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Ellington Darden, Ph.D. DAYS! / / SSC esc tee Keith Whitley used ia to gain 34’, pounds! ° = vw - a. Em csi) X b growth routines! ial Surefire tips on PIES uT ie) oe any + jy | Dr. Ellington Darden’s best-selling books include Big and New High-Intensity Bodybuilding. Photographs by Bill Cox CONTENTS Getting Bigger! Bigger Basics: Exercise Bigger Basics: Nutrition The Bigger Program: Weak by Week Before Getting Started: Taking Measurements Day 1: Split Routines 2: Shoulders, Upper Back, and Chest 8: Upper Arms, Forearms, and Neck 4: Why Super Slow Is Effective 5: Proper Breathing 6: The Almost Perfect Exercise 7: Recovery Ability 8: Value of Pre-Exhaustion 9: Bulld Strength, Not Demonstrate It Day 10: The Most Dangerous Repetition Day 11: Super-Slow Techniques Day 12: Short and Infrequent Workouts Day 18: Biceps Action Day 14: The Stronger Need Less Day 15: Contra-Lateral Training Day 16: Lett Lower Body, Right Upper Body Day 17: Dominant Arm Smaller Day 18: Protein Facts Day 19: Muscles and Survival Day 20: Contra-Lateral Combination Day 21: Sleep Guidelines Day 22: Progress Check Day 23: Parallel-Grip Pulldowns Day 24: Long and Short Muscles Day 25: Dark Eyes and Leanness Day 26: Calorie-Dense Blender Drinks Day 27: Layoffs and Vacations Day 28: Plateaus Day 29: Negative-Only Routines Day 30: Soreness, Cramps, and Water Day 81: Indirect Effect Day 32: Overall Body Training Day 38: Strength Versus Size Day 34: Harder, But Briefer Day 35: Overtraining Day 36: All or Nothing! Day 37: Metabolic Work Day 38: Relaxing the Face Day 39: Non-Strenuous Hobbies Day 40: Concentration Day 41: Super-Slow Cats Day 42: Conquering Emotional Momentum Bigger Bodies Bigger Than Ever Train Intensely! Eat Nutritiously! Rest Adequately! PO Ue their training because they do not have a well-designed me EU LL followed correctly will produce dramatic results. m INCREDIBLE MUSCULAR SIZE. wAWESOME ARMS AND CHEST. m MASSIVE THIGHS. mBIGGER, STRONGER BODY PARTS. ‘These are the bodybuilder’s goals. Few eyes however, reach their goals. Most fall short because they stra) went ie a] [a tale quogt for massive bomb, rotate ae and — a re eds much, toate bodles Wit exc trata, am rest too little. The vast majority of bodybuilders fail to get coats He a) Sores desire. In short, they not This: fuk Contains a program that ‘can remedy that situation. GER MUSCLES sontinuation of my last book— BIG. in BiG, \ tral Fale gon] a Zee athlete from Fit In six 8, Eddi ial increased rom 7 to for; 8 pounds, Eddie was certainly éatitied with his gains, he still Li more size. Is designed to hell aren move closer to reaching his full potential. is BIGGER tor intermediate bodybuilders ime tanta ae butit’s also for hemaiars ‘and advanced rae in ieee Be am | wanted to test st twists ‘on training, wire 1 thot would stimulate even faster the ‘train working the right side ot per bo it tat sas of etyurone Lr aay, and right on the ne ay. More vil ne said about tien ow Teealthr ough tse, hut let me simply say that the results are amazin (believe you'll find the complete Course in this book in BIG. eral. Contra {lateral bs na eectiveness of this new course, nd two hogybulgre rom the austin inst was Keith Whitley, an rience ider who had placed second in 1986 AR Ma Manors Contest and fifth in the 1986 Mr, World contest. The second was David Ham- jond, an 18-year-old novice who had been traini _ Both had good bodybuilding potential a —— to work hard to obtain the best- east From mi sands of fe ders, | knew that being specific jeriences in working with thou- with ana a ‘and eating, but also in their resting, Pelaxing, ant bag letra dads acertain bt jefore and such parameters as tea fat, lean wae mass, resting metabolic rate, body part ae ara a strength. Diaries and coeres would important aspects would be phot graphed. | hoe phase of the jetting bieeer process, no matter how ‘small, would be accounted for. As [ look back on my Douyhulling career, wh which ‘spans over 30 years, early on | wi id have had a mors specific plan to follow. A plan that showed ‘me exactly what to do: exercises, routines, equip- ment, food, supplements, rest, relaxation, and read- lag miattor ona dally basia. wish | would have had a book like BIGGER MUS- oe Because MUSCLES ee ies a day-to- ame ly want je letor #2 get as big het san art tol tne hook consists of 42 chapters. 