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Irish Uprising

Key Figures and Locations

Key Words

Orange Order
General Lake and General Cornwallis
New and Brutal Punishments
Wexford, Ulster and Connacht

United Irishmen

Gain French Assistance Only way to achieve

British Government wanted to suppress the ideals of the
United Irishmen movement.

British Government Measures

Outlawed the Society of the United Irishmen

Made it illegal to import guns
Permitted British soldiers to search homes and arrest
rebels without constraint.

French Assistance
Wolfe Tone journeyed to France
1796 15,000 troops and 43 ships set sail from France
to Ireland
Well, England has not had such an escape since the
Spanish Armada, and that expedition, like ours, was
defeated by the weather (Wolfe Tone).
Returned back to France could not help Irish cause

Failed Mission

This failed mission scared the British. They only had

15000 troops in Ireland.
They increased their measures to put down any
Catholic/Irish Rebellion.
General LAKE, a British official, was given new powers.

New Powers for General Lake

Half Hanging

Pitch Capping

Hung, Drawn and Quartered

Results of Punishments
Horrific bur effective
Thousands of weapons found and hundreds of people
arrested and imprisoned
Many leaders of the Uprising captured before the
Including main organiser of Dublin Uprising, Lord
Edward Fitzgerald.

Lord Edward Fitzgerald

Evaded capture for months
Finally caught and fatally wounded in the 19th of May,
Despite this, the United Irishmen decided that the
Uprising would continue and the date of 23rd of May,
1798 was agreed.
Do you agree or disagree with this decision?????

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