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Greek Gods &


Powers King of Mount Olympus, Zeus was
responsible for the weather due to how he was
Symbols The Lightening/Thunderbolts, scepter,
throne, oak tree, and eagle
As the protector of the people, Zeus made sure that
each god/goddess were doing their duties for the
people. He represented a father figure, taking on a
interest of the actions and welfare of the mortals.
He rewarded the good, and severely punished the

Powers responsible for all natural and
supernatural events that dealt with the sea
world. He could create earthquakes and floods.
Symbols Trident, dolphin and the horse
Poseidon had actually created the very first
horse, as he was asked by Demeter, to make the
most beautiful animal in the world. However,
Poseidon was also seen to be very greedy,
always fighting with other gods to try and take
their cities.

Hades Invisible
Powers Hades is the God of the Dead (but not
death itself), ruling the Underworld.
Symbols the Helmet, and Cerberus (threeheaded dog)
Like Poseidon, Hades wanted to be in control of
more cities and mortals. Every time anyone
died, this favored his mission. People were
scared to say his name, because they thought it
would bring their death sooner.

Powers she held power over nature, the hunt
and brought fertility to all who worshipped her.
She also had a connection to the moon.
Symbols Bow, pike, cedar tree, snake, bear and
Artemis is the twin sister to the god Apollo. When
Artmeis was born, she immediately helped her
mother deliver Apollo. Therefore, she also is the
protector of childbirth and labor. Devoted to
hunting as well, she swore to never fall in love.

Powers He is the God of Music, and the God
of Prophecy
Symbols golden lyre, silver bow, laurel
tree,and dolphin
One of Apollos most important duties was to
ride his four-horse chariot in order to move the
sun across the sky. He was also known to either
cause and or prevent disease and plague with
his arrows.

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