wr oup-osa org Oxford isa registered iademask of Oxford University Press Allright reserved. No pat ofthis publication maybe reproduced, stored ina rticvl system, or transmted, in any form or by any means, lecronie, mechanical, photocopying reording, or alherwise, ‘without the price permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging in-Publication Data ISBNOA9- Printing mmber: 987654321 Printd inthe United States of Ameri on cidfve paper Chapter 1 11-1 For parts (a) and (b) By= | sinteae [ cos 2tdt =n +0= 5 B= [entrant [ad [owaaar tone co) ay [ cosnot anal a=} [con zea] = te 0)~ te see freoran Ey= [ (eae 11-3 (a) Ex = f(a = 2. By = fp(aPde + fe(-1at (tae =a, Beye f (aya =4 ‘Therefore Bray = Be + By (ayaatn By = [Cores [ cvrae [rae (fae = ae EL = [orw Bem [ara [Cores [C orante wwe can show that Ex-y = 4m Therefore Bxiy = Be + By a 5 © Ben [Cae [" capaewn 8px [ora tye [ras [orane Bae (“ora f Therefore, in genetal Evey # Be + By [ (eae = 64/7 nro fiwra [oerus swum rr} [ea 64c8/7 Sign change of a signal docs not affect its power. Multiplication of a signal by a constant c increases the power by a factor © has Prem Ef" soreode= gm tf" Svea ‘The integrals of the cross-product terms (when k 4 r) are finite because the integrands are periodic signals (niade up of sinusoids). These terms, when divided by T — oo, yield zero. The remaining terms (k =r) yield mdf Simran Sos wim Py 1.1-6 (a) Power of a sinusoid of amplitude C is C2/2 [Bq, (1.6a)) regardless of its frequency (w # 0) and phase. ‘Therefore, in this case P = (10)%/2 = 50. (b) Power of a sum of sinusoids is equal to the sum of the powers of the sinusoids (Ea. (1.5b)). Therefore. in this ease P= OO" 4 OOF = 178, (c) (10 +2 sin 3t) cos 10t = 10cos 10¢ + sin 13t ~ sin St. Hence from Eq. (1.5b) P= OO" +} +} = 51 (4) W0con Secon 10¢= con 51+ 15 Hence trom Eq. (1.56) P= 2 + (6) 10sin Stcos 10t = S(sin 1 ~ in St. Hence from Eq. (1.58) P= SY + GBF = 25 (£) 2°" conot = } [e+ oX°"9)]. Using the result in Prob. 1-1-5, we obtain P = (1/4) + (1/4) = 1/2 aaa Salt) = HE- + AUC 1) $51) = FE-1)+ ALE +N) Lal) = fE- 05) + E+ 0.8) ‘The signal ft) can be obtained by (i) delaying f(t) by 1 second (replace ¢ with ¢~ 1, (ji) then by a factor 2 (replace ¢ with ¢/2), (ii) then multiply with 1.5. Thus fs(0) = 1.5/(4 ~ 1). 41,8-2. All the signals are shown in Fig. S132. Foe) 44 : { Flere) expanding =f 2] tt 3 64 3 o> “4 “a #G at aie? af 2 $) 1\/* a t> 24 $0 30 ete ot 74 Fig. 51.82 1.8-3 All the signals are shown in Fig. $1.3-3 44 $A) Cc “4 Gs) Pa a] $8) o oe 6 => Fata) wean Fig. S1.3-3 2 y ’ ce at G 4 eo] t>~ 6 7 ° 4 os 2 t> 14-1. All the signals are shown in Pig. $1.41 142 Salt) = A(C+ ule + 1) — ule} + (-2¢-4-4)fu(t) — ule —2)] = aCe + ut +1) — 6tult) + Bult) + (21 —A)u(e—2) J) = Blue) = ult = 2)] + Qt = 8)fult ~ 2) — u(t — 4)] = Pale) ~ (CF ~ 2¢+ 8)u(e ~ 2) ~ (Bt ~ s)ult— 4) 143 ey [ espa PWdte= Ey, Egy [iucore [ P(a)ds = By Bron = [ue-mPam [ Pe)de= Fr Bran= [” Wooran Frans [uer-opa=? f” Perde= y/o, Em =f Uweirane f” Peden ob, Baws f (os(ey? de =o! £ Plde= oy ded Using she fact that /(2)6(«) = f(0)6(z), we have (a) 0 (b) $560) (©) $60) (A) ~48(C= 1) (@) pAyHlw +3) (F) Kélw) (se L! Hpita's rule) 1.45 In these problems rememnber that impulse 6(z) is located at x = 0. Thus, an impulse 6(¢~r) is located at 7 = t, ‘and s0 0n (a) The impulse is located at r = ¢ and f(r) at 7 = tis f(0). Therefore [ S(r)6(t =n) dr = H(0) (b) The impulse 8(r) is at 7 =O and f(t—r) at r = Os f(t). Therefore [ S(r)flt = Ndr = 0) Using similar arguments, we obtain (1 (0 (ee (5 (w) s-1) (a) @ 4 Bes OC © 4 Aa ={ Oo 2 t= a @ > rents 3 4 a t7 @ Fig. S1.4-7 1.4-6 (a) Recall that the derivative of a fmetion at the jump discontinuity is equal to an impulse of strength equal to of discoutinity. Hence. df /dt contains impulses 46(¢ + 4) and 26(t ~ 2). In addition, the derivative the interval (4, 0), and is 1 over the interval (0, 2). ‘The derivative is zero for t <4 and £ > 2. ‘The result is sketched in Fig. S1.4-6a. (b)Using the procedure in part (a), we find d?f/a¢? for the signal in Fig, P1.4-2a as shown in Fig. S1.4-6b, 14-7 (m) Recall that the area under an impulse of strength k is k. Over the interval 0 < t < 1, we have woe [re (Over the interval 0.< <3, we have wow fades (Coes AUt=3, the impulse (of strength unity) yields an additional term of unity. Thus, ostst -t 1st<3 vos [ides fenecs ff senndentseayei= toa () (th = [1h ~ 6¢~ ~ 1) ~ 6(2 ~ 2) ~ 6(2 ~ 8) + --Jde = tule) — u(t ~ 1) ~ u(t ~2)~ u(t ~~ 41.4-8 Changing the variable ¢ to —2, we obtain [ (Ost) 4 [Ocoee [sos [onlay as = 60) ‘This shows that [ (0)6(-#) at = 6(0) Therefore 5(8) = 5(-1) 9 Letting at = z, we obtain (for « > 0) [0 s100 0 [22 tte)4e= L000 Stay fora < 0, we show that this integral is ~Le(0). Therefore [eps qe = afew ‘Therefore a) = te) 14-10 (a) [sosa- swewrs,= [7 sonra =o fsnnae= 50) LALA (a) 12 = 493 (b) eM coe Bt = 0.5fe-87" 4 e-FIN], Therefore the frequencies are s12 = -3+)3 (e) Using the argument in (b), we find the frequencies si2= 2453 (4) 43 a. 3 ° and fa(t) + 0.5|cos wot u(t) — cos(—wot)u(—t)] = 0.5|coswot u(t) ~ coswot u(—t)) (e) felt) = 0.5|sinwot + sin(—wot}] = 0 and f.(t) = 0.5[sinwot — sin(—wot)) inwat pipettes enced cette oneal asia z Cay ft & ee 7 ete olt= be ll wy oltey lo te ‘o> 4 fo & Se , fe fy 7 7 |o [Ot Gy Ee a | G) Fig. S1.5-1 If f(¢) and y(t) are the input and outpnt, respectively, of an ideal integrator. ther u(t) = fontr= fi sovees (r)dr = x) +f f(r) dr L.7-1 Only (b),and (h) are linear, All the remaining are nonlinear. This can be verified by using the procedure ‘ligeussedin Exaniple 1.10 1.7.2 (a) ‘The system is time-invariant because the input f(¢) yields the output y(t) = f(t —2). Hence. if the input is F(t T), the output is /(¢~ T ~ 2) = ylt~T), which makes the system time-invariant. (b) The system is time-varying. The input /(t) vields the output u(t) = f(t). Thus. the output is obtained by changing the sign oft in f(t). Therefore. when the input is f(¢—T). the output is f(-¢—T) = /(-[t+ 7) = W(C+T). which represents the original output advanced by (not delayed by 7). ars Lr Lr (c) The system is time-varying. The input f(t) vielis the output y(t Input. Thus, the output is obtained by repla delayed by T), the output is flat —T) = f(alt ~ is time-varying (4) The system is time-varying. The input f(t) yields the output y(t) = f(t). For the input f(t — 7), the output is {f(¢—T). which ix not £/(@) delayed by T. Hence the system is time-varying (©) The system is time-varying. The output is a constant, given by the area under f(t) over the interval jt] < 5. Now, if f(t) is delayed by T, the output. which isthe area under the delayed J(), is another constant. But this ‘output is not the same as the original output delayed by 7 Hence the system is time-varying. (8) The system is time-invariant. The input f(e) yields the output y(t). which is the square of the second derivative of f(¢). If the input is delayed by T, the output is also delayed by T. Hence the system is time Flat), which is a scaled version of the in the input with at ‘Thus, if the input is f(t - 7) (/(®) £]), which is f(at) delayed by T/a (not T'). Hence the system: We construct the table below from the first three rows of data. Because of the linearity property of the system), ‘we can multiply any row by a constant. We can also add (or subtract) any two rows. Let rs denote the jth row. Row 10) (0) za(0) oft) n ° 1 -1 etu(t) 2 o 2 1 et(at + 2)u(0) “®) “1 -1 2u(t) o 1 ° (e+ Deu) qu) 0 - Gets nu fu) -1 (set + tet + 1) 4) ° ° (et + tem + 2)ule) Im our case, the input f(t) = u(t +5) ~ u(t — 5), From rr and the superposition and time-invariance property, wwe have ult) = ro(t-+5) = ro(e= 5) [er 4 206+ 5)eM49 4 2} ult + 5) — [eH 4 20 — 5)e- 9 4.2] ult — 5) I the input is K/(t), the new output y(t) is w= END) = HUA D) Hence the homogeneity is satisfied. Also fom (f/f) and fa + ve = (f2)*/(Fa) But fit fam (hhh fa) én tin From the hint itis clear that when 1.(0) = 0, the capacitor may be removed, and the circuit behaves as shown, in Fig. $1.7-5. It is clearly zero-state linear. To show that itis zero-input nonlinear, consider the circuit with J(t) = 0 (zero-input). The current y(¢) has the same direction (shown by arrow) regardless of the polarity of v (because the input branch is a short). Thus the system is zero-input nonlinear. =©® L = R Figure $1.7-5 6 Lr6 Lint Le Let 182 o-dH VES + fH @) ye) Figure $1.7-6 ~ ‘The solution is trivil. 1 behaves as shown in le input is a enirent source, Hence, as far ax the output y(t) is concerned, the circuit ig. S17-8, The nonlinear elements are irrelewnnt in computing the output y(¢). Hence the ‘output u(t) satisfies the linearity conditions. Yet. the circuit is nonlinear becasue it contains nonlinear elements fand the ontpnts associated with nonlinear elements Zand C will not satify linearity couditions (a) vt) = f(¢—2). Thus, the output y(t) always starts after the input by 2 seconds (see Fig. SI.7-7a). Clently, the system ik causal (b) ult) = (8). The output y(t) is obtained by time inversion in the input. Thus, ifthe input starts at ¢ = the output starts before ¢ = 0 (see Fig. $1.7-7b). Heuce, the system is not causal. (©) ult) = f(at), a > 1. The output y(t) is obtained by time compression of the input by factor «. Hence, the ‘outpu: can start before the input (see Fig. $1.7-7e), and the system is not causal (A) ylt) = flat), «<1. The output y(t) is obtained by time expansion of the input by factor 1/a, Hence, the ‘outpu: can start before the input (see Fig, S1.7-7d), and the system is not causal ye) f08 YD say Figure $1.7-7 (a) Irvertible because the input can be obtained by taking the derivative of the output. Hence, the inverse system equation is y(t) = df/at (b) The system y(t) = f(8t—6) = f(3[¢—2)) represents an operation of signal comipression by factor 3, and then time delay by 2 seconds. Hence, the input can be obtained from the output by frst advancing the output by 2 seconds, and then time-expanding by factor 3. Hence, the inverse system equation is y(t) = f(§ +2). Although the system is invertible. itis not realizable because it involves the operation of signal compression and signal ‘advancing (which makes it noncausal). However, if we can accept time delay, we can realizes noncausal system (€) Not invertible for even values of n, because the sign information is lost. However, the system is invertible for odd values of n. The inverse system equation is vt) = [f(t]. (4) Not invertible because cosine is @ multiple valued function, and cos—'[4(0)] is not unique, he loop equation forthe circuit i Sun(t) + Delt) = f(t) or (D+ 3)n(t) = Fe) a Ako Dralt) = val) = (0) = Saal ®) Sutton of (2) in (2) yields Prd ne) = 10) of (D+3)nl0)= DIC) 3) ‘The currents in the resistor, capacitor and inductor are 2ya(t), Dya(¢) and (2/D)ya(t), respectively. Therefore (0424 Zr = 10) (D? + 2D + 2)alt) = Ds(t) a) iso Les init) = Dual) or lt) = boat) Suhatitting of (2) in (1) yields Dix2D42) Pee 2 y= DI) (D? +20 + 2)ni(t) = D*s(t) la(t) ~ go(t))At = AA ne) = Hlaae) ~ (0) But gol) = RAC) Diflerentaton of (2) yields 8 felt) = RAC) = Flee) ~ et0] and (0+ #) eto = Fat (D+ e)ett) = ante) an4 and . wl = hy substituting this in (1) yields y= 4 (01- ph) a= (D+ a)h(t) = @ @) w e@ a a) Chapter 2 22a 22a 2.24 = 0, Alo 1? +5046= ‘The characteristic polynomial is A? + 5A +6. The characteristic equation is A? + 54+ (4+2)(043). Therefore the characteristic roots are Ay = ~2 and Az = ~8. The characteristic anodes ate e aud e-". Therefore Setting and substituting initial conditions yo(0) = 2, io(0) = ~1 in this equation yields refore wo(t) = Se — se 0. Also AF 4 4A44= = aud "The characteristic polynomial is 4? +4444. The characteristic equation is 1? +4444 (442), so that the characteristic roots are ~2 and ~2 (repeated twice). The characteristic modes are e te, Therefore elt) = cre" + cate and siolt) = ~2eye™® ~ Deate™™ + ene Setting = 0 and substituting intial conditions yields Bea a3 d= Dey tee =? ‘Therefore w(t) ‘The characteristic polynomial is A(A+ 1) = A?4+A. The characteristic equation is A(A-+1) roots are O and —1. The characteristic modes are 1 and e~*. Therefore ‘The characteristic elt) = 04 + e207 and bolt) = ~eae Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields ates ‘Therefore welt) characteristic polynomial is A? +9. The characteristic equation is A? +9 =0 or (A+8)(A~ 53) characteristic roots are +)3. The characteristic modes are ©" and e~?°". Therefore The welt) = eeas(3t +8) and in(t) = ~Sesin(3t +0) Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields en2 o=-n/2 ‘Therefore 225 227 2d = 2sin3t ‘The characteristic polynomial is A? 44413. The characteristic equation is A? +4A+13 = 0or (h+2-78)(A+ 2+ j8) = 0. The characteristic roots are ~2+ 33, The characteristic modes are cye'2*!9"" and ego?" Therefore ole) = re" e083" + 8) “ Holt) = ~20e-* cos(3t + 6) ~ See" sin(3t +6) Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields 5 = econ = cos = 5 }= o=10 15.08 = -2rcos@ ~ Sesind. cain d = ~8.66 o=-n/3 ‘Therefore a(t) = 10€-* con(st ~ $) ‘The characteristic polynomial is \7(A + 1) or A* +27. The characteristic equation is M%(A 41) = 0. The characteristic roots are 0, 0 and —1 (0 is repeated twice). Therefore wit) =o teat tee" and Setting t = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields deate ass Bea-o hee ma -I=6 ae-l ‘Therefore lt) =542t- 6 ‘The characteristic polynomial is (X1)(A? +5A +6). The characteristic equation is (A-+1)(A? + 6-46) (A+1)Q+2)(443) =0. The characteristic roots are ~1, =2 and -3, The ch dor teristic modes are ef «#* and c™. Therefore and Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields 2eatare -1= =e: ~ 20 ~ Se) => Sart deat 99 Therefore sole) = bet — Te“ + eH ‘The characteristic equation is 47+ 44+ Therefore = (A+ 1A +3) = 0. The characteristic modes are «* and «® walt) = e168 + exe Unt) = ee" ~ Beae™ Setting # = 0, aud substituting v(0) = 0. (0) 1, we obtain oan ter mei — Sea 10 ‘Therefore watt) = let = 94) A(O) = [PD)wa(tu(t) = [(D + 5)u] u(t) = lat) + Syn( tule) = (et ~ em yult) 2.3-2. The characteristic equation is P+ 5A.46=(A+2)(4+3) = 0. and alt) = ere + e207 Jinlt) = ~Beve™* ~ Bege™ Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting y(0) = 0, (0) = 1, we obtain O=nter Be ~ See Therefore alt) = and [P(Dyyalt)hu(t) = Wale) + Tinlt) + Mallat) = (em +e" u(t) Hence a(t) = buble) + [P(D)vn( tule) = S(t) + (em + elt) 2.8.3 The characteristic equation is 4+ 1=0 and walt) = oe In this case the initial condition is yi" (0) = y(0) = 1. Setting ¢ = 0, and using y7,(0) = 1, we obtain ¢ = 1, and a(t P(D)unt) = [-iiat) + yn (O]ult) = 2eFu(t) Hence ‘(t) = b(t) + [P(D)yn(t)]ule) = ~8(t) + 2e*u(t) ‘The characteristic equation is A? +6A+9= (243)? = 0. Therefore alt) = (er + eathe™ Gin(t) = [Blea + eat) + eale’ Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting yn(0) = 1, a(0) = 1, we obtain o=a = Be $02, and a(t) = te Hence A(t) = [P(D)va(u(0) = (inl) + Sunl@)]u) = (2 +3 u(t) fom [aoa = [[reom-nale wal reclaes = ay [atte = Asay 24-1 u ‘This property cab be readily verified from Examples 2.7 and 2.8, For Example 2.6, we note that 5, and AyAn For example 28, Ay = 2. Ay = Leavtaa [2 ye ~per tas [Gears [em oye “4 sii ArAg 2a Het) aot) =f Henaott— ar #1 [7 towers wtee) a0 ‘When a <0. the limits of integration become from oo to —o0, which is equivalent to the limits from —o0 to 90 with a negative sign. Hence, f(at) «g(at) = |2le(at). 24-3 Let {(i)+9(t) = (2). Using the time scaling property in Prob. 2.4.2 with a = —1, we have f(—t)+a(-t) = e(—0) Now, if f(€) and g(t) are both even functions of t, then f(@) = f(t) and g(t) = g(t). Clearly «¢) Using a parallel argument, we can show that if both functions are odd, o(t) = e(-~), indi But if one is odd and the other is even, () = ~c(~t) indicating that c(t) is odd 2nd 245 wot arm fare fort co Therefore u(t) + u(t) = tule) (li), Because both functions are causal otal) eet) et dp and emt u(t) eMule) = ut) Because both funetions are eausal 12 2.4.6 247 28 eo onc f ru(r)u(r — tar Seer ee ee ee ee re wee [rue d ee and \ tu(t) ule) = FPuco © sintu(t) «ue = ¢ sin ru(r)u(e ~ner) ue Becaue rand {+ are both nonnegative (when 0 < + <4), u(r) = u(t~+) = 1, and sinew eo = (snr ar) w= = conte (4) Sinitcty conta) = ( [ara nate In this problem, we use Table 2.1 to find the desired convolution (=) we u(t) « ut) = (= eu(t) (b) ate mty(t) = temult) (e) ult =e ule) (4) ple) = sin 32) + e~Fu(t) Here we use pair 12 (Table 2.1) with a = 0, 8 = 3,@= .90° and A= —1. This yields ~1084" sod ty py = LOBIBAPIEN* — coslSt+ 18.4) sinseu(d)«e“tu(e) = <8 (e) ) H(t) = (20° — o™)u(t)« u(t) = 2e-Mult)« ult) — eMule) u(t “> =] Let) a(t) co) (2 = Yule) « eue) = 2eMule) + elt) — eMule) ee) -f |x =(e* ue) © u(t) = (267 = e-*jult) +e“ u(t) = 2e~Mu(t) » e ult) — [ut - a(t) eMule wo] 0) = [(2— He? — 26 Jule) 13 24-9 a(t) = (1 26 Mai(t)eu(t) = eMule) #H(e) — He -Mult ult) -)] uo = tule) 24-10 (a) For y(t) = 4e-** cont u(t) + u(t), We use pair 12 with a = 2,8 =3,0=0,\=0. Therefore and | ue) = A [0.555 - «const + 56.51°)] u(t) (b) For y(t) = te-* costu(t) «e~*u(t), we use pair 12 with a = 2, 8 =5, @=0, and X= —1, Therefore ono and sag [cont 50"}er* ~ e°* conte + 71.56") wo =4 [ ay | ue) = pg [ost86n* — econ se + 71.507)] uC) 1 iam, . Tage conse + 7.56 | u(t) 24-11 (a) wit em * ult) (0) HM a(e) = Foul), and y(t) = o [e-Fu(t) «em u(e)] = ehlert = ents) (c) “u(t 3) = ee" u(t —3). Now from the result in part (a) and the shift property of the convolution (Fa. 234) (o-By(e) = oH] Ge — 3) i(t) ~ u(t ~ 1). Now y:(t), the system response to u(t) is given by (@ 0 alt) = elt) eult) = (1 =e Dult) ‘The system response to u(t ~ 1) is a(t~ 1) because of time-invariance property. Therefore the response y(t) to Jt) = u(t) ~ u(t = 1) is given by ut) = yale) ~ w(t 1) = (1 =e u(e) = [1 eMule = 1) response is shown in Fig, $24-11, ye) yay +> pik SP) Fig. $2.4-11 “ -t é Yt “Ne lo t= ol t= Fie S242 ie) = fate) Tle} + efn(—t) ~ #0) set) + 20 u(t) etal —t) welu(—t) + [etu(t) + efu(-)] alo) nets 1 1 nwo = [7 pana Because u(t) =1 for r < t and is 0 for r > t, we need integrate only up tor 1 an =e “yt mae fi hyena tall a taeteed war n= f) ayy earl attest Figure $2.4.19 shows =7hy snd e(t) (the result of the convolution) HDs ol t tt Fig. 82.419, 2A-14 For t-< 2e (see Fig. $2.4-14) (0) = st) 90 sint dr cost OS <2 For ¢ > 2n, the area of one eyele is zero and M0 +9() =o. 122" and t 2.AA1S For 02 © w= [ a toa a) I arated -1202-4 dy=0 te-4 @ 16 (e) @ @) ae se eG t He tT 3S E 7d wal “77 cu) ; et ee Oo a4t to i ces oI +> eee anny cc) : : i—™ ey C $3 + a z > : vr ' Pai ect) syp-——_ (3) ot > ti 75 tS = z ozte-l -lote-2 f70 ete) a) “2 tele e wR met lO ite -2KE 2-1 4 Fig 524-16 1" 2417 © © ans fe ao= fore (= 0 <0 (g) This problem is more conveniently solved by inverting fy(t) rather than f(t) ao [e-oeet exo a= ["e-ndr= fae) 0202 )=0 for t>0 ) AWw=e fle) Ale, flt-nae—, a= fi cemrarnen fl erar yee) open a aiy= fee t-ar emmy bean? tt ts-2 Indicating the input and corresponding response graphically by an arrow, we have FW) — vo) St-7) wt) $() - Ht- 1) wl) — eT) (by Timeinvariance) (by linearity) ‘Therefore Jim, Ef) ~ 40-79) — him, EIy(e) - eT} ‘The bft-hand side is f(t) and the right-hand side is (t). Therefore fo 0) Next we recognize that semen fi poe ® “This follows from the fact that integration is performed over the range —oc < 7 < &, where tz) =1, Now the response to Jt f(r) a is St Hence Ct) ¢ ule] Ae) = UH] © u(t) = V1) # a) 18 2.4018 2.4019 24-20 2.4.21 26-1 But as shown in Ea. (1). vt) «ut is f' u(r) dr. Therefore the response to input f',. f(r)dr is f, y(e) dr Using the hints, we obtain 1 - 1 = tim, 4 (e) = eft 79) = A AO = 9) = Bim, 7 CO ~ HO TY] + 90) = Fe) + Bim, [al ~ oft TI] = J Fle) ~ elt TH] = AO) Successive applications of the above procedure yields £8) ge) = MM (ED ‘The system response to u(t) is g(t) and the response to step u(t — 1) is a(t 7). The input (0) is made up of step components. The step component at r has a height Af which can be expressed as 4, AL new friar Blane = frye ‘The step component at ndr has a height /(ndr)Ar and it can be expressed as [f(ndr)A7]u(t —nAr). Its response A(t) is Ault) = [nar arlatt nd) ‘The total response due to all components is ut) = fim, Y> flndr)g(t—ndr\Or = [fate nar= fe e960) ‘An clement of length Ar at point mdr has a charge f(uAr)Ar (Pig. $2.4-20). The electric field due to this charge at point x is Sndr)ar rele — nr? ‘The total feld due to the charge along the entire length is AE= B()= im, x _linanan, free = nr)? «fo glia er = seve | tae re ae oO, AT Zz a 2-NbT-= Fig. 52.420 For an ideal delay of T secs., the impulse response is h(t) = 6(¢—T). Hence, from Eq, (2.48) (using the sampling property (Eq. (1.24b)] Hs) Or = Tye dr We can also obtain the same result using Bq. (2.49). Let the input to an ideal delay of T seconds be an everlasting. exponential e*, The output is eT), Hence, according to Eq. (2:49), H(s) = eT) jert = eT, METH ID=(AS3)(A44) 19 2.52 25-8 ‘The natural response is volt) = Kie™ + Kae (a) For f(t) = ult) =e"u(t), volt) = HO) = B= b Y= Kae + Kae + H(t) = Bre — 4Kae* Setting t = 0 and substituting initial conditions, we obtain Reto ~8Ks - 4K and 120 &) HO =u, = Ke + Kae + Be 8Kie"™ — 4Kae Setting t = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields On Kit hath 1=-3K; — 4k and u)= u(t), volt) = H(-2) © 10 ult) = Kie™ + Kae 0) = BK e™ = AK Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields Kit ks } ul) 2? = 6425 = (A+3— j4)(A+3 + JA) characteristic roots are ~3:4 j4 alt) = Ke cos(at +8) Por fi) =u), volt) = 100) Esothat u(t) = Kem cos( at +0) + 3 i{t) = ~3Ke-™ cos(t +8) — 4Ke™™ eas( at + 0) Setting t= 0, and substituting intial conditions yields K=0477 0= Keos0+ & }- Koso 9 =~1003 BK cos 8 ~ 4K sind Keind and ult) = 0427 con(at 1088) 4+ 3 120 Charecteristic polynomial is 4° + 4A +4 = (A+ 2)*. The roots are ~2 repeated twice. lt) = (Ka + Kade 20 (a) For f(0) = eMule). yolt) = H(-3) = 20 wt) = (Ki + Kathe" ~ 20° HO) = 2K + Kate™ + Kee + oe Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting initial conditions yields and v(t) = (2+ Boe 20 t>0 (b) FQ) = ertult), volt) = H(—1)en* Hy + Kathe 2K + Kate + Kaen? Setting t=, and substituting initial conditions yields gem Kad 2K + Ka Kak and uit) =(3+ Boe* — t20 Because (A? +22) = A(A+2), the characteristic roots are O and 2. alt) = Ki + Kae In this ease /(t) = u(t). The input itself is characteristic mode, Therefore volt) = Bt But ye) satisfied the system equation (D? + 2D)volt) = (D+ I)vlt) = elt) + Bolt) = HO + £0) Substituting f(t) = u(t) and yo(t) ‘Therefore yo(t) = # Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting init and ‘the natural response a(t) is found in Prob. 2.5-1 alt) = Rie + Kae" The input 4(0) Isa characteristic mode. Therefore elt) = te Also yo(t) satisfies the system equation (0? + 1D + 12)volt) = (D+2/(0) a 26-1 2.62 2.64 Holt) + Tielt) + L2y9Kt) = Fle) + 240) Substituting f(t) =e and ye(t) = te in this equation yields (9Bt — 6a)e™* + 7(—39t-+ Ble“ + 12Bte* = —3e~ + De Be ‘Therefore lt) = Kiet ae = tet it) = ~BK xe ~ AK ae“ + 38 — Setting ¢ = 0, and substituting intial conditions yields and (a) 2 480412= (04246) Both ots are in LHP. The system is asymptotically stable. (b) MAP +3042) = A(A+ 1A +2) Roots are 0-1, ~2. One root on imaginary axis and none in RHP. The system is marginally stable (©) MQ? 42) = 804 iVDO - jv) Roots are 0 (repeated twice) and V2. Multiple roots on imaginary axis. The system is unstable (d) (A+ 1)? - 6A +5) = (44 1-1) = 5) Roots are =I, 1 and 5. Two roots in RHP. The system is unstable (@) (4104+ 2445)? = 4 A+1- 32704143277 Roots “1, ~1 2 (repeated twice) are all in LHP. The system is asymptotically stable () 408 +9) = + NA+ 59) — 33) Roots are ~1, +3. Two (simple) roots on imaginary axis, none in RHP. The system is marginally stable. (©) ANE! +97? = 04043970 - 33)? Roots are ~1 and +33 repeated twice. Multiple roots on imaginary axis. The system is unstable (A) (P41)? + 4)(AF +9) = (AF DIA = FDA + 52)1A ~ 92) + 59) ~ 53) ‘The roots are 4j1, 42 and 73. All roots are simple and on imaginary axis, None in RHP. The system is marginally stable (a) Because u(t) = eu(t), the characteristic root is 0 (b) Tae root lies on the imaginary axis, and the system is marginally stable fe) fone) dt = co ‘The sistem is BIBO unstable. (a) Tae integral of 61) is u(t). The systems response to 6(t is u(t). Clearly, the system isan ides! integrator ‘Assume that a system exists that violates Eq. (2.57) and yet produces @ bounded output for every bounded input. The response at ¢ =f is ute) = [ merstn = nar Consider a bounded input f(t) such that at some instant ty fp ita(r) > 0 ta-ne{t nee In this ease 2 ara ara ara oa ~ Inn) and wery= [more This vlntes the assumption (a) The time-constant (rise-time) of the system is Ty = 10°* ‘The rate of pulse communication “3 2 Za 4 54> Fig. $2.41 Plt) ZiT war = ar I oo t= Fig. $8.42 ‘We can show that the corresponding signal pairs are also orthogonal [Lnonea= [ esvoisevoiee= [Untoncnar= [7 ty ~zxojent + 2eo)ae=0 [Lnonoa= [ne +2noiee0 +2900) In deriving these results, we used the fact that J zfde= J 23(t)de = 1 and f%, 21(thza(¢\d Bd Here Ty = 2, s0 that wp = 25/2 x, and W0)= 00+ Sroncosnnt+éqsinnet = -1StS1 where Psinnetdt = po=be 3S wisest Figure $3.4-1 shows /(t) = for all ¢ and the corresponding Fourier series representing f(t) over (—1, 1) 8.4.2 Here Ty = 2x, s0 that wo = 2n/2n = 1, and S(O) = 00+ encosnt+ basin nt areten where 3-18 2° 2" Tre . no saci Shene oases Fe $93.42 stows 0) =f aad th sreponding Fre si to pret J) (2 34-8 (a) To = 4, wo = HE = F. Because of even symmetry, all sine terms are zero. 6 ao = 0 (by inspection) oun [foe (s) a [coe ) a] Aint ‘There‘ore, the Fourier series for f(2) is wo 4 (ogg tt — Veg Mt, Legg Skt 1 Tat (cmH — gore F + Seon — joo Bt 4) and we allow Cx to take negative values, Figure $3.4-3a shows the plot of Cy ‘}. Because of even syrimetr, all the’sine terms are zero. oon ae [oo (5) = se SG), ee (F) bem Ee [sin(Ze) deo Gntegand i an 04 fntion of ) for n = 0, 1, 2,3, --». Figure $3.43 nd we allow Cy to take negative values. Note that C, shows the plot of Cn (©) Te= 2, up = 1 F (0) = 29+ Jrancosnt +bxsinnt with ao=0.5 (by inspection) [gemnane af 5-1 (ines Janars einai + banaey--) and f= = 05+ [oos (t+) + feos (2t+$) + feos (a+ $) +] ‘The reason for vanishing of the cosines terms is that when 0.5 (the de component) is subtracted fom f(t), the remaining function has odd symmetry. Hence, the Fourier series would contain dc and sine terms only. Figure '$8.4-2¢ shows the plot of Cn amd By, (@)% ‘x, wo =2and f(t) = St, (by inspection). (50) because of odd symmetry. aan ae 1) + ewe (40-4) + glyco (se 3) + Leo (s+ 4) + igure $3.4.3d shows the plot of Cy and 0, Se) = Aysinze + Linge — A; singe — 2 singe + aT ta af we ll @) ape ee ay. > can =I wor aa Tiga eet e t ate a x [| «) 12> +5 6 we 123456 wo qd) - (e) A) x F ad 5 w> oo Fig snes (e) Ty = 3, wo = 20/3. if 1 wed feet * Qne 3 Qen | 2an | Qen eos Bede gS en 2 4 2 in 22 aan 240 Bem gg 28) ‘Therefore Co = } and [Eee (8) To= 6, wo = 9/3, a0 = 05 (by inspection). Even symmetry; by se ‘Observe that even harmonics vanish. The reason is that if the de (0.5) is subtracted from J(t), the resulting function has hale-wave symmetry. (See Prob. 3.4-7). Figure $3.4-3f shows the plot of Cn. Bide (a) Here 7) =r, and wy = #8 = 2. Therefore S(O) = 00+ J an.cos 2nt + bn sin Int ‘To compute the coefficients, we shall use the interval x to 0 for integration. Thus wont [ear =0soe en meat 0504 (525) mead fen amar = -0504 (85) ‘Therefore 0504, C= VaR R= 0504 (Toe), Om =tan* (2) = tan tn 1) = 0504+ 05045 eBay cos (ant + tan An) (b) This Fourier series is identical to thet in Eq. (8.56a) with ¢ replaced by ~ (©) IEF(0) = Co + SCn cos(rwot +), then S(=t) = Co+ J Cn cos(—nwot +n) = Co+ > Cn cos(nwot ~ Bn) ‘Thus, time inversion of a signal merely changes the sign of the phase 0. Everything else remains unchanged. Comparison of the above results in part (a) with those in Example 3.3 confirms this conclusion, 84-5 (a) Here To = x/2, and wo = HE = 4. Therefore SO= 20+ J ancos dnt + basin dnt where = and bm Therelore SM, Co= VFA =0506(sedo). b= —tan en (b) This Fourier series is identical to that in Eq. (3.56a) with ¢ replaced by 2 (©) HF) = Co+ S Ce cos(nant + 6m), then. Lat) = Co + JY Cn cos(n(auo)t + 8) ‘Thus, time scaliig by a factor a merely scales the fundamental frequency by the same factor o. Everything clse remains unchanged. If we time compress (or time expand) a periodic signal by a factor a, ite fundamental frequency increases by the same factor a (or decreases by the same factor a). Comparison of the results in part (a) with those in Example 3.3 confirms this conclusion. This retult applies equally well 3.4-6 (a) Here Ty = 2, and wo = JE = x. Also (¢) is an even function of ¢. Therefore S(t) = 00+ ancos net ‘where, by inspection ag = 0 and from Eq, (9.660) S Jf 20+ 100 mtd = sig own b= (Oe oo Therore 84 1 1 1 [ow nes Bente doco Set + Boen Tet] (b) This Fourier series is identical vo that in Eq, (8.63) with ¢ replaced by t+ 0.5. (€) IF =Co-+ SCacos(nsot +8), then Mt+T) = Co+ J Cn cosnsio(t + 7) + Aq] = Co+ S Cn cosinwot + (Om + nwoT)] ‘Thus, time shifting by T merely increases the phase of the nth harmonic by nuu?’. 8.4-7 (a) For half wave symmetry 4) =-1 (v4 B) sp 1 [Po reconcorars [" so coanvotae lyr wot aed [" tonnes te Let z= ¢~T9/2 in the second integral. This gives E[[ wrommatts [°° sor) mn e+) a] mt mar -2 if Hocornentat +f ~f(0l-cornsid] pa -4 if He conta] In a similar way we can show that 4 ne “Th 4, a0 =0 (by inspection). Half wave symmetry. Hence a-t[ffsomtgia] <3 fonttia] iis (cos SF + Bsn 3-1) (n oad) bn J(d)sin nupt dt () @ To=8, welt = sha (Fain -1) tn oaay 30 Therefore Siaiaely ond fo= (li) 75 = 2x, wo = 1, a =0 (by inspection). Half wave symmetry. Hence HO= So eneaant + desinnt aon 2 [eM conneae <2 ee torent sans] 6 tt woo fe af ero A =? [owen Om on] ferro 0.05 ~ Tea FOOT) - +00 and oP sin ntdt etn . [ (-0 sin —nosn] (oad) +001 Bn (ano) = 14610 ore oon” =F e 001 3.4-8 (a) Here, we need only cosine terms and wo = $. Hence, we must construct a pulse such that it is an even function oft, has a value t over the interval 0 < t < 1, and repeats every 4 seconds as shown in Fig, $3.48a. We selected the pulse width W’ = 2 seconds. But it can be anywhere from 2 to 4, and still satisfy these conditions. Each value of W results in different series. Yet all of them converge to ¢ over 0 to 1, and satisfy the other requirements, Clearly, there are infinite number of Fourier series that will satisfy the given requirements. The present choice yields 1) = 40+ Yano (2S) By inspection, we find ay = 1/4. Because of symmetry ba = 0 and alo (F)+F@()-] (b) Here, we need only sine terms and wo ‘Hence, we must construct a pulse with odd symmetry, which has. ‘2 value ¢ over the interval 0 < t < 1, and repeats every + seconds as shown in Fig. S3.4-8b. As in the case (a), ‘the pulse width can be anywhere from 1 to x, For the present case Because of odd symmetry, an = 0 and dialoinan — 2ncor2n) (©) Here, we need both sine and cosine terms and wo = §. Hence, we must construct a pulse such that it has no symmetry of any kind, has a value ¢ over the interval O< ¢ <1, and repeats every 4 seconds as shown in Fig. ‘S3.d-Be, AS usual, the pulse width can be have any value in the range 1 to 4 10 = 00+ Sooneos (3) e+ basin ($e By inspection, a9 = 1/8 and a Fig. $3.48 (€) Here, we need only cosine terms with uy = 1 and odd harmonics only. Hence, we must construct a pulse such that it isan even function oft, has a value ¢ over the interval 0 < t < 1, repeats every 2x seconds and has half-wave symmetry as shown in Fig. $3.4-8d. Observe that the first half eycle (from 0 to x) and the second half eycle (from x to 2) are negatives of each other as required in half-wave symmetry. This will cause even hharmonics to vanish. The pulse has an even and half-wave symmetry. This yields M0) = 00+ SP an cosnt By inspection, ao = 0. Because of even symmetry by = 0. Because of half-wave symmetry (see Prob. 3.47), apy? 7 2 25.0% A comma- [te-ounca] = Zeon -r Ean not (c) Here, we need only sine terms with wo = + and odd harmonies only. Hence, we must construct a pulse such that itis an odd function oft, has a value ¢ over the interval 0 < ¢ < 1, repeats every 4 seconds and has half-wave symmetry as shown in Fig. $3.4-8e. Observe that the first half cycle (rom 0 to 2) and the second half cycle (from 2 to 4) are negatives of each other as required in half-wave symmetry. This will eause even harmonies to vanish. The pulse has an odd and half-wave symmetry. This yields 32 n= Sm By inspection, ay = 0. Because of odd symmetry aq = 0. Because of half-wave symmetry (see Prob. 3.4-7), 4 ox oe seed [antars fees (f) Here, we need both sine and cosine terms with up = 1 and odd harmonies only. Hence, we must construct & puilbe such that it has half-wave symmetry, but ueither odd nor even symmetry, has a value ¢ over the interval OS t < 1, and repeats every 2x seconds as shown in Fig. S3.4-8f. Observe that the first half cycle from 0 to 17) and the second half cycle (from = to 2x) are negatives of each other as required in half-wave symmetry. By inspection, ap = 0. This yields ne, ae in rat = Basin" n odd Fit) = SO ancosnt + basinnt Because of half-wave symmetry (see Prob. 3.4-7), stxloentmsinn=1) bea gt f'tanntar= 26m neem) nal a bede f g hi periodic? yes yes no yes no yes yes yes yes o Dio bb. 2 period = Or Oe Mor arr 34:10 e a F(t) = 00+ San cos deat + basin ent (= 2) ae roa ff tae} ono f teos2entdt=0 n> 1. (ninteger) mone [esinzenea= Hence + (seas Jones Lenars) 1S nae If E4(N) is the energy of the error signal in the approximation using first N’ terms, then From Eq, (3-40) sion {Poa [Qe (zy +-+( (Note that By = 1/2 for n ooras7s 3.411 L(t) = carole) + er2a(t) ++ erzr(t) sinees =f * eat 1 [tonto = 5 asf fonioe= ° a © = [tosoa= om [romtoa= Hence 1 Law jo0- fa - Zn 1 = Boat) [ Po# If E-(W) is the energy of the error signal in the approximation using first N’ terms, then From Eq. (8.40) Also ‘The Walsh Fourier series gives small error than the trigonometric Fo ‘number of terms in the approximation. ier series (in prob. 3.4-10) for the same saa HO = cool) + came) ++ esl) [10d=0 eo amcence=on soae-t onLf wolfe-fae? Hence Also P(e)de=2 and using Bq. (3.40) ea = [Poa ea)= [Pow (b) This is a scaled version (time-expansion by factor 2n) of the signal f(t) in pair a wo-i(2)--20)-4@) 40] - 3.51 (a): Ty = 4,0 = #/2. Also Do = 0 (by inspection). 2 Lf! sone, = aint Dam x fl overnae- = Zein iniza (b) Te = 108, up = 25/107 = 1/5 =F Det, where a FO = Dre! wh m= © Ji) = Do+ Y> Dae’, where, by inspection Dy = 0.5 $ n>0 Da= hema= 2, sothat [Dyl= cb, and wn {i > Ps Im Ten neo (@) = 5,40 =2and Da =0 HO= SS Dae, where (©) Te= 3.00 = % where ro + jos Ph W qt “2 Fle ee Fig. $3.5-1 ‘Therefore Ea a aco. 3 wos aay (6) T= 6,09 = 4/3 Do = 05 roel mak [[erme tars fas [cone te 36 3.82 In compact trigonometric form, all terms are of cosine form and amplitudes are positive, We can express f(t) as S(t) = 3+ 200s (20 - F) + cos (st 3) + 3 con (se + 5 - x) 29.420 (ot £) ene (0-- 5) + ee (428) From this expression we sketch the trigonometric Fourier spectra as shown in Fig, $3.5-2a. By inspection of these spectra, we sketch the exponential Fourier spectra shown in Fig. $3.5-2b. Prom these exponential spectra, wwe cas now write the exponential Fourier series as a AB 4 ORD g War gg Hever gy y Leste aey 4g Usa sa=3 By L0r# Dy +t w> ¢ en Cn =m 7/2. 12345 Wo -27 Dal LDo t . t Tasts “35 we o> Fig. $3.5-2 3.5-3 (a) The exponential Fourier series can be expressed with coefficients in Polar form as LO) = VBE I 4 209 434 20 4 (BV FE IIe From this expression the exponential Spectra are sketched as shown in Fig. $3.5-8a (b) By inspection of the exponential spectra in Fig. $3.5-2a, we sketch the trigonometric spectra as shown in Fig. §3.5-3b, From these spectra, we can write the compact trigonometrie Fourier series at Slt) = 3+ 4eos (1 £) + 4vFcos (at - F) (c) The lowest frequency in the spectrum ix and the highest frequency is S. ‘Therefore the bandwidth is 3 rad/sor 3 He 3.544 (a) F pom 37 sl fe) = #@-7) £Dn Te enee "3 r2 or a =] t oes "Ia - 4 a 3 On 1423 w> TH: se 123 Os Fig. $3.5-3 Bn = Dye so that [Dal @) 3.5-5 (a) From Bxercise E3.6a no=behSPreont — -1ees1 ‘The power of f(¢) is 198 For N = 1, Pe = 0.1111; for N = 2, Py = 0.19823, For N = 3, Pz = 0.19837, which is greater than 0.198. Thus, N = 3, 8.5-6 (a) From Exercise E3.6b po Mew Sedan ansese 38 3.67 3.61 ‘The power of /(t) is Moreover, from Parseval’s theorem (Ea. (3.82)] +S ys (b) Ifthe V-term Fourier series is denoted by 2(2), then 2) = An SE sinnnt arstsn ‘The power Ps i required to he 0.904% = 0.342, Therefore For N = 1, Pe = 0.202647; for N = 2, Pe = 0.253347, for N = 5, Py = 0.296584? for N 0.302224, which is greater than 0.342, Thus, N= 6. ‘The power of a rectified sine wave is the same as that of a sine wave, that is, 1/2. Thus Py = 0.5. Let the 2N +1 term truncated Fourier series be denoted by f(t). The power Py is required to be 0.9975P; = 0.49875. Using the Fourier series coeficients in Exercise E3.10, we have Pe . 24 S 1 yo Sit 3 aap tae Dian eng sh sun se y= 2 irs at ae ae rt Bee ee eG AO 0a pommel wre. Te power of the error in the approximation of f(t) by /(t) is only 0.21% of the signal power Py. ee 4053 for N= 0 (only de), Py = 0.49535 for and wo = 2, and 0.504 a T+ 34m and from Eq. (3.74) De ——_ rT $ mot = 31.08n Therefore, v(t) = > Duff nwo)” D wet 39 Chapter 4 4a2 413 rays [Treas [7 piocmnt-3 [7 nosnare If {(¢) is an even function of t, f(t) sinwt is an odd function of t, and the second integral vanishes. Moreover, f(0)coswt is an even function of t, and the first integral is twice the integral over the interval 0 to co. Thus when f(t) is even Flw) F(t) coswt dt q) Sines argument shows that when (ti odd Fe) =a) [ sosinueat @ If (2) is also real (in addition to being even), the integral (1) is real. Moreover from (1) [fF Hoccnstae= Foe) Hence Fs) is real and even function of w. Similar arguments can be used to prove the rest of the properties. [rite bf newerena, ie 1F(u)|ooslot + creaes [~ [F(e)I infor + 2F (0) Since |F()] is an even function and ZF (.s) is an odd function of w, the integrand in the second integral is an ‘odd function of w, and therefore vanishes. Moreover the integrand in the first integral is an even function of w. ‘and therefore ro=2 [stone + ere Because f(t) = falt) + fo(t) and e-™ = cos wt + jsin wt Ftay= foes sdniermar= [ito + toleonseat—5 J (0) + Jo(0)Jsinwt dt Because fu(t)coswt and fo(t)sinwt are even functions and fu(t)coswt and J.(t)sinut are odd functions of, these integrals (properties in Eqs. (B.43), p. 38] reduce to Fanaa f” seremtar25 [~ ferinatat a Also, trom the results of Prob. 4.1, we have FU} a2 [" pcjosseat and 71s) 25 [” nlosinara 2) From Eqs. (1) and (2), the desired result follows 40 41-4 (a) 7 a ection an [core (b) 4.1-5 (a) rays [ernie [arma (b) ° mare Pefonsr tursinur = tare f t This result could also be derived by observing that (t) is an even function. Therefore from the result in Prob. 4a. Fig. S4.1-66 (b) The derivation can be simplified by observing that F() can be expressed as a sum of two gate functions Fi(w) and Fe(w) as shown in Fig. S4.1-6. Therefore w= f [Filw) + Fwyleaa = {f om aos f ona} sin 2ebeint ° 7 41-7 @) 1 . =f [ coswe™ ds el, Baa (ites + sind a x -a=m™ (3) © Lt pyetan= bf"? ca HO ae fg Oe FLU Peorcorstde ts [7 rapsnstas] Because F() is even function, the second integral on the right-hand side vanishes. Also the integrand of the first term is an even function, Therefore 4a Be (a Om sine( £)veet (&) al gluat + oatineat =H 4.2: Figure $421 shows he plots of vrion factions, The function npr () i ete fnsion cere atthe critnandof width 2 Te anton npr) cab epee x & (rf) hii tral alse centered ste rg and af with 10/8.