's a chapter to utilize each day for six weeks. ll be able to follow the specif some that Kath Whitley and David Hammond ed to pack on over 25 pounds of mass to each joules... In only 42 days! Belore he actual 42-day plan is pees. let's briefly cover the latest facts about bodybuilding ex- ercise and nutrition. 7 With the exercise and nu- Ue RUA On ay Pa PATOL Uy of 34.3 poi BIGGER BASICS: ih It's happening in Earn, It's happening in New nl 1 ius a ary i “bod ibuildie isit ines abst sxery Dedsbelidieg isa yon vis) 3d States-or the world for that trance perform their exercises in a ipy, inefficient manner, They cheat on the sah and neglect the lowering. in the process they arc their backs, move their elbows, dip their shoulde! bounce the bar off their chests, ado dozens of | mt things that make mes ry asier. In actuality, 9 little things to make the exercises ‘tarder. arder — not easier, is what stimulates muscular In gyms across the country bodys mers spend hours a day training ins little to permit growth. In fact, many of their locales actually Broduce losses in size and strength. ; What is needed is areturn to the basics, the basics What stimulates a muscle to grow and how to follow through with the growth. WHAT MAKES A MUSCLE GROW ‘The scientific term for muscular growth is hyper- trophy. Its inverse, called atrophy, refers to the heeaktiown of muscle tissue from neglect or lack of use. Atrophy involves the metabolic breakdown of muscle into its constituent compounds, which are - aa by the bloodstream. Lyperts ‘ophy, or muscular growth, occurs as a result of increased demands placed on the muscle. The signal for growth is clearly intense overload. When a muscle is forced with high-intensity require- imaste,HLrespomd with aprotective lncroase size stret Anumber of changes associated with hypertrophy lain increased muscular size and strength: actin and particularly the myosin protein i, ibrils increases. 1 ie humber of hood Capillaries within the fiber may become more numerous = The amount of connective tissue within the muscle may thicken. Some or all of these changes within a muscle must take place at the cellular level. Three factors govern cellular stimulation. First, the targeted muscle must be stimulated to grow through proper exercise. St ond, the muscle must be perm to grow with fe rest. Third, the muscle must be supplied wi ie necessary nutrients to grow. Exercise, rest, and mu ‘in that order—are the key requirements for muscular growth. The diffi- cult part is getting the just right balance, without having too little or too much of any factor. INTENSITY: OFTEN THE IGNORED FACTOR “if you've never vomited from a set of barbell curls,” says Arthur Jones, the inventor of Nautilus equipment, “then you don't know the meaning of in- tanse exercise,” K wemiey ‘summed it up best in a comment he Betsy Hoffmann, a champion in women's that Mat-ntensity traning really working?” 0 Betsy asked Keith. Keith jaltway through the xay rogram and had already packed on over 3. “Vil say ee ee. “it's the hard- est trait done. Most people in the g oe can't push inemssives to the level that Dr. Darden pushes me. But that’s the secret: getting those last =x two repetitions, and Dec makes sure | do Keith is correct. Those last repetitions are the most importat The first averal Pepetitions in a set are simply ee: a warm-up, for those last repetitions. mum growth stimulation, you must always attempt the momentarily impessibi Hf you can do another repetition, do it. complete it, try one more. Do not ne movement is eperenas, fo seconds, Raye fa another IS secrid Ma laybe, wel at ‘will move ‘action of ently. ara ‘stimulation Is similar ts arte lectric light. A flick of the switch turns on the fight immediately, not gradually. But it takes working through those painful repetitions to finally get = CI ‘switch. And even then you