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Vanessa Verjan
March 13, 2015
English 113
Ms. Lacey
Women Roles Switching Lanes
The day will come when men will recognize women as his peer, not only at the
fireside but in councils of the nation. Susan B. Anthony states as she expresses how
society sees women and men and claims that they are treated equally but yet in film
making men have full dominance. The idea of feminism has become more popular and
has changed civilization. Women today are not seen, as they were perceived in the pasted
years; they are not just the sexual appealing objects they are now the hero and leader like
shown in the motion film The Divergent and the film series Hunger Games. Men being
superior than women in film making has inspired many to follow them and see them as
their role models and slowly manipulate the idea of having a male aspect be the only hero
there can be and as for women leave them with the role of performing as a victim and in
need of a strong man to save them, now a days roles have switched but not evenly and in
many motion films the women are now the fighters and leaders they are the ones saving
the city or nation.
Adding to the idea of feminism, on the popular website Google, when searched
for the classification and background of feminism it shows that the dictionary definition
is the advocacy of womens rights in the grounds of political, social and economic
equality to men. Clearing this up adds to how womens rights have been protected now
in political like having there opinion count but yet not in film production and motion art


fabrication has not been seen until recently in the past years. The idea of heros, leaders,
mentors and courage has developed and comes to play with women characters and
scenes of films. The idea of feminism is now broad and is not fully based on rights but
yet one culture and how society sees women and has created a new profile of women
being the hero and is seen more than just the victim.
Continuing on the focusing on women new roles of being heroes, first what is a
hero? In the dictionary, it defines a hero as A person, typically a man, who is admired or
idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Seeing just the
definition in the dictionary what we go off by we are born and grow into the idea that a
hero is a man. Man was made clearly is what is typical and one grows up either man or
women to the idea of what is typical and live by this idea. Hero is admired, idealized and
someone that one craves to become or be anything like and they are usually men, now a
day, women have taken the role of being a hero, as the years have passed this society is
developing giving females the chance to be the new Superman, or Rambo of the world.
Motion films has a big impact for the reason that we are raised seeing all these kind of
cartoons, films and television shows one kind of position that women are shown in and
now with the new films being industrialized it has changed the way the generations are
being raised into. A hero stereotypical is a strong muscular male character that can use all
sorts of weapons and can fight many at once is what has always represented a hero but
can also be done by a women its just not typical. What makes a character him a hero, is
that typically he can use guns, the bow and arrow, any defense the best but weapons are
not needed because his inscribable strength and he is most athletic in order to be the most
endurance, which tends to describe a male aspect but now can be women because of


society giving that chance without judging or questioning. In the other hand now the idea
of that has changed for example the film Hunger Games promotes the idea that the main
female character is the hero and leader. Young girls now idealize female heroes like
Jennifer Lawrence actress who plays Katiness the main character. In the film Jennifer
Lawrence is the idol that is saving the world, she is who is the best of bow and arrow and
she is the fear of the enemies. She is who leads the group of survivors she is the face of
heroism. She doesnt have the strength heros usually have but she has the skills of
archery and is consider the best in the film. She promotes the strength to be able to kill
with weapon but yet that female stereo still comes into play when she faces saving Peter
her husband that she married to not by choice but that she ends up developing loving
feelings for making her weak like many see women as. The idea that emotionally women
are weaker and less endures and this gets played in many scenes. Going to the idea that
women have developed and have started to become the of a role model where one wishes
to be but yet is not the equal amount of impact if what a male character would of done,
For if it was a male for his strength and endurance he could of saved more or he spoke
for district he would be seen as a bigger threat, comment from you tube clip of senses of
the last film of the series of the Hunger Games. This reveals how the impact of a female
is admired but not respected as much as a male actor.
Additionally, women heroes that are popular and are admired are in other films
like Nikita, and Divergent that have more of women following there heroes giving them a
stronger output since they realize that they can take down the bad villains and one doesnt
need a superman or a man to save the world no matter the age shows, films, motion art
does have an affect and simple gesture of having women stronger position helps women


feel stronger. Weapons and fighting the villains is what women can do now and they are
who we want to be now, villains are the obstacles one finds there self in and strength is
what one needs to over pass them. Now the argument is not who wins between Batman
verses Superman but who would be the last survive in the hunger games Katiness
Everdeen or the other men and women participating.
Continuing with the film hunger games it shows how the challenges were
overcame by the character Katniss Everdeen. Katniss shows a strong female that takes
over in being the man of the house because of the crisis happening. She is responsible for
her younger sister and mother. She is amazing and shows to be the best in archery and
hard worker. She automatically volunteers for the hunger games since the chosen one was
her sister and to protect her sibling she took her spot which showed how braved she was
and how her love was strong and endearing. When volunteering to take the spot of her
sisters she atomically decides to be part and play a game, which is made for the rich and
higher class for entertainment, to enjoy watching a group of lower classmen to participate
in a game where there is only one winner and the rest are killed it is based on the finest
and cleverest survives. This game was made to have the most fit and smart to survive as
they kill each other for the others entertainment. Soon after as the series continues
Katniss continues being the one who survives and saves the districts as well as gives
them hope. She is the hero and out of the film many females follow her she has became
the Disney princess remodel for young females. She is the strong female and shows how
women can use weapons better than men like in this case archery. Then shows how her
survival trenchancies are more efficient. Normally this movement of women being heroes
10 years this would not be seen or be recognize that a women would have this much


