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Evaluation of Student's Progress INTERNSHIP SKILL FORMATIVE/SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT a : Formative Summative student's Name: 42U/' Rtersen Cohort: LLB Date: 3/3 // ease Pint Please complete the following evaluation and be prepared to discuss with UNI Faculty Field Supervisor atthe end of ‘each semester. ‘Le following igstrument isto be completed by the mentor to assess student's knowledge and experience in each of the following 35 IS8L criteria. Ifthe student has not had the opportunity to demonstrate ‘knowledge or experience in a particular skill area, please check (None) in the appropriate circle. Evaluation Sale HD (high degree) SD (some degree) LD (low degree) None (Check appropriate circle) HD SD LD None Standard 1: Visionary Leadership The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of: Uses Data for Establishment of Achievement Goals ‘Uses best practice in Program Improvement Articulates/Promotes high Expectations for teachingleaming ‘Aligns educational programs w/ District Vision and Goals Provides leadership for Major Initiatives & Change Efforts Communicates effectively w/Various Stakebolders on progress smpap> co0cee KKK Standard 2: Instructional Leadership ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of: ‘A. Provides leadership for Assessing/Developing/Improving Climate/Culture o ‘Systematically/Faitly Recognizing/Celebrating StafVSt. Accomplishment Encourages design of more effective leaming experiences for stents, Monitorv/Evaluates Effective Currculum/Instruction/ Assessment Evaluates Staff & Provides ongoing coaching for improvement, Ensures professional development that enhances teaching/learing, Uses researeWtheory to develop/evise professional growth plan Promotes collaboration with all stakeholders Accessible & approachable to all stakeholders Visible & engaged in the community Articulates & reinforces desired school culture, showing evidence: aor Rosrses 0000 om RCO x KARRK OO 0000 Standard 3: Organizational Leadership ‘The student has demonstrated knowledge or understanding of ‘A. Complies wit state & federal mandates & local board policies Br Suse G_ Recruling, election, indution, & retention of staff for quality instntion © = gg C. Adresses current ae potential issues in a imely manner Ree eo ice D. _Effectivelyefficiently manages fiscal & physical resources Cote ae ey E, Protects instructional time Ope ctadeae coi, ee F. Uses effective communication wintemal & extemal audiences about schoo! operations Ole ag 36

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