may fail to flick if you don't “allied 18 seconds—the momentarily Once te the switch is turned on and growth Is acti- vated, then more sets are not necessary. More sets = even he ver aly, because they use up your val id ‘epetitions in your exercise, Look forward to ine inrensed intensity, endure the ai inpesshie toh 10 ll aly use nee aie rd a: ae many bodybuilders are not work pan to get maximum muscle are Don’t be ompeclde 0 that exercising intensely is the best way to get bigger. oe on being made at each workout. rreeress: Is ct by a workout-by-workout weight used, or th ——, sme, he more it etitions in proy i the resistance by 5 percent at the next ‘workout. Always ee to do at least one more repetition per exercis than you did in the same exercise during the evious Workout. And always use as much wel 08s ‘much weight as possible in good form, GOOD FORM: SLOWER I$ BETTER Im my travels throughout the world, | seg see ed. Slamming, ae and ing the welghts, 28 Opposed to smooth, slow lifting and lowering, seems to be the choice of most trainees. Once bad form Is established, I's eiicut to change. Bi especially if you ‘want maxi growl lation. Good farmreguires aver slow 3 i neta a smooth lowering. No $1 "me ganesive fective overload best occurs when the positive or lifting phase of each repetition is performed in 10 seconds. legative or lowering phase is done in 5 secontis. = 10 seconds up w= 5 seconds down pation ws ‘words, each repetition should take at least Such a sie of of sili: is called ‘Super-siow training is the most cian way to ‘stimulate your cles to grow larger ‘and stronger. it's the pot way to get bit etter than faster Why traini styles of of itng? 8 Because It lninates most of the momentum from each repetition. Eliminating the mo- mentum better (sate the Involved muscles and makes the acne harder Ret er there and te moe targeted the exercise Is, the better DURATION: HARDER an BRIEFER ‘Once the intensity of your: cearcige ls high ond Your form is slow and smooth, then the your workouts must be brie!, Kara do ave 7 ny ‘trainees pertorm more than 16 total exercises aoe sel, and one set only, is wsualy ‘the in, that one set is carried to absolute momentary ‘muscular failure, until no upward move- ‘ment Is possible. MW your workouts, from start to finish, are taki longer than one hour to complete, then you are taking too much time get the hang of Bieta tn 48 minutes or loss. The Idea Is ta got in and out of the gym effectively imum growth /. Doing $0 supplies your body with max- stimulation and maximum recovery mend THE BASICS The basic information that you will need for: ot eating bigger from exercise can be: fomeartand toll intil no upward a atort ot Nolfing the 15 seconds Increases 1s. When 8 or more m in good orm, sid percent ‘the 31 low se. Litt ym 10 seconds. Lower the our our workauts brit. doe eat of 16 oF ower pcises applies in most situa _— BIGGER BASICS: NUTRITION Both exercise and nutrition should be balanced as a team to optimize the muscular reat process. Bodybuilders must be prepared to meet the demands they make on bodies. This requires nutritious food and sou ing habits. basics of nutritiou: ad and sound agin with a description of the e: TRENT, ‘Some fifty different nutrients are found in foods, but they can be ome d under six main headings: po itamins, fats, carbohydrates, reins, fata, and arcear srete ‘are the ene! supplying nutrients. Energy from food is typic measured ag heat and expressed as calories. Fat contains over twice as many calories as an equal amount of protein and carbohydrate. {oram of fat = Gealonies yf protein 4 calories ‘1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 calories Although most foods contain more than one nutri- ata B ale food contains all the nutrients in the frp peat is why need to eat a sarily ot a toods each vie re aa ire protein to sustain lif om ab re tein to sustain life. chief tissu bulider and athe the basic substance of ev Po] in jaye boty. You: aneae rae all through ie to for tenance and re| of body tissues. smaller nits Called amino teen or more different kinds body can make its own feel are