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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Safety and Mobility Committee

Notes from Meeting of October 17, 2013

Chris Orban and Brandyn McElroy called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m.
Mr. Orban said Terry Stewart, community mobility engineer for the City of Columbus, recently
asked him to identify priorities for additional projects from the Weinland Park Mobility Plan.
Previously identified priority projects are already underway with the sidewalk and street
improvements along East Sixth Avenue in front of Godman Guild Association and along
Indianola Avenue near St. Sophia Cathedral. Mr. Orban suggested several possible projects.
Omar Elhagmusa said that speeding cars is a problem on North Fifth Street, and he suggested
that parking be permitted on both sides of the street to slow traffic.
After further discussion, the committee members agreed to discuss potential priorities at the next
committee meeting and then bring recommendations to the full civic association for review. Mr.
Orban said he would look into an announcement being made at the civic association meeting on
October 23 that the committee is reviewing projects from the mobility plan.
Steve Sterrett explained that the Weinland Park Collaborative (WPC) has had a public safety task
force for the past two years. The primary work of the task force has been to develop the
Neighborhood Options for Youth program in response to residents concerns about juvenile
crime in Weinland Park (i.e., graffiti, assault, vandalism). NOY involves a partnership of
Franklin County Juvenile Court probation officers, Columbus police officers, Directions for
Youth and Families, and Community Properties of Ohio. The WPC expects now to dissolve the
task force. Mr. Sterrett asked if the Safety and Mobility Committee members would be interested
in providing ongoing input on NOY, which has been in operation for the past six months.
Mr. Orban raised some concern about the level of involvement with NOY. He felt the restorative
justice circle is an effective use of the committees time. Committee members discussed the
matter further. They agreed that Tammy Forrest, who is collecting data on the effectiveness of
NOY, should speak to the committee at its next meeting. Ms. Forrest will share general
information about what NOY is learning regarding youth in Weinland Park related to public
Mr. Orban said the restorative justice circle may meet on Thursday, Nov. 21, at 6 p.m. If that
meeting takes place, then the Safety and Mobility Committee will meet at 6:30 p.m.

Isom Nivins said he is concerned about graffiti on a building on North Fourth Street owned by
Mike Stickney. Mr. Stickney painted over the graffiti last year, but the graffiti has returned. Mr.
Nivins will send information on the property owner to Mr. McElroy who said the citys graffiti
program might remove the graffiti.
Mr. McElroy said that in the next month he wants to reach out to the neighborhood regarding
peoples attitudes on public safety. He asked committee members to let neighbors know that he
is willing to talk with them.
The business of the committee being concluded, Mr. McElroy adjourned the meeting at 8:07

Respectfully submitted,
Steve Sterrett
Committee secretary

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