Follow Me Book

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FOLLOW ME BYACO — AKHraoHHelit kype aurnwiicKoro asuiKa INTRODUCTION This short book and the accompanying cassette are intended for home-learners watching 'Follow Met who cannot obtain an edition in their own Language of the full viewers’ handbook. ‘Follow He! contains sixty units, giving the main dialogues and teaching points in programmes’ 1-60 of 'Follow Me". The symbot’ [jf]. means: Listen to the cassette. The symbol |fi/s| means: Listen to the cassette and repeot the phrases. ALL the conversations in the book are recorded on the cassette. The — useful phrases for repetition on the cassette do not always. ‘corréspond exactly tothe text, because additional material hes been included in the text. Read the text first, then Listen to the cassettes and repeat after the voice. The full ‘Follow Me! course consists of sixty television programmes, sixty radio progranmes, bi-lingual handbook and cassettes for hone-learners and books, cassettes and teachers! books for classes. ‘Follow Me is @ multi-media course of English for beginners resulting from collaboration between BBC English by Radio end TV, West German and other European TV organizations, the West German ‘Adult Education Authority and the Council of Europe. Mrs ‘sumary yy Good efternoon. conversation ane Sood mor goodbye ro Thank you. greeting rot ‘wrong number hetto umber hogel oh it phrase: Please Miss. Sir Mr sorry your wy CONVERSATION THE HOTEL Jane: Good evening, Sir. What's your name, please? Sanz My name's Smith. Mr Smith. Jane: ‘Thank you, Mr Smith. Sanz What's youtnane? Jane: Jane. My Nane's Jane. Son: Yes. Jane. My nane's Si Jane: Thank you’ Hr Smith. fals] —oreerinas Good morning 05.00 =~ 12.00 Good afternoon 12.00 -- 17.00 Good evening 17.00 -- 24.00 Good bye als] wnates vour name? What's (what is) your name? My name's (name is) Smith. Som saith. mRymns/aiss Sam SMITH =~ Mr Smith Jane BLACK, ~~ Wiss Black Mr Matthews Mary BROWN -- Mrs Brown Francis MATPHEWS ~ Bt] cowersarion «panty Good evening. Excuse me. Are you Mary Brown? Yes, I'm Mary Brown. Are you Sam Smith? No. I'm not. I'm not Sam Smith. I'm Francis Matthews. Oh, sorry, Francis. Cone in. ARE YOU MARY BROWN? A Hello. Excuse me. Are you Mary Brown? 8 [Yes, I'm (1 am) Mary Brown. No, ‘I'm (I am) not. A [tm sorry. Sorry. NUMBERS 1 - 10 2two 3 three 4 four Sfive 6 six Beight 9nine 10 ten CONVERSATION THE TELEPHONE 604 1528. Hello? Is that 606 15297 No. This is 604 1528. Sorry. Wrong nunber. Goodbye. Jane: 6041528. Hello? is that Jane? (es. Who's tha t's Francis. ‘THE TELEPHONE Is that 606 15297 No. This is 606 1528. Oh, sorry. Goodbye. ‘ Who's (ho is) that? It's (It is) Franc SUMMARY Xm Sam Smith. You're Jane Biack. ‘Are you Sam Smith? Yes. I'm Sam Smith. I'm not. No. I'm not Sam Smith. What's your name? My name's Smith. It's Francis. Is that 604 15297 No. This is 604 1528. mother road sister to spell ‘thanks to think Sam Smith. who's that? THIS / THAT Is that, This How are you? VOCABULARY PHRASES ‘woros Wow are you? address: girlfriend How do you do? alphabet he telephone number and her boyfriend his brother how family husband introduction Londen CONVERSATION INTRODUCTION Hello, Jane. How are you? Hello, I'm fine, thanks, Francis. Jane, this is Bilt. Hello, BILL. Hello, Jane. How do you do, Hr Robinson? I'm Francis Matthews. And this is my wife. How do you do Hrs Robinson? How do you do? How do you do? I'm George Robinson. wife HELLO, HOW ARE YOU? A Hello, How are you? How DO You Do? A Jane, this is Bill. Bill, this is Jane. 8 Hetto, 11m Bilt. C Hello, Bill. I'm Jane. 8 How do you do? D_ How do you do? CONVERSATION Who's that? That's Barbara. Is she your sister? No. No, she isn't my sister. your girlfriend! ng THAT'S BARBARA A Who's that? ‘A Is she your sister? B That's (that is) Barbara. 8 _No, she isn't Cis not) my sister. A 1 think) she's your girlfriend. MY FAMILY ny oy my ty my her her father mother sister brother wife brother sister his his his his ay ay ay father mother sister brother husband brother sister her her mother father 7 ‘CONVERSATION NAME, ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER Your boyfriend. What's his name? Francis Matthexs. What's his address? 7, London Road, London S.W. 18. What's his telephone number? 