than half of these. The others, calle amino acids, | must Come ready-made trom acid composition of prote ‘tional value. Highest in valu tial amino an in 5 SRN al pronortk neetied jenorally, prot is re ‘origi: medt, fish, ma eggs, and milk, ‘om m grains, vep vegetables, and (ruits sup- ply val be am ino acids but fewer jan do animal mre aie ‘Pra eins irom legumes, es- pecially soybeans and chickpeas, are almost as good a8 proteins from animal sou For a bodybuiler’s daily meals, only & pore of the ‘oteint toma gees ‘to come {rom animal sources. Combin- ae vegetable foods with a little meat or atl a sourct —— eee will moreve, ‘the valut of nourishing Eomatons are terest m = he rice with fish, — with meat sauct table stew with or ve a milk as a beverage along wit! It is good to have ori ‘some food trom animal sources at each meal. mee Many minerals are required ee give strength and rigidity to certal ia _— vital Ptunctons. Missuss a 1a *ackun is the most abundant mineral element in your ne Teamed with phosphorus, it is largely Fearon ie for the hardness of bones and teeth. os perceny atthe Calcium in the body is found in these ‘two tis: The small mou of calcium in your body tissues is aids in the proper functioning of your scl, and ree and helps your blood al oral an outstandn oe eerecis ble amounts are con! dar types. Calcium is found in son, 8 stard greens, turnip greens, who live far away from the seacoast in jhere the soil is low in iodine sometimes fall to ‘get an adequate supply of this mineral. An iodine defi- ciency can cause golter, a swelling of the thyroid land. lodized salt and seafoods are reliable sources of iodine. Regular use of loaizad salt is the most practi- Sar Ln ne your diet. “tron is needed by your or body re in roitiely ‘small but vital amounts, It combine: in to make he- mag which carries oxy arom the ings *0 body cells and removes carbon dioxide trom the cals, Iron also helps the celts obtain energy from kee foods cate much iron. Liver is a par- good source. Lean meats, heart, kidney, Shalt ry Dea, dry peas, bles, dried fruit, egg yolks, ar rellable sources. = Other Essential Minerals we ee in te with vitally important func- ions are 18 and magnesium. Like cae they are ‘oun nfnaraes ‘amounts in bones and teeth. ‘Among their other functions, they play an indispens- able role in your body's use of food for cnet. Magnesium is found in eee amounts in nuts, whole-grain produ ucts, dry heans, dry peas, and dark reen vegetables. Puvspbanus ig found ina variety of foods. If your meals contain foods that provide ” enough protein and aes, you very likely will get in feats. a ‘animal origin. Folic acid is present in eatin (org enough phosphorus as well its in organ meats and dark lealy Ten or more additional inerals are . aoe your body functioning smooth , whole-grain cereals, dry beans, potatoes, ;, however, are usually obtained in and dark green lealy vegetatiles. amounts by a well-chosen variety of for = Vitamin rhic Acid) mms se ar ante ctr material that ou ells toge Ties part in t e release ol onary ty rom 10a, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It also as- normal growth of tifferent kinds of tissue, tals 2 ocmal foat and bone formation and aids in antares {othe propor furctonag ot nerves ges, grapefruit, i and fresh straw- ri mn separate, necessary vitamins have been berries are rich in ascorbic acid. Other important identified. Should you const vitamin pills to be pms ica tnaies ieecem cues, ra a and re SWorS Ae A healthy. atin can'aet OM ina dark aren lealy végetabies, and waterne = Vita lete get all essary itunes from a properly, st ected ‘an a amin D recoil ‘Vitamin D is important in building strong bones and Although ‘edncentrated vitamins are available at teeth because it enables stoyta body touse the calcium ‘stores as pills or capsules, these should nothe taken and phosphorus supplied by food. unless your doctor recommends them. I! you t Faw foods contain much ‘vitamin D naturally, Milk vitamins without your doctor's advice, you may with vitamin D added is a ae source. Mt spoon money needlessly. Your body can make use amounts