‘ ftom i part (ea ene futon re) dele by 10. In ther ovis gio pln contend at f= 10 and of wth BT fonction art (@) i ne ple centred We onigin an the et eo octng at say a fe t= 3 he faction npr () ae ple Soc) dae ty Toe For the sie ps sin() the rt tr ners at gm, that at oS Therefore the faction a Sine ple comer at = 10r Sd rman spaced at er of Sas shown nthe Bg State ‘The fncon past (Fa prods of agate pu (ceed the on) of with Ter and ane pulse lected a the arin) with oon raced at interes ofS Thi een the ste pe reed Boj th lara (12) se ahown Pig ane “ak = sine (2) ans “a gigtemm ammo om _ inet = sine(rde 424 (@) (b) 4g. 432 (@) u(t) = x6(0) + “ is 70 3 Application of duality property yields n8(t)-+ 4 os 2eu(—w) go 3 aioe 1 I feos; | = ul-w) Application of Eq. (4.35) yields 1 1 a [a-9- Al = ule) But 6(t) is an even function, that is 6(—t) = 6(@), and 1 i Fe + 2) o> lw) (e) £08 wot <=> x6(u + wo) + Ale — wo] we For jon of duality property yields 16(¢-+ 0) + 8(¢ — wo} e=# 2008 (wow) ee=———eEer Fo who Setting wo = T yields S(t4 7) +6(t~ 7) <=> Boos Tes © ginal => jrl6(w + wo) ~ blu — wo] wo For Application of duality property yields Srl6(t+ 0) — 6(¢ — wo)] 49 2 sin( wou) = —2e sin(wow) Re aw) Setting wo = T yields 8(¢+.7) — 6(¢~ 7) = sin TH Fig. (b) fale) = S(-#) and Flu) = (robe Be + jue" Fig. (¢) falt) = f(t 1) + file 1). Therefore Fle) (Fw) + Fi(wile™ = [F(w) + Fla) em SF (osu + wsinw —1) Fig. (d) fa(t) = (0-1) + flt-+) File) = F(w)e™ + F(-w)e* Fig. (0) flt) = s(t 4) + t+ Hane Fula) = Faye? + (we! oe tee pe Sem a jue =a) J posin = sine (2) Fe. (£) (can be obtained intneenepe: (1) time-expanding J) by factor 2 i) then delaying it by 2 Bree fai sd ntplyng by 13 we tay interchange the sequence for tee (i) and (i) The ft ep {Gnwecpansion bya factor) yllde 1(8) a 20a.) = bole — jnoe™ =) Second step of te delay of2 ses i 1 (S52) — ge™ — me ne JNiplying the resulting signal by 1.5 yields my 1 = Gilt - ia ‘The third step of sn =254 (452) em ght s2™) aN ; sint ule sae” . mNe ntu 7 : wo si nt) Ute? naar aoa (eT) wel) Fig. $4.3 43-5 (a) 10 = ( wa (22 T and (b) Fiom Fig. 843-30 we verify that 10) = sintu(t) + sin(t— x)utt — =) Note that sin(¢ ~ x)u(t~ x) is sin tu(t) delayed by x. Now, sintu(t) <=» $[6(w~1) ~ 6fw-+ 1)| + zby and sin(t — m)u(t — mn) =e {glo = 1) = 6+ + 44 44 Therelore -m) Floto 1) -oo+ 1+ Ap Mate Recall that f(2)6(2 ~ 0) = J(zo)6(z ~ xo). ‘Therefore &(w + 1)(1 +e") = 0, and Fl) ail eo) (©) From Fig, $4.3-3¢ we verify that 10 = cot [= £)] a cortate conta (e- But sin(t — $) = -cosé. Therefore 1 =cortu() +n (1 5) (e= Flo) = Flow - 9) + 6+ N+ (oto) swan) hy ic Blak Ye"? = 6(w + eH? = 4j6(0 41) Also because {(2)6(2~ 20) = S(z0)8(x - 20), ‘Therelore alia te (a) F(t) = e*[ult) ~ u(t ~ T)) = e*u(t) ~ e-*u(t~ 7) etult) ee eM M y(t T) we er ig tot FO)= sya jona® janet! iy From time-shifting property HOLT) ee F(w)etT ‘Therefore SWE T) + (t= T) > Pluie + Flw)e™? = 2F(W) cos ‘We can use this result to derive transforms of signals in Fig. P4.3-4 (a) Here f(t) isa gate pulse as shown in Fig. S4.3-4a. $(0) = reer (5) ep 2sinc(u) Also 7 = 3. The signal in Fig. P43-da is f(t+3) + f(¢—9), and E43) + F(t 3) 9 Asine() cos (b) Here /(@) isa triangular pulse shown in Fig. S4.3-4b. From the Table 4.1 (pair 19) 19 -0() 0 (G) Also T = 3. The signal in Fig. P4.3-4b is f(t +3) + f(t — 3), and 1049) 10-2) = dein? (2) ede 45 Fe | =6 ' (ay a Fig. $4.3-4 4.85 Frequency-shifting property states that Fle) JIN w) = s(et0" es Plu Fu0) ‘Therefore Liners ~s0t {()sinwot = FU + Le ‘Time-shifing property states that 1 1 Fife eo) + Fle — 20) SET) = Pls) Therefore HET) ~ S(t = 1) > F(T ~ Ful = 25 F(w) sin and 1 BUT) ~ 1 1)] > Flw)sin Tw ‘The signal in Fig. PAS is f(¢+3) ~ f(t— 3) where 110 = 10 ($) a ante) ‘Therefore (t+ 3) — f(t — 8) <> 2j[28ie(w) sin 3} ) = 4) sine(w) sin 3 on Fig. $4.3-6, 46 43-6 4-7 48 Fig. (a) The signal f(2) in this case sa triangle pulse A(z) (Fig, 843-6) multiplied by cos 10. $0) = () cos 108 ‘Aso from Table 41 (pair 29) A(z) => wsinc®(3!) From the modulation property (441) it follows that 1) = 8 (5) eo 11 > Zin? 2] sine? Es} ‘The Fourier transform in this case isa real function and we need only the amplitude spectrum in this ease as shown in Fig. S4.3-6a, (b) The signal f(t) here is the same as the signal in Fig. (a) delayed by 2x. From time shifting property. its Fourier transform is the sane as in part (a) multiplied by e~™""). Therefore 5 fone git sone Sep} om ‘The Fourier transform in this case is the same as that in part (a) multiplied by e~™, This multiplying factor represents a linear phase spectrum ~2rw. Thus we have an amplitude spectrum [same asin part (2) a well as ‘linear phase spectrum ZF (w) = ~2rw as shown in Fig. $4.3-6b, the amplitude spectrum in this case as shown in Fig, $48.6, Note: In the above solution, we fist multiplied the triangle pulse A(z) by cos 108 and then delayed the result by 2x. This means the signal in Fig. (b) is expressed as (525) cos 10(¢ ~ 2x) ‘We could have interchanged the operation in this particular case, that is, the triangle pulse A(t) is ist delayed by 2x and then the result is multiplied by cos 10¢. In this alternate procedure, the signal in Fig (b) is expressed as A522) con 10 ‘This interchange of operation is permissible here only because the sinusoid cos 10t executes integeel number of| cycles in the interval 2x. Because of this both the expressions are equivalent since cos 10(t ~ 2x) = cos 10 Fig. (c) In this case the signal is identical to that in Fig. b, except that the basic pulse is ret (34) instead of ‘triangle pulse A(:4), Now Fl) wnt (sh) = arsine) ‘Using the same argument as for part (b), we obtain F(e) = n(sinee(u-+ 109] + sincfe (ea — 10))}e-77™ (a) A There (b) to Lancy a 2 (2) There 2 inc? F(t) = Fsinc*(t) cos ae fa) ult) and u(t) eo 26(0) + ie jaa eMu(t) u(t), then a7 430 4310 “Taking the inverse transform ofthis equation yields Leet f= Lee yu) () ut) em AG and eMule) oe IE 7) = eMu(t) «cult, then 1 xy FW)" Gora)Ges me) "wah Jesh ‘Therefore s)= (ule) N= © hu) = and e™u(—1) <=> ~ p IE f(e) = eMule) «efu(—t), then FO)" GoTayGeo de) "jena ea ‘Therefore 1 400 [eu(e) + e*u(—0)) Note that hecause Ag > 0, the inverse transform of = is e*fu(t) and not ~e™"u(t), The Fourier transform of the latter does not exist because Aa > 0. @ Malate - and &u(=t) ee — jo-m joe If f(t) = eM u(t) eeu(—t), then ‘Therefore (et = )u(—2) = Yam ‘The remarks at the end of part (c) apply here also, From the frequency convolution property, we obtain Pa Lew) + Fe) Because of the width property of the convolution, the width of F(j)+ F(w) is twice the width of F(w). Repeated application of this argument shows that the bandwidth of f"(t) is mB Hz (n times the bandwidth of f(0)) @ ) rays [mae [oman Bi -coour= Ha 48 4311 Aad >) © 8(¢+7) - 26(0) + (tT) ‘The Fourier transform of this equation yields juFlw) = OT 240° HT = 211 ~ cos wT] ‘Therefore rays [Troma wa Eo kf poema ‘Changing the order of differentiation and integration yields < f fume) [Cisse “Thersore oe E © zt 1 ae jute angen ant ~~ 1 uo gig Hw) = Oe ord (a) () 1 joa 1 wore y(t) = teu) FG Y(w)= © ye 42 wT jer je ult) = Fertu(e) + Seu(—t) @ Fle) ae) + ) ou) + 2 ves ig fw 3] 1 = rb) + et aay ecamses (==) = 1082) (eu 44-2 (0) roach mH and 1 roe gramme el ‘Thereoce ule) = 3 [eult) + eu) @) Fees and Hw) = 54g and 1 Y= GG ‘There‘ore ft) = fe = eu(-8) 443 Fi(u) = sine( gig) and Faw) = 1 Figure $4.43 shows F(w), Fa(u), Hs(w) and Ha(w). Now Yaw) = Fi(w) Aw) Yalos) = Fa(w)Ha(w) ‘The spectra ¥;(a) and ¥a(u) are also shown in Fig. S4.4-3. Because y(t) = ya(t)ya(t), the frequency convolution property yields ¥(w) = Yi(w) + Yalu). From the width property of convolution, it follows that the bandwidth of 50 ae 00% I] He 20ereT O-> Ate i 445 446 4 £ 0a) 4 (9? Ela? -aoev0n | 200meT wo> eT J One Fig. 54.43 (wis the sum of bandwidths of ¥i(w) and Ya(w). Because the bandwidths of Y;(e) and Ya(w) are 10 kHa, 5 kHz, tespectively, the bandwidth of ¥(w) is 15 kHz. H(w) = 10" sine (Hg) and P(e) = 0.5 x 10" sine (zs) ‘The two spectra are sketched in Fig. S4.4-4. It consider P(w) to be nearly constant of value P(0) ¥(w) = Plu)H(w) =» P(O)H(w) = 0.5 x 10-°H(w) lear that H(w) is much narrower then P(w), and we may 10-*/2 over the entire band of H(w). Hence, = u(t) = 05 x 10°%A(t) Recall that (¢) is the unit impulse response of the system. Hence, the output y(t) is equal t» the system response to an input 0.5 x 10°*6(w) = A6lw). Hiw) <_ aad an 221P 1 Fig. S44 Hw) = 10" sine (35) ‘The two spectra are sketched in Fig. S445. It WF" SRIO é sod P(e) = 05sine(3) Fwd clear that P(w) is much narrower than H(w), and we may consider H(w) to be neatly constant of value H (0) = 10 over the entire band of P(w). Hence, Y (e) = Plu)H(w) » P(w)H(0) = 10° Pw) = ult) = 10-*pi) Note that the de gain of the system is k = H(0) = 10". Hence, the output is nearly KP). Every signal can be expressed as a sum of even and odd components (see Sec. 1.5-2) expressed as a sum of its even and odd components a aC elt) + hel) 51 Hence, h(t) can be 45-1 Wi) Pi a> & af 4 9 Gy es e o> 1020 Fig. 4.45, EUn(O)u(t) + A(—O(—H] and Aol) = Hh(Ou(t) ~A(-Ou(—)). From these equations, we make observation that het) = helt)san(t) and hel) = helt) sgn (0) a provided that A(t) has no impulse at the origin, Tis result applies only if h(t) is causal. The graphical proof of this result may be seen in Fig. 1.24, Moreover, we have proved in Prob. 4-1 that the Fourler transform of a real and even signal is a real and even, function of w, and the Fourier transform of a real and odd signal is an imaginary odd function of w. ‘Therefore if Plu) = Rw) +5X(W), then Ae(t) => lu) and — oft) = 5X(w) @ Applying the convolution property to Ea, (1), we obtain = Ajxwy Zot [7 Xo. rule gxeese [She and 1 f* Rw) = RW) on™ Using pair 22 (Table 4.1) and time-shifting property, we get enltto te Me) hee) Figure $4.5-1 This is noncausal. Hence the filter is unrealizable. Also Linea £ Mi wee 4.52 45-3 46-1 Hence the filter is noncausal and therefore unrealizable. Since h(¢) is a Gaussian function delayed by to, it looks 1s shown in the adjacent figure. Choosing to = 3V2K. h(0) = c~*® = 0.011 or 1.1% ofits peak value. Hence \V/TE is @ reasonable choice to make the filter approximately realizable. 2x08 0 He) Fron pair 3, Table 4.1 and time-shifting property. we get ny = ett ‘The impulse response is noncausal, and the filter is wntealizable he & to Figure $4.52 4x10 ‘The exponential delays to 1.8% at 4 times constants. Hence to make this filter approximately realizable. 4y. 40ys is a reasonable choice ‘he uit impale responses the inves Four ranfn of H(o) Hence, we have w= (aseet (sf) (eysne*0,00%0) (28 [All the three systems are noncausal (and, therefore, unrealizable) because all the three impulse responses start before t = 0 For (a), the impulse response is a rectangular pulse starting at ¢ = ~10~®. Hence, delaying the h(t) by 1 usecond will make it realizable. This will not change anything in the system behavior except the time delay of ljsecond the system response. For (b), the impulse response is a sine square pulse, which extends all the way to ~oo. Clearly, this system ‘cannot be made realizable with a finite time delay. “The delay has to be infinite. However, because the sine ‘square pulse decays rapidly (see Fig. 4.24d), we may truncate it at t = 10-4, and then delay the resulting A(t) by 10°, This makes the filter approximately realizable by allowing a time delay of 100 jseconds in the system response, For (¢), the impulse response is 1, which never decays. Consequently, this filter cannot be realized with any amount of delay. y= fT rode gs [7 ‘$y and consequently dt = Jydz Lie [Px Vor B= tae [eae 1 Fat Vino ‘Also from pair 22 (Table 4.1) Letting Fu) =e L [lirwrre-2 [7+ Letting ow = Jy and consequently ds = hyde ria Vie 1 a aaa. Brov8 ~ Io 4.6-2 Consider a signal HO =sine(kt) and F(w) = Bp= J snctunan 2 fF fe (S)] 463° IF /2(0) cm A(u), then the output ¥(u) = A(w)H(w), where H(w) is the lowpass iter transfer function (Fig. $4.46). Because this filter band AF — 0, we may express it as an impulse function of area 4rQF. Thus, H(w) = UA F]6(w) and ¥(u) = [br A(s)AF|6(w) = [4 AOAFA(W) Here we used the property f(2)6(2) = f(0)4(z) (Ea. (1.23a)]. This yields u(t) = 2A)AF Next, because f2(t) ¢=> A(w), we have aw = f Pleat so that A(0) [ Plat = By Hence, y(t) = 28 ,AF. try aad x AIA S12 D ras- $ o> aT Oe Fig. 46-3 4.64 Rec that HO = ze [area ana [pine at = F-w) Therfore [normed £ [001 fete aie HE peif nmetaiae= 2 [ n-ontra Interchanging the roles of f(t) and f2(t) in the above development, we can show that [Cnontos= % [7 renee 4.6-5 Application of duality property (Eq. (4.1)] to pair 3 (Table 4.1) yields ‘The signal eneray Is given by Bb [ amemtaante fe Es ‘The enerzy contained within the band (010) w= [ae 2m 16 By = 0906, then e788 001 mo Wr = 2802 rays = 2888 4.7-1 (i) For m(t) = cos 10008 = m(t) 608 19,000 = cos 1000¢ cos 10, 00t 1 ‘lgo5 9000s + cos 11,0004 (li) For m(t) = 2c0s 10008 + cos 2000¢ Pose-sc(t) = m(t) €0810,000t = [2.c05 1000¢ + cos 2000t| cos 10, 000% cos 9000¢ + c0511.000¢ + Zfcos 8000 + 0s 12, 000%] = coor + obo + ont, 00+ Hon, 0 — eee Se i) For m(t) = cos 1000¢ cos 30008 = m(t 0s 10,0008 = 3 {cos 2000¢ + cos 4000t] cos 10, 000¢ = Hwee +n 00 + e000 + cn ¥en + conn + or 200-0400 ‘This information is summarized in a table below. Figure S4.7-1 shows various spectra. Mio? Modulated signal speetwn ay w 1 o> f o> ars Sipe tov 1 1, ARO 8 ttt tt 14 > aK -oK- BR SLO BR aK TR thee att tt t ~ AK OT aK HK “iv 712K -3 ER e t ae aR s] \ aK Fig. $4721 55 Tass | Baseband frequency | DSB Requency [LSB Frequency | USE frequency ] i 1000 9000 and 11,000 9000 | 11.000 000 2000 and 11-500] 9000 11.000 7000 3000 and 12,000 T8000 [12,000] i 72000 BOOT and 13.000 | 8000 12,000] 060 600 anc 14.000 | 6600 [14.000] 4.7.2 (a) The signal at point bis fat) = mt) 206? set m(t)[Reosuct+ $ coset] ‘The term 4m(t)coset is the desired modulated signal, whose spectrum is centered at wz. The remaining term }in(t} coset is the unwanted term, which represents the modulated signal with carrier frequency Suse ‘with spectrum centered at 43ue as shown in Fig, $4.7-2. The bandpass filter centered at ue allows to pass the desired term 4yn(t) coswt, but suppresses the unwanted term tm)cos wet. Hence, this system works as desired with the output 2m(t) coswet (b) Figure $4.7-2 shows the spectra at points b ard c. () The minimum usable value of wis 2x in orcer to avoid spectral folding at de @ mit) PO + cos zat] 1 1 Jm(e) + L(t) cost s(t) cos? wet ‘The signal at point b consists of the baseband sigral m(t) and a modulated signal $m(t) cos 2vct, which has a carrier frequency 2uet, not the desired value wet. Both the components will be suppressed by the filter, whose center center frequency is we. Hence, this system will not do the desired job. (c) The reader may verify that the ide ty for cos nusct contains a term coswt when n is odd. This is not true when n is even. Hence, the system works for a cartier cos" wet only when n is odd. Fig. 84.7.2 [f\ a&@ “— x Dm By a@ 4.7-3. This signal is identical to that in Fig. 3.88 with period Tp (instead of 2). We find the Fourier series for this signal as 1,2 focust Hew sts eo si) = 442 fonet- Love ants beset] Hence, y(t), the output of the multiplier is vi) m(t)a(e) 1 mio [S42 (covenants deena +--)] ‘The bandpass filter suppresses the signals m(¢) and m(t)cos nuct for all n # 1. Hence, the bandpass filter output is honest = Bron et 56 4.724 fult) = (A+ m(t)Jcosuet. Hence, {s(0) = [A + {eh} cos? act 1 1 = HA + min] + Hat m(e]eos duet ‘The first term is @ lowpass signal because its spectrum is centered at w= 0. The lowpass iter allows this term to pass, but suppresses the second term, whose spectrum is centered at +2u,. Hence the output of the lowpass filter is y(t) = A+ m(0) When this signal is passed through a de block, the de term A is suppressed yielding the output m(t). This shows that the system can demodulate AM signal regardless of the value of A. This is a synchronous or coherent demodulation, ars @ =2 asm O) 2 sa-0 © 2 «) z ‘This means that 4 = oo represents the DSB-SC case. Figure S4.7-5 shows various waveforms, Fig. $47.5, 4.7-6 To gonerate a DSB-SC signal from m(t), we multiply m(t) with cosust. However, to generate the SSB signals of the same relative magnitude, itis convenient to multiply m(¢) with 2coswet. This also avoids the nuisance of the fractions 1/2, and yields the DSB-SC spectrum M(w—w) + Af(w + we). We suppress the USB spectrum (above we and below we) to obtain the LSB spectrum. Similarly, to obtain the USB spectrum, we suppress the LSB spectrum (between —1e and «-) from the DSB-SC spectrum. Figures S4.7-6 a, b and c show the three (0)From Fig. a, we can express yjs9(t) = €08900t and yga(t) = cos 11008. (b)From Fig. b, we can express 29 (t) = 2c0s700t + cos 900¢ and spt) (c)From Fig. c, we can express ,<9(t) = $[c0s 400¢ + cos 600¢] and 59 (0) 0s 1100¢ + 2.08 1300 4Hleos 1400¢ + 2¢0s 16004 8? a tht tol ff ast ine tt * +t af st gtet, ee Fig. 4.7.6 med ; yooo -— nt? il t= ad ~ 800? en 10 age 10 Io } bes t= i] t= pence) Fig. S481 4.841 In this case F = 10 MHz, mp = 1 and ny For FM AF = kymp/2n = 2n x 108/2n = 10° Ha, Also Fe = 107. Hence, (Fi)max = 107 + 10 (Fimin = 10" — 10° = 9.9 Mitz. The carrer frequency increases linearly from 9.9 MHz to 10.1 MHz over a quarter (rising) cycle of duration a seconds, For the next a seconds, when m(t) = 1, the carrier frequency remains at 10.1 MHz. Over the next quarter (the falling) cycle of duration a, the carrer frequency decreases linearly from 10.1 MH to 9.9 MH2., and over the last quarter eyele, ‘when m(t) = ~1, the carrer frequency remains at 9.9 MHz, This cycles repeats periodically with the period 4a seconds as shown in Fig. S48-1a. For PM AF = kpm)/2n = 50 x 8000/27 = 2.x 10° Hz. Also F_ = 107. Hence, (F;)max = 107 +2 x 10° = 10.2 MHz. and (FiJmin = 107 ~2x 10° = 9.8 MHz, Figure S48-1b shows rn(t). We conclude that the frequency remains at 10.2 MHz aver the (rising) quarter cycle, where shit) = 8000. For the next a seconds, a(t) = 0, and the carrier frequency remains at 10 MHz, Over the next « seconds, where rn(t) = —8000, the carrier frequency remains at 9.8 MHz. Over the last quarter cycle sn(t) = 0 again, and the carrier frequency remains at 10 MHz. This cycles repeats periodically with the period 4a seconds as shown in Fig, S4.8-1 3000. 10.1 MHz. and 4.8-2 In this case Fe = 1 MHz, my = 1 and mn = 2000. For FM ar 20,000n/2x = 104 Ha. Also Fe = 1 MHz. Hence, (Fi)max = 10° + 104 = 1.01 Mitz, and 0.99 Miz, The carrer frequency rises linearly from 0.99 MHz to 1.01 MHz over the cycle (over the interval ~19=* < ¢ < 1952), ‘Then instartaneously, the carrer frequency falls to 0.99 MHz and starts rising linearly to 10.01 MH over the next cycle. The cycle repeats periodically with period 10~* as shown in Fig. $4.8-2a For PM Here, because m(t) has jump discontinuities, we shall use a direct approach. For convenience, we select the origin for m(t) as shown in Fig. S4.8-2. Over the interval 19* to 10%, we can express the message signal as ‘m(t) = 20008. Hence, 1 mit) Wri Meat ; ; . i 40 dP ; i Fig. $4.8-2 Youll) cos [2x(10)%e + Fm(e)] on [2n(10)%t + 5.20004] 05 [25(10)% + 1000z¢] = cos [2x (108 + 500) ¢) A the amount of jump is mg = 2. Hence, the phase discontinuity is kymg = x. Therefore, the carrier frequency is constant throughout at 10° + 500 H2. But at the points of discontinuities, there is a phase discontinuity of x radians as shown in Fig. 34.8-2b. In this case, we must maintain kp < x because there is a discontinuity of the amount 2. For kp > , the phase discontinuity will be higher than 2r giving rise to ambiguity in demodulation, 4.8: In thie case ky = 10008 and ky = 1. For 200 sin 100¢ ~ 36,000 sin 2000xt 08 1004 +18 cos 200% and rat) 36,000% +200. Also the baseband signal bandwidth B = 2000x/2r = 1 kHz, 0,000, and Bene = (AF + B) = 2(20,000 + 1000) = 42 kHz 13806366 kHz 8,000 + 12 He, and Bras = 2(AF + B) = 2(18,031.88 + 1000) 1000%/2x = 1000 Hz. Also, 484 10 cos(wet + 0.1 sin 2000xt). Here, the baseband signal bandwidth B w(t) = we + 200% c08 2000 (AF + B) = 2(100-+ 1000) = 2.2 KH. ‘Therefore, Aw = 200r and AF = 100 He and Bw 48-5 veu(t) = 5 cos(uct +20 sin 1000xt + 10 sin 200022), Hece, the baseband signal bandwidth B = 2000r/2x = 1000 Hz. Also, Je + 20,0007 cos 1000x¢ + 20,000 cos 2000z¢ 20 kHz and Bey = 214F +B) walt) ‘Therefore, Aw = 20,000 +20, 000% 42 Kells, 2(20, 000 +1000) 40, 000r ard. 59 Chapter 5 Sal-L_ ‘The bandwidths of f(t) sud fa(t) are 100 ktle and 150 kia, respectively. Therefore the Nyquist sampling rates for s(t) in 200 kite and for f(t) ix 300 ke Also f:2(0) => Fu) « Fy(w). and from the width property of convolution the bandwidth of f(t) is twice the bandwidth of f(t) and that of f(t) i three times the bandwidth of fat) (se also Prob, 43-10). Similarly the handwidth of f:(t)J(¢) isthe sum of the bandwidth of fx() and fa(t). Therefore the Nyquist rate for f(t) is 400 kia. for f24(0 i 900 KH, for fa(0)falt) is 500 Kia 52 (a) sinc*(100rt) 3 0.010 a3) ‘The bandwidth of this signal is 200 + rad/s or 100 Hz. The Nyquist rate is 200 Hz (samples/sec) (b) The Nyquist rate is 200 He, the same as in (a), because multiplieation of a signal by a constant does not change its bandwidth, © sine(1O0st) + 3sine*(6Oxt) <=> 0.01 ret si) + ACh ‘The bandwidth of rct( xz) is 50 Ha and that of A(z) is 60 Ha. The bandwidth of the sum is the higher of the two, that i, 60 Ha. ‘The Nyquist sampling rate i 130 Ha @ sinc(60xt) <=> 0.02eet(iie) sinc(100xt) <=> 0.01 ret( fe) ‘The two signals have bandwidths 25 Hz and 50 Hz respectively. The spectrum of the product of two signals is 1/2r times the convolution oftheir spectra. From width property of the convolution, the width of the convoluted signal is the sum of the widths of the signals convolved. Therefore, the bandwidth of sine(SOnt)sine(120r¢) is 25 +50= 75 Hz. The Nyquist rate is 150 Ha. 5.18 ‘The spectrum of f(t) = sine(200xt) is F(w) = 0.005 rect( zz). The bandwidth of this signal is 100 He (2007 rai/s). Consequently, the Nyquist rate is 200 He, that is, we must sample the signal at a rate no less than 200 samples/second Recall that the sampled signal spectrum consists of (1/T)F(w) = 2688 rect(aiiz) repeating periodicaly with period equal to the sampling frequency F, Ha. We present this information in the folowing Table for three sampling rates: F, = 150 He (undersampling), 200 He (Nyquist rate), and 300 Hz (oversampling). sampling fequency Fs [ sampling interval? | PFCs) [comments] 150 Hz 0.006667 0.75 reet (aif) | Undersampling | 200 He 0.005 rect (aiiz) | Nyquist Rave | “300 He 0.008334 TS rect (ai) | Oversampling | ‘The spectra of Fw) for the three cases are shown in Fig. $5.1-3. In the first case, we cannot recover f(t) from the sampled signal because of overlapping cycles, which makes it impossible to identify F(w) fom t corresponding Fw). Inthe second and the third case, the repeating spectra do not overlap, and its posible to recover F(4) from Fs) ating lowpass ltr of bandwith 10 Hef the last cae the spectrum F(a) = 0 ver the band between 100 and 200 Ha. Hence to recog Fe) we may se practical lowpva ter with gral cutoff between 100 and 200 Hz. The output in the second case is f(t), and in the third case ix 1.5 f(t). The ‘output spectra in the three cases are shown in Fig. $5.13. i 5.1-4 (a) When the input to this filter is (¢), the output of the summer is 6(t) — 6(¢ — T). This acts 8 the input to ‘the integrator. And, h(t), the output of the integrator is: et y a ne) = f(r) = 87 = PI] dr = ult) = alt= 7) =e ( slse response h(t) is shown in Fig. $5.14, Gy A tak? fini of this Crent = reine“) e771 H(s) = ( a ) and or wwtan=7 ine(F)| ‘The amplitude response ofthe flter is shown in Fig. $5.L-4. Observe that the fer is a lovpase fier of ‘Fit Napulse laponng of the crcl lar pulse. Wh ed signals applied a ‘4 ute rapes of tn et i a rectangular pute. When a sampled signals applied at te inp enc sande genrals rectanpilar pub ot tne oufput Beopontonal tp the eoresbonding sample tae. Hence the Sutpit a saireane approximation of the imput as'shown in Fig. S9.14e. St 17 we ar Tt Z z Figure $5.1-4 51-8 (a) Figure $5.1-50 shows the signal reconstruction from its samples using the first-order bol circuit, Each erate ike rte dt Ten cnet fete empl aa.