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Ahmed Hassan

Academic Writing
Writing Artifacts Analysis
The organization I choose to write about is called United Boys and Girls
Clubs. The reason I picked this organization is because I was interested in
knowing how the work in terms of writing, and reaching the community. Their
webpage clearly states that their mission is to inspire and enable all young
people, especially, those who need us most, to reach their full potential as
productive, caring, responsible citizens. The Boys and Girls Clubs are
located in Santa Barbara, and in Goleta. The one that I went to is located in
Santa Barbara, and is open to all children between the ages of 6-18. There
operations times are from 2pm to 7pm during week days, and 10pm to 2pm
during weekends. The membership fee is thirty dollars, and covers the
person for a whole year. The club director for this specific locations is called
Vickie Prezelin, and I am trying to get in contact with her for the writing
interview, I also managed to get in contact with another worker from the
organization that told me to come for some artifacts that could help me
understand more about the organization. I went there and received
pamphlets on what they as organization are offering to the members,
motivation pamphlets that they use to inspire members, and the
organization own magazine.
The first artifact helped understand what the organization was offering
to the members, for example they have four different locations that the
teenagers could visit if they become members. The locations are located in

Carpentaria, Santa Barbara, Goleta, and Lompoc. The program and services
the members get are:
1. Character and leadership development, according to the pamphlet it
empowers youth to support and influence their club and community,
sustain meaningful relationship with other, develop a positive selfimage, participate in the democratic process and respect their own and
others cultural identities
2. Education and Career Development, according to the pamphlet it
enables youth to become proficient in basic educational disciplines,
apply learning to everyday situations and embrace technology to
achieve success in a career.
3. Health and Life Skill, according to the pamphlet it encourages young
peoples to capacity to engage in a positive behaviors that nurture
their own well-being and helps them set personal goals and to live
successfully as self-sufficient adults.
4. Sports, Fitness and Recreation, according to the pamphlet it
encourages youth to develop an understanding for fitness, social skills,
team building skills and positive use of leisure time
5. Arts, according to the pamphlet it engages youth to develop their
creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation
of the visual arts, performing arts, creative writing and crafts.
The second artifact was to motivate the youth in to reaching their full
potential. The front page of the pamphlet says I will become something
great which is to get the readers imagination flowing, and get inspired.
Inside the artifacts I could see different statics that lets the readers

understand what is going in the community regarding the youth.

Furthermore, it explains how the organization helps the youth bet the bad
odds, by teaching them vital information that is needed to survive well in the
community. For example housing, life skills, employment readiness, job
search, education, and counseling. This pamphlet ends with a quite that
states The most important force for change for these youth is a second
chancea sense of hope and confidence that they can overcome the odds
stacked against them.
Lastly, the third artifacts that I received was Boys and Girls Club own
magazine that gathers information from all of over the countries different
Boys and Girls Club. The magazine is very simple with a mix of writing and
visual. They show what the nations different Clubs are doing, and the
success of what they are doing. Also they inspire the reader by using visual
meaning pictures to inspire the youth that are reading this magazine. For
example in the magazine there is a story about a young girl called Cecilia
Garza who is 18 years old. The article about her says that Cecilia overcome
numerous challenges, including homelessness, before finding a safe haven in
the Williams Prep Boys and Girls Club. She thrived at the club, where she
participated in SMART Girls, Power Hour, Triple Play and was president of the
Keystone Club. She excelled as a student, serving as student council, vice
president and secretary. She is now planning to become a surgeon.
To conclude, all these artifacts helped to understand what the mission
and the purpose of the Boys and Girls Club. I am know able to prepare better

for writing my interview questions, and research paper on this subject. I

really like the way the organization are using different type of communication
system to inspire the youth and make it easier for them to see what the
organization can offer them. It is a really good organization that helps the
youth become the best they can become for the community.

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