of vitamin D a sent in egg yolks, utter, of only so much of each vitamin. Excesses either a1 and liver, Larger amounts are present in sardines, excreted as wastes or may accumulate and be de! ‘salmon, ores in D produced + ead tuna, mental to your health. ‘Another: vitami Taking vitamins without medical advice may en- chemical reaction a adect sunlight on your sic Courage you to rely on these vitamins to make Your, gtnen Vitamins daily diet complete and thus to neglect those foods that contain net ony utamisa but es vena ses jcomnnations ot od ony araeaaly provide tor likely to furnish er ‘trients as well. Ee a ir func list of foods able sources. = Weight for weight, Sere previa rar bate tc is = Vitamin A much energy, or calories, as either or proteins. ey algo carry the fats met Vitamin Ais perce in foods of animal origin. many eae ables an si hema aria A 0, and K, and they perform th follewing on W ONBE, Ci ance cal Eaelen or bdy fareeetitanettpe: Form a protective eashiot around Vial organs. tant amounts are aig found in eggs, butter, ma ae nar hotybullding and repair by rine, whole milk, and cheese made with whole milk, tial fatty-linoleic acid. Carotene is found in largest amounts in dark green Youp hody does not manufacture lino vegetables and deep yellow vegetables and fruits. muist'he ‘provided by food, It is found in su = B Vitamins amounts in many oils that come from Three of the B vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin, and particularly corn, cottonseed, safflower, placin, play a central role in the release of arty ‘soybean, and wheat germ. re are relohred i036 - from food. hoy also help with pro} grees per functionin polyunsaturated fate. Mary lad dressings, nerves, normal appetite, good digestion, and heal mayonnaise, and het oils are usually made from skin. ‘one or more of these oils. Nuts contain less linoleic Foods in the meat Liem are leading source st vegetable bencod vitamins. Whole-grain and enriched ae ‘walnuts rate ‘tute Tigh, Poultry and fi ereals supply smaller but important amou more linoleic acid than other animal fats, which rank ertatanas sources: milk for cia, fairly low as sources. In choosing daily meats, it is for thiamin, and organi meats for all three. best to keep the total amount of fat at a moderate enough niacin is not a problem if enough level me iclude some foods that contain polyun- reste is included in daily meals. An essential amino a id, try pioghan. ts is Pagel in pre and can be ooking, fats add flavor and variety to many hanes yy the body. tots Fats also make foods and meals satisfying Other B vitamins, B6 and particularly B12 and folic hecause they digest slowly and tel e feeling acid, help prevent anemia. Vitamin B12 is found only of hunger. acid than do mo: oils. a ‘the nuts, Common sources of fats are butter, margarine, Many goyular ods, ae and other desserts or are cooked with it. snacks, bal are mate with CARBOHYDRATES feats 8 supply Farolyarates chiefly in thret gars, and cellulose, or — materials, Starcl an 3 of energy for humans, fee ‘rat bulk bulk it ‘ihe Glucose, commonly called blood sugar, is} ‘the — torn In which starches and sugars: ed — oh energy fe for woth Ts te pate onan tiray ene srt hiat ‘sarces of starch are wheat, oats, corn, and Star aing are flour, ai atatues, in eee ant Deans and peas are also vere ‘Most other veyetables, faite and fruit juices con- tain smaller amounts jdrates. In vegeta- in the form of coast r Is essential for life. y aa next to air, or ae jortance. Your body's need for water jeds your need ‘or 100 |. You can live for Sars, ree ven yes, without food, but only afew days wi aaa one nal ‘to two-thirds of your body is made up of water. Water is the medium of body fluids, se- cretions, and excretions, it carries food materials from one part of your hody to the ather. Water a also solve for all products of ‘tion, which move wom} your intestinal wall water eaten, eae ‘the bloodstream for use ‘throug! body. Water also carries wastes iromy your our baay, "YOUF jolly temperature is regulated yy the evaperation of water through your skin and ‘ous intake of water to body