Lesson Study - Lili Lam

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Lili Lam PJ131


Date: __________Supply Teaching__________________ Title of the Lesson: __Name Doodle_________
Curriculum Area: _____Art_________________

Unit of Study: _____Substitute lesson_________

Background Information:
- To learn students names
- You have freedom To be creative
Learning outcome:
Visual Arts: D1. Creating and Presenting: apply the creative
process to produce a variety of two- and three-dimensional art
works, using elements, principles, and techniques of visual arts
to communicate feelings, ideas, and understandings;

- Independent work
- share in group
- Participation in the community
circle and discussion
- Complete the name doodle task
at the end

Mental Set:
Mental Set
- All students and teacher make a community circle
Sharing the Purpose/
- Each student will introduce their name
- A ball of yard will be thrown to each other as they say their name. Each Input
student is to hold on to a piece of the yarn till it is passed to everyone in Modelling
the room.
Check for
- At the end, the whole class will have created a web design with the yarn.
- Prompting question: Why do you think it is important to have everyone
Guided Practice
included in this circle?
Independent Practice
- Have discussion about community, teamwork, mutual respect and the Closure
need for everyone to participate in order to create the web.
- Teacher will model the activity first, creating a name doodle and sharing
about how each color is significant to them. Teacher can use this time to - colored markers
- blank paper
introduce self deeply to the new class
- ball of yarn
- Students will also create a name doodle. Student start with writing their
name in the middle of the page
- Then using different colored makers trace the outline of the name. Each
other they use will be significant to them and represents/connects with
them in a special way.
- They continue till the whole page is filled
- Share the artwork at the end of the class, in a small group. Students will
share about the colors and patterns on the page and make connection
to themselves.
- If students are not finished, they can take it home to complete
- Completed piece can be left for the teacher to post in the classroom.
Bloom's Taxonomy:
Multiple Intelligences:
- Younger children, the teacher can help them with the spelling of their names
- Students can trace shapes instead of their name
- Students can use different median I they want to, younger students can use thicker markers

Lili Lam PJ131

Summary of Feedback:
The group felt that my minds-on activity and idea of community circle is engaging and will work
well with a group of students I do not know. I can help build rapport right away with the
students. The independent work in this lesson is also a good change of formation and can allow
the students to be creative on their own. There was modifications and adaptations for different
students included in the lesson. Lastly, having something created and left for the classroom
teacher will be nice.
For the whole lesson, I was missing a clear purpose/learning goal for the students to complete the
activity. There was a suggestion to include an art concept or outcome, and a suggestion for
students to be able to write their name in penmanship if they are using it in their class.
In order to improve this lesson I added many more elements and used the suggestions given by
my group.

Lili Lam PJ131

Initial Lesson Plan

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