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Assignment : the use of math application in business

Barcode, inventory

27 March
Productivity paradox
No impact of computerization in economic performance
Computers were not contributing as much as expected to business performance, no
good Return On Investment (Robert Solow)
Complications in IT investment, some companies capitalized enormously and
succeed while others dont
Labor substitution among many others is one of the cost reduction that can be
acquired from IT investment.
The argument behind investment on IT versus productivity based in the differences
in measurements of productivity itself because value of its investment are mor often
than not intangible. Low usage of IT
Poor management, the learning process to master ones technology
Business Process Engineering
Renovate how company conduct business practices in order to maximize customer
value to improve competitive advantage not only by tangible investment such as
automation but also intangible aspects such as management mindset
Change of IT similarly alter old paradigm
Reduce process
Supporting, enabling, transforming to some extent in the organization
IT has become the norm in business process, it has become irrelevant to mention it
as organizations competitive advantage anymore.

Planned Maintenance System

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