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cu») United States US 2011028416941 c2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2011/0284169 Al Khakhalev oy METHOD OF ATIACHING AN ANVIL TO. BRACKET OF THE ASSEMBLY. (75) Inveator: Alex Khakhaley, Troy, MI (US) Chem, Aa, (73) Assignee: Seoul (KR) (21) Appl. Nos 12%889,973 (2) Filed Sep.24, 2010 Related US. Application Data (60) Provisional application No, 61/347,618, filed on May 24, 2010, (43) Pub, Date Nov. 24, 2011 Publication Classification (1) Insel Ba3h 3710 B23P 11/00 (2) US.CL on ABSTRACT An ultrasonie welding assembly having an vltrsonie horn ‘and an anil having fist, second, and thind plate portions Is provided The tied plate portion is coupled between the frst land second plate portions. The ist plate portion his frst [knurled region ona fist side disposed proximate to the ltr sonic hom, and the second plate portion has a second knurled ‘gion on a second side. The thind plate portion has a frst aperture extending therethrough. The assembly includes a bracket that receives the second side ofthe anvil for holding the aril thereon. The bracket has a second aperture that aligns withthe fst aperte, such that a coupling member extending through the first and Second apertures reasovably ‘ples the al to the bracket 2006.01) (200501) 156!580.1; 29/525 01 Patent Application Publication Nov. 24,2011 Sheet 1 of 7 ‘US 2011/0284169 AL 8 30 PAE comPuTER Patent Application Publication Nov. 24,2011 Sheet 2 of 7 ‘US 2011/0284169 AL Patent Application Publication Nov. 24,2011 Sheet 3 of 7 ‘US 2011/0284169 AL Patent Application Publication Nov. 24,2011 Sheet 4 of 7 ‘US 2011/0284169 AL 90 Patent Application Publication Nov. 24, 2011 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2011/0284169 AI 10 FG. 5 Patent Application Publication Nov. 24,2011 Sheet 6 of 7 ‘US 2011/0284169 AL FIG. 6 Patent Application Publication Nov. 24, 2011 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2011/0284169 AI PROVIDING AN ANVIL HAVING FIRST, SECOND, AMD THIRD PLATE PORTIONS, THE FIRST AND SECOND hel PORTIONS TING SEAIAL ALL TONE AO THETHKO PLATE PORTION COUPLED PORTIONS, THE FIRST SECOND, AND THRO RUE PORTOR:_ | -130 DMI AD SOKO MEH PTE FOTON ATES KRU ETON HE FIRS SIDE, THESECOND PLATE PORTTON HAVING A SECOND KMURLED REGION ON THE SECOND SIDE, THE THIRD PLATE PORTION HAVING A FIRST APERTURE EXTENDING THERETHROUGH | Pee a SIDE OF THE ANVIL AGAINST A PORTION OF THE BRACKET SUCH THAT THE FIRST HS WITH A SECOND APERTURE IN THE BRACKET, AND THE SECOND KNURLED REGION IS 132, vec iN a vere OF THE BRACKET, baa} re oe KNURLED REGION IS DISPOSED PROXIMATE TO AN ] t DISPOSING A COUPLING MEMBER THROUGH THE FIRST AND SECOND APERTURES TO FIXEDLY COUPLE THE |_-134 ANVILTO THE BRACKET ae “| TOES THE FURST KUED REGLOM HAVE A DEGRADED CONFIGURATION? [ REMOVING THE COUPLING MEMBER ‘aad M4 a traf om | APERTURES TO REMOVE THE ANVIL 138 1 DISPOSING THE FIRST SIDE OF THE ANVIL AGAINST THE PORTION OF THE BRACKET SUCH THAT FIRST: APERTURE ALIGNS WITH A SECORD APERTURE IN THE BRACKET AND THE FIRST KNURLED REGION 1S 140 RECEIVED IN THE NOTCH OF THE BRACKET AND THE SECOND KMURLED REGION IS DISPOSED PROXIMATE ‘TO THE ULTRASONIC HORN DISPOSING THE COUPLING MEMBER THROUGH THE FIRST AND SECOND APERTURES TO FIXEDLY COUPLE |_~142 THEANVTLTO THE BRACKET AG.7 US 2011/0284169 Al ULTRASONIC WELDING ASSEMBLY AND. METHOD OF ATTACHING AN ANVIL TO. BRACKET OF THE ASSEMBLY (CROSS-REPERENCE TO RELATED "APPLICATIONS, [0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/347,618 fled on May 24, 2010, the ‘entire contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference herein BACKGROUND [0002] Ultrasonic welding devices have been utilize. However, when a contact portion of an ultasonie welding ‘anvil becomes degraded, the arwl is thrown avay and a new ‘welding anvil is utilized. A problem with this approach sthat the ultrasonic welding aunls are relatively expensive, 10003] Accordingly, the inventors herein have recognized & need Tor an improved ilirwoaic welding assembly and method that reduces the shove mentioned deficiency. SUMMARY, 10003} An ultrasonic welding assembly in aecontance with an exemplary embodiment is provided, The ultrasonic weld- ing assembly includes an ultrasonic hor and an aavi having first, second, and third plate portion. The fist and second plate portions extend generally parallel to one another. The thind plate portion is coupled between the first and second plate portions. The first, second, and thint plate portions define frst and second sides. The first plate portion has a first Knurled region on the fist side disposed proximate to the ultrisonie born. The secon plate portion has a second knurled region on the second side. The third plate portion has ‘fis aperture extending therethrough, The ultrasonic weld- Jing assembly fuer includes a brackot configured to receive the second side ofthe anvil for holding the avi thereon, The bracket has a second aperture extending therethrough that aligns with the first aperture, such that a coupling member ‘extending through the frst and second apertures removably ‘couples the anvil to the bracket 10005] A method for attaching an anvil to bracket of ua lltasonie welding assembly in aeeordance with another ‘exemplary embodiment is provided. The anvil has fist, see ‘ond, and third plate portions The fst and second plate por tions extend generally parallel one another. The thin plate portion iscoupled between the frst and second plate portions. “The first, second, and third plate portions define first and second sides. Te ist plate portion has first knurled region ‘on the first side, and the second plate portion has u second, knurled region on the second side. The third plate portion has ‘frst aperture extending therethrough. The method includes,

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