Interview Questions

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Holly Stewart

Interview Questions

1. What are the limitations that you found when designing this particular article
Finding a way to categorize content and curate content that was considered
professional so weeding out the amateur work.
2. Why did you choose the color scheme that you did?
Tried to keep the website simple, the banner placed at the top of the page dictated the
website color choice, tried to not use any harsh
3. Who was the audience that you are mostly directing to?
People who are interested in talent. This website is created as a platform for others to
view work and determine services. A catalogue so people know where their paintings
are in the world. People who are interested in art and want to know more about art.
People who are interested in film work ect.
4. How do you go about getting your information out there?
Also Instagram and gives out buisiness cards for people to have a link that will direct
them to his work along with all emails that are sent out also have a link to website.
Facebook and depends on word of mouth.
5. What was the thought process you went though when putting your website
Looking at other peoples work and designing site based off of people that he liked.
Really wanting to keep things simple. So that site is easy to navagate through.
6. What are you pictures saying and why did you choose those specific
photographs to represent your organization?

Holly Stewart

A lot of the pictures are very sound very cinematic and represent different places in
the world.

7. What made you choose this format in particular?

First drew out the website on paper and created the space. Organized it in a way that
broke up content.
9. Who responds to your emails and what are the Dos and Donts when
responding to questions?
Responding promptly is very important, only allows emails to go unrespond to by one
day. First presents a greating, doesnt like to get into business right away so to keep
things personal.
Highlights certain words in bold to show that they are important, or dates get put in bold.
Always has a phone number attatched to email, name and person signature.
10. When responding to donors, how do you go about those Thank yous?
If a painting sells for a high rate,
When paintings get sold for a higher rate he lets his other clients know that their
paintings have gone up in value. Sends out invoices of transactions.
11. What emotion would you say you go for most when addressing your issue?
Pathos, ethos, logos?
Videos potray more of pathos style to convey the different issues that he comes across.
But the website itself is to present quality work and professionalism.
His logo
The logo used came from when he was traveling through spain,
Wanting something to represent change in his life or what he is going through.
Something that speaks about him. It is a double helics cross found in an old vintage
postmark, Carrying the burden of his art work

Holly Stewart

Passion being detected through your voice makes for a more effective argument
Caring about what you are writing about is more likely to reach a wider audience
And draw them in Passion is contagious
Using a more logical side to your work to present a professional facade
Checking out your competition:
and viewing other people in your field of work to determine what high end and top
quality work looks like and to help push you past your limits and reach your potential.
ill bring you to full reach the potential needed for your
Finding your moves
The way in which you portray your information to your audience.

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