‘ hig ofthe tase seal to the sample value. The resulting signal consists of straight line segments joining the sample to (b) The transfer fimetion of ths ere is eit ine ee n ns pie nors. Ha) = FUm0) = F {a (sh) = Paine (2 Becaase H(u) is positive for all wit aso represets the driplitude response Fig. $5.1-Sb shows the impulse response h(t) = A( ip). The corresponding amplitude response H(w) and the ideal amplitude response (lowpass) ged ft vigoal FLennsuston hows n Big 98.86 Peer Tea alee fs Mead tof 0) causal (realizable). Such delay would cme the reconstructed signal in Fig, $5.1-5a to be delayed by T' secs. (Gy Wie the eat ta the tea ie te SU then ab Shown in Prob, 5-4, its output i a rectangular pulse Plt) = u(t) ~ u(t 7) shown in Fig. S5.1-4a, ‘This pulse p(¢) is applied to the input of the second sential filter 61 ‘The output ofthe summer ofthe second filter spt) pt 7) = u(t)—2u(¢—7) + u(t 27), which isa pled to's imtegrtor” The output hy of se negra the aa unde (Ot) hic " em fle) Aube 1) + ale = 20) de = te) — 20 T)t =) #0 BCE 27) = shown in Fig. $5.1-5b. ney 10 FF Figure $5.1.5, Fle) ous7 os 1 | l + eo HES BO Sig Figure 5.1.6 5.1-6 Thesignal f(t) = sine(200xt) is sampled by a rectangular pulse sequence pr(¢) whose period is 4 ms so that the fundamental frequency (which is also the sampling frequency) is 250 Hz. Hence, w, = 500x. The Fourier series for pr(t) is given by Prlt) = Co+ Sn cosnunt Use of Eqs. (8.68) yielts Co= , Cu = 2 sin (ME), that is, Co=02, Cr= 0.374, Cz= 0808, Cy=0.202, Cy=0.003, Cs Consequently Fie) = sOpr(e) = 02 F(t) + 0.374f(e) cos 500Kt + 0.303 f(t) cos 1000%t + 0.202 f(t) cos 1800Rt + and F(w) =0.2F(u) + 0.187 (Fw ~ 500r) + F(u + 500%)] + 0.151 [Fs — 1000n) + F(w + 1000%)] + 0.101 [F Ge ~ 1500n) + Fw + 1800%)] + In the present case F(u) = 0.05 ect(zifz). ‘The spectrum F(x) is shown in Fig. 851-6. Observe that the spectrum consists of Fw) repeating periodically at the interval of 500r rad/s (250 Ha). Hence, there is no ‘overlap between cycles, and F(c) can be recovered by using an ideal lowpass Alter of bandwidth 100 Hz. An idea lowpass filter of unit gain (and bandwidth 100 Ha) will allow the fst term ou the he right-side of the above equation to pass fully and suppres all the other terms. Hence the output y(t) is u(t) = 0.240) 62 5.1-10 hit =pee) Ts 0.025 (a ~eT 4oT Om Figure 85.1-7 Because the spectrum Fl) has a 2ero valve in the band from 100 to 150 Hz, we cau use an ideal lowpass fiter of bandwidth B Hz where 100 < B < 150. But if B > 150 Hz, the filter will pick up the unwanted spectral components from the next eycle, and the ontput will be distorted, ‘The signal /(), when sampled by an impulse train, results in the sampled signal f(t)ér(¢) (as shows in ig. 5.1). If this rigual i transmitted through a filter (Fig. 8.1-7a) whose impute response is M(t) = p(t) = tect (pe) then each impulse in the input will generate a pulse p(t) resulting in the desiced sampled signal shown in Fig 51-7. Moreover, the spectrum of the impulse train /()6r(t) is $3.79, Fl ~ nas). Hence, the output of the fiter in Fig, $5.1-Ta is Fw) Hw) [: ¥ Fe ~] whers H(w) = P(w) = 0.025 sine), the Fourier transform of rect (gop). Figure S6.1-7b shows this spectrum consisting of the repeating spectrum F(w) multiplied by H(.) = 0.083sine (35). Thus, each cycle is somewhat distorted ‘To recover the signal (0) from the flat top samples, we reverse the process in Fig. $5.1, Fltst, we pase the sampled signal through a filter with transfer function 1/H()- Thia will yield the signal samped by impulse train. Now we pass this signal through an ideal lowpass filter of bandwidth B Hz to obtain f(t) (a) The bandwidth is 15 kHz, The Nyquist rate is $0 kia (b) 65536 = 2°, so that 16 binary digits are needed to encode each san (e) 20000 x 16 = 480000 bits/s. (A) 44100 x 16 = 705600 bits/s. (a) The Nyquist rate ie 2x 4.5 x 10° =9 MHz. The actual sampling rate = 1.2 x 9 = 10.8 MHz, (b) 1024 = 2", so that 10 bits or binary pulses are eeded to encode each sample. (@) 10.8 x 10° x 10 = 108 x 10° or 108 Mbits/s. ‘Assume a signal f(t) that is simultaneously timelimited and bandlimited. Let F(s) = Ofor |u| > 2B. Therefore F (o)ect( zl) = Fw) for BY > B. Therefore from the time-convolution property (4.42) Jd) = Je) + 2B'sine(2nB"0)| = 2B" f(t) sine(2xB't) Because f(t) is timelimited. f(t) = 0 for |e] > T. But f(t) is equal to convolution of f(t) with sino(2rB't) which is nor timelimited. It is impossible to obtain a time-limited signal from the convolution of a time-limited signal with non-timelimited signal. To= 20ms ef x B= 10000 Hence F, > 21 Since No must be a power of 2, we choose Na = 512. Also T = S0ys, and Ty = NoT = 512 x Sts = 25.6ms, Fo =1/To = 39.0625 Hz. Since f(t) is of 10 ms duration, we need zero padding over 15.6 ins. Alternatively, we could also have used 5.2-2. For the signal f(¢), 6 Let us choose T = 1/8. Also Tp = 4. Therefore, No = To/T = 32. The signal f(t) repeats every 4 seconds with samples every 1/8 second. The samples are T (AT) = (1/8)f(k/8). Thus, the first sample is (at k = 0) 1x (1/8) = 1/8. The 32 samples are (starting at k = 0) Be Be Be a Be A 0 0.0, 0,0,0,0, 9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 25, 35. Boas Be ‘The samples of f(t) and 9(¢) are shown in Fig, $5.2-2. 5.23 1 jort (a) We take the folding frequency F, to be the frequency where |F()| is 1% of its peak value, which happens tobel (at w=0). Hence, £00) = e“*u(o) FG 01 su= 2B Fels? 00 ‘This yields B = 50/x, and T < 1/2B = x/100. Let us round T to 0.03125, resulting in 32 samples per second. ‘The time constant of e~' is 1. For To, a reasonable choice is 5 to 6 time constants or more. Value of To = 5 or 6 results in No = 160 or 192, neither of which is a power of 2. Hence, we choose Ty = & resulting in No =32 x 8 = 256, which is a power of 2 ©) WF) = We take the folding frequency F, to be the 99% energy frequency as explained in Bxample 4.16. From the results in Example 4.16, (with a = 1) we have SEF tant 5 W = 63.660 = 63.66 rad/s. ‘This yields 8 = HE = 10.13 Ha. Ato T < 1/28 = 0.04096. This reaults in the sampling rate } = 20.26 Hs ‘Also Tp = 8 as explained in part (a). This yields No = 20.26 x 8 = 162.08, which is not a power of 2. Hence, we ‘choose the next higher value, that is No = 256, which yields T = 0.03125 and To = 8, the same as in part (a). 5.24 a eT Application of duality property to pair 3 (Table 4.1) yields Wo 6 Following the approsch of Prob. 5.2-2, we find that the peak value of |F(w)| = 2re~!+! is 2x (occurring at w = 0). Also, 2re~™! becomes 0.01 x 2 (1% of the peak value ) at w =n 100 = 4.605. Hence, B = 4605/2~ = 0.73% Ha, and T < 1/2B = 0.682, Also, £(0) tod 2 and sy = 2 Cheese To (the duration of f(t)) to be the instant where f(t) is 1% of £(0) 2 2 War P= ‘This results in No = To/T = 10/0.682 = 14.66. We choose No = 16, which is a power of 2. This sields T = 0.625 and To = 10. (b) The energy of this signal is S(T) = se [Perms ‘The energy within the band from w = 0 to W is given by ant ew= Ef ae = 2m But Bw = 0.996; = 0,99 « 2x. Hence, 0.99(2n) = 2x(1-e”) => W = Hence, B = W/2r = 0.366 Ha. Thus, T < 1/2B = 1.366. Also, Ty = 10 as found in part (a). Hence, No = To/T lect No = 8 (a power of 2), resulting in No = 8 and T= 1.25, Figure $5.2-5 5.2-5 The widths of f(t) and o(t) are 1 and 2 respectively. Hence the width of the convolved signal is L+2 = 3. This ‘means we need to 2ero-pad f(t) for 2 secs. and 9(¢) for 1 sec., making Tp = 3 for both signals. Since T = 0.125 _3 mr [No must be a power of 2. Choose No = 32. This permits us to adjust Ta to 4. Hence the final values are T=0.125 and Tp = 4, The samples of f(t) and 9(¢) are shown in Fig. $5.2-5. No 4 Chapter 6 61-1 (a) S(t) = u(t) = wl) + “! F(6)= [ etae= — ‘ = lo 1 ante yi aipe) Note that the result is valid forall values of s; hence the region of convergence is the entire splane, The abscissa of convergence is a0 = ~c. () o $0) = te*ule) veto = pap et Dee 4 ~ (s+iP provided that e~(°+" = 0 or Re (s +1) > 0. Hence the abscissa of convergence is Re (s) > =1 or a9 > ~1. (e) J =teosunta() F(s) teoswote" dt - { [vcorm seca} 1 1 “3 [eter asian] Ra(}oo (+03? (a) He) = (A= elt) Fin “fe. aye wpe ele ae ‘We get the frst term only if Re ¢ > 2, and we get the second term only if Re (s) > =1. Both conditions will be satisfied if Re (s) > 2 oF a9 > 2. Hence: ) provided that Re (s) > 0. 0 ) (ny Fs) = S(t) = 7 cos(5t + )u(0) L ppmeesise4a) 4 gatas 2 fematsnn 4 grarasere) 61-2 (a) () F(s) [sneer tanm FE (sine — cont) ues or © (@) mts 245 FO= Fy5ee8 ~ GDH Se) = (e+ eal) (ey +5 FO) = Tease Here A= 8, B =5,0=2,¢=13,b= VIS=4=3. © (+0? (s+? Hra-6 G+OG-F ‘Thisis an improper fraction with by = by = 1. ‘Therefore F(s 2,5 02 , 32 POS S34 al ayat aad Id) = H(t) + (8.26 — 0.2e* u(t) (@) F(s) FerH To find k set # = 1 on both sides to obtain Gakt25+h b= -125 and 25 | 1.25 Fa)s 4 tae f(t) = 1.25(-1 + 2t + em )u(t), (e) 241 m1, ase GHG ERED "set Fes ‘Multiply both sides by s and let # ~+ 00. This yields F(s) 02-144 = Aad Setting # = 0 on both sides yields In the second fraction, A eo + VB et cos(t — 63.4°)}u(t) o 42 "ert F(s) vt To compute &, multiply both sides by s and let « — 00. ‘This yields =2tk+0 =e ke and 1 FO=S-s31- GF S(t) = [2 (24 the]ule) (s) 1 1 ka ks 1 F0)= Gayest * a4 542 * Gadi Gs Multiplying both sides by s and let s ~ 00. TThis yields lth = fa by 1 Gam * Gp Ge Geer a TT Setting «= 0 and ~3 on both sides yields Bal-d+ ee B-b de tes che-btithis-1 ey Solving these two equations simultaneously yields ky = ky = 1. Therefore 14 1 1 1 MOS S17 a53” GF GB GF ey 2m Ho alet ates S4 De Mule) ‘Comment: This problem could be tackled in many ways. We could have used Eq. (B.64b), or after determining first two coefficients by Heaviside method, we could have cleared fractions. Also instead of letting s = 0 and 3, we could have selected any other set of values. However, in this case these values appear most suitable for smumerical work. ) ott (1/20), ky (2), Ast FOR GEM eaH steed * HORT ears Multiplying both sides by s and let s — oo yields O=btktA = Setting # = 1 and —1 yields +h ht Ae = ret 6A+oR=—5 Btk+ y+ 42 = 20k-10A4 108 = & o Solving these three equations in k, A and B yields k= —}, A= $ and B 6 oz For the last fraction in parenthesis on the right-hand side A= 1, B= —1,a J) = Uy = Y= 2 @ « k PO) = GaGa eH eT ea UE ey +2 * Gea 3 : ya Multiply both sides by s and let s ~+ 20 to obtain Setting s = 0 and 1 yields Fl) = For the last fraction in parenthesis, A ‘Therefore @) and (b) © @ we LG sO = 1ak+a 3/4 4/4 1s 10 Fem) 10,a=1,e=5,b= VST =2 ( wet Grip ta B= Det a J = w(t) — u(t) F(s) = Clu(e)] - cule 1)] Hult 7) <6 a 0 = tan“"(B) = 71.56" he coslt +71.56")}u(t) = b+ 4B=5 16k +4445 =3 } A= }and 8 559 0 tan"'(Hf) = 70° cos(2t + 70°)}u(t) (8 ~ t) + 1.8975 cos(2t + 70°)]etu(t) ©) He) = tetult =r) = (C= eu =H) H [eee 7) + rele 9] Therefore [te gt Fs) way” ta ee ne res 0) Gri? ( ste Note that this is sinuot shifted by 7; hence Jnwo(t ~ r)u(t =r) Fo) = ® HO) = sinuo(t— r)u(t) = sinaot cosuor ~ coswotsinur]ult) = wacesur — ssinwor F() = aces ro) I(t) = sinutut— 1) = singel 7+ r]ule— 7) coswo7 sinfau(t— rlu(t~ 7) + sinaoreosluo(t~ r)}u(t 7) ‘Therefore Fo)= [rmsor (a + sinwor (=e)] o- 62.2 (a) H(t) = thu) = w(t = 1] = eu) = (€ = Yue 1) = ate 1) FO ) int u(t) +sin(t x) u(t x) eter Fos giyate™) © H(t) = Hult) = W(¢= 1] + eFu(e= 1) tut) — (¢— 1)u(e 1) ~ u(e= 1) + eFeMule— 1) Therefore F(s) = 3a - 6.2.3 (a) (25+ 5)en™ eres F(s)= tis clear that f(t) = f(t —2) n () Also © where ‘Therefore (a) where Moreover 50 ds+5, 1 PO) = Fyas46 ~ TFT FE TES F(t) = (e+e )ult) $0) = FO = 2) = [eM 4 eMule — 2) a 2 yore + ART Fls)= = Fi(s)e"™ + Fals) a=) an“(1) Silt) = VBe"* cos(t + §) 2 Pl) = Baad and a(t) = 2e"tsint 1 =) + Alt) = VIN cost — 3 + F)u(t 3) + 26 sine u(t) eF(s)e~" + Fale) 1 Le Tg amd fle) = Fetsingen(e) 3 e+ sod ft) = de ainae) Slt) = efalt 1) + falt) = fe0Y sine — nt 1) + Jetsin2eu(0) teeta msg ote 1 Fo Sige ee 0 aaa seteeten fy P(s) = (e+ 7" + IPI) ‘we -t PO TT ae (t- 1) + fle -2) + Fle) = fe MN ule — 1) + fe ED — eMule = 2) + (Mul. 6.24 (a) a(t) = S(t) + fle — To) + f(t 2Ta) + G(s) = F(s) + F(s)e™* + F(s)e""™ + = F(a) ee ET ge HT (b) A(t) = u(t) — u(t 2} and Fs) = 5 — Ge) = 25 Par? wo fF sede om dey =t Pair 3 . y= [word b= 5 Pair 4: Use successive integration of ¢u(t) Pair 5: From frequency-shifting (6.33), we have ue and eMule) > > Pair 6: Because 1 tu(t) = Zand te u(t) = Pair 7: Apply the same argument to u(t), €u(th ..., and s0 on. Pair 8a: — % conten) = Hom ee ome ( 1 5 wa) 7 FF air 8b: Same way as the pair 8a Pair 92: Application of the frequency-shift propesty (6.33) to pair 8a cosbt u(t) <=> srpx yields sta ware cost ult) > Pair 9b: Similar to the pair 9a, Pairs 10a and 10b: Recognize that re"* con (6t+ 6) = re“ [cos Deos bt sin Osin be] Now use results in pai @O 9a and 9b to obtain pair 10a. Pair 10b is equivalent to pair 10a. g $ = 5-0-2) sF(s)=1 F(s) a (e) F = u(t) aut —2) + 20(t- 3) a Bee ior) =o] Fle) = B= ae + 26-4) 6.341 (a) (Peaeayri =a) O) 25~ 1) +AUSY(s) = 2) +4Y (9) = (64 DE (7 #4544¥(9) = 20410 and 2410 _ 24102 YO)= Wyaeed = Gaye Fed u(t) = (2+ 6e*u(e) © (6°¥(6) ~ 8=1) + 6(5¥ (6) ~ 1) + 25¥ (6) = (042) 2 4520450 and [2+ 5.8366 "* cos(4t ~ 99.86°)]u(¢) 6.3-2 (a) All intial conditions are zero. The zero-input response is zero. ‘The entite response found in Prob, 6.5-2a is 2erorstate response, that is Ue += ene) a(t (b) The Laplace transform of the differential equation is (6°Y (0) = 26~ 1) 4 4(6Y (6) ~ 2) +4Y (9) = (6 +E (2? +45+4)¥(9)~ (2049) =1 (8 44544)Y(5) = 2649 +2 ‘nm ape +9 Y= raed oe 2S 1 "Sey ay aa (= ase Ms wo™ WO Ox ee ” (c) The Laplace transform of the equation is (2¥(9)—— 1) +664) - 9 428409 = 35+ B (7 465425) (0) = p47 4254 0 set shees0 YO) = ay Gs435 5(s? + Gs + 25) Frere *G+ aT eeR) u(t) = [VFe- cos(4t ~ §)] + [2 + 5.154e* con(ae ~ 112.83°)] Eee” 6.3-5 (a) Laplace transform of the two equations yields (+3)¥1(3) ~ 2¥9(s) = ~2¥(3) + (25 +) ¥a(s) Using Cramer's rule, we obtain Yas) = — 842 42 W218 1/6 AO)= AEGEH "HET NOTH = aT ate 4 1a sR Ws) = Tagesh ~serlet aD ~ earl teed and “ule u(t) wl = (5-3 n= (b= det he If H(s) and Has) are the transfer functions relating y(t) and ya(t), respectively to the input f(t), thus 242 1 Feed MO) Tae (b) The Laplace transform of the equations are Hi) (0-4 2)Yi(s) ~ (2+ VAG) (6+ MCS) + s+ YAL6 Application of Cramer's rule yields mal + 41 ora _ 0.276 MNS SGEE Is HT) oS FOII(S FZOIB) 5 FFOIR T+ 2018 Yale) = #2 42 21894 0.1056 HO) = GEES FT) ~ HGF OSRs FROG) 3 +03 F+2018 a4t #42 Frsei tO = ay yTT 1 ~ 0.724609" — 9.2760" u(t) (2 18046"89%* — 9 1056") u(t) , the loop equations 6.84 At ¢= 0", the inductor current yi(0) = 4 and the capacitor voltage is 16 volts. After 5 in _ pdm - 2B + (0) — tle) = 40 ° ano 2288 sano [Unter if ~ “ : a inf} = Hl), s¥i(s)—4 walt) = Vals), r Laplice transform of the loop equations are ¥Ya(s) 16 walr)dr ome Lya(e) + 8 2(s¥a(s) ~ 4) ~ 26¥(s) + 5¥i(s) ~ 4¥a(8) ~2(0¥(s) ~ 4) ~ 4¥i(s) + 26¥3(8) + 4¥2(s) ats) + 38 or ar 9%) - rs or a5+® (28+ N¥i(6) + (25444 Dale) = -8— Cramer's rule yields n(t) = [8 + 17.897 cos($ - 26.56°)}u(t) (6+ 2) YO = Gry a4 25) alt) = 20/96 cosl$ = $a) 635) atts (b) siti ©) sky 6.9-6 (a) &y Fest sey =Lrsr0 ” @& a @, 4 £4 oot os ain Loo +5109 (©) ey a 6.3-7 (a) (i) F(s) = by and 145 cr) u(t) = (8e“™ - 3e“ — ate“ u(t) Gi) FQ)= Ay vl) 645 Mer sHera w(t) = Bo — 264 Foul ¥(s) 76 6.3.8 63-9 6.3-10 ‘The input here is the input in (ii) delayed by 5 secs. Therefore F(s) st5 i 52 Geaesaera ea 3 tw WO = FBP 2M) JerMD YEE 5) yo) ee (iv) The input here is equal to the input in (if) multiplied by e# because e~$(*-9) = ee, Therefore the output is equal to the output in (ii) multiplied by e? wl) 2 ¢--D)ult 5). (¥) The input here is equal to the input in (ii) multiplied by e-# hecause e~**u(e ~ 5) Therefore 2(e-8) _ eM 4 feME—D ule — 5) 1o2s+3) _6 $2) 5 Fees +9:226"* con(2t ~190.6°)}ut) ¥(s) = ut () F(t) = u(t —5) and F{s) = Leo 2643 06, 1 (_-65+8 )) ros gna Sta a] ult) ) cos{2(t - 5) ~ 130.6°]}u(t ~ 5) Fis) = aay 1 oa od (1) ae YO= gaan 8h sd (0 (010 = peo [e+e (3)]) ato (a) Let H(s) be the system transfer function. ¥(s) = F(s)H(s) Consider an input f(t) = f(t). Then Fi(«) = sF(4). Ifthe output is y(t) and its transform is ¥(s), then ¥i(s) = Fi(s)H(s) = sF(s)H(s) = s¥(s) ‘This shows that y(t) = dy/at. (b) Using similar argument we show that forthe input f¢ f(r) dr, the output is f*y(r) dr. Because u(t is an Integral of 64), the unit step response isthe integral of the unit impulse response h(t). Fig. $6.4-4 6.4-1 Figure $6.4-1 shows the transformed network. The loop equatious are cebu b= aa -nosterte nto Cramer's rule yields Ya(s) ol (tet — 6.4.2. Before the switch is opened, the inductor current is 5A, that is y(0) = 5. Figure $6.4-2b shows the transformed circuit for t > O with inital condition generator. The current ¥/(s) is given by ye Ss u(t) = (5 — Per™/yu(ey 6.4-3. The impedance seen by the source f(¢) is Wo/s)+5 _ 5e4 10 _ 2 | ‘The current ¥(s) is given by (a) vonm ply ead v= Asay & Fol= es, v= Ay an vy = Aw 8 6.44 At £=0, the steady-state values of currents y1 and ys is vx(0) = 2, v0) Figure S6.4-4 shows the transformed circuit for ¢ > 0 with initial condition generators. The loor equations are 6 (s+ 2)¥i(5) ~ Vals) = 2+ ~Yi(s) + (5+ 2)¥als) Cramer's rule yields 24 Ms 412 4) = Gs He+s) $4546 Yale) s(s + 1)(s +3) nie walt) = (2 = depute) + Fe%)ute) 6.4.5 The current in the 2H inductor at ¢ shown in Figure $6.45 for ¢ > 0 is 10A. The transformed circuit with initial condition generators is vile) = CEE20. _ 200+ 10 WN ETS etter Here A= 1, B=05, b= 168 0 = tan" 5h) = -311° nt) = BOI n68}e! oa( Ae — 31.1") u(t) = 7.78Te~"/* cos( lt ~ 31.1°)u(t) ‘The voltage vs(t) across the switch is (20810) _ 2007 + Ns +05) Breet 3 eg t ay =f, 82, 1 sort = Bf zh alt) = B6(t) + 10 + 9.045¢°*/ cos( Ee — 152.2°]u(t) We) = (64 HY) 6.4-6 Figure $6.46 shows the transformed circuit with mutually coupled inductor replaced by their equivalents (sce Fig. 6.14b). The loop equations are (64 1)%i(s) ~ 26¥0(s) ~26Y4(6) + (4s + 1)¥a(s) =0 Cramer's rule yields 19 rT it LEBVO = t 2 St 7g £ 37° = SMe H af 2 js [a s +3 ‘ * Fig. $8.47 40 Goa and ‘vo(t) = va(t) = 40e~/*u(e) 6.47 Figure $6.47 shows the transformed circuit with parallel form of initial condition generators, The admittance W(s1 seen by the source is woo Seas ‘The voltage across terminals ab is re gett C $a Also ast vate a i oF + ae + 18) and volt) = 1.7166~* cos(3e + 29°)u(t) Fig. 56.4.8 6.4.8 The capacitor voltage at ¢ = 0 is 10 volts. ‘The inductor current is zero. The transformed circuit with initial condition generators is shown for t > 0 in Fig. $6.48. ‘To determine the current ¥(s), we determine Zas(s), the impedance seen across terminals aby oe 1 Be48 Also ¥(s)= a o0(4s +11) Te 30(ds + 11) "aye = 304s + 10) ~ Gere. het | 121.61 yeas 57653 and y(t) = [121.61e-** ~ 1.61e7?™Ju(t) Fig. 58.4.9 6.4-9 Figure $6.49 shows the transformed circuit (with noninverting op amp replaced by its equivalent as shown in Fig 6.16) from Fig. $6.4-0a ‘Therefore 1 Ry =ae KaueE Similarly for the circuit in Fig. P6.4-9b, we can show (see Fig. $6.4-9) wo=Ae 0 ne)= BE Fig. 88.410 6.4-10 Figure $6.4-10 shows the transformed circuit. The op amp input voltage is Vz(s) ~ 0. The loop equations are 10) + (S + 1h) ~ fas) = FC) 2+ (+ Din) - Ho) a Cramer's rule yields As+6)_p, = ite) no= EGO. no= ES ve) ‘The transfer function 64-11 (a) 6s? 436410 SOFT OTS W(0") = lim s¥(s) =3 (oe) = lim s¥ (=) = 2 (b) 65? + 35410 GF Rs +65 +5) (0°) = lim s¥(s) =3 ¥()= (oo) 6.5-1 (a) The loop equations are 4h-2h= 2h +6 (Cramer's rule yields ns) = ZF and ¥(s) = 2ha(s) = ‘Therefore H(s) = } not 4 ©) (Cramer's rule yields 82 682 66-1 60-2 Foam Fe Ye) Fe fe) Fig. $6.01 In this case H() is very close to 1/4, This is because the second ladder section causes a negligible load on the first. ‘The Cascade rule applies only when the successive subsystems do not load the preceding subsystems. ‘To determine the impulse response of either system, we apply f(t) = 6(¢) at the input. The output yt) is, by definition, the impulse response. For series connection (Fig. 6.186), if we apply f(t) = 6(t) at the input, the output of H(s) is hy(¢). This signal is applied to the input of Ha(s) with impulse response ha(t)- Hence, the output of H2(s) is h(t) = h(t) * hal?) For parallel connection (Fig. 6.18c), if we apply f(t) = 6(t) at the input, the outputs of Hy(s) and Ha(s) are /ny(t) and ha(t), and the output of the summer is h(t) = hi(t) + hal?) ) 8) FA)- bss? + bas? + brs + bo Fags? + 038 + 00 i Bee IFT aes TT Also He) = with a9 = 12, a parallel realizations. @) and bo = 0, by = 2, ba = 1. Figure $6.6-1 shows the canonical, series and 3(s+2) 34 tag 7 eee: (Sh) Gta H()= 83 e-oros sonst, Cinoses Fou momen Foun 66-3 6.64 psy i i et fe wl é Fa) fi 7 = SQLS TIT cree be 7H Ler i OE Fes) \ xo) a y E AM nee i rent to aI Fig: 80.05 and 88.6.6 orth canna form, we have ao = 2; = 4.01 =3, and by = 0, = 6, hy 3. Figure $6620 shows a eanonical, cascade and parallel realizations, Note that the roots of s? + 2s +2 are complex. therefore, the quadratic term must be realized directly. ©) ds~4 2e~4 HO)= GEG TD ~ BTR TaTS 26-2) “ay For a canonical forms, we have ao = 8, a: = 4,a2 = 2, and by = ~4, by = 2, by = 0, ty = O. Figure '$6.6-2b shows a canonical, cascade and parallel realizations. 