Certificate in Teaching Observation - For BEC Website NOV 2014

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Teach English Change Lives
Building International Education in Asia

The TESOL College

Certificate in Teaching Observation
1. Introduction
Certificate in Teaching Observation
Origin of the Award and Developer of the Course:
The TESOL College
Reg. Address: 44A Club Street, Singapore 069421 and 4th Floor, 115 George Street
Edinburgh EH2 4JN, Scotland, United Kingdom
2. Target Participants
For those completing a TESOL course at British Education Centre from 1 October 2013 until further
The award will demonstrate ability to link theory with practice through observation of English
language lessons.
3. Delivery
You will have observed video extracts of three different English lessons. The three lessons will have
different language aims. You will critique the lessons. You will write your observations up in your
Teaching Observation Journal, reflecting on and demonstrating your knowledge of TESOL
classroom techniques and your language awareness.
You will present evidence of informed observation of lessons by written observations of actual
teaching practice lessons, in your Teaching Observation Journal.
4. Assessment
The submission of your logged observations is to be within one month from commencement of the
first observation.
On approval of your logged observations in your Teaching Observation Journal, you will receive the
Certificate in Teaching Observation from The TESOL College.
5. Course Fee
There is no additional course fee, subject to any other fees due to British Education Centre having
been paid.

British Education Centre, 44A Club Street, Singapore 069421

Tel: 6336 4602 Fax 6336 4096 contact@britisheducationcentre.org www.britisheducationcentre.org
CPE Reg. No. 201113170W

British Education Centre 29-10-14

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