314 8611. And his name? How do you spell it? FoR-A-N-C-I-S M-A-T-T-H-E-W"S. Hello? Is that Francis Matthews?... fas] mumser 11-20 tf eleven 12 twelve «13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 49 nineteen 20 twenty fas] war's wis name? Francis Matthews What's his name, please? How do you speli it? What's his address? What's his telephone nunber? MeAT-T-HE-WS: 7,London Road, London $.W.18 314 B4tt SUMMARY To BE lam = I'm am 12 I'm not = 1 am not You are = You're Are you? ~—You aren't = You are not He is = He's Is he? He isn't = He is not She is = She's Is she? She isn't = She is not It is = It's Is it? It isnt = It is not How? How are you? I'm fine. Wou do you do? How do you do? How do you spell it? F-R-A-N-C-1-S. MY/YOUR/HIS/HER w “ (rou) ie) (She) THIS/THAT This is Bill. That's Barbera Can you help me? VOCABULARY PHRASES: wworos Can 1...7 door to help parking Of course. ‘entrance here porter Just a moment. entry Luggage oom Shalt 1 exit madam to stay WALL you...7 to follow me to take Would you. «| to go in ‘to open we to go out —to park Nt] cowersariow Can I help you? Sir? Madam? Yes. Mr Williams. And Hrs Wil Uioms.. Just @ moment, please. Yes, of course. Room 8. Can I take your luggage? Yes, please. Porte Mr Wil Liens: A B | Yes, please. help you? Just a monent, please. cen 1 | take your Luggage? Can you take this, please? CONVERSATION Porter: Can I take your luggage, Sir? Mr Williams: Yes, please. Will you take that? Porter: Yes, Sir. Shall I take this? Mr Williams: No. ‘Don't take that, please. Porter: Yes, Sir. Would you follow me, please? WILL YOU TAKE THAT?/DON'T TAKE THAT A'| Can I take your luggage? B Shall I take this? Would you follow me, please? 1 CONVERSATION CAN 1.7 A Can 1 park here? © Cant help your & Can 1 come in? No, you car ‘D No, thank you. F Arthur, yes, Please don't park here. of course. E Cant sit here? F Yes. YOU CAN YOU CAN'T You can park here. You can go in here. You can go out here. You can't (cannot) You can't go in You can't (cannot) park here. here. 90 out here. = 10- SUMMAR ‘CAN /CANT 1 ” 1 You Your You He He? He she ‘She? ‘she it | can can | 187 It Joan't (CAN'T = CANNOT We We? We You Your You They| They? They| meso i) Me Can you help me? (rou You Can T help you? PARK WERE/DON'T PARK WERE Park here. Don't park here. (DON'T = DO NOT) Take that. Don't take that. WILL YOU...2/MOULD YOU...7 take that? take that, please? Wit you | go in here? Would you | follow me, picase? park here? park here, please? 241 [OTE] Lote, rane, seratane seo i VOCABULARY PHRASES vonos on the Left bank fon the right corner next to in over there to know straight aheed to look at Thank you very mich. map there is market this way near/nearest CONVERSATION Woman: Can you help me, please? Yes, of cours Where's the park? ‘The park? It's over there. On the left. ‘Thank you very mich. north street on there ‘one west ‘opposite where park woman policeman police station post office PARK station] (bere is) (Grand Hotel? It's post office? straight ahead. THE... the park the police station the Grand Hotel Market Street ‘the benk the post office aes THE bank Market Street fl THE park London Road af] conversation Good morning. Good morning, Sir. Can I help you? Yes, please. Where's the nearest post of fice? Look at this map. There's a post office in Worth Street. And there's one in West Street, ‘and one in Market Street, and... Man: Where's the nearest one? Policeman: Yes. The nearest post office is in Market Street. Look at this map. Post Office; vorTa STREET Caer) post offic vest STREET WiowoRe sine ereres crow sneer Reece ds o wRKeT STREET NS DT. THERE'S A/THERE'S ONE There's a post office in North Street. There's a post office in West Street. There's a post office in Market Street. There's a post office in North Street, and there's one in West Street, and there's one in Market Street. The nearest post office is in Market Street. Seago [Ns] twee park, please? the nearest post office, please? 8 post office There's [one in Market Street. i CONVERSATION Wife: Excuse me. Can you help me? Where's the Grand Hotel, please? Man: The Grand Hotel? I'm sorry, 1 don't know. Husband: Excuse me. Where's the Grand Hotel, please? Woman: It's near here. It's in North Street. No, it isn't. It isn't in North Street. I think it's in Market, Street. Wife: Thank you very much. Poticenan: Can I help you? Husband: Yes. Where's the Grand Hotel? Policeman: It's near here. It's in Market Street. i]s] Ftast, secovo, Hino, Fourra, F1FTH " ° MEST STREET R MILL STREET 1 Bonk] # [Franks restaurant s LONG STREET T EAST STREET R basins: HURCH STR. ie T MARKET STREET Post office rand Hotel et GREEN STREET jou STREET ss You ere] OT NEW STREET here | UR Te HE 1

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