aH water from the water vegetables, fruits, cereal, contain some water. And water Is fort ‘when your boty uses food for energy. DAILY FOOD GUIDE FOR BALANCED NUTRITION Bodybuilders need adequate amounts of proteins, , meat, and even bread and ary minerals, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, and wae ona dally basis. Balanced nutrition generally mean: isuming the appropriate servings tr dry ak io fomverve io ir abbreviation form a8 tha nas iron tae mill yogurt/cheese beeup— ‘ot ine ir veg m8 servi Includes rice and The carbohydré breads, and cert p minerals. T milk—su rowth. hus, mest of musct i porlect ‘or getting — aa wan schetites in this ram at a ty nk 4:4:8:8 ratio. It id wall for. weith mitley an David Hammond. ma po pam work for you! next chapter, I'll describe how | determine me ner of calorics for Kaith and David to con- ‘sume each day, and how you can do the same. Plus, I'll discuss the day-by-day workout program. ant 5 500 more ore 10 digest his food or tay vl ‘stinatod David's workouts at 300 calo- WEEK BY WEEK = _— and his food processing at another 300 es. MEUM BmeveecSam an a el THE EATING PLAN was David was only 18, | knew Keith was more atticient neta mmatabolic rates te total ongray output than David, sal made a slight adjustment for In the final analysis, | ecallshed their total dail ae nate alittle extra for growth, a Knowing Keith's me d's would allow me to mine the optimum number of calories that each could Consume daily without putting on significant fatty ories per ay teat Katt Keith and David were spending ata resting stal lore needed to go several steps ro i taleulate thelr total one expenditure by accounting for Led eae level, exercise en- teavoes, and food pra sea Keith and David Ta sat Jobs, so! and ot jercent of their resting metabolic rates (1, ‘318 ww 520, calories es, respocl uvely) as thelr activity guved Kath id approx! 500 Keitl 5, SU ca alr aay fe for Week 1 an 1 resting 6,000 cal/day for Week 2 4, 2 ee eee cere | G'500 caldeyfr ek 84-800 cat) tr Wook 3 needed latorator fr eee ferondcgaccrten is Gaeta eter {aii Wee ers i Week | ballas has such equipment and | called on Br. Carol in hay forex 20a Wak ola that with each succeeding week | added an Eats leaes aresearch dietitian, to supervise the oie ee te aee day ti ma ex awolatt et 248 pounds, unas ot ing. Both Keith and David were assessed on Octo- Keith, at aheight of muscle per week. (See charts on pages 24-27.) a Eine shalt meu i Ath and ths sarand and fourth wooks planned to take additional skit Calculations to determine whether the calories p or a iat Keith ant were 8 consuming wore 100 ite, Just Poh, it each to deposit fror pou of fat per week, as it spoeers tctually assists the muscle-building process. FIGURING YOUR CALORIE EXPENDITURE How can ge your total caloric expendi- id per week, especially since you ‘oval y dont ha access to the metabolic measur- 10 and aw ight equipment? the method I recommend: = Take your bod! in pounds, = Multiply this yy 20, with a good estimate of the total you burn per day. censenten (it this approximate number each day should keep your body ‘woight relatively stable. To add mascae lar mass, you not only have to exer- ise inten: cis a on st also 6: ae more calories to supply growth nut ‘Thus, to your total: novel recommend tat you extra calories each ecconane peek as did Keit David. Here are my suggestion: MW you weigh: = 200 pounds or under, add 300 each week . al 228 pears, 400 e1 ik = 226 pounds or over, add 50 For example, it you estimated calorie sueeditare por ath per day shoul ne a ies. Your six-week BIGGER seewmarataae 4,800 ce & 100 cailasy| for Week 8 To facilitate the eating process and tee record volved, | organized daily die keeping and servings im sheets as guidelines for Tate assured the breper hatance amo fats, and proteins according te ral a food groups. Examples trom 6 are presented on pages 24-27. Notice that sin ince the Keith was consuming fally weil over 5,000 calories, a high-calorie from 1,800 to 2,800 calories pi ay mat 8 fre regen tly used to supplement his normal toad intake. Several Pecipes for such