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Joint statement

Teaching has changed from the traditional sage on the stage to the
guide on the side. This is why ICT has become a prominent component
of teaching. ICT enhances the students learning experiences within the
classroom by guiding them to find the relevant information for
themselves. Integrating ICT into the classroom allows our students to
move within Blooms Taxonomy from low order thinking (remembering) to
higher order thinking (creating). As teachers, we will need to have a solid
understanding of multiple ICT applications.
Through undertaking the unit Transforming Learning Through ICT we are
able to gain an understanding of the applications that are available to
teachers. We are furthering our understanding of these applications by
creating this WebQuest ICT resource (a major teaching and learning
resource). Through creating the WebQuest site we are able to become
more comfortable with teaching the ICT within our areas of expertise.
In the ICT Integration Project we are required to create a major teaching
and learning resource utilising ICT. The resource needs to include four
lessons in sequence that target a particular year level and learning area.
The four lessons should involve purposeful learning outcomes that are
linked with the Australian Curriculum. Throughout the four lessons, a
minimum of three student-centred ICT resources must be included (this is
in addition to the Internet and Interactive Whiteboard). The ICT resources
should aim to be a learning tool, rather than a teaching tool. Furthermore,
the resource must be able to be accessed anywhere and anytime.
The resource should endeavour to actively engage students in learning
through inquiry and problem-based learning. The WebQuest inquiry has
proven to be a beneficial resource to encourage student participation and
creativity, and therefore, is a favourable option. The design of the
resource must also link with an established learning theory, for example,
social constructivism or cognitive theory.
The ICT Integration Project is in two parts; planning and publishing. The
planning component requires us to fully plan the resource we will be
creating. The publishing component is when we use ICT to publish our
resource that we have planned.
Overall, the project should integrate ICT into the curriculum, encourage
ICT to be used collaboratively to gain further understandings, and
encourage students to be active learners by engaging them in new and
interesting ways.

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