243 045 +06 BAF TH + 16a Fide) — FTP + 105? + 12s -G) (Ga) Ga) A) - Figure $6.6-8 shows a canonical, cascade and parallel realizations. Hs) = 1(s+2) 243s +20 TFG + e+e) SF 19S? + 118s + HG For a canonical form ao = 24,01 = 118,a2=19, and by = 0,6 = 2, shows a canonical, cascade and parallel realizations. HO 86 6.6.5 GAPE ETH PETTITT (a) GFA) (#2) (43) et te Figure $6.6-5 shows a canonic 6.6-6 | cascade and parallel realizations. BETES (+) (= era) Figure $6.6-6 shows a canonical, cascade and parallel Als) 01 494017 FI ede 1S 6.6-7 Application of eg. (6.69) to Fig. P6.6-Ta yields ——— wre ma) 1+ Gee oer Figue P6.6-7b is a feedback system with forward gain G(s) = =z and the lop gain 22. Therefore ale) = a = Gear ‘The output in Fig. P6.6-Tc is the same of B ~ aA times the output of Fig. P6.6-Ta and A times the output of Fig. P6.6-7b. Therefore its trausfer function is HO BoA) Hi(s) + AHa(s) _Bm0A, Asta) Grae * Grae Ane Groree 6.6-8 ‘Thess transfer functions are readily realized by using the arrangement in Fig. 6.30 by a proper choice of Zy(s) and Z(3) > (i) In Fig. $6.6-80 at Rey et Cy (i) This is same as (i (Gti) For the first stage in Fig. $6.6-8c (see Exercise B6.11, Fig. 6:34b), and H(s) = -220) = Zs) Choose C= Cy = 104, R= 5000, Ry = 2000, This yields +2 H(s) = (222) This is followed by an op amp of gain —1 as shown in Fig. $6.6-8c. This yields 242 He) Fig. $8.68 €.6-9 One realization is given in Fig. $6.6-8c. For the other realization, we express H(s) as = 3 We realize H(s) as a parallel combination of H;(s) = 1 and Ha(s) = ~3/(s +5) as shown in Fig. $6.6-9. The second stage serves as a summer for which the inputs are the input and output of the first stage. Because the ‘summer has a gain —1, we need a third stage of gain —1 to obtain the desired transfer functions. + 3 WO) = e571 a8 6.6-10 6.6-11 7-1 FFig. $6.6-11 ‘The transfer function here is identical to H(s) in Example 6.20 with a minor difference. Hence the op amp circuit in Fig 6.32 can be used for our purpose with appropriate changes in the element values, The last summer inpst resistors now are HP £9 and 292 kM instead of 50.7 and 200 We follow the procedure in Example 6.20 with appropriate modifications. In this ease ao = 13, 01 = 4, and to = 2, by = 5, and by =1 (in Example 6.20, we have ag = 10, a; = 4, and bo = 5, b; = 2, and bs = 0). Because +p is nonzero here, we have one more feedforward connection. Figure $6.6-11 shows the development of the suitable realization ee Hence from Fig. 6.39, PO * 17% and wt, ~ 1.63 which yields t= Sun 526. Also Lim —T(0] = 0 er = lim T(]/* lim(a = 70O)/3? Aum = 8 > C075 67-2 67-3 Hence from Fig. 6.39, PO ~ 3% and wntr = 2.3 which yields t, = 1.15. Also 4 pi -ans=207 we“ limit — 7(s)] =O er mt ~ Po)\/s = 075 ep = lig lt —T(a]/s? = 20 95, (©) T= 3 i0e F100 0, Aan =10 > ¢ Hence from Fig. 6.39, PO ~ 17% and wnt = 1.63 which yields t- = 0.163. Also et lim tt T(s)|/s? = 00 8 e.= limi ~ (3) limit ~TUI/s= 90. « Kika Fast he Thus Stostke = a + 2Guns toe 128, and Ka ‘The steady-state value of the output is given to be 2. But, the staedy-state value of the output is Figure 6.7.3 ‘The transfer function ofthe inner loop is 1/(s-+2). Hence, the open loop transfer function of this nity feedback system is Kyo GO = ery TN TTR yee ‘The characteristic roots are ~1 + jK7=T. The root locus is shown in Fig, $6.7-3, Observe that for the characteristic polynomial s* + 28+ K. ua = 1 and wa = K. But, t, = 4/Cun = 4. Hence, we cannot meet the settling time specification (t, < 1), regardless of the value of K. We now find the steady-state errors. This being a unity feedback system, we could use parameters Ky, Ky and Ka. We have simle*oX)] Hence, ort or We already observed that we cannot meet ¢, specification. We can satisfy ¢,. From Fig. 6.40, we conclude that we cannot meet both tr <0.3 and PO < 30%. We can meet one or the other, but not both, (a) The open loop poles are at 0, ~3 and ~5. Hence, there are three root loci starting at 0, —3 and —5 (when K =0). Moreover, the segments 0 to 1 and —3 to —5 of the real axis are a part of the root locus, There is fonly one open loop zero at —1. Hence. one locus will terminate at —1 (when K = co). The other two branches terminate at co (when K = 00) along asymptotes at angles kx/(n — m) = x/2 and 3/2. The centroid of the asymptotes is o = (0 ~ 3 ~ 5 + 1)/2= ~3.5. The root locus is shown in Fig. S6.7-ta (b) The open loop poles are at 0, —3, —5 and —T. Hence, there are four root loct starting at 0, ~8, ~5 and (when K = 0). Moreover, the entire real axis in the LHP. except two segments 0 to -3 and —5 to ~7 are a part of the root locus. There is only one open loop zero at ~1. Hence, one locus will erminate at —1 (when K’ = 20}. ‘The other three branches terminate at oo (when K = o0) along asymptotes at angles kr/(n — rm) = x/3 and 7 and 5x/3. The centroid of the asymptotes is ¢ = (0—3~5~T+1)/3 = ~4.67. The root locus is shown in Fig, S6.7-4b, (@) The open loop poles are at 0 —3. Hence, there are two root loci starting at 0 and ~3 (when K = 0), Moreover, the entire real axis in the LHP. except the segment from ~3 to ~5 is a part of the rout locus. There is only one open loop zero at —8. Hence, one locus will terminate at ~5 (when K = 20). The other branch terminate at 20 (when K = co) along asyinptote at angles kx/(n ~ 1) = x. ‘The root locus is shown in Fig S6.74e (a) The open loop poles are at 0, ~4 and 1 j. Hence, there are four root loci starting at 0, ~4 and —14 j (when K = 0). Moreover, the entire real axis, except the segment from —1 to ~4 is a part of the root locus. ‘Thete is only one open loop zero at ~1. Hence, one locus will terminate at 1 (when K’ = co). The other three Dpranches terminate at oo (when K' = 00) along asymptotes at angles kx/(n ~m) = 7/3, x and 5pi/3. The centroid of the asymptotes is o = (0 ~ 4~ 1 ~1+1)/3 = ~1.67. The root locus is shown in Fig, $6.7-4d First, we draw the root locus for the system. The open loop poles are at 0 and —10. Hence, there are two root loci starting at O and —10 (when K =0). Moreover, this segment from 0 to ~10 of the real axis s a part of the root locus. ‘There are no open loop zeros. Hence, both loci terminate at co (for IX = co) along asymptotes at angles kx/(n ~ m) = /2 and 3n/2. The centroid of the asymptotes is 7 = (0 - 10)/2 = —5, The root locus is shown in Fig. S6.7-5a ‘We row superimpose Fig. 6.40 on the root locus, and demarcate the region for PO < 16%, tr < 02 and t, < 0. We find that we ean meet PO and t, specifications, but not t, because for f, < 0.5, the roots must be to the left of ~8. In our case, both the roots are always to the right of ~5 forall K’. Hence, we cannot satisy t, condition for any value of K. We slso need es = 0 and c- < 0.06. This is a unity feedback system with G(s) = K/s(s +10). Hence, Ky = oo and Ky = K/10. Also ey 10/K. Thus, we can satisfy both the steady-state specifications by choosing K > 600. But, as we saw, we cannot satisfy t, requirement for any value of ‘To obtain t, <0.5, the root locus must be to the let of —8, whereas our root locus is to the left of ~5. Hence, to meet thet, requirement, we must shift the locus to the left by using compensation. An easy solution would be to cancel the pole at —10 and place another pole at somewhere to the left of ~16. Let us select the new pole ‘at -20. This is clearly a lead compensator with transfer function s+10 3320 ‘The new open loop transfer function is G(s) = K/s(s +20), and the centroid of the corresponding root locus is at ~10 as shown in Fig. $6.7-5b, We superimpose this root locus on Fig. 6.40 and observe that all the specfications can be oversatisfied as long as KC is large enough so that the roots are not on the real axis. This ‘can be readily obtained from a computer generated root locus, ot we can compute it as follow. The closed-loop transfer function is Ges) (3) = —_ = K _ OT ig ATR ‘The characteristic polynomial is s? + 208+ K. The characteristic roots [poles of T(s)] are ~10:+ j= 100. ‘This shows that the plot emerges from real axie at K = 100. Hence, we should choose K > 100. To find the ‘exact value, we shall consider the stead-state errors. In this case, Ky = o0, and Ky = K/20. Hence, and e- = 20/K < 0.06, This yields K > 333.34. Let us now verify the transient parameters. The roots are 10+ jV355.34 — 100 = —10 + j15.27. Por these pole values, itis clear from Fig. 6.40 that all the parameters PO, t, and t+ are within specifications. ‘Alternately, we can compute all the transient parameters as follows. The characteristic polynomial iss? + 208+ Kast + 2uqs + uh. Hence, un = VR, and Gin = 10, Thus, VG = 10 and ¢ = 10/VK. Now HIVE 9.16 = 6 504 a1 “6 s- plane a s-plane: / Also Gs 0504VR=10 + = 30367 Moreover. ty = 4/Can = 0.4. For K = 303.67, we meet all the transient specifications. Ako es = 0 and '20/K = 0.0508, ‘Thus, we micet all the specifications for K = 395.67. Actaally, any vale of A in the range 9:44 < He < 398,67 will sai all the conitions. 68-1 (a) Let f(t) = s(Oult) = u(t) aud falt) = f(Ou(—0 = u(t). Then Fi(s) has a region of convergence a > 1 ‘ud #2(s) tis a texion 0 < 0. Hence there is no connion region of convergence for F(x) = Fy(s) + Fale) (b) Auld) = e~u(t). and Fi(s) = by converges for o > =1. Alo fat) = u(—!), and Fa(s) = —4 converges for 7 <0. Therefore, the strip of © ei* Hence the convergence occurs at o = 0 (ju-axis) @ Ww=F Hence the region of convergence is I< <0 © se a5 (+ 00 for any value of s =o} Hrce the region of convergence is the entire s-plane. 6.82 (a) fas t= 00 for any value of « £0) tut) +eul—t) = fil) + 10) Al-t) = and Pals) = Hence: F(s) = Fils) + Fa(s) = () ia se cost = ef cos tu(t) + ef come u(t) = falt) + fal0) et sHt aiPsT Hence Fi(s) and Fels) = wae +1 Fi) = Al) + Ald) = TS - © Meu rul-o: Ale) o> 1 Fey <2 Hee FW) =FU) +R) = Pah Lock (a . he of" for t>0 1 for to A= eu), fal) ult). Hence Als) = Ey o> -1 wt A= Bl) and hence: Fs) eres) ° Ail sme {i aC Fis)=t o>0 © A= ata a>0 and Fug) = 1: All poles to the let of the region of convergence. Therefore 2 mm He) = (et = ef + 20 )ult) (b) Re < -2: All poles to the right of the region of convergence, Therefore Flt) = (cert + ef 2 u(-0) (c) -1< Res < 1: Poles —1 and —2 to the left and pole 1 to the right of the region of convergence. Therefore Sd) = (078 + 20 )ult) + eFul—t) (a) -2.< Re s <—1: Poles =1 and 1 ate to the right and pole —2 is to the left of the region of convergence. ‘Therefore Jt) = 2e-Mu(t) + [et + et]u(—t) 95 68-5 (a) And F(a) = - Legged T08 2 2 hence: ¥(a)= HDF) = +t. a708 * 537 F203 2d tet TOs s=0s BSS ‘The poles ~1 and ~0.5, which are to the left of the strip of convergence, yield the causal signal, and the pole 0.5, which isto the right of the strip of convergence, yields the anticausal signal. Hence u(t) = (-$e7* + 2e“/) u(t) + Zet/u(—t) ro) f(t) = efu(t) + eu(—t) Ieee? a1 Ms = 2) 1 and HG)= ot Hone Y= HOFO= Gey Se? Yo) Ey cage Hence v(t) = (et + det) + detu(-—t) (e) S(t) = e“u(t) +e 4u(—t) ae Leset "FFB" Troe BSG ‘Also Moe)= oot - ott Hence: Y= HOFO=GayEToNeTOm 2S "? Foes eet a a= an = oot Im this case, there i no region of convergence that is common to Fi(s) and Fy(s). However, each of Fils) and Fs) have a region of convergence that ix commos to Hs). Hence the output can be computed by finding the system response to fi(t) and f2(¢) separately, and then adding these two components, This means we need not ‘worry abont the commion region of convergence for Fi(s) and Fa(s), ‘Thus ¥() = Ns) +¥9(6) where VO=ROMO= poms eae oe weit 3 Observe that both the poles (—1 and 2) are to theleft of the region of convergence, hence both terms are causal, and tt) = (bert $9) to Gee hss? Ya(s) = Fals)H(s -lcoed ‘The poles ~1 and 1 are to the left and the right, respectively, of the strip of convergence. Hence the first term: yields causal signal and the second yields anticausal signal. Hence malt) = ~Fefult) + de'ul—t) Therefore y(t) = valt) + alt) = (Jen + Je) u(t) + eta(—t) © F(t) = Ault) +E u(-2) = A() + ALO) F(s) = Fils) + Fals) 1 1 whee F()= ta > -E -1 F)= sg <7} 1 HO=s eet Here also, we have no common region of convergence, for Fi(s) and Fa(s) as in part d. Let ¥(s) = Yi(s) +¥a(s) where: 1 1 MO=Tayerom PE =i,4 gp! soit sy0m5 eg 97 and ft) = 2a) 4267 Fu 0 Hence we) = mie) + tt) = (e+ $e-8) ato #2e-Fa(-09 (f) f(t u(t) + e“*u(—t) = falt) + falt) F(s) = Fi(s) + Fels) vere o>-a oe In this ease, there is a common region of convergence for Fi(s) and H(s), but there is no region of convergence common to F,(s) and H(s). Hence the output yu(t) will be finite but ya(t) will be oo Chapter 7 maa w+? +2 Hijo) = ot? (0) = Gregor 7 Woe eae = [ata AGall= of + Ways Ge Va 30) = 0S) eG (0) f= Sco2F+0"), Here w= 2 and woni= (R= 4 4H (ju) = tan™! — tan7"(o0) = 45° - 90° = =45° ue) = 59 eon + 30° — 45") = VBeos(2t— 15") (b) Jt) = 10 sin(2t + 45°) u(t) = 10(8) sin(2t + 45° — 45°) = 2 sin 2 (6) S(t) = 1Weon(st +40"), Here w = 3 ie y(t) = 10(0.228) cos( Se + 40° ~ 52.12") = 2.28 cos(8t — 12.12") HAG 0.228 and £H(j3) = 56.31° ~ 108.49" = ~52.12° ‘Therefore rae 2 ¥(2) —tan"(2) (a) J(8) = 10u(t) = 10eu(t), Here w = 0 and H(j0) = 1. Therefore u(t) = 1x 10eu(e) = 10u(e) (6) J(€) = cos(2t-+ 60") ule), Here w = 2 |G2)|= 4B and £42) = 38.69" - 90° = -56.31° ‘Therefore u(t) = 4B cos(2t + 60° — 56.31°)u(t) = $3 cos(2e + 3:69°)u(t) (6) s(t) = sin(3t = 45°)u(t) Here w = 3 and }iGj3)| = 4B and LH (8) = 45° ~ 112.62" = -67.62° Thersfore v(t) = 9 sin( 3 — 45° — 67.62°)u(t) = AF sin(3t ~ 112.62°)u(e) (a) 1) = u(t) alt) = HU a) = [Gay oLHOM Y) = EAP YE) 99 73 ra HG) [=i iMGenl= ~S4 LH (jw) = tan“ (a) 1 = ot Ul) = HG wet = | GuijSetLtthel — glet-200n- 6/20} (b) [U0 = coslut +6) ult) = coslat +9 ~ 2tan—()) (©) S(t) = cost, Here w = y(t) = cos(t — 11.42") (4) s(t) =sin2e. Here w =2 142) 4H()2) = ~2tan""( 3) = 22.62" u(t) = sini2t — 22.62°) (©) Fle) = 008108, Here w = 10 1HG10)| = 1 ZH(G10) = —2tan“*(4) u(t) = cox(10¢ — 90°) = sin 108 (8) J(0) = cos 100t. Here w = 100 \at(j100) £H(9100) = ~2tan*(42) = -108.58° v(t) = cox(100¢ ~ 168.58") (a) The transfer function can be expressed as 100 s+ yy +1) “DDE DGD OE E+D ‘The amplitude response: The horizontal axis where the asymptotes begin is 25, which is 7.96 db. We draw the asymptotes at w = 1 (20 dB/dec.), 2 (-20 dB/de.), 20 (-20 dB/dee.), and 100 (20 dB/dec.) as shown in Fig ST.2-1a, The corrections are applied at various points as discussed in Exaraples 73 and 7.4, to obtain the Bode plot for amplitude response. We follow the similar procedure for phase response. (b) The transfer funetion can be expressed as HU) 10x 2045+ UH +V _ 4G + +1) 8) 00a 1)? Gis + 1) ‘The amplitude response: The horizontal axis where the asymptotes begin is 2, which is 6 db. Asymptotes start (-40 dB/dec.), 10 (20 dB /dec.), 20 (20 4B/dec.), and 100 (-20 dB/dec.). ‘The corrections are applied i points as discussed in Examples 7.3 and 7.4, to obtain the Bode plot (€) The transfer function can be expressed as 100 i ; é 10" 10° 10" 10" 10° —— . or rg 1 oe 1 to Frequency (aasec) om Pll Piel Ginn Ting i | . eaeiaee 0 1 10 1 1 ot Frequency (aaec} 101 cad w&) @» 122 Tat T41 14-2 10x 200 (i+ Wait YG + ais +0) $0 1000 135 + TFC peas +) ~ 200 Ca + Cray + ‘The amplitude response: The horizontal axis where the asymptotes hegin is 1/200, which is ~46 db. Asymptotes start at w = 10 (20 dB/dec.), 20 (-40 dB/dec.). 200 (20 dB/dee.), and 1000 (-20 eB /dec.). The corrections are applied at various points as discussed in Examples 7.3 and 7.4. to obtain the Bode plot Hs) (a) The transfor function can be expressed as ety ‘The arnplitude response: ‘The horizontal axis where the asymptotes begin is 1/16, which is -24 4B. Asymptotes start ats = 1 (40 dB /dee,), 1 (20 db8/dee-, 4 (40 d18/dec) "The corrections are applied at various points as discussed in Examples 7.3 and 7.4. to obtain the Bode plot (b) The transfer function can be expressed as a 2 MO = TOOTS Ole 1) ‘The amplitude response: The horizontal axis where the asymptotes begin is 1/100, which is 40 dB. Asymptotes start at w= 1 (20 dB/dec.), 1 (-20 dB/dec.). 10 (-40 dB /dec.). ‘The corrections are applied at various points as disenssed in Examples 7.3 and 7.4. to obtain the Bode plot. (©) The transfer funetion can be expressed ax 10 reat HO) To GEs o1aiae ‘The amplitude response: The horizontal axis where the asymptotes begin is 1/10, which is -20 dB, Asymptotes start at « = 1 (-20 dB/dee-), 10 (20 dB/dec.), 10 (-40 4B/dec.). The corrections are applied at various points as discussed in Examples 7.3 and 7.4. to obtain the Bode plot. (a) In this ease, HG) = |4G»)| pr a ‘The de gain is H(0) = 1 and tho gain at w = we is 1/V2, which is ~3 4B below the de gain, Hence, the 3-4B bandwidth is we. Also the de gain is unity. Hence, the gain-bendwidth product is w. We could derive this result indirectly as follows. ‘The system is a lowpass filter with a single pole at w ‘The de gain is H(0) = 1 (0 dB). Because, there isa single pole at we (and no zeros), there is only one asymptote starting at w =e (at a rate -20 dB/dec). The break point is w-, where there isa correction of ~3 dB. Hence, the amplitude response at w. is $ JB below 0 4B (the de gain). Thus, the 3-B bandwidth of this filter is we. (b) The transfer function of this system is G(s) pod HO) Tava ~ Tee ~ Thom ‘We use the same argument as in part (a) to deduce that the de gain is 0.1 and the 3-4B bandwidth is 10. Hence, the gain-bandwidth product is we. (e) The transfer function of this system is Gls) con we MO)* Tr(a) ~ 7 SRE * FO We use the same argument as in part (a) to deduce that the de gain is 10 and the $-dB bandwidth is O.lw. Hence, the gain-bandwidth product is we. We plot the poles —1 + j7 and 1+ jT in the s-plane. To find response at some Irequency w, we connect all, the poles and zeros to the point jw as shown in Fig. $7.4-1. Note that the product of distances from the zeros is equal to the product of the distances from the poles for all values of w. Therefore |#f(jw)] = 1. Graphical argument shows that 2H (ji) (sum of the angles from the zeros— sum of the angles from poles) starts at zero for w = 0 and then reduces continuously (becomes negative) as increases, As w—= 00, LH(w) —+ —2n. (2) Ifr and d are the distances ofthe zero and pole, respectively from ju, then the amplitude response [#1 (jw)| is the ratio r/d corresponding to jw. This ratio is 0.5 for w = 0. ‘Therefore, the de gain is 0.5. Also the ratio r/d= 1 for ooo. Thus, the gain is unity at w= 00. Also the angles of the line segments connecting the zero 102 Fig. 972-2 143 151 Fig. St.4-2 ‘and pole to the point jw ate both zero for w = 0, and are both /2 for w = oo. Therefore £H(j4) and = co. In between the angle is positive as shown in Fig. ST. (b) im this case the ratio r/d is 2 for w = 0. Therefore, the de gain is 2. Also the ratio r/d = 1 for w = ow. ‘Thus, the gain is unity at w= oo. Also the angles ofthe line segments connecting the zero and pole to the point Jjw ae both zero for w = 0, and are both #/2 for w = co. Therefore ZH (ju) = 0 at w = 0 and w = 00. In ibetween the angle is negative as shown in Fig. S7.4-2b, ‘The poles are at ~a £10. Moreover zero gain at w =O and w = oo requires that there be a single zero ats = 0 ‘This clearly causes the gain to be zero at w = 0. Also because there is one excess pole over zero, the gain for large values of w is 1/2, which approaches 0 as w ~ 20. therefore, the suitable transfer function is MO)= Grapple FeO FF Ras > OTA ‘The amplitude response is high in the vicinity of w = 10 provided a is small. Smaller the a, more pronounced the gain in the vicinity of w = 10. For a =0, the gain at 10 is 00, ‘The normalized third-order Butterworth filter transfer function poles are sy = e!"/*(2k +2) for k = 1, 2, and 3, Hence 1 = e!#*/* = 0.5 + j0.866, s2 == e = —1, and s =e" = -0.5 — 30.866. Therefore 1 1 (0) = ST iye FOS — JOG e +05 > jO8G) ~ THIF H T For vc = 100, the sealed transfer function is obtained by replacing s with +/100, and hence, 1 108 ite whl PHRF I, y this result using Table 7.1 (or 7.2). For n ————— Bea eETT He 7008 + 10% , we find from Table 7.1 HO) 3. Hence, ‘The frequency response can be found directly from Eq. (7.31) with we = 100 and n 10° rie) 104 15-2 153 1.61 16-2 163 1064 (a) Here. Gp rounded up to a value n= 5. To oversatiaty stopband requirement, we ise Eq” (740) obtain se = ‘To oversatiafy pamband requirement. we uve Eq. (7Al}to obtain we = 12632 () Here, Gp = -0.1 dB, G, = ~60 dB, wy = 1000, «, ~ 2000. From Fa, (7.39) we obtain ie rounded up toa value n= 13. To overatsfystopband requirement, we se Eq (7.40)t0 obtain wr. ‘To overeatiy panband requirement. we use Ea. (FAl}to obtain we = IITA (c)'We are given Gp = 3 4B, Ga —50 dB, up = we, wn = Boe Hee, we start with amuning wc = 1. This gives ap = Land ay = 3. From Eq, (739). we chain n = 5.2419 which is rounded up to a value n ‘To oversatisfy stopband requirement, we use Eq. (7.40)to obtain we = 1. Thum wm wes To oversainy passband requirement, we use Eq: (7-i)to obtain we = 1.1494, Hence, in this case, we shold choore ur t0 be 1.1494 ties the given value of Here, Gp = ~3 dB. G, = 14 dB, wp = 100,000, 2 = 150,000. From Eq, (7.39), we obtain n = 3.931 Which is rounded up to a value n = 4. Using Eq, (7.40). we obtain we = 100,060, The fourth-order normalized Butterworth transfer function (see Table 7.1) is 0.5 dB, G, = —20 dB, wp = 100, «2, = 200. From Bq. (7.39). we obtain n = 4.8321, which is 3412 2.678. which 1556. 