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The rollercoaster project makes integration explicit by asking students to

combine knowledge from many domains into the creation of one structure. To
maintain an understanding of the connection of different concepts, the roller coaster
project uses an engineering project to connect science and math:

Building with a variety of
materials (Grade 3)
Waste and our world
(Grade 4)

Testing Material and

Shapes and space

As each concept is explored, its relevance to the roller coaster project is

made explicit by asking students to consider how it will apply to their own projects
through re-evaluation of their designs in the preliminary weeks. This concrete
application of knowledge compels students to apply knowledge from many areas
and understand how they work together.
The initial design is the first of many hypotheses that can be reevaluated
once the students process new knowledge from related class activities and from
each other as they collaborate. When the students collaborate, they must
incorporate one good idea/ skill from each group member. This builds on the social
aspects of learning and emphasizes inclusion.
The teacher provides a number of learning tasks that have some fixed game
rules in which the outcomes can be applied to a larger creative project. Our role as
teacher is to provide learning opportunities in which the learning clusters around
learning opportunities to gather knowledge in which the student can apply in one
big creative project.

Assignment Timeline
This project will serve a summative assessment of the students knowledge
throughout the school year. Therefore, it will be placed within the final unit
combining aspects of Building with a Variety of Materials and Testing Materials
and Designs found with the Grade 3 programs of study. In order to provide
students with enough background of these units, the following timeline will be

Preliminary Program of Study Concepts

Week 1: How are colossal structures created?
What different domains of knowledge are required?
Guest speaker: bring in a construction worker, an engineer and an architect to talk
to the class (???)
Discussion on halving and doubling.
Discussion on measurement.
What shapes are found in different structures and how might we apply them?
Preliminary drawing of roller coaster
Week 2: What kinds of materials can we use to build?
Brainstorm ideas of materials we can use to build
Get class to engage in a lab to explore the properties of these materials (i.e. paper,
wood, plastics, clay and metals), by completing a chart.
What is the texture of cardboard?
Does it bend? crush? tear?
Strength of materials. Class demonstration, can this material hold 10 lbs in weight?
Show class flat piece of paper, wood, metal, plastic supporting 10 lbs.
Give class newspaper and 10 lbs weights and ask them to support the 10 lbs using a
single piece of paper. It was flat and didnt hold the weight, is it possible to change
it shape to support more weight?
Class discussion how changing the papers shape influences its strength.
How does the properties of the material affect what it could be used for. Provide the
class with an example of, when building a boat, is it better to use styrofoam or
cardboard. Or when, making a structure, can floppy materials be modified to make
a structure that can bear weight? Try it out as a class
Write notes on roller coaster of any changes they would like to make.
Week 3: Adhesion and Tool Safety
How can we cut or disassemble materials?
How can we connect materials?
What means of adhesion work best for different types of materials?
Class lab, testing different means of adhesion and cutting. Complete a chart of
types of adhesive methods.

How can we store materials safely and properly?

How do our materials fit in with our initial design?
*****Formation of students into groups. Students need to apply at least one good
idea from each group member into the design of the groups roller coaster.

Week 4: What kinds of things can we build? How can we apply available
What are some purposes for structures that we build? (i.e. support objects, span
gaps, containers, serve as models)
How can we modify the materials we have to fit to the application?
How does the construction of the building and the materials we use influence the
purpose the structure?
Class activity: make a tower out of mini marshmallows and toothpicks. What do you
need to do to make the tower tall?
Discussion of making a big strong base, using different towers as exemplars of why
some got taller than others.
Engages students in cooperative working, by getting them to brainstorm, design
and execute their towers.
Using triangles to make the structure stronger.
Safety of strong and stable structures
After providing the students with enough background, students modify their group
roller coaster design drawings one more time.

Activity Timeline
Week 5: Beginning the roller coaster.
Day 1
Discussion of what makes a building (review the past 4 weeks)
Reinforce, purpose of structure related to types of materials, tools used and means
of adhesion
Day 2
Assignment introduction
Group formation and brainstorming their roller coasters design (1 hour)

Send home notice to bring in recycled materials. All materials due the following
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 3
Roller coaster brainstorming and begin design (1 hour)
Let students go through box of recyclables for ideas.
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 4
Design completion and materials list (1 hour)
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 5
Finish brainstorming, design and materials (1 hour)
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Remind students they need to have additional materials for Monday.
Week 6: Lets build a coaster
Day 1
Construction Day 1 (1 hour)
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 2
Construction Day 2 (1 hour)
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 3
Construction Day 3 and Construction reports (1 hour)
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 4
Finalize details of construction and reports (1 hour)
Take photos of final roller coasters (teacher print for construction logs)
Construction log (last 10-15 minutes)
Day 5
Roller Coaster Showcase (1 hour)

Construction Log Due

In total this assignment would require approximately 10 hours, not including
preliminary introduction of the program of studies, as outlined above.

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