power it would be a man taking this position where he is the best in using weapons and
he would be the hero and role model as well he would be the one saving everyone. In the
history of motion films women havent taken this kind of role or have been know for this
kind of position as a women character to have this much impact or power where she can
be the best as well as out live men in wars. The film makers still make sure to emphasize
the idea of the hero being a women for the role of emotions shown they made her a tough
love kind of girl but still emotional to break down in a bad cite. She plays the role in this
film as a lady because she still is the girl everyone finds beautiful as well as has a
boyfriend which make her fit the term of her being a girl and not just a hero. They dress
her up as the women on fire and put her make up on to not lose idea of her being a lady.
Her make up is not light but very explicated and hair is down in half up do therefore it
shows how she was ready, her dress was fitted showing her lady like body which lean to
the idea that beauty came in to play as well as how she was attractive to many. For men in
films where they are the hero they do not emphasize on his looks because if he dresses
normal he will not be judged on the other hand if a women hero would dress normal not
with a dress or shirt she would be question about her choice of being straight or lesbion,
therefore it is important that she has a boyfriend and a husband figure to give the
understanding that she is still a women who is into men just is strong at heart and
Similarly as the Hunger Games, the film divergent was given the idea from the
beginning how women are powerful and can be one in charge. In the film divergent the
main character known as Tris was at the age of 16 and has to take the test that gave them
being the government idea of her specialty and what and where she will be placed in


order to benefit them. She was outstanding than others she was good at more than one
thing and was known as divergent meaning she was a bad thing because she could not be
controlled by the government, which they felt threaten. Soon after she was taken to a
different place where a while she was set to fight a man and is badly beaten to the point
where she was hospitalize, but her divergent self didnt let herself rest and get better but
get back to her team to win and practice that will lead them to victory. She is a hero
because she fights for what is right and key word fights men and women she is strong and
the opposite of what a women is known for. She starts off strong but not strong enough to
keep up with the man Peter that just makes her try harder and train a lot more. She trains
until proficiency. She stands up for her beliefs and faces her biggest fears during training
in order so she will be prepared enough to face anything that comes in her way or
obstacles she has to face.
Even though, after all these recent films productions have created that have
women characters being more than outstanding but yet put themselves in positions that
they can be the heros there is still not the absolute heros that everyone race and gender
will follow. According to the article Gender differences in adolescents choice of heroes
and admired adults in 5 countries was surprising to read and see how little movement
that women have impacted even after many films. There is still a 73.3% vs. a 26.7% in
favor of men where male heroes are chosen over women and most to all males choose
male didnt give a chance to the female hero. This shows how men are still favor and on
top even after these hug films been released and as well after many series and have not
given even half of any part of the world impact favor in female heroes. In the countries
USA, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Spain and Qatar the adolescents still have their hero as


male. Those who did choose women as their role model it was mostly for their outfits and
not for what they represented. The idea of hero still falls under male but still has grew
almost the whole 26% in the years after the recent films have been released. Out of the
26%, 22.8 of that grew in the past 10 years, which is significant. This growth has pasted
in the past 10 years and been concentrated in the past 7 years. The heros were ranging
from old films and recreated films, which made all heroes male and didnt give a chance
for women since old comics did not have women as heroes. The article focuses on how
they have failed to encourage and inflict the female role model and idol. Which is very
true for the reason that past films have all been male heroes and lack of any females
representatives. The heroes have been male representative not on purpose but is what one
is grown to see and automatically consider a man for the part instead a women which as
fragile and weak. One was a women is seen a minority and underneath some for the
reason that they are not strong physically emotional. Just focusing in political shows how
all authorities are men and females seem not to have a chance. An example of this was
when the election for the president how Hilary Clinton ran and many citizens still
preferred to elect a man over her for the reason they say she was a women and was
emotional involved. Many label women as fragile and too emotionally elaborate and can
affect involved with one if ones feelings are harm, which one as a female would and does
get offend for the reason that no one wants to be judge as a whole just because who one is
either male or female. Being judge as a whole have been used for animals just like cattle
when they have been feed way or chickens, groups not for human beings to be judge like
they have been in nationwide news and articles. There was a lot of conflict during this
time of having a president that was not white and many have a issue with accepting


diversity in this country but yet preferred and chosen before women. Not just this country
but nation wide many countries still see women as property and not worth much. This all
has an affect in feminism for the reason that they do a lot when making decisions and
looking for the head of something or manger and so on. Heroes, leaders, mentors issues
go far even in the religion in all Christian faith religion like Seventh Day Adventist there
is a struggle for a women to be a pastor and ordain without issues like if a man would be
and as well as Catholic the highest a women can go to devote herself is a nun, she is not
allowed to be a priest all for the reason the world and society hasnt fully accepted the
equality between women and men but yet only certain countries have this idea and follow
it. The problems is more than heroes the infliction that women are not equal to men is
what affects the women being the mentor unlike men are know to be superior above
women in all countries except those who have equality.
Furthermore, power is not shown until the moment that one can demonstrate. A
women is like a tea bag, you cant tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.
Showing that one does not know the outcome of giving women power and moment where
she can demonstrate her full potential.

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