1 MO) = YQ G aT SAT + DOL FT ‘The desired transfer function is obtained by replacing s with s/w in H(s). Using we = 100,60, we obtain Hm 1.002 10% = TELIA S SATB OMT + OTIIO > (LOOTTOD We need to find a Brd-order Chebychev filter with wp = 100 and # = 9B. This gives = VIOPF=T = 0.9976 ‘Weuse Bg 97-51) toad the poten of the normalized Cheby ter. we have e = Fainh=(2) ~ 4 sinh*(1.0028) 0.2963. Now fom Eq. (751). we compute the three poles (for k'= 1.2, 3) asm, = ~0'2086 sa = 0.1453 + 40.9008, Hence, 0.2506 TF OFOREY SF OLGGT + 70,9038)(o + 0.1403 — 70.9088) 2506 FO SDTIS? + 0 9DRIs + 0.2506 ls) To obiain H(s). we replace s with s/100, to obtain He ‘SF BUTI + 9D8G F250, 600 Here, Gp = 1 (* = 1) 4B, G, Js rounded up to a value n 22 AB, wp = 100, w Using Table 7.4 (for ? 200. From Eq. (7.49), we obtain » = 2.9599, which 1), we obtain the normalized Cheby transfer function, 4913 BF URE + 1258s + 0413 obtained by replacing # with «/a%p in H(s). Using wp = 100, we obtain HO) ‘The dosired transfer function (4.913)10° BF WERT + 128808 + AO1300 25 AB, wp = 10, wy = 15. From Bq, (7.49b), we obtain n = 8.9873, which is 19/1.2589. Using Table 7.4 (for * = 2), we Hs) Here, Gp = -2 (F = 2) dB, Ge rounded up to a value n= 4. Also, in this case, Ky = ao/(10"”) ‘obtait the normalized Cheby transfer function 0.2058/1.2589 TE OTIOD + 1.25852 + 0.516Rs + 0208 ‘The desired transfer function is obtained by replacing s with s/i1p in 24(s). Using wp = 10, we obtain 1634 STIG F105 Ge? + SIO Be > DOES H(s) As) = ) 4B, Here, G, = -3 (F = 80 dB, up = we, ws = Bare 105 From Eq. (7.49), we obtain, As in Prob, 7.5-2c, we assume we This results in wp = 1 and w. 0/1077 = ao/1.4125. Using Table ‘n= 3.6602, which is rounded up to a value n = 4. Also, in this case, Kx 74 (for # = 3), we obtain the normalized Cheby transfer function o.77/1.4125, MC) = SGT 160s? + OAD = OTT TThe desired transfer function is obtained by replacing s with s/w in 2). Mo 0.1250 © FORO FL laaFs? + OaDRAT OTE TTL Here, Gy = -1 4B, 6. 4B, Gy = ~20 dB vy = 1 ‘of Bq. (7.40) yields 20 dB, wp = 20. ws = 10. The prototype lowpass filter specifications are Gp = —1 'y = 2. Use of Eq. (7.38) yields n = 4.9907, which is rounded up ton =5. Also nse 2341, From Table 7.1, n=5 yields 1 NO) = STR TRIES + TRO FFD TT ‘We now substitute « with s/ue = s/1.2341 in (3) to obtain the prototype lowpnas filter transfer functicn Hp(s). 2.863 Mol®) = SSG ETO + 9BUIa FT STG + 28S "The desired highpass transfer function is obtained by replacing s with wp/s = 20/ in Mp(s) HU) = Sy 5Aat a TST O09 + EDBESIS? + DEBI + LTITTOST 1a 20, wy = 10, ‘The prototype lowpass filter specificarions are 1, we = 2. Use of Bq. (7.496) yields n = 2.9599, which is rounded up From Table 7.4, n = 3 yields the Cheby prototype lowpass transfer function 0.4913 PF OERIS? + 1.258 + OATS ‘The desired highpass transfer function is obtained by replacing » with wp/ Has 20/s in My(s). Hs) FF OORT FATT + TOOTS 3B, G, = -17 dB, wp, = 100, sips = 250, wo, = 40, wry = 500, Use of Ba. (7.56) yields w,, = 8:9 and sys aller of the two is 3. Hence, prototype transfer function, we use wp = 1, wy = 3, Gp = ~3, Gy = ~17. Use of Eq. (7.38) yields Which is rounded up ton = 2. Also use of Eq. (7.40) yields w = 1.0012. Prom Table 7.1, n = 2 vields Here, Gp = 3, To find the lowpass 7745, _1 + ialde +1 ‘We now substitute » with s/c = «/1.0012 in 1(s) to obtain the prototype lowpass filter transfer function Hp(6). 1.0024 FF Tass To Hs) Hls) According to Eq. (7.57), the desired highpass transfer function is obtained by replacing ¢ with T's) in p(s). (2.255otst DIZAS + 725508? + (SSTIO%S + (ODSHIO® Here, Gp = -1(F = 1) 4B, Gy = 17 dB, wtp, = 100, wp = 250, ue, = 40, wo, = 500. Use of Eq. (7-56) yields ws, = 3.9 and ws, = 3, The smaller of the two is 3. Hence, ws = 3. To find the lowpass prototype transfer function, we use wp = 1, ws = 3, # = 1, Gy = ~I7. Use of Bq. (7.49b) yields n = 1.8803, Which is rounded up ton = 2. Also, inthis case, Kn = ao/(10"/™) = ao/1.122, Using Table 7.4 (for # = 1), we obtain the prototype Cheby transfer function 1.1025/1.122 0.9826 Fy 1008s + 11035 ~ 377 10986 + 11005 H()= Hols) 22a According to Eq, (7.57), the desired highpass transfer function is obtained by replacing s with T(s) in p(s). 106 BO (225pi0ts? (9) = AE TGATHTH TABI? + AI17S00s + (OZENTO dB, Gy = =24 dB, wp, = 20, wpg = 60, ws, = 30, Weg = 38, Use of Bq. (7.60) yields w, = 4 and wa, = 6.2295. The smaller of the two is 4. Hence, w, = 4. To find the lowpass prototype transfer function, we Use wy = 1. ws = 4, Gp = ~3, Gy = 24. Use of Bq, (7.38) yields ‘1 = 1.9934, which is rounded up to'n = 2. Also use of Eq. (7.40) yields w. = 1.0012, From Table 7.:, n= 2 veld 1.78 Here, Gp 1 FyiaesT ‘We now substitute s with s/c = +/1.0012 in 2(s) to obtain the prototype lowpass filter 1.002 Fy Tass FLOR According to Eq. (7.61), the desired bandstop transfer function is obtained by replacing « with T(s) = zi%5p5 in Hg(3). A(x) = nsfer function My(s) Hols) aa (2+ 1200)? 9) = SP RTRES T GOD.ET + (OTST (EAEIOS 107 Chapter 8 (a) os @) aR ay a | 2 a x ¥ a | my r pews «© OL og PONT o “1 |? 8.2-1 (a) e7%% = (0,6065)*, (b) 2? = (1.6487), er aera Figure $8.2-1 shows locations of A and + in each case. 8.2.2 (a)ertr) a1)" (by e-“O-IH we (ee) = (-2)" (ope ws (cel) = (se) (Ade . . (ep e992 (ee IEF = (A) Ffoos Fk — sin Fk] (FY eI" = (el) e-PF* = econ $k — jain FH] 8.2.3 (a) Periodic because 0/2" = 1/4, rational. Using Ba. (8.9b), we find that No = m(2x/2) = m(4) isan integer for the smallest m = 1. Hence No= 4, (b)Apericdic because 2/2x = 1/sqrt2n, not rational (©) Aperiodic because £2/2r = 1/4, not rational. (A) Periodic because (2/2r = 1/6, ational. 8.2-4 (a) Periodic because /2x = 3/10, rational. Using Bq, (8.90), we find that No = m(2x/2) = m(10/3) is an integer for the smallest m = 3. Hence No = 10. {(b) Periodic because 9/2 = 2/5, rational. Using the argument in part (a), we obtain No = 5. (a) All the three sinusoids are periodi with periods 10, 4, and 5, respectively. Because 2(10) = 5(4) = 4(5) = 20 the petiod is 20. This is because we can fit exactly 2, 5, and 4 cycles of the three sinusoids in a period 20. enter 8.25 8x 8.26 Because Ldn = 2n — 0.6m, con( Lark + 5) v3 1 cos 0.6nk ~ 1 sin 0.6rk eee ners coa(0.6rk + 5) + VS cos( lark + 5) = VSe0s 0.6rk + sin 0.6xk = 2eos(0.6xk — 6 aot (a) eB ark O-sArk = OHHH) tb) river fe) e2 05K (a) erste stane Sita B28 By = S087 = S060? = OS = O68 oa rr78 Rest is trivial. The energy of ~ f{k] is Ey = 2.7778, and the energy of ef{k] is By = 2.77787 108 e209 (a) By = (3)? +202) +20) = 19 (by Ey = (3)? +202)? + 200) (©) Bf = 213)? + 2(6)* + 2(9)? = 252 (A) Ey = 2(2)? + 214)? = 40 8.2610 (a) Py liye apbot DN y(1)* = 1 (b) Py = iyo axle EN y(—1)?* (e) Py = limy oe aaa Dp (1)? = 0.5 (4) Py = limy oo zatee Dg (=D (0) No= =6, Py = ETS cont ze + HI? al 08+ (8)"+ (-P)* Hot AY (a) Py = HG)? +2007 +20") 2 (b) Py = Hy[2(1)? + 2(2)? +208)" 8.2-12 (a) In the following discussion, let #¢ =o. Because Dei*®* i periodic with period No (b) ~ Interhanging the order of summation yields Frore Bq. (5.43) in Appendix 5.1, the sum inside the parenthesis is No when 1m, and is ero otherwise, Hence Pp= iD. 8.3:1 In the present case, F, = 1/T = 2 MHe, Therefore Ea, (8.21) yiels 2x 10° =042 x 10° Hence, the reduced Frequency is 0 (de) 83-2, For the sinusoid 10cos(11t + £), the samples sinusoid, obtained by replacing ¢ with KT = 0.1k, is n ‘og 8) 10co8 (F5xk +E) = 10c0s [(2" yet 4 10cos ot 9 i ut + F) = eos (Fk ~F) For the sinusoid Scos(20rt~ §), the samples sinusoid (obtained by replacing ¢ with kT = 0.1K) & wea] (G3) 10cos $k + VEsin Hh +2: 200s (=f + 2) = locos Zi + V3 2a sem (24-1) ‘We can combine the last 2 terms by using a suitable trigonometric identity as follows aa ae ae = Visin 32k + VBcos He + VEsin 3k Sr Sr, an = 2VBsin e+ VBc08 Ek = Vi 00s (SA - 1.107) ‘The frequency 5/4 las been reduced to 3x/4. this indicates aliasing. 109 50007 oF 2500 Hz. Hence, the maxinm value of T that can be = 1/(2 2500) = 1/5000, 10,000. Use of Bq. (8.21) vields B.d4 In this ease, F = 1/10 () 1500= 1500 +0 10,000 = LF] = 1500 (i) 8300 = -1500 + 1 x 10,000 {il} 10,000 = 0 + 1 x 10,000 (iv) 11,500 = 1500 +1 x 10,000 (~) 32,000 = 2000 + 3 x 10,000 (vi) 9600 = 600 +9 x 10,000 8.4-1 Figure $8441 shows all the signals FUR or FIRGT 3 a PDBKI 84-2. Pigure $8.4-2 shows all the signals 4 $lKt Fig. 88.4.2 ‘8.403 Figure $8.43 shows all the signals 8.404 (a) {IK = (k-+3)(ufk-+3}— ulk]) + (—-+3) (wl - wll - 4) (b) {161 = ku] ~ ule — 4) + (K+ 6) (ule — 4) — ule ~ 7) (©) jl6) = k(ulk + 3] = ule ~ 4)) (A) f(b] = ~2k (ule + 2] ~ ull) + 2k (wll ~ lk — 3) In all four cases, f{k) may be represented by several other (slightly diferent) expressions. For instance, in case (a), we may also use ik] = (k + 3)(ulk-+3}— ulk~1]) + (-k +3) (uk 1] - ulk—4)) . Moreover because Ji] = 0 at k = £3, wlk +3) and ulk ~ 4) may be replaced with ulk +2} and u(k ~ 3], respectively. Similar ‘observations apply to other cases also. 8.45 Eytem = Dina fl mil? = DI Iflrl? = Ey 8.4-6 (a) is trivial, (bb) Pris) = limy oo yeep DN IF[-AII? = limw ce ante Py fle? = Pr 10 123456784 27345673 Ro Fig. S84-3 (©) Proms = linc abe Dotan FUR ~ mn) lime ce gab Mg IE (A) Pep = limivoo antat Dew CUI = Py 85-1 Because vik] = ult ~ 1] +14) (8) vik — 1 = 8] Realization of this equation is shown in Fig. S8.5-1. If there were a sales tax of 10%, the difference equation becomes lk) = vik) 1.4ytK and yfkl — yl — 1) = 2g] ‘The system realization would be the same except there is a multiplier of 1.1 at the input. t 4 8.5-2 The net growth rate of the native population is 3.3 — 1.9 = 2% per year. Assuming the immigrants enter at a uniform rate throughout the year, their birth and death rate will be (3.3/2)% and (1.3/2)%, respectively of the ‘immigrants at the end of the year. The population pk] at the beginning of the kth year is p[& ~ 1] plus the net increase in the native population plus ik ~ 1], the immigrants entering during (k — 1)st year plus the net increase in the immigrant population for the year (k ~ 1). fk] = pl ~ 1] + 2b ple — A] + ath a] + GBP — 1) = ap = 1) 4+ 1.0 ~ 1 pik] ~ 1.02p[& — 1] = 1.01i[& ~ 1] plk-+1}— Lozi] = Lov 8.5-8 The area under f(t) from 0 to KT is y(XT). Similarly, the area from 0 to (k~ 1)T is y{(k ~ 1)T}. But this area isequal to'7/[(E~1)7] (in the limit T — 0). Now, using the notation y{k] to denote y(KT), et it follows that (assuming T to be small) vit] 1} = 7416} [k}. The equation is y(t) ~ ylk 1] = Tul ~ 1}. Setting k = ), we obtain y[0] = 0. Setting k = 1 and using the fact that y[0) Hull Ika similar argument shows that y[0]= 7, ot] = 27, and the input is u(), then fk) and using the fact that yi—1 yl] =7- Continuing this way, we obtain yl When the integrator equation is yk yk — 1 in general pik] = (K+ 1)T = KT afk] + Ta ut aot vib] = BESIK] + Sk — 1] + fe 2] + fk 3] + se 4h) ‘The realization is shown in Fig. S8.5-4 Fk] Fig. $8.5-4 8.55 The node equation at the kth node is 1 +42 +43 = 0, oF oft t= ole), vk + 1) ~ a GR Therefore a(ufk ~ 1] + vfk +1] ~ 20{}) ~ vfk) =0 vies (2+ 2) ot) ote = viesa) (2+ 2) ieee <0 m Chapter 9 ont 91-2 @ vik + 1} = 0.5y)4) a Setting k= ~1 aud substituting y=] = 10, yields iol = 0.8(10) Setting & = 0, and substituting vf = 5, yields oli] = 0518) = 25 Setting k= 1 in (1), and substituting yt] = 2.5, yields ula} = 0.5(2.5) = 1.25 ) ik + 1] = —201k] + Fle-+ 1) Setting # = ~1, and substituting [=I] = 0, f[0] = 1 yields vio] =0+1 Setting k = 0, and substituting yf] = 1, f(t] = 4, vields oft] = -2(1) + 2 2+ Setting = 1 in (1), and substituting ylt] = 2+. Fl v2] =-2(-24)+ had- 24 b= 3.900 ) = 0.6y{k — 1] + 0.16{4 ~ 2] Setting k = 0, and substituting y[-I] = -25, v[-2] = 0, yields vo] = 0.6(~25) + 0.16(0) = —15 Setting k = 1, and substituting y[-1] = 0, vjo] = ~16, yields ull] = 0.6(—15) + 0.16(~25) Setting k = 2, and substituting yl] = ~13. yf] = ~15, yields vf2] = 0.6(~13) + 0.16(-15) = -102 ‘This equation can be expressed as ik vik + 1] — dgulk| + £[k +2] Setting k = ~2, and substituting y[-1] = y[-2|= 0, f(0] = 100, yields ul0] = ~4(0) ~ 34(0) + 100 = 100 Setting k= —1, and substituting y[—1] =0, vl0} = 100, f[1} = 100, yields ult] = (100) ~ (0) +100 = 75, Setting k = 0, and substituting yo] = 100, yt] = 75. f[2] = 100, yields 2) = 415) ~ 310) + 100 5 3. ont 1-8 9.24 9.22 9.28 lk + 2] = —3y{k + 1] - 2y[k] + sk +2] + 3f[k + 1] + 37 (k) Setting k= ~2, and substituting y[-1] = 3, y[-2] = 2 fl-3] = f[-2] =, s[0} = 1, yields 2 1, st] = 3 yields lO] = Sorting # = 1, and substituting y(0) (3) ~ 2(2) +1 + 8(0) + (0) 12, yl] =3. f-1] = 0. s10] wll] = 3-12) — 268) +3 + 3(1) +810) = 36 Proceeding along same lines, we obtain fa] (86) ~ 2(-12) +9 + 3(3) + 3(1) = -63 lk] = =2y{ke - 1] ~ ylk - 2] + 29(K) - fle = 1) Setting k = 0, and substituting y[-t] = 2, u{-2] = 3, f(0] = 1, f[-1] = 0, yields l0] = -2(2) ~ 3+ 2(2) ~ Setting & = 1, and substituting y(0] = ~5, ul-H] = 2, f(0] = 1, ft] = §, yields ult) 2, and substituting ul 2-5) - (2) +2(3) -1 = 7.667 7.667, vl0] = -5, fl) = 4. #(2) = 4, yields 5.445, Setting v2] = ~2(7.667) — (—5) +2() ~ $= (EF + 3B + 2)y)k] = 0 9+ Dr +2) ‘The characteristic equation is >? +37 +2 Therefore lk] = ex(—1)* + ¢n(—2)" =1 and ~2 and substituting initial conditions yields Q=-a-da) aa? lsatte Setting alk] =2(-1)*~4(-2)* 20 (£74284 1)ulk] =0 ‘The characteristic equation is 9? +27 +1= (7 +1)? =0. lk] = (ex + e2k)(—1)* Setting k = ~1 and ~2 and substituting initial conditions yields lk] = ~(3-+28)(-1)* (e726 +2)uIk] =0 fe equation is 7? ~ 2y-+2= (y~1~j1)(y~14j1) =0. The roots are 1 j1 = VEe*4 alk] = ef V3)" cosh +0) =1 and ~2 and substituting initial conditions yields Setting, nd 9.s1 9.32 Solution of these two simultaneous equations yields cone = 2) o=2 sind = 0. e=0 ult] = 2(V3)* cost $k) ok +2) i(k +1) + ofk) = 0 ‘The auxiliary conditions ace v(0) = 100, »(.¥) = (6256 + 1) (7 05)( 2) ‘The characteristic equation is 4? — 2.5y + (&) = €1(0.5)* + ra(2)* Setting k = 0 and 1, and substituting v(0) = 100, o(W) = 0, yields 00=6 +02 07 Rae tees sex} ea = gee, polar 2%(0.5)* —(0.5)%(2)"] k= 0,1... (B+ 2)y16) = 116) ‘The characteristic equation is 7 +2=0. The characteristic root is ~2. Also ao = 2, bo = 1. Therefore ‘lk = 461K] + e(-2)* aw We need one value of h[k] to determine c, This is determined by iterative solution of (B+ 2)A(e) = alk) ‘lle-+ 1] + 2n{e] = 61K) Setting k = —1, and substituting A~1] = 6[~1] = 0, yields (0) = 0 Setting k= 0 in Eq. (1) and using h[0] = 0 yields 4 ‘Therefore otk] ~ 4-2)" ‘The characteristic root is ~2, b= 0, ag = 2. Therefore Ale] = ef -2)* a Werneed one value of hlk] to determine c. This is done by solving iteratively ‘lk +1] + 2n{e] = ole +t] Setting k = ~1, and substituting h{—1] = 0,60] = 1, yields Mo] yields 1 Setting k= 0 in Faq. (1) and using A[0] and 9.9-3 Characteristic equation is 9? ~ 6 +9 = (7-3)? = 0. Also a0 = 9, by = 0. Therefore Uk] = (ea + e2k) ule) w We need two values of h{k] to determine ¢; and ea. This is found from iterative solution of (£ - 66 + 9A|K] = B6(A] fk + 2} — Oh ~1] + 9RfR) = ak + 1} (ey [-2] = 5[-1] = 0 and 40] = 1. Setting k= 2 in (2) yields Alo] ~ 6(0) +9(0=0 => Alo] =0 Setting =1 in (2) vietds Ala] — 6(0) + 94 1 = Aalst Setting & = 0 and 1 in Eq, (1) and substituting Ajo] = 0, Aft tisiata} Sak lk yields and 34(3)*ulk] (E? ~ 6 + 25)sk) = (26 - 46)s14) ‘The characteristic roots are 5e#°%, by = 0. Therefore Ak] = o(6)* cos(0.028k + &)ulk] a ‘We need two values of Aft] to determine e and 8. This is done by solving iteratively ‘Alk) = 6nk ~ 1] + 254Uk — 2] = 261k] — 46lk — 1} @ Setting k = 0 yields Alo} - 6(0) + 25(0) = 211) -4(0) => fo] = 2 Setting & = 1 in (2) yields All] - 6(2) + 25(0) =2(0)-4 => Alij=8 Setting k= 0,1 in (1) and substituting flO] = 2, All] = 8 yields = coos 8 = Secos(0.923 + 8) = 3.01Tecos8 ~ 3.987esin# Solution of these two equations yields coos =2 sind = ~0.4991, and lk] = 2.061(5)* cas(0.928k ~ 0.244)u[k] 98-5 (a) EM yk) = (bE + by -aB"* +++ + bo) fk) IR] = baf Ik] + Ba-as[he = 1] +++ bof) When J(k] = 6{k). ult] = AlA]. Therefore 16 lk] = bad] + Ba —a5[— 1] +--+ bode — ni) (b) Here n = 8, by = 3, by = ~5, by = 0, bo = ~2. Therefore ‘(kl = 6(K} ~ 58(6 1] ~ 24k ~ 3) ott olf] “* lk] « (-2)*ulA ‘u{k] « (—2)u lh] = ST alk] = agle OP — (2) Yule 942 fh] = oul] « (QotH) ~ 4(-2Y" alk) = fe ulk] = 64] ~ (2) ula] « (—2)* ul] = fe Fulk] — GeorraeR alk] = {fect gate? - (ayy 94-3 (kl = (3)**?ufa] « ((2)* + 3(—5)* Jul] = 9((3)*uf&] + (2)*u{k] + 3(3)*ufk] « (—5)*u(k]} aka | gio) 2B (a) = (ay = H- 5)" 944 lk = (3)~*ufA) « 38(2)hu (Al = 3(4)* ula] « &(2)* ula] Sega lCG)* — (2)* + EHD K(2) lk] = B1G)* ~ (2)* + 54 (2)*Iulk] 945 lk] = (3)* cos( $4 — 0.8)u{k] + (2)*ulk} R= (3)? + (2? ~ 2(9)2(05))"? = Vi = tan [984] = 170 and. (8) coal (+ 1) ~ 2.261) ~(2)**¥ con(2.261) uk] Syl(G)** cosl$(k + 1) - 2.261] + 0.687(2)"**}ule) 9.4-6 the characteristic root is ~2. Therefore ol = e(-2)* =1 and substituting y{-1] = 10, yields Setting & i= ‘Therefore yolk] = -20(-2)* kB 0 For this system h(t, the unit impulse response i found in Prob. 93-2 to be ‘lk = (—2)* fh] ut ‘The zero-state response is vik] = oul] «(—2)*ula} This s found in Prob. 9.41 40 be lk = ale? ~ (=2)** Yu = silo + 21-2)4Iule) = [peer ey™* + Ber (-2)*] wel ‘Total Response = wok] + vlk] [-20(—2)* + ahe(e)* + Per (—2)"Iula = girl (a8 + 20)(-2)* + (e)*}ulk] 27 (a) lk} + (0.5) ul] Ee ual = gM — (0.5)* ule] (b) Fk) = 2° ule = 2-92 uk] = 42% ul] From the result in part (a), it follows that ale] = 231287" ~ (0.5) Yule] = Hyl2** — (0.5) Yule] © I Note that 2°4-%u[k— 2] is the same as the input 2+u(A] in part (a) delayed by 2 units. Therefore from the shift property of the convolution, its response will be the same as in part (a) delayed by 2 units, The input here is 4(2-P alk ~ 2]). Therefore aut — 2] = 42 afk — 2) ais] = 451249 — (05) [i — 2] = §[24-* — (0.5)*"Yulee ~ 2) 9.4-8 The equation describing this situation is [see Eq. (8.20b)] (E~ aul] = BFR] ‘The initial condition y|-1) = 0. Hence there is only zero-state component. The input is 500u(k] ~ 15008(k ~ 4] Decause at k = 4, instead of depositing the usual $500, she withdraws $1000. To find hk], we solve iteratively L+r=101 (B= ah] = E5k| de-+ 1] = an] = afk +1] Setting k = —1 and substituting h|-1} = 0, 6[0] = 1, yields no] =1 ‘Also, the characteristic root is a and by = 0. Therefore Nk] = caulk) Setting k = 0 and substituting hl0] = 1 yields ae ‘Therefore ‘K) = (a) ule] = (1.01)*wk] 18 9.4.9 ‘The (zero-state) response is lk] = (1.00) SK) (1.01)*uw&] + {50eufk] ~ 1500514 ~ 4)} 500(1.01)*u} + afk] ~1500(1.01)*-ufk ~ 4] = BBRI(a.01)"** — s}ufa] — 1500(1.01)* + — 4) = 50000{(1.01)*** ~ t}ufa} ~ 1500(2.01)*~4ulk ~ 4] ‘This problem is identical to the savings account rroblem with negative initial deposit (loan). If M is the initial loan, then y{0] =~. If yf] is the loan balance, then (see Eq. (8.25b)], uik+1}—aylk] = se+1) aa ttr (E~ oulk] = Efe) ‘The characteristic root is a, and the impulse response for this system is found in Prob. 9.448 to be: ‘IAI = au This problem can be solved in two ways. First method: We may consider the loan of M dollars as an a negative input —_Mé[k|. The monthly payment of P starting at k = 1 also isan input. Thus the total input is f[k] = —Mé[k]+ Pulk—I] with zero initial conditions. Because ufk] = 6[4]+ulk—1], we can express the irput in a more convenient form as f{k] = ~(M+P)s[k)+Pult “The loan balance (response) y{é] is ib] = Wl» 8) alk] «(—(MF + P)SIK] + Pulkl) = -(M+ P)a'ulk| + Paul «ul Also a= 14r anda ‘ero, Therefore ‘where r is the interest rate per dollar per month. At k= NY the loan balance is iN] =—Mo +P & a | 0 Second method: In this approach, the initial condition is yl0] = —M, and the input is f[k] = Pulk ~ 1] because the monthly payment of P starts at k = 1. The characteristic root is a, and The zero-input response is sll = eat) Setting k= 0, and substituting yo[0]=—M, yields c= —M and lk] = —Ma* alk] ‘The zero-state response yt] is ih = Akl « JH] = All + Path —3] = Paul «ule 1} Here we use sift property of convolution. If welt Uk) = a af ul) = [2A ‘The sift property yields 19 Patulk] «u[k — 1 weh-ai=e [SS] ona) ‘The total balan» is yolk] + v(k] wolk] + 9k] = ~Mfotulel + P For t > 1, ulk| = ulk ~ 1] = 1. Therefore Loan balance = —ata! +e whieh confirms the result obtained by the first method. From here on the procedure is identien: to that of the first method 94-10 We nse the result in Prob. 9.49. In this problem r = 0.015, a = 1.015, P = 500, A = 10000. Therefore (1.015) (0.018) sy = (1.015) = 1.42857 Nv in(1.015) = In(1.42857) _ 1n(1.42887) =“ (1015) oe 1500 = 10000! 23.956 = 23 payments are needed. The residual balance (remainder) at the 28rd payment is 129} = ~10000(.015) + soo 22332"=1 itPaEe ylojet a]a [a4 [a ]-.