Westward Expansion Myp Action Page

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_______________________________________ Date: __________________ Hour: _____________

Innova1on: ______________________________________________________________________________

MYP Unit #4 The Westward Expansion of the United States

Chapters 10-14

Statement of Inquiry: Throughout 1me, space, and place

there is a cost to everything that can inuence ideas
innova1ons and ac1ons of a people.
Key Concept:
Time, space, and
place in the

Related Concepts:
Innova1on &
Revolu1on and

Global Context: All students will analyze Westward expansion and the

industrial revolu1on through the lens of fairness and development. They will
understand that as industries and people develop and expand, there are
posi1ve and nega1ve consequences that aect some groups of people more
than others. Cause and eect rela1onships will be examined and students
will be able to recognize that there was and is a cost for everything.


That human ideals,

poli1cal beliefs, and
opportuni1es may vary
based on their
geographical area.

Students Think

How people were

eected physically,
socially, economically
and poli1cally by their
environment. Did they
improve their
environment or make it
worse? How do you


That science,
technology and
innova1on all have the
ability to improve
eciency and change
the way we live.

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________________ Hour: _____________

Innova1on: ______________________________________________________________________________

MYP Unit #4 The Westward Expansion of the United States

Chapters 10-14

SummaBve Assessment Planner

CommunicaBon: Students will choose

an innova1on or idea that was
developed between 1792-1861 and
communicate how that innova1on
aected the various developing regions
of the United States. The student must
demonstrate understanding of how this
innova1on aected development of the
United States by crea1ng a visually
appealing presenta1on for an audience
of investors, by showing them the
las1ng eects the innova1on had on
people, the economy and even poli1cs.


Thinking CriBcally: Students will

research and inves1gate an
innova1on or idea that was
developed during our unit of study.
They will then take this informa1on
and create connec1ons between the
chosen innova1on or idea and the
unit concepts of fairness and
development, emphasizing how
innova1on aected some people and
some regions more than others.

SummaBve Assessment

Goal: To understand how technology and innova1on played a role in the expansion of the
United Stated and aected regions and people dierently.
Students Role: Students will present as though they are presenters or inventors of the
innova1on or idea seeking funds or money.
SituaBon: The presenta1on set-up will be designed like the modern-day reality show Shark
Product: Students will produce a presenta1on that shows investors (their peers, Ms. Rankin,
and Ms. Anthony) what they need investments for. They must use this presenta1on to
highlight a few things about the innova1on:
History of the innova1on or idea
Photographs, prototypes, or examples of the innova1on or idea
How the money was (will be) used to make the investment sustainable
Where they expect the innova1on or idea to make the best prots (regions)
Who will be eected the most by this innova1on or idea?

Name: _______________________________________ Date: __________________ Hour: _____________

Innova1on: ______________________________________________________________________________

MYP Unit #4 The Westward Expansion of the United States

Chapters 10-14

SummaBve Assessment Planner

Step 1 Pick your innova1on: ____________________________________

Idea Bank:

Steam Boat
Coeon Gin
Interchangeable Sewing Machine
Steel Plow
Factory Systems Reaper
Steam Engine

Step 3 Begin your project:

1. Research your innova1on
2. Decide on your presenta1on technique
3. Put your facts together and make your argument about how your
innova1on eected the United States socially, economically and
4. Perfect your presenta1on
5. Prac1ce your presenta1on

Mid-Project Check-in

Early Bird Due Date (+6%)

Final Due Date

March 12th &13th

March 26th

March 30th

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