Big and Little Programme Lifestyle Improvement Strategy Session Observation Report Session Three

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Big and Little Programme Lifestyle Improvement Strategy Session

Observation Report
In this session, Dominic will continue talking about the different types of Macro and
Micronutrients. Continued from last session.
BIG Reflection:
Today, I continued talking about the different types of micro and macronutrients and covered the
following; Fats, Fibre, Vitamins and Minerals. I also included why water is essential to the body. I
have found that Adrian does not consume enough unsaturated fats, multiple types of vitamins
and does not drink the recommended quantity of water.
little Reflection:
What did you do in this session?
Today I found out more micro and macro nutrients.
What did you learn?
I learnt what they are and what they do. I also know what foods they are.
Was the delivery good?
Was good.
What will you now ensure that you do, now that you know this?
Authorised Signatures Of Agreement
I hereby agree that this session has been completed on ____________ and all of the information
specified above has been covered in full and understandable detail.

Dominic Clark (BTEC STUDENT)

Adrian Wong (Year Seven Student)

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