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network performance deals with the survivability after enemy attacks and operate

along with largest single is good for low redundancy only for low leve
l attacks&drops fastly after certain breakdown point,so redundancy in network is
required to be built according with the anticipation of level of attack.for lin
ks,in case of failure performance losses are high for low redundancy but they ar
e less likely to be attacked.another method is diversity of assignment where we
use predetermined paths hence no switching required,but, there is high performan
ce loss compared to distributed network.we have to choose between diversity of a
ssignment and perfect switching to get ideal routing technique 'hot po
tato' it will forward message in alternate routes if actual route is po
tato heuristic routing is based on hand over number tag .for creating handover n
umber table,learning techniques are used.perfect learning where the network will
run simulations to find the lowest handover number tag between any two
r damaged networks,imperfect learning technique can be used which changes the ha
ndover tag number based more on latest measured valued &fractional change based
on previous find lowest cost path we can modify hand over tag number ba
sed on cost for transmission of data over any particular link

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