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Big and Little Programme Lifestyle Improvement Strategy Session

Observation Report
In this session, Dominic will inform Adrian of what exactly stress is, how it occurs, what it does
and how to manage stress. Dominic will cover the more technical terminology such as
hypertension and how it is caused.
BIG Reflection:
Today, I gave an explanation to Adrian of exactly what stress is, what it does and how he as an
individual could deal with it if he becomes stressed. I checked with him how stressed he is with
his school-life balance and have found that he manages stress well, but sometimes he gets a lot
of work from tutor that makes him a little stressed at times.
little Reflection:
What did you do in this session?
Today I looked at stress with dominic to see what it does and how I can fix it when I have stress
from school.
What did you learn?
I learnt how to manage stress and how to get less stressed. Also I now know what happens
when people get stressed.
Was the delivery good?
Yes it was helpful.
What will you now ensure that you do, now that you know this?
When im stressed I will remember these tips and use them to help me.
Authorised Signatures Of Agreement
I hereby agree that this session has been completed on ____________ and all of the information
specified above has been covered in full and understandable detail.

Dominic Clark (BTEC STUDENT)

Adrian Wong (Year Seven Student)

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