a shake are included on Day 26. ‘THE EXERCISE PLAN Both Keith and David, in much of their previous training, had been using a split routine. I'm nota ane believer in splitting your workout into lower body One day and upper bot fain he oy nt workouts various ways of separating the b Itmakes senge to me that your ody war best, and iT reise itasawhuleandestitin move iret aay oa lay-per-week schedule. Here is the plan that | organized: Weeks 1 and 2— i aaa lle “a-row split routine, six days per week. Monday and Thursday Logs, lower hack Twesday and Friday: shoulders, hack, chest say Upper arms, forearms, neck Weeks 3 and 4—Contra-lateral suit poutine, five aarense week, then four days per week. ‘3, Monday and Wednesday: right lower body, iat ie bod} Tuesday and Thursday: Veft lower body, ‘eet Saurdy: lot upper bay; ict, lower 4, Montay ~ uppe er Bod Mens 6d 8a tr oe whole body eect with: eoanate on te wy, Wednesday, hack, tach Seat icone, tricone. | personally trained both Keith and Lh pre allof their weekly workouts. Arecord of Keith’ preted ind his workout-by-workout ouurcise Pepetitions, and progress are listed in fa {ety and Friday: \ett ower body, right rine shoulders, upper miele ‘section, Some of his favorite recipes also are incl ing with appropriate blank spaces is pre- iter Keith's 30 you can keep records of your y progress. ICs youn resnonsinlity toplan, id keep track of your eating, exercising, next 42 Doing so will assure the possible results, It will guarantee that you will get bigger. BASIC FOUR FOOD GROUPS FOR BODYBUILDERS BASIC —- MINIMUM Serving Size Food Sources Fooo) = DAILY Group Servings Meat 4 2-8 ozs. cooked Meat, poultry, 2 medium Eus 2 tablespoons Peanut butter oun Cottage cheese Teun Dred beans Mik 4 cup wi, a Wears. Cheese 1-1% cups Milk-containing foods Fruit? 8 Ye cup raw Fruit or Vegetable ‘or cooked ——veyetable ‘Ye cup juice 1 cup raw a a) Cereal Ye-¥ cup Yeoup Yecun Other 6 T teaspoon Foods, ‘1 teaspoon 2 teaspoons ‘woot toppings ‘cohol (not recommended) “May be adjusted up or down depending on daily caloric neods. eee a DR. ELLINGTON DARDEN’S BIGGER DIET: for Keith [ WEEK 1 TOTAL CALORIES: 5,500 PER DAY DATE: V FOOD GROUPS (Add 1,800 Calorie Shake) RECOMMENDED DAILY SERVINGS F MEAT = | l | N | 6.5 MILK ] M 6 FRUIT/ ~ ~ ) f Fi veceTaae || CL | Ld vi LJ 12.5 BREAD/ 1 | B CEREAL | J | C | LL | | LJ 12.5 OTHER ~~) fo OP | 0 Fooos = |_ : ee oe ee | Fi ~ | DR. ELLINGTON DARDEN’S BIGGER DIET: for Keith WEEK6 TOTAL CALORIES: 8,000 PER DAY DATE: FOOD GROUPS (Add 2,800 Calorie Shake) RECOMMENDED DAILY SERVINGS MEAT ~ | 85 MILK J Lt 8 FRUIT/ VEGETABLE | - l _ 8 BREAD/ ] — CEREAL ) | [ L | 8 OTHER FOODS 12 DR. ELLINGTON DARDEN’S BIGGER DIET: for David WEEK 1 TOTAL CALORIES: 3,700 PER DAY DATE: FOOD GROUPS RECOMMENDED DAILY SERVINGS —————— MEAT 7 L_| 6.5 MILK [ j — 6 FRUIT/ 1 [— VEGETABLE |_ _ L_| 12.5 BREAD/ [ CEREAL | | J LJ 12.5 OTHER 7 FOODS _ DR. ELLINGTON DARDEN’S BIGGER DIET: for David WEEK 6 TOTAL CALORIES: 5,200 PER DAY DATE: FOOD GROUPS RECOMMENDED DAILY SERVINGS MEAT l 1 | L] 85 MILK Co LIC J 8 Faure | 4 1 VEGETABLE IL Cr 1 f I | — , " | _ 18 BREAD/ CEREAL | _| 8 OTHER FOODS | L_ 2 DR. ELLINGTON DARDEN'S BIGGER PROGRAM DIFFERENCE Date —_— Height a Weight —___—. CIRCUMFERENCE MEASUREMENTS Neck a Right upper arm —_ Left upper arm ee Right forearm == Left forearm = Chest a Waist —_ Hips oe Right thigh ee Left thigh — Right calf — Left calt a SKINFOLD MEASUREMENTS Right chest —_ Right abdomen — Right thigh a TOTAL —____ PERCENTAGE ————. BEFORE GETTING STARTED: TAKING . MEASUREMENTS : Bodybuilders frequently use measurements as a wares s mae ‘ation. bodybuilding wouldn't like to have 20-inch ane, . is -inch chest, and 30-inch thigh: The truth is that most Sensecsea re taken incorrectly, Srossiy Sal gxagoorated. a bout. Ac- cree meas inch arm is big. A 19-inch rm is very nan anything above 19 inches must tes seen to he believed. In my bodybuilding research, which spans over 30 years, I've seen only four muscular arms that actu- ily measur ue nals or larger. Those four arms Oliva, len h of these men weighed in excess of 230 fun be iy arms were