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Since this is teacher appreciation week I always choose one teacher to write to and this year
it is you!
I just want to tell you what a great job you have been doing. As a teacher it is so refreshing
to know that when I send a kid down ,it is serious and I want it taken care of. Not some slap
on the wrist and send back to me. it m makes it so much easier as a teacher to know I
have you as one of my leverage points. I don't send them very often but when I do I need it
handled. So,,,thanks form the bottom of my teachers heart. You have done an awesome
job because you have not forgotten the classroom teacher in you.Keep up the great job!

Jacqueline Hart Weeber

7th/8th Health and 6th Wellness Teacher
Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School
2001 Radford Road
Dubuque,Iowa 52002

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