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Laura Clare

Final Paper

The European Union is a group of 28 countries in Europe that work together. The European
Commission looked at the statistics for how each country in the Union had performed over the
course of the years. As a result, the United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Italy, Greece, and Cyprus
have been told to add more to their annual net contribution. The United Kingdom being the most
economically prosperous, no is subjected to pay over 10 billion euros to the European Union.
This case shows us many things that we have learned about the European Union. For example,
each country that is added must bring something to the table. The United Kingdom is the most
prosperous country in the European moment so obviously they are bringing something great to
the table. However, the countries of France and Germany both get rebates as they have
performed worse than expected. As a result of this addition, the United Kingdom may possibly
leave the European Union.
Since its addition to the Union in 1973, many Europeans have been unhappy. They have issues
with how easy immigration is from the different countries and they would like to end it.
Immigration has always been a big deal in all countries. As it is with guest workers, people from
poorer countries come to help and then leave when they are done, however, the workers that have
come from poorer countires, such as Poland and they as a result lower the rate of the United
Kingdoms. The actual citizens of the United Kingdom should be the governments first priority
and not the other way around.

Many in the United Kingdom are unhappy with their connection to the European Union, and
with an election coming soon, the independence party hopes to gain a seat in their government so
that they can fix any problems that they have with the European Union. This could potentially
mean a break with the European Union, which would make the United Kingdom the first country
to ever leave. This may occur whether or not the independence party gains a seat, because the
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has said that he will work for a break from the European
Union and that they will be done with them as early as 2017.

Works Cited
BBC News. UK told to pay 1.7 billion extra to European Union budget. British Broadcasting
Corporation (24 October 2014) Web. 20 November 2014.
European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations European Commision (27 June 2013) Web. 20
November 2014.

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