taped, Measurements ai ul in evaluating the pres- ent state of your: viva. Tobe at value they must be accurate and repeatable. ad mt it's important to understand and apply the following guidelines in measuring your body. Be = and ‘a — before your first workout and rect ge 28. ord them et UJ ede plastic tape that is60 inches inlength. to take the measurements if you team up me 1. Have him do yours, and you tak When taking the measurements, apply lightly to the skin. The tight. Take duplicate measurement one-eighth of an inch at each atthe the sites and use the average figure as your circumference score. Do not, Tare i —e a to taking your oa surement the neck at a level Just ue ‘sure the tape is tape the largest the bic tape perpendicular to the me 1 arm hone. Measure the left biceps in the manner. = FOREARMS: a Pass the tape aru ng together In the tal around the waist at navel level. ontal plane. Do not pull in the = WAIST: Pass the ta Keen the tant ally on bott at the widest ina ern plane. Oo not Measure the loft calf in the st way to estimate the amount of fat you your body is by using a skinfold caliper. ‘should be able to: et is test one at’ or fitness center. luge the Lat chest, abdomel sum of fain ates and hip, an thigh for worngn, See the parter ly for Exercise and Sport (52: }981) to determine ae percentage at y fat by the use af a simple no i¢ idea is to make sure your mod. tat oe a increase significantly a the 42-daj ay pr Monitoring your body fat level every L 4 aye wal let you know If it is stable or on the ri Alean, well-defined bodybuilder wil ‘have ‘a body- fat level of under 10 percent. Some champions even get below 5 percent. BODY WEIGHT Record your weight - a balance- ate meal medical scale. Strip down to your bar consistent with what you wear. Welsh yeareall to the nearest 1 aearier pe und. The best time to welsh yoursell is romectatet be fore your workout. You can then record ‘weight on your workout sheet above the ate, ialare petting tare, road through the resto jefore, patting or this book. As you look through the 42-day program = ‘study ~ sresuts that Keith and David achieved, ‘see that some phenomenal gains were made. ane. ear gained 25.4 Tounds and 4.3 por in only six weeks. In circum- rence neasuremeti ach ‘added an average of = 8 inches in his upper arms w 4 inches on his thighs m 4% inches on his chest =m 1% inches on his calves While you may not register the same degree of results, Your gains should be reat as reat as they can be considering your program exactly, tar 5 aan as an ie descrie aT promise that you won't it ready to stimulate your ‘muscles to ready to get bigger—BIGGER mi ScLes in 42 days! program c you'll muck 8 isting of averting ee onay', re tem continue to hnew cel ct an exam- a to onal what amet toods that Keith consumed. Keith's schedule allows you to follow aleng and mt track of all your daily activ- rs manual Tact, fr the Next 42 daye Wil become y on woriaoot oe diary. You may want to wi en aes high school | etry ich poe year. schedule ly this istent! vat rn tat wil arate Boe For the first ys you! be training on a three- faye in-a-row, SiX-t a Ot ‘week, anit routine. ‘hedule assume: Day Tof the program will For thenext three lays you'll work th body parts each day. Here's a brief hey, y 1 workout, which will Cs rome ‘and Day 11. More com) wns can be found in my previous: ous book B BiG, on ages 1. Leg curl: Lift the movement arm slowly to the contracted josition in 10 seconds. Pause. Lower Smosth Hy to ‘bottom in § seconds. Repeat for 4 to 8 nD teg exton ‘tension: Make st with the rotating ax of fot ‘as many super-siow repetitions ‘or your quadricep: 1s as possi Move: aulckly, ‘without resting, to the leg pres: 8. i if Ith penainia, to pot maximum rangg Of movement. Keop te raped tions slow and smooth and your knees ‘on all but the final repetition. effects of this exercise in your frontal nigh or Cin ‘After the final repetition, jeta drink, walk around linutes, a are tor the next leg cycle: leg extension, eg ‘curl, and squat. to the posit You Keep a bend or approximately 15 di 4. Log extension: Reduce the resistance by 10