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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Safety Committee
Summary of Meeting of September 18, 2014

Ahmed Ebady called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. The persons in attendance introduced
Steve Sterrett explained the efforts to assist a resident with long-standing mental health issues.
Nathan Staggs of the Community Crime Patrol reported that Weinland Park has been relatively
quite over the past month.
Mr. Ebady said an apartment on East Eighth Avenue frequently has people coming and going
and hanging out on the porch. He asked Kelley Miller of Community Properties of Ohio
Management Services to check on the property.
Brandyn McElroy said 1237 Summit Street is a vacant property and there are occasional
problems with persons gaining entrance to the building. The building is currently partially
boarded up. Mr. Ebady suggested asking Greg Davis, city code enforcement officer, to board up
the window.
Mr. Ebady said his part of the neighborhood has had a rash of automobile break-ins. Columbus
Police Sgt. Smith Weir said the city is experiencing many auto break-ins. Patrols are being
stepped up. Steve Sterrett said he will check the police website to get an update on the crime
reports for Weinland Park over the past month, particularly related to auto break-ins.
Mr. Sterrett reported that staff members of Ohio State Universitys Student Safety Service will
patrol off campus in the predominantly student neighborhood as added eyes and ears. The patrols
are a new initiative.
Jen Mankin said the homeless colony that had been next to Kelleys has moved further down the
alley. She also said that people are entering the vacant pink house on East 11th Avenue next to
Kelleys. The house needs to be secured.
Mr. Ebady asked for agenda items for the next meeting. The business of the committee being
concluded, Mr. Ebady adjourned the meeting at 6:39 p.m.

Meeting summary prepared by Steve Sterrett.

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