Ecosystems Day 4

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Day 4: Cells
5-2.1 Recall the cell as
the smallest unit of life
and identify its major
structures (including cell
membrane, cytoplasm,
nucleus, and vacuole).

1. TLWBAT correctly
label and define the
major organelles
(nucleus, cytoplasm,
vacuole, cell membrane,
cell wall, chloroplast) of
both plant and animal

1. TLW, with a partner,
follow the provided
directions in order to
create a model of a plant
or animal cell.

2. TLW, with a partner,

complete the
corresponding cell model
2. TLWBAT create either questions with complete
a plant or cell model in
detail and thought after
order to physically
examining both plant and
compare and contrast the animal cell models.
cell structures.
EQ: What are the major
structures of a cell?

Materials and Resources: (1) Cell,Cells Rap (2) Cell Models worksheet (3) 26
small ziplock bags (4) 6 clear square containers (5) bag of fruit slices-nucleus (6)
bag of jellybeans-chloroplasts (7) bag of gum drops- vacuoles (8) 6 petri dishesvacuoles (9) 13 cups of gelatin- cytoplasm- 1 cup per bag (10) pencil (11) yellow
Lesson Introduction
To remind students of cells (because we have
*How will you engage
skipped a day), the teacher will play the Cells, Cells
your students in the
rap. Students should sing along. When the song is
over, the teacher will lead a quick discussion on the
different cell structures in order to get students
thinking. Students should be able to tell the simple
functions of the cell membrane, cell wall, vacuole,
nucleus, cytoplasm, and chloroplasts. They should
also remember which two organelles are not in the
animal cell.
1. The teacher will inform the students that they are
*Be specific give step- going to be creating plant and/or animal cell models
by-step instructions
today in class. They need to follow the directions
carefully in order to accomplish their goal.
Throughout creating these models, there will be brief
check-ins to ensure that students are moving at the
right pace.
2. Students will be divided into 13 pairs, which were
pre-determined by the teacher based on ability
levels, and assigned either a plant or animal cell. The
teacher will give each pair their corresponding

Day 4: Cells

Lesson Closure
*How will you summarize
the lesson?

worksheets. Before students are released, the

teacher will go over the first directions. (1)Once
students get their materials, they are to check the
materials list on their sheets to make sure they have
everything. (2) After checking over the materials,
each pair should move through each step carefully.
(3) After their cells have been built, the teacher will
come check in. (4) Once checked off, students
should complete the chart on their worksheets.
3. After all pairs have completed their cells and the
charts, the teacher will explain that groups will now
be switching cells. She will direct each pair to a cell
opposite of its own to examine.
4. Allow students about 10 minutes to look at the new
cell and answer questions 1-3.
5. Keeping students at their new cells, instruct them
to stack up all the animal cells. Ask students to
describe what it looks like and what is happening.
Then have those at the plant cells to stack them up.
Without sharing answers, refer students back to
question 4 on their worksheets.
Before collecting worksheets, students will be given
the opportunity to share responses to questions 1-4.
Students should turn in the worksheets to be
reviewed. They will later be put in their yellow folders
for safe keeping.
Extension: Students who finish answering all
questions early should clean up their area and finish
their plant and animal cell study charts.

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