2 Acknowledgement

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It is our proud privilege to express our devout gratitude and indebtedness to our
erudite mentor Dr. Surendra Kothari, Professor and Head, Department of Renewable
Energy Engineering, College of

Technology and Engineering, Udaipur,

for his

thoughtful guidance, constant fomenting, punctilious and impeccable advices throughout

the course of present study, which inspired me to carry out the successful completion of
project work..
I feel deep sense of gratitude to express my thanks to the members of my advisory
committee, Dr. S. K. Jain, Head & Professor, Department of Food Process Engineering,
Dr. N. L. Panwar, Assistant professor, Department of Renewable Energy Engineering
and Director of Resident Instruction Nominee Dr. S.S. Rathore, Professor, Deptt. Of
Mining Engineering, CTAE, Udaipur whose rewarding guidance and kind help in
providing necessary facilities in time made the research study an achievement.
I express sincere gratitude to Dr. N. S. Rathore, Ex Dean, College of Technology
and Engineering, Udaipur for providing all the needed facilities, which were essential for
successfully completion of the project work.
I am sincerely thankful to Dr. A.K. Kurchania, Professor, Dr. Sudhir Jain,
Professor, Dr. Deepak Sharma, Professor, Dr. Nafisa Ali, Professor and Dr. Nikita
Wadhawan, Assistant Professor, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur, for
their valuable guidance, constructive criticism and timely help.
I am extremely grateful to all teaching and non teaching staff members in the
Department of Renewable Energy, Engineering, College of Technology and Engineering,
Sky is the limit to express a deep sense of gratitude to my beloved parents and my
friends Vikas, Juhi, Charu, Jyoti, Manisha, Rashmi, Ajinkya and Sudhir who had laid a
perfect foundation, by showing me the path for the bright future.
My life is with a Golden Line today and I dedicate it to my family specially to
my father Mr. Anil Kumar Nagori.
Place: Udaipur

Arpita nagori

Date : 29/06/13

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