- tit} yrige2 471.2 (® oe: mat m met ae vad i]4[--- [2 Jolo-: a pegee gen = 4 yLojal ~[x]oJo-- ore Te Tels ele ype ( Fig. $9.4-11 223-5 m1 E> 9.4-11 (a) The two strips corresponding to u(t] and ult] (after inversion) are shown in the figure $9.4-11a for no shift (k-=0) and for one shift (k= 1). We see that if cfk] = ufk] « u[k] then AO =1, c= % el =3, c= 4 eg =5, eS] =6--, kk HT Hence fk] + wk] = (+ De) 120 : on [2/3 R=O Fitted bye $Lo]=!5 e- | OLB ane a Peete Pepe YLde)5 ‘oft T2]3 1475) =4 2 14234567 CCC Ce ee k= $t-1J215 soaaa (b) The appropriate st ult] = uk = m) and u[A] are shown in Fig. S9.4-11b. The "upper strip coreesponding to u(t] ~ ulk ~m) has first m slots with value 1 and all the reniaining sots have value 0. The lower (inverted) strip corresponding to ulk has all slot values of 1. From this figure it follows that Hence «fk 9.412 From Fig. S9.4-12 we observe that (6+ Dulk] = (& = m+ talk ~ m) vik) OF 1+ 2 +5 4445=15 ol 142434445215 2eS4a45= 18 vil S4445=12 4a5=9 5 ° =0 k>6 1B ko 9.4213 From Pig. $9.4-13, we observe the following values for ult} kul ul 0 5x545x5 SIL OxO+5x4 41 5x4+0=20 E12 0x0+5x3 3200 5x3+0=15 #13 0x045x2=10 #3 5x2+0=10 H1d 0x045x1=5 a4 axlt 415 0x0+0x0=0 #5 5xO+ 416 0 470 49 0x0+0x0 4180 #10 Ox04+5x1 Observe that lh 0 S<[Al<9 and |i BRE fold olol- yLR 50 Fig. $0.4-13, a 9.4-14 (a) From Fig. $9.4-13, we observe the following values of ult}: k 0 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 [Aj>7 wk) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 (b) The answer is identical to that of (a). This is because when we lay the tapes flrm| and g[-m) together, the situation is identical to that in (a) a4 t + é oft 1 cm is ele kso Set v ttt v Tool yfej-7 Olt py fojopes R=! oo t mo tfolr ¥LI-é = oft 1 ; Olof R=-! ate t fol. 41-1] @ Fig. $9.44 9.4.15. (a) 8 = Af 12= All] +800) Alt] = 12-84 14= A] + Ala] + Alo) => aia} =2 15 = Ais} +42] +A] + Alo] > ala] = 15.5 = Al] +418] + 12 + Alt} + Af] — ala) = 05 15.5 = NS] + Ald] + W3] + Al2] + Alt] + AO] => Als] = 0.25, (») Hence the input sequence is: (1, 1/3, 1/9, =) ee ] [::] . [| ol” Ue 94-17 When the input to a unit delay is everlasting exponential z', the output is also everlasting exponential :*~ Hence, according to Eq. (9.58) H[s] = 2*"/2" = 1/z 95-1 (E+ 2)ylel = BT) ‘The characteristic equation is 7 +2 = 0, and the characteristic root is -2. Therefore a(t) = B(-2)* Por f{k] = elk] = Hle“e vik] = B(-2)" + ghge* D0 12 9.5.2 95-3 wR P ER BR PER Fig. 50.416 Setting k =0, and substituting po] = 1 yields Big = Bagh and vis = pineet-2hee") 20 fk] + 2ulk 1] = fle 11 o We solve this equation iteratively to obtain y[0). Setting & = 0, and substituting yl-1] =0. f[-1] = 0, we get viol +2(0)=0 => fo]=0 ‘The system equation can be exprested as (B+ 2)ulk] = Fle] “The characteristic root is ~2. Therefore ‘unlk] = B(-2)* Por flk} alk] = rule] with r= eo, elk] = Hirlr* = Hle™"}e™* ‘Therefore uk] = B(-2)" + 3 Setting k = 0 and substituting y= 0 yields O=Btg = B= ey and vik] = gSql-(-2)* +e] k20 (E+ SE + 2k = (6? +38 +3)/1K) ‘The characteristic equation is 2 +3 +2.= (y+ 1)(9-+2) = 0. Therefore alk] = By(—1)* + Ba(—2)* For fk) 123, 54 0.55 vol] = Higjat = Gesaiesss Bs" The total response alk) = Bi(—1)* + Ba(-2)* + (B)S* 20 (a) Setting k= 0.1, 1d substituting v{0] = 1, y[t} = 3, yields + Bat 2+ alk) = Yh + 42+ Bayt ko (b) We solve system exquation iteratively to find y(} and y[l]. We are given y|—1] = yl~2] = 1. System equation lk + 2) + 3yle + 1) + 2y[k] = slk +2] + 9flk + 1] + 3p Setting k = -2, we obtain (0) + 3(1) + 2(1) = (3)" +300) +360) => v0] Setting & 1, we obtain ull] + 3[-4) + 2(1) = (3)! +303) +30) > yfl] = 16 Also vik] = Bi(—0)* + Ba(-2)* + Bay’ 20 Setting k = 1, 2, and substituting y[0] = —4, y(1] = 16, yields t= Bt Bt B }- B=¥ ~B, ~ 2B +3 By=-8 and 1h B(-2' + BO) BO settle (yi =0 ‘The roots are —1 repented twice. valk] = (Bi + Bak)(—1)* Also the system equation is (E? + 2E + 1)y{k] = (2E? ~ £)f(k), and J(k] valk] = W153 = (a kB O “The total response vlk| = (Bs + Bak)(—1)* ~ Setting k= 0, 1, and substituting y{0] = 2, ull] = - 42, yields plat e-a} Bat lk] = (3 + 34(-1)*— Fe kBO oP 7 +016 = (y= 02)(7 08) ‘The roots are 0.2 and 08. valk] = B1(0.2)? + B2(0.8)* Because the input is a mode 1 9.5.6 valk] = e&(0.2)* But yo ation the system equation, that is, valk +2] ~ yolk + 1] + 0.16ye[4] = sk +1) and elke + 2)(0.2)M? ~ e(k + 1(0.2}*** + 0.16ek(0.2)* = (0.2) ‘This yields 2(0.2)* ‘Therefore and valk] = —34(0.2)* u{k] = B1(0.2)* + Ba(0.8)* keo Setting & = 0, 1, and substituting initial conditions y(0] = 1, y[t] = 2, yields 1= B+ Bs ~ * 2=02B, +08B;~4 Ba vik] = -3(0.2)" + Boa f02" kD0 lk +2} vik +1] + 0.16, = flk-+ 1] ‘We solve this equation iteratively for f[k] = cos( $$ + §), v{-I] = ul-2] = 0, to find yf0] and yji]. Remember also that fk] = 0 for k < 0. Setting k= ~2 in the equation yields u(0] - 0 + 0.16(0) = viol Setting k= —1 in the equation yields sll] 0+0.16(0) =cos$=05 =» yt] =05 ‘Therefore v0} = 0 and ylt) = 0.5. For the input f(k] = cos(3f + §), walk] = ccos( 3 + 5 +6) But yolk] satiaties the system equation, that i volk + 2] — volk +1] + 0.16yo[k] = f[k +1) ccos[$(k-+2) + § + 6] — ccosl$(k +1) + § +4] + ONGecosl Fk + | +) = coml lk +1) + § —coos( Sh + $ +9) +esin( SS + § +9) + 0.16ccon( SE + 5 +8) = cosl GR + 5+ §) 1806ccos(E + § + 62.27) = const + 5+ §) Therefore 1.3060=1 => «= 0.765 O-227=% => 6 = 3.84 =—24drad ‘Therefore 125 9.61 9.6.3 elk] = 0.765 co5(%8 + § - 2.48) = 0.765 cox — 1.393) fk] = B,(0.2)* + B,(0.8)* + 0.765 cos( 3 — 1.398) vill = 0.5, yields 0= 8, + Ba + 0.1354 By = 0.241 0.5 = 0.28; +0.8B, + 0.753, Ba=-0.317 Setting & = 0, 1, and substituting v0] vik] = 0.241(0.2)* ~ 0.877(0.8)* + 0.765 cos( $$ ~ 1.893) (®) 97 4067-16 = (9 -0.2)(7 +08) Roots are 0.2 and ~0.8. Both are inside the unit circle. The system is asymptotically stable. (e) G84 G7 +941) = 7-45 +4 - BY + 8+) Roots are 4/1, -§ + AY = 02/9 {Al te roots are simple and on snit circle, The system is marginally stable, (©) G-vG+b Roots are 1 (repeated twice) and ~0.5. Repoated root on unit circle. The system is unstable. @ P+ 2y 40.96 = (7 + 08)(y +12) Roos are 0.8 and ~1.2. One root (1.2) is outside the the unit circle, The system is unstable. © 67 = D0? +1) = + DDE + 5-3 Roos are +1, 4/1. All the roots are simple and on unit circle. The system is marginally stable. ‘Assume that a system existe that violates (9.61), and yet produces bounded outpnt for every bounded input. ‘The system response at k= ky is alka} = > Alen flr Consider a bownded input f(A] such that 1 if Almj>o fib ~ 2] {i if him) <0 Tn this case ‘fea — m= tom and vi) = [ll = 20 ‘This violates the assumption. For a marginally stable system hk] does not decay. For large h, it i either constant or oscillates with constant amplitude. Clearly Shim = 20 ‘The system is BIBO unstable. 126 Chapter 10 a 12,1 a ‘O14 a34 a rora Jk] = 4005 2.4mk + 2sin3.20k cos O.4rk + 2sin L-2rk re Oe ye 4 ne JOM 4 /DARRR/D) 4 gosh 20k n/2) ‘he fandamental No = 0. and My = AE = 5. Note also that erie = fhoek oul and ‘Therefore FUR) = 204 4 296m iL Behn/D) 4 lose 4/2) We have first, second, third and fourth harmonics with coefficients 5 9h Wie 3 te re Fig. $10.1-2 101-2 Jk) = cos 2.2rk cos 3.3m eos Sk + cos Link] = }hos L.5nk + cos 17k} = ppt etter tek cananyy ets 4 080 tek cn0e) ‘The fundamental frequency % = 0.1 and No = AE = 20, There are only 5th, 9th, 11th and 15th harmonies with coefficients Ds = Dy = Ds war 101-3 10.1-4 10.1-5 1,1 Le fount ot T2834. t= _our Fig. $10.1-3 Al the coefficients are real (phases 2er0). The spectrums is shown in Fig. $10,1-2. 1 [k] = 2e083.2m(k ~ 3) = 2eos(3.2ek ~ 96x) = 2eos{1.2nk + 0.4) Laekiode) , j-i(harkeaan) = AU TAFOAN) 4 1 Hrk-o.4H) ‘The fundamental frequency 9 = 0.4" and No = 2E = 5, Only 2nd, and 3rd harmonics are present Dai IDsl = ‘The spectrum is shown in Fig, $10.1:3 L2r 123 45> Fig. S10.1-4 ‘To compute coefficients D,. we use Eq. (10.13) where summation is performed over any interval No. We choose this interval to be ~o/2, (No/2) ~ 1 (for even No). Therefore fred site In the present ease No = 6, Do= 3 So ssl We have [0] = 3, f[1] =2, f[+2] = 1, and f[3] = 0. Therefore FB +2 Het) 4 OF FY = H9+ 4 os(§r) + 2¢0s(%r)] Do=} Di=d Ds=0 D: 0 De=3 Here the spectrum is real. Hence, [D.| = D, and 2D, In ths case No = 12 and Mo = § sio|=0 sa) 1 fij=2 s-2 s8)=3 s{-3] S15] = J6] = ‘Therefore 128 De swe Eo ge ci) get FP) “J tasin( 5 zy) FBlesin( gr) + asin(§r) + 6sin(Zr)) Here, the spectrum is imaginary. Hence, (D,| = zh/2sin($r) + Asin($r) + 6sin(Jr)| and 2D, 10.1-8 Here, the period is No and Mp = 2r/Np. Using Eq. (10.9), we obtain Dem eterno Lacon ‘This is a geometric progression, whose sum is found from Sec. B.T-4 as Therefore at ave 1 asin 7% {- tan Roloc —T) ~ Nolacos rMo —jasin N—W ~ No(vat= dace Me r1 ‘cos rp ————_— roa ra 10.1-7 This problem is identical to the analog case analyzed in Sec. 3.1-3 (Bq. (3.10). all that is needed is te replace S(t), 2(t), eft) with fk], 2(A], efk] and the integral with summation in that derivation, 10.1-8 Because [fli = f1614, using Ba, (108), we obtain Interchanging the order of summation yields Nant Moot oo From Eq, (5.43) in Appendix 5.1, the sum inside the parenthesis is No when r =m, and is zero otherwise. Hence Py 10.21 (a) F (9) = D> stele? ) F(Q) = SY lk ~ bole [F(O))=1— LF(R) =o © 129 rast re el Re =O Ire HRCA = in ote LPO) Fig. $10.21 FD) = Yate = Sack = = get 1 ~ aa ~ [eos —a) + jam 1F()| = £6 (u) = = tant (Sn Observe that -_ FO) = Gara" Toa Comparison of this equation with Eq, (10.37) shows that F() in the present case is ae! times the F(Q) for au. Cleary, the amplitude spectrum in ths eas isa times that in Fig. 10.4. Moreover, the angle spectrum in the present case is equal to —! plus that in Fig. 10-4, This is shown in Fig, $10.2-a, @ FO) = (ee = FO Seay (FO) =20- tant (SOR) Observe that mn a FO) = Tamme * To ae Comparison of this equation with Eq, (10.37) shows that F(Q) in the present case is Je" times the F(M) for e*u[A]. Clearly, the amplitude spectrum in this case is 1/a times that in Fig. 10.4b, Moreover, the angle spectrum in the present case is equal to 9 plus that in Fig. 10.4e. This is shown in Fig. $10.2-1b 102-2 (a) F(R) = J se? = 94 207 4 2) 4 (eH IM) 344080 + 2eos20 (e) 130 M16 2g 4. 50" BO 4 7g HA Qo Fa) = Syke = 7 4 67M) 4 270 4 0M) gy “PRIS + dean 0 + eon 20) © F(9) = So sible = 0-9 — 30 + 6729 eI 4 96-7 959 = 6j[sin 2 + 2sin 2M + 3sin 30} @ YH Mele = 2074 2 de 7M 4 ge = Acosit + 8cos20 1028 ikl = ef, Fie an nr -4 [4 (2) ean @ ing this integral directly, we use the fact thatthe inverse Fourie transform of A(#) is given by sine *(32) (Pair 20, Table 4.1). This means Lf? (2) sot ay = gine ? (FE Bf OE) = pane? (FZ) Now seting w = Mand ¢ = kin thin equation , we find the integral in Eq, (1) as Leng (TE 118) = tine? (24) 1031 (@) J {k] = ou [kl] ~ a*u (k ~ 10] = au [k] ~a!a*-1u [ke - 10) Now ull = om otk 10) =» and 118] => es (08) (b) This function isthe gate pulse in Example 10.5 delayed by k = 4. Therefore sn (450) san F()= oan) 10.32 (a) otulk) = poo . 1 ae kabul] = 5p Tae = ame 1st oa tenet) me eee, & [ater 4 ate) wij Trani + aera] 12? co8 No cosy + ate =o oy Oe Te 2 re Fig. $10.41 104-1 (a) (jena nak [nme 2 We can find f{k] by direct integration as in Example 10.6, We may also use a short eut by recognizing that A(O/x) = 0 for | > x/2; and the tints of integration iu Use inverse Fourler integral may as well be from 30 ‘to 00, Such a change makes this integral the inverse Fourier transform of (f/x). This is found from Table 41 (with 9 = w and k= #) to be eine? (7 1h = Lane? (#4) ‘This sigual is sketched in Fig. $10.4-1a. (b) The signal /12k) is f(A] time-compressed by a factor 2 as shown in Fig. $104-1b. We have f[2k) = Jsinc?(4#). To find F(M), we use Eq. (10.55) with T = 1, and /.(t) c ‘Asinc¥(4). From Table 4.1, we ind F(o) = $A($), and from Eq. (5.4), Fe(w) = $32, A(25229). Therefore 132 10.5-1 10.5-2 10.8-3 450, A( B22) as shown in Fig. $10.4-1. This spectrum is identical to F(2) in Pig. PLO.A-1 frequency expanded by a factor 2 (and multiplied by a constant 1/2) Using the same argument, we find f|4k] = sinc(nk). ‘This signal is zero for all values of k #0 as shown int Fig, S10.4-1c, In this case itis trivial to find F(R) = J flkle# = 1/4. Thus the spectrum F(A) in this case is a constant 1/4 as shown in Fig. $10-Le. This spectrum is identical to F(A) in Fig. P10.4-1 frequency expanded by a factor 4 (and multiplied by a constant 1/4). (6) The signal /[/2] is |x] time-expande by a factor 2. "This signal has alternate samples mising as shown in Fig. S10.4-1f. Using idea interpolation, we fil in the inissing samples to abtain the interpolated function ‘shown in Fig. $10.41g. Using the argument in part (b) n find F\() = 2022) as Ib] = dsinc? (38 Shown in Fig. 810.4 1 o FO)= Tyga = aT OS 2 (o 40.32) ¥ (8) = FQ) HM) = aT aay eM OB (oF OD YQ) _ 2% 40.32 To = MTOM OBE OD) 2 8/3 2/3 = pmSos” oF eo8 * aOR a et gah aoe taro: -08y* + 2-02] wl 5 YO) =a wi} = [2(-05)* w a min 3 (3) 8 PM Soas vl) = al 2% 0.5) ¥(Q) = FOMVH) = soe ORT ¥(@) 1 05 =1f_03___os_ | _os Go Soret osery 3 [peor ~ areas ta, antes ” i V0) =} fea ig arias +8] ryiyt 4 ed wsl= [t (8) = dc-o9y +4} age FO amos BF ¥ (=F) 4 O)= Gea —OH ~ ESOT ss so, 9s, 2/8 /3 aw iggt aos ~ a 9/3 a F on See 8 et ‘ora os * Sea 8 FHT -(05)* + $08)'] we] + $a)*ul- e+ 0) 10.6-1 We construct the 3-point periodic extension of J) as SgeBasngas 133 10.6-2 ‘The values of J[kj at k = 0, 1, and 2 are 3, 2, and 3 respectively. We use these values to compute the DFT. ‘Thi problem is now identical to Example 10,8, which is already solved in the text. The DET is given by 8, Fleet, Fy + ‘The DTPT of this signal is 2 el 43 4 20-9 Observe that F(0) = 8, F(RF) = 05 + 0866 = 0"! — Fy, Similarly F(SF) = 05 — 50.86 fs (©) Recall that the Ni-point DET of fk] characterizes the No-periodic extension of f[k] and nct just the Because the 3-point periodic extension of this signal is identical to the 2-point periodic extension of the sgual In Fig. 10.11, the DFTs of the two signals are identical. This doesnot mean that the DTFTs of the two signals ae identical Alli says in that the (vo DTPTs are identical at the No sample points, We may verify kom the fact that the DTT ofthe signal in Fig. 10.11a ie Dole P= 9 eH 4 30H FQ) Observe that F(0) = 8, F(2f) = 0.5 + 30.866 = e'"/® = Fy. Similarly F(4$) = 0.5 ~ 0.866 = 6/9 = Fy (c) To find the 8-point DFT of this signal, we pad 5 zeros. The 8-periodie extension of this padded signal is 3, 3, 2,0, 0,0, 0,0, 3, 3, 2,0, ‘To compute &-point DFT, we select the 8 values starting from k = 0, These are 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3. The S:pont DFT is Fe =D Sie Ft = 3-4 2097 F 4 36 IE “This yields Fy = 8, Fy = 6.5985 + 0.707, Fy= 84+), Fa = ~08855 + 40.707, Fi = 2, Ps = ~0.5856 - 50707, Fe = 3-3, Fr= 6.5385 — 30.707 This isa 4point signal starting at k = 0. The four points are 1, 2, 2, 1. Also Mp = /2. Hence, the 4-point DFTis Fem ile Ft a 1 200 a zeta coe ‘This yields Fo=6, Fy 3h, Fa=0, Ps=-145 For &-point DFT, we pad 4 zeros to J{k]. ‘This yields the 8-point sequence 1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 6, 0, 0. Also {9 = 25/8 = /4. Hence, Fee Sse PE 2H 4 DIE eT ‘This yields Fo=6, Fi = -1.707 —j41213, Fe=-1-3, Ps Fo n+ 5, Fr= 1.707 + j4.1213 (e) 2929 — j0.1213, Fe =0, Fs = 0.2929 + 30.1213, F(R) = S sble I = 1-4 20-2 + 267M 4 HA 134 10.6-3 10.6-4 10.6-5 For the 4-point case, fo = 1/2, and the DFT is fF (02) Substitution of r = 0, 1, 2, 3 yields the same DFT values found eatlie. For the & point case, 9 ="7/4, and the DFT is De IE eI IIE Bem Flrn/2) = 14 2 4 20H g gH Substitution of 0,1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 yields the same DFT values found earlier In this ease No = 1 and % = 2r. Hence, the DFT is a single-point given by Fo = fiole® = (0] = 1. Also F(Q) = fidje~ = fo) = 1. Thus F(A) is constant for all . The DFT is a sample of this F(M) at w = 0. which is 1 (b) The signal 6[¢ ~ m] is also a single-point signal. The one-point periodic extension of this signal isa signal {ap[k] = 1 for all k. Hence we pick its value at k = 0 (which is 1) to compute a single-point DPT. Thus, Fy = 1° = 1. This is identical to the DFT of 64 (©) In this ease, we pad No 1 zeros. and the zero-padded signal is 1, 0, 0, 0,--+, 0, 0. Hence, +04+0+0-. +0 Ment B= Do sik for alle ‘The No-point DFT is a set of No uniform samples of F(%) over the frequency interval of 2. But F(9) = 1 for all Q, Hence, all the No samples (the DFT) are 1 @ Next 2: So sikle OH aS erik This is a geometrical progression whose sum is derived in Eq. (5.48) as Ng for r = 0, and is zero for all other values of r. Thus, Fy = No and Fy =O forr =, 2, 3, >, No—I- Also F(Q) = DD see = YO eM = Observe that (using IHopital rule) F(0) No. But 0 for all r #0 because e-!"" (b) It is clear that the DFT is taking all the samples where F(®) = 0 with the exception of the sample at 11 = 0. Clearly, the DFT in this case is a poor description of F(M). The situation can be remedied by taking ‘more samples. This ean be done by padding zeros to f[k]- We should add at least Np number of zeros to get a fair idea of F(®) from the DFT. This isa S-point signal that does not start at 4,2, 0, 2 4, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, ++». The five points starting at & 0. The S-point periodic extension of this signal is 4, 2 Also M9 = 2n/5. Hence, are 0, 2, the 5.polnt DPT is B= Sle a 20 I ME a eI a I This yields Fo = 12, Fi = 5.2361, Fa = ~0.7639, Fy = -0.7639, Fa For 8-point DPT, we pad 3 zeros to f{k] and then take the 8-point periodic extension, whose first cycle yields 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2. Also, % = 2x/8 = n/4. Hence, 5.2361 Fem Sythe PE 2 HF he PE He 2 135 10.6-6 This yields Fo = 12, Fi = 2.8284, Fe 8, Fr = 2.8284, 2.8284, Fi (b) 1 4 209 4 20-9 4 4e-P = Geos + Boos 2 Fa) = SO sk forthe Spon case, = 2/5, andthe DPT ie Fe = deos(2er/5) + 8cos(anr/5) Substitution of r = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 yields the same 4-point DFT values found earlier. For the &-point case, 99 = 1/4, and the DFT is F cos(wr/4) + Seos(nr/2) Substitution of r =0, 1, 2, ++, 7 yields the same 8:point DFT found earlier. (a) Figure $10.6-6a shows the graphical construct required for circular convolution. ‘The outer circle is rotated clockwise, one unit ata time, and then the corresponding f and g values are multiplied and the products added to yield c{0] = 7, ef] = 9, (2) = 1, e(3} (b) Figure 510 6-60 shows the sliding tape construct required for linear convolution. The lower strip is aévanced, fone unit at a time, and then the corvesponding f and g values are multiplied and the products added to yield (| = 0, ct] = 2, 2] = 5, ef] = 9, eff) =7, ef] =7, 6] =6. (©) Im this case Ny = Ny = 4. Hence each sequence should be padded with 7 ~ 4 = 3 zeros. Figure $10.6-6¢ shows the graphical construct required for cicular convolution using the T-point padded f and g sequences. The outer circle is rotated clockwise, one unit at atime, and then the corresponding J and 9 values are multiplied and the products added to yield c[0] = 0, eft] = 2, ef2] = 5, ef] = 9, eld] = 7, e(5] = 7, elo] = 6. whichis identical to the answer in part (b) (a) The Periodic Convolution by DFT For this purpose, we need Fy and Cs for unpadded /{k] and alt. Both signals are 4-point sequences, that is No = 4 and Mo = m/2, and Fe= Dre Hi 20 4 IE Hence Fo=14249=6, Fi 249) =-2492, r= -142—9=-2, Pye j—2-j8=-2-32 and , Gp = Dolkle I = 24eIE eT IE Hence, Ho =3-+2+141=7 and Go=2414142=6, G)=2-j-14j2= 145, Ga 2-141-2=0, = 24) From these values, we compute C, = Fry as Co = 36, C= , C2 = 0, Cx 4 ‘The IDFT of C, is given by 30 — 40°F — 4004] From this equation, we obtain e(0| = 7, e{l] = 9, e[2] = 11, e(s (e) The Linear Convolution by DFT We repeat the procedure in part (d) using padded sequences. In this ease No = T and Qo = 2x/7, and 136 a 4 2 = 3 {aCe} » 42 at 2 vf a L T Coo) = 7 eh) 24 eaa)= 1) 26)-9 fol: Ja 13] fe 214 aya «= eh] pris ent] ato) = 0 ea)= 2 C@)=5 e4)=4 fora {aI GER BE 5) 7 e)*7 (¢ ec) B= 7 c)=6 ) Fig. $10.66 p HF 2004 4 30 = Duta Fe where /[] =[0, 1, 23,0, 0,0}. Substitution of the values of f[k] inthe preceding equation for F yields F (6, -2.5245~j4.0393, ~0.154+)2.2883, ~0,8216—j1.795, -0.9216+)1.795, ~0.154—)2.2388, -2.5245-+ 4.0333) Ale Gr = Dalkler F* where gik] = (2.1, 1. 2 0, 0, 0}. Substitution of these values inthe preceding equation for Gr yields are ed Gr = (6, 0.509—j2.6245, 2.12845 +j1.0226, 1.2775—31.6019, 1.2775+)1.6019, 2.12845 j1.0226, 0.599+ 2.6248] From these values, we compute Cr = FrGy as [6, ~12.0084+ 6.2094, ~2.6164-j45956, 3.2862—j1.778, .2862+j1.778, ~2.616~ 4.55056, ~12.098— 34.2004] ‘The IDFT of Gis given by In this equation we substitute the values of C, found eatler to obtain ci8] = (0, 2,8, 9, 7,7, 6) f]a[3] [2 [273] IESE &[2BI feb S he yo) *4 Yor) = 12 yea= 16 YQ ye) = 3 g, > ° 4 ©. © 3 oO 2 3 3 > (DB): CG E:- 2 z ots o 5 2 2N ey 4 yoy=¢ Yi)= 12 Yale VE)=B ved Fig. $10.67 10.6-7 (i) We find the response by linear convolution using the sliding tape method. The two tapes are shown in fig, S106-Ta. We advance the lower tape one unit at a time, multiply the corresponding f and h values and add. ‘This yields y(0) =9, wll] = 12, v(2] = 16, y/3] = 8 y[d) = 3. All the remaining values are 0. (Gi) To obtain the correct answer by circular convolution, we must pad f[k] with Na ~ 1 = 3 zeros and gf] with Ny —1 = 2 zeros, resulting in 6-point sequences (3, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0] and [3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0). Figure S10.6- ‘7b shows the graphical construct required for circular convolution. The outer circle is rotated clockwise, one unit at a time, and then the corresponding and g values are multiplied and the products added to yield y{0]=9, ult] = 12, y[2] = 16, yf3] = 8, y[s] = 3. The sequence repeats periodically. (Gi) For the use of DFT, we use the padded sequences in part (i). In this ease Ne 5,94 Fe = Sse FE 90 4 20 IH 4 30 IE 138 Hence, Fo=342+ Fy = 3.854072 29, Fy = 2.8547, Fy = 2.85479, Fy, B54e/" 2808 Also Able Pw 26 PAE 4 20 IAF 4 IE Hence 759702072 Hy = 342+ 1=6, Hy = 3.7537, Hy = 1.70580", Hy = 1.70580 Hy From these values. we compute Y= FH, as s.ae7esm8 Yo = 48, Ya = 14.467e 7 9%, Vy = 4.868504, Ya The IDFT of ¥ is given by Ly verte 6, vis) = 8, vid) ult] 3. All the remaining values are 0. From this equation, we obtain yl0] = 9, y[t] = 12, yl cost Yo): B yoe YOQ)-4 Yat Vis YG)=3 SHOBAS Yed* Yeyeth YT Y)S YeHe3 yo) = 3 Fig. $10.68 10.6-8 (i) We find the response by linear convolution using the sliding tape method. The two tapes are shown in fg S10.6-8a. We advance the lower tape one unit at a time, multiply the corresponding f and h values and add ‘This yields y{0] = 3, yl] = 8, vl2] = 14, vf8] =9, wld] = 5, v{5] =3. All the remaining values are 0. (i) To obtain the correct answer by citcular convolution, we must pad f{k] with Ny —1 = 3 zeros and ik} with Nj — 1 = 2 zeros, resulting in 6-point sequences {1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0) and (8, 2, 1, 1, 0,0). Figure S10.6- {8 shows the graphical construct required for circular convolution. ‘The outer circle is rotated clockwise, one ‘unit at a time, and then the corresponding f and g values are multiplied and the products added to yield ul0] =3, vil] =8, yl2] =14, y{3] =9, vid] = 5, vl5] =3. The sequence repeats periodically. (ii) For the use of DFT, we use the padded sequences in part (i). In this case No = 6, = x/8, and F, Syke = 120 eo Hence, Fy =1+243=6 and Fate 28 eae wtp 2evS , goto ivd _ Lost 3. and Fy = aS Similarly, we find Fy = =945, Fy 139 and hlklenF* = 3 4 20-7 F 4 eH 4 IT Hence, Ho =34+2+141=7 and aeons Byte 2e§ pet Similarly, we find Ha = Sp, Hy = 1, Ha = S445, and Hy = Stays From these valies, we compute Ye = Fre as Yo = 42, Yi = -10~ j1V3. Yo = -3+ j2V5, Yo = 2, Ye= -8~-2V3, Y= -104 57VT ‘The IDFT of ¥; is given by =f [224 (10-7 + (-3-+ 32V Ie ld = +22" + (-3 ~ j2vI)ePF* + (—10 +ivaje") From this equation, we obtain lO] = 3, v(t] = 8, vf2] = 14, v(3] = 9, vid] 915} = 3, All the remaining values are 0. overap and add methed overlap 4 save method Data {i J-2[sfol-1Jal fraser qa) ddd fy-2[3[o} =2]3) rn Te output block, (ERATE! (e7al-a] * io eo [ale[-2I BCABORE output Fig. 10.6.0 10.6-9 The output y[t| is a linear convolution of f[k] and Akl. We can readily obtain the linear convolution of fk] ‘and h{d] as ylk] = {(2,—2,2,6,~2,2,4} Overlap and Add Method We shall use Z = 3 for the block convolution. In this case Mf = 2. Hence, we need to break the input sequence in blocks of 3 digits and pad each block with M — 1 = 1 zero, Thus, the first block is f:[&] = (1, ~2, 3, 0}, and ‘the second block is fat] = (0, —1, 2, 0}. We convolve each of these blocks with hk] = {2, 2}, which becomes ‘Alk] = (2, 2, 0, 0} after padding by L~ 1 = 2 zeros. ‘We may perform circular convolution of the two blocks fa{k] = {1,—2,3,0} and falk) = {0,~1,2,0} with the padded impulse response hk] = {2,2,0,0}. The reader may verify that this yields ya(k] = (2,—-2,2,6} and alk] = (0,~2,2,4}. The two output blocks are added as shown in Fig. $10.6-9 to obtain the final output lk] =2,2,4). We may also obtain this result using DFT procedure described below. In this case No ="4, and 9 = #/2. The DFTs F, and H, of the zero-padded sequences f[k] and Aft] are given i 2 1 Se and te = Salle 40 Also ¥; = FH. We compute the values of F,, H,, and ¥> using these equations for each block: For the first block, 20718 4 392 #279 and Full Also 1 (a4 viet ev + Yoel) wf3] ‘We use the same procedure for the second block to obtain 242008 Peano? i +209" and 3, we obtain fe Ho (13) Hy = 20+) Yo (-1 + 33) ¥p = 2-1 ~ 33) wo) wf) ‘The fourth point of the first output block overlaps with the frst point of the second output block. Hence, adding the two overlapping output blocks yields the total output as 2, -2, 2, 6, ~2, 2, »-- as shown in Fig, $10.69, Overlap and Save Method In this case, we augment the first block with 0 as its first digit. Hence, the frst input blocks is 0, 1, ~2, 3. For ‘the second block, the first digit is the augmented digit, whose value is identical to the last digit of the first block ‘Thus, the second block is 3,0, —1, 2. It can be readily verified that the Circular convolution of each of these two inpu: blocks with the padded impulse response Alk] = (2, 2, 0, 0} results in output blocks ya lk] = (6,2,~2,2} and alk] = (10,6, ~2,2}. The two blocks are added (after discarding the first M — 1 = 1 digit of each output block as shown in Fig, S10.6-9, the final result is y[k] = (2, ~2, 2, 6, -2, 2.--.} We may also obtain this result using DFT procedure that follow Substituting the appropriate values of f[k], Ak], and Y- in the equations found in the frst part, we obtain the first output block as (0, 2, ~2, 2}, and the second output block as {6, 6, ~2, 2}. When we discard the first point in both the output blocks, the saved data sequence is {2, -2, 2, 6, ~2, 2,...) ‘We can readily verify that the linear convolution of the input sequence f[k]'="{1, -2, 3, 0, —1, 2...) with ‘ikl = (2, 2} is indeed (2, -2, 2, 6, -2, 2,...} Fi=P=Fu= Fs 10.6-10 Hence = Blt et eet te ei) = He [1 +200 (Je) +20 (F4)] From the above equation, we obtain Fp = 0.3125, F; = 0.2664, F, = 0.1508, F = 0.0219, Fy = -0.0625 From Eq, 10.45 r= tase) tes = 025, Fi = O28, Fo = 02801 Fy 007% Fe =O Ne ease aut bon he ipo DPT became fang, Ts bese the Bee err nena orate apatites overlap. Hence, the resulting periodic extension in the first cycle is no longer f{k), but /{k] which is the alinsed version of f{k] resulting from the overlap of various cycles. Longer the No, smaller the overlap, and closer the IDFT tof. ad Chapter 11 at uaz () a (b) © Recall that Therefore Fae @ rein Sooner EH CY ‘From the result in part (c) it follows that Fle] = tel = (eh! 28" = gil* «) Uk = (2) hu fk ~ 1] +(e) Fu fa] = 42) Pa [ — 1) + Ce) ua] ‘Therefore @) Uk) = key he = 1] = bey (| — 0 = eye (k] Therefore a as 2 Fel= GF (c) Fh] = [(2)-* cos 28] w fk 1] = (2)* con Bh fk] ~ 614] Thersfore Fle) = 22025) 0.2512 = 1) “0524085 ~ 05s +038 (a) Because K(k = 1)(h = 2) = 0 for & = 0,1, and 2 FAK) = (k= Yk = 2924 1, 0r 2. Therefore = kk = 1k ~ 2902)" fk) FUR) = (2) ( — 1)(k ~ 2)2%u AI and = [Merz] 2 8 Fil=@) [eo] - co (a) Oy (e) Fels Tao J UK) = [e-* — 24] we} (a) 243 G=E=2E-3) 5: 72 9 “3321-329 * 273 £tk1 = [3 - 7)" + 30)4] ule) (e) Fle) 52422 4 = (= + 1)(z - 2) (= 2)? ‘Multiply both sides by and let x + oo. This yields O=3+k+0 = k=-3 43 =a **a-aF £18) = fa(—1)* ~ ¢2y4 + 24(2)4] wk o 0.08 Geox 0a ~ 09 (g) We use pair 12e with A 5, fo] = 1. Therefore , 23)=5 omen) =5 S16] = 2(1)*co0( SE + §)u lk] = 2oom( $8 + $)u lk] ) Fle] _ 2s 03:4025. ASB He? $067 +025) = * F300 +E ‘Mubiply both sides by = and let ¢—+ 00. This yields 2altaA—a Settng : = 1 on both sides yields Hp=1+HE SB 2(z~ 09) PUl= 14 ay oe: +038 For the second fraction on right side, we use pair 2c with A= 1, B 0.3, and [7] = 05. This yields ra VIB p= cos (592) = 2214 6= tan 1(4B) = 1.200 Ik] = 6 [k] + VT0(0.5)* cos(2.214k + 1.249)u [A] Art B ° Fete Multiply both sides by = and let : ~+ 00. This yields “244 =e A=? Set : = 0 on both sides to obtain $=24+8 = B=-4 3022-4) Fete For the second fraction on the right-hand side, we use pair 12¢ with A =P pace Poe =m sh) = -025 4 a4 1-5 24 lk] = [-2+ 242(5)* cos(0.927k ~ 0.25)] ule) wo fe] amass nse 1, _aree Se ae Multiply hoth sides by = and let = — oo. This yields Onl4Ama Setting 2 = 0 on both sides yields For the second fraction on right-hand side, use pair 12¢ with A= —1, B = 6.83, a= ~25, and j tan™(=$) ravB gp =cos (05) 11K) = [(2)* + VEU8)" cost Gk — 35) we (k) Fle] _ x(-25 485-7) = G=nE-ae Ea ‘Multiply both sides by e and let 2 —+ oo. This yields -2e1th = hi Set = 0 on both sides to obtain Therfore f[0]=2, /{1) = -1. Fl Long division yields a x preset (2) +8(2)'+ ‘Therefore £0] = 0, #1] =, £12] = 21%, £18] =37°,--- and FIR byte {k= uk] = uke ~ m} 1.22 1.23 11.24 FUR] = 5k — 1] + 26k — 2] + 38k ~ 3) + 45k — 4] + 35 (& — 5) +26[k — 6] + 51k —7) ‘Thetefore Pooh 4 aets gets ae poe HT Alternate Method: Au [A] — ul —5]) + (+ 8)(0 lk 5] — uk ~ 91) seu [k] — 2hu [& ~ 5) + ke [fe ~ 9] + Bu [k — 5] — 8u[k ~ 9} seu [A] ~ 2((k ~ 5)ulhk ~ 5} + 5ulk —5]} + (k—9)u lk — 9] + 9ulk 9) + Bulk 5] ~ Bult 9] seu] —2(6 ~ S)u lk ~ 5} + (K~ 9)u fk ~ 0] ~ 2a [h ~ 5} 4-9 ‘Therefore oe yf P — et 41 - 2e4(z— 1) + (2-1) Past 41] Reader may verify that the two answers are identical. @ FUR) = ote) Repeated application of Eq. (11.22) to yuk] = 22 yields bral me aha] oe HEAD (b) In the above result, letting yields Kuk] <=> $2209. Application of Eq (11.22) to this result yields Pus e+1)] _ 2G? +4r 41) “a [=] Gai © —ulk—m)} = aMalt™ uk — mm) @ Paid sulk] = 5{k) +5 [eI] + 6(k- 2146 [e 3] + 46 viajar sted d Repeated application of Eq. (11.22) to pair 2 yields pair 3, 4, and 5. Application of Eq, (11.21) to pair 2 yields pair 7. and application of time-delay (11.16a) to pair 7 yields pair 6 Repeated application of Eq. (11.22) to pair 7 yields pair 8 and 9 1131 lk +1] ~ulk) = f+ 1) Yl] yk +a) ee ev (e) tare ‘The s-transform of the system equation is 2 [2] + Mz = a¥ (2) = Pz Gay il=-M+ 2 and => uinl= [ey + 205] ‘The oan balance is zero for k =, that is, y[N] Setting 1V in the above equation we obtain vIN] = [-ant + Patan] ° ‘This yields 11.8-2 The r-transform of the equation yields 2¥ [2] — 242 [2] = =F [2] ~ 2f(0) Fulk) and Therefore (242)Y =z ert Yel IK) = abr [Ce +1)(-2)* +e“) wk] 11.3-8 The system equation in delay form is var 2y[k) ~ Buk ~ 1) + ye -2) = 47 (R] ~ 34 (e-1) Also vik) = ¥ (el vik tye vtk-ae Sy issn Fike ‘The s-transform of the equation is oil Sreteby tes and 202-275) (32.75) (2-324 12-025) 22-05) - NE lt) = [} + $0.5)" - $(0.25)*] ula] = [3 + $ay*— 11.3-4 For initial conditions y 0, y [t], we require equation in advance form: 2y(k +2] — Sylk-+ 1] + yk] = 4s +2) 37 (+) Also vik Yt] vik tee ay l= $2 yet ales Pv tel-$.7- Be ; 025: Fl = Fl 4 and sik ‘The z-transform of the equation is (82? + 12.252 ~ 3.78) (22? 324 DY [2] a and Yi] _ 327412252375 _ 46/3 __4/3___25/2. = 7 He- 0252-105) 2-1 7-025 3-05 z 4: Be yel= 3. wll] = (48 - $(0.25)* - 3(0.5)*] ule] 11.8-5 System equation in delay form is 4y(k) +4y kt ytk-2)= Flea) Also vier Ye] yikes AY be] wea BYU +t z 1 S{k] = Skee Sy U-=9) 48 ‘The stransform of the system equation is avila dy ise byt teased Qe: Yel and 22-2) DEF +e +025) (z= HE +05) 4 rr} Ora08 * 6 TOs), [3 = B05)" ~ fe(-0.5)4] ule} 11.8-6 ‘The system in delay form is Lf49 13/9, 5/6 if Att ete] i(k) —Sylk ~ 114 29-2) = $0 -1) Also vile} gets Ey ile2 gk-aee bride +3 Fimo Fle] fet > Erte Fel ‘The z-transform of the system equation is re] +2] +2[ arn IRFDE-H ~ E-NE- IED +34 lk] = [$ - 6(2)* + 3(3)*] wk] 11.8-7 The system equation in delay form is ‘y (k] = 2y [he ~ 1} + 2y fk ~ 2] = f fk 2) vik] eve] vik-tes ty eyt1 vik-aiee brie? reas bee) aa eat ‘The s-transform of the difference equation is veal-a[tr eres] +2[4ye1+ 3] (2=22+2) 284243 vp) = 49 For the second fraction on the right-hand side, we use pair 12c with A= 1, B= ~1,a=—1, 9|?=2. This yields r= 1,0 = $.and @=0. Therefore J] wi Ik) = [1+ (V3) co 11.8-8 The aquation in advance form is yk +2) + 2ylk + A] + 2ylk) = flk+ 1) + 2F (4) ye Ys] ylk+ eerie] yikes ev l-2 Fk) Fle) see le ePls]—2 and Fle] ‘The s-transform of the difference equation is e+2) PY ]— 24227 be) 42¥ | ou (Panesar seen) Therefore Yel +2 0.18 , -018s - 0.502 a ze e+ 2e+2 For the second fraction on the right-hand side, we use pair 12c with A = 0.318, B = 0.502, ¢ = I, ||? =2 and r=0967 Bacos(Sf)= 3 6 = tan (SAH) = -0.525, ‘vlk] = [0.318(6)* - 0.367(V3)*cos( zk ~ 0.525)] u [A] 11.3.0 F(k] = eeu k) Yt Therefore Yl = 0.186 = a re aioe F+02” 2-08 yel= rT viel = [1 sey" ~0.186(-02)* 1 13(08)*] u{&) 1.210 = F(a) la)= ee Yil= FE] = yey Tharfore 243 sat 9p G=HE-BE=H * = 3 = {9 +373 lk] = [3 - 72)" + $(8)*] ula] 150 11.941 (a) fk) = Au hl so that Fle] = pp, and 662-4) 252-1) GDer=s+ ~ G-HE-PE-P Fila Ee ‘Therefore u2(4y* ~ 48(4)* + 96(4)*] w [a] 2 [4-* — a(3)* + 3(2)-*] wid] (b) Here the input is 42x [& ~ 2] which is identical to the input in part (a) delayed by 2 units. Thorefore the response will be the output in part (a) delayed by 2 units (time-invariance property). Therefore ik] = 12 [2-9 — 4(3)- 8 4. 3(2)- wf —2] (€) Here the input can be expressed as $b] = 4° faj = 1604)“ a “This input is 16 times the input in part (a). Therefore the response will be 16 times the output in part (a) (linearity property). Therefore sk) = 192 [4-* —4(3)~* + 5(2)"4] wf (4) Here the input can be expressed as 11k) = AF le = 2) = gy(4)“ ue — 2} ‘This input is 4 times the input in part (b). Therefore the response will be 7 times the output in gart (b). ‘Therefore lk] = 3 (48? — 4 + 302°) ule — 2) naa _ 22-1) Yeel= FIM Ul= Goyertesr om 5(z 1) 7 FTG +08 For the second fraction on the right-hand side, we use pair 12e with A= 1, B= -1, a= -08,7 = Ini? = 08. Therefore Lie p= oor""(MhyS) 0484 0 = tan“'(Bh) <0. vil = [p-s0 118) (3)" cao ase +0460] ule) = [5550 (ge) soo soe 0460] wi 11.818 (@) Hl|= spb) He) = (©) Hlel= sarckzer (@) We convert the equation to vanced operator form. Fh le (6? +26 + Dulel = (E+ 2)f1K). Hence, Hs] = abies 11.3-14 (a) 1st 1318 Therefore (b) 2-1) (+1? Therefore Hij_ 2-1 2 3 1? +1 (e+? ve oeiP (20-108 + 34(—1)4] wa] = (2+ 98)(—1) (4) fe) 2+ 2s 2(2 +2) Ett az+05) 2405 Therefore We use pair 12¢ with A= 1, B= 2,a=-05, fal? = 0.5, i Jpand 7 =5.009 p=coOsv8)=$ Om tan 3A) = 1979 {kl = 5.099 (3) eo = 1.373)u(4] (a) Hll=~Zy0n* 08 ‘nik] = [-(-0.2)* + (0.8)*] wk] (b) 12 Hil 9-gy2a 8523 ‘lel = [4814] ~ $(2)* + 308)*] wi} {e) mts, 1.252 “> tare tos For the second fraction on the right-hand side, A = 1.25, B= 0,a = -0.8, /n/* = 0.8, Iyl = Jy, and r= 2795 B= cos (254) = 0.464 0 = ta 2) = ~1.107 ‘n[k] = -1.256 kj + 2.795()* coo(0.464k ~ 1.107)u[k} 152 vernis 88a layered apured)o <— fat ey jayenvd i. (71 € eZ UR yplieand zy mit Zz il Goh wat apynsyg 3a a Gok om meld woe ore a Or # a x mat (pauauen 12! oF Sar ee Zh AO— wt powers = = me a Ose 114-1 (a) Ale Paralle! form: To realize parallel form, we could expand # [2] or /= into partial fractions, In our case: 12: 0.48 F075) nay 04 os Hbl=3+ Cay oa) Allternatively we could expand # (s] /= into partial fractions as HE] ___a{z~06) =~ Te 0ay=- 08) and Hl} ‘The realizations are shown in Fig. SUL4-1a. (b) Se 22 52422 Bron +08 Fee +01 (sean) (Fioe) - rat aoe Al the realizations are shown in Fig, SI1.4-1b. © He 382-14 BTU POs 0S 1 3.8:~ 14 F038) (F-06408 243 +025 ll For a cascade form, we express H [:] as: (3 For a parallel form, we express Hf {2} as Als] All the realizations are shown in Fig, SL14-1e. Note: the complex conjugate poles must be realized together as a second order factor (a) Cascade form: ) (Ses) Parallel form: 2442 FerTOS (b) Cascade form: ) 22? $1.32 + 0.96 ) Goa 016 Parallel form: as yr0a * aoa 164 fas _ | 0.95) = SUT canon eal Je mii > 9 {KT Figure $114.16 Parallel 156 cascade = 4tK] parallel Figure SH424-26 148 ‘The realization of this transfer function is shown in Fig. SIL43. It can be explained in two ways realization has 5 paths in parallel, and eack path represents one term in the transfer function. The frst pth (whish bypasses all the delays) has transfer function 2. The second path (going through only one delay) has transfer f tion 1/:. and so on. Alternately we observe that this transfer function has 09 = 21 and by = 8. by = 2. b2 = 08. by = 1. by = 2. Therefore all the feedback coefficients are zero, and there are no feedback paths. There are 4 feedforwarl paths with gains 8. 2, 0.8, 1, and 2 as shown in the reabzation Figure S11.4-3 ad ‘This transfor function ix similar to that in Prob. 11.4-3. Its realization it shown in Fig, SLL4-4 £iky Figure SU4-4 a ‘Table 12.1 to find Flz] = tor A In this ease, ¥|2] = FlelG[s], where we u Ye) =e] Therefore 9) al ok = i le 11.6-2 We can express £2] as a sum of two signals; the input and the signal fed back, Thus Biel = Fl) -Gatelet Heneo 1 ®bl= Trem ana 156 116-3 uta ‘Therefore Here. ¥[:] (the output of the dotted sampler) has two components: (1) due to input F(:}, and (2)the component resulting fron the feedback of ¥(s]. Hence ¥(s] = Fos] - GHESI¥ [2] and We cannot separate F[s] from FG[s]- Hence, itis not possible to write the z-transfer function relating yk] to {[k). Analysis and synthesis of such systems involving only one sampler, which is located in the feedback path is tittle more diffent @) ho coe S18) = (0.8!*uik) + 24-4 0) TH hikes ay loos Aiklee a <2 Hence 08 <|e1 <2 08 <3 <2 () b>? bcs Hence 208 I1<09 Hence F [2] @ © Toa 0 © (0.8)*u(b) +3(04)¢u (+1) The region of convergeice for (0.8)*u ks [>| > 0.8. The region of convergence for (0.8)*u [~(k + 1)] i 21 < 0.4 ‘The comnion region does not exist. Hence the =-transform for this function does not exist ata (a) The region of convergence is |=| > 2. Both terms are causal. And STA) = (eo ~ 2) lk] (b) The region of convergence ise“? < |s| < 2. In this ease the Ist term is causal and the second is anticnusal J (€) The region of convergence is |2| < e~®. Both terms are aut yk] + 2%ul-(k+ 1) alin this case FI] = (-e* 424) +O] 12.7.8 For causal signals, the region of convergence may be ignored. We shall consider it only for noncausal inputs (@) Yel= FEM = aaa ‘Modified partial fraction expansion of ¥ [s] yields ¥ [e] =0477—2 - 0.0685 — 0.412 To. and {kl = [0.877 — 0.068(~0.2* ~ 0.412(0.8)* uk] ) I2 eld ‘There is no region of convergence common to F, [=] and Fa{2} Hl * Gyiae ‘The region of convergence of H [ss =| > 0.8 (assuming a causal system). We should Bnd the response tof] sand fai separately able ¢ bl>2 ‘The modified partial fractious of ¥ [:] yield Hryoa 3z—o8 tO and ttl = [-75(-029* - 200.9) + 0.758(2)4] uk) Simaarly seratteag 08 |2| <1, ¢>0=> [2] > 1, and Hence the LHP and the RHI om [2] =1. ‘the «-plane map into inside and outside, respectively, of the unit circle in the z-plane and the ju-axis (Imaginary axis) in the s-plane maps into the unit circle in z-plane, ‘Similar to the example in the text. ‘The impulse response, the inverse z-transforin of H[z], is given by lk) + 51k Fig. $12.72 shows the canonical realization ofthis iter. im 128-1 Figure $12.72 ‘The frequency response is given by Ale a1" wee) = 224 con® tude and phase response are illustrated in Fig. $12.7-2c and $12.7-24 In this case, n = M4 and No= 15, Therefore F, = 200% 10 and T= f= 5x 10-* ‘We use the impulse response in Eq. (12.83), delay it by (No ~ 1)/2 = 7 and then truncate i by a 15-point window (over the interval 0< k < 14) to make it causal. For the rectangular window, nah Jane (7452) ockets z ‘These values are tabulated in the Table below. (b) We multiply the values of from the above equation by the Hamming window function ask von lk| = 0.54 ~ 0.46 00s ( j) = 054 ~ 0.46 cos (3) Osks4 T ‘The following Table also shows hy[t] corresponding to the Haraming window. 172 Hamming Window c ‘el walk) hall ° =1/t 008 ~00114/x 1 ° 0.1255 ° 2 1/5 0 asa2 0.0506/2 3 ° 0476 ° 4 =1/te oars =0.2181/+ 5 ° 0268 ° 6 a 0.9548 0.9584/x 7 v2 1 8 Vr 0.9544 o.9st4/n ® ° 0.968 ° 10 -1/3" 06424 =0.2141/n n ° 0.4976 ° 2 1/5" o2sse 0.0506) 3 ° 0.1255 ° 4 -\te 008 -0.0114/ and 7 ate) = Sate 12.8-2 In this case the highest frequency wn = 1000 rad/s. Hence the maximum value of Tis: Trex choose T = 1/500 = 2 ms. Using Eq, (12.81b), we obtain “1 wel= ze f ip taba da Because of even symmetry of Ha(jw) (see Prob. 4.1-1) » pom wie gg [Have eta — = = shy [soto Zest” ~ ak ‘To make this response causal, we now delay this response by (No ~ 1)/2 it beyond 0 < & < 10 to obtain and to obtain halé|, we truncate and 25 12.8.3 (a) The impulse reponse found in Example 12.11 is hk] = 42808742, We delay this response by (No~1)/ ‘nits and then truncate it with the Bfthrorder von Han window ‘the delayed response is 1 sin[(k—2.5)4/2] (, _ 5, nk 2 [k= 25)m 72 6 alk = 173 ‘The ith-onder von Han window faneton i sft om24] oskss Hence von Hann window fiter coefficients Iy[X] are well alt = Esinl(& = 2502/21 (v8!) ass Rectangular Window von Hann Window k halt wlll nl] o 0.09003 ° ° 1 0.5 0.3455 oost82 2 0.4501 0.9045 oao7t 3 o.as0t 0.9045 o.o7t 4 os 0.3455 0.0512 5 =0,09008 o o and hence: Dhaai (b) For exaunple 12.12 (differentiator) con(k = 5) ath = SHASST (1 con o awA-mr oo and X Laure insur +} vealeAh = funur + banaue Pants banter] Also the Hamming window function is wal =05-atsou( 4) 175

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