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The X-ray Diffraction Small Research

Facility: Applications
With a range of X-radiations (Cu K1, Mo K1, Co K) and the facility to collect diffraction
patterns at any temperature between -190 to 900 C, the X-ray Diffraction Small Research
Facility at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is well suited to meet your
materials characterisation needs using high resolution STOE transmission, or PanAlytical &
Bruker Bragg-Brentano diffractometers.
We offer a bespoke specialist service that is scientifically rigorous but adaptable to meet the
specific demands of a particular customer or sample. To discuss possible contract work or
request a quote for work, contact Dr Nik Reeves-McLaren. We try to complete all contract
works within 2 weeks of receipt of samples, where possible.
Phase Analysis
Phase analysis is the analysis of crystalline solids finding the answer to the question `what is
it? is the most common application of X-ray diffraction. We compare quality diffraction
patterns against the 2004 edition of the ICDD's Powder Diffraction File, a reference database of
more than 130,000 reported crystalline phases to find the answer.
Retained Austenite Calculation
We offer a long established service to the steel industry for the measurement of retained austenite
contents in ferrous steels using methods based on ASTM Standard Practice E975-84.
Quantitative Phase Analysis using the Rietveld Method
Successive round robin studies have shown that the most accurate way of conducting
quantitative phase analysis is by applying the Rietveld method to powder diffraction data. More
than a full pattern fitting method, we solve the crystal structure of each constituent phase to give
you the most accurate quantification possible; spiking with known standards even then allows
the measurement of percentage crystallinity in a given sample!
Advanced Methodology
We also offer crystallite size determination by XRD, residual strain analysis, lattice parameter
determination, solid solution studies, glancing-angle XRD and crystal structure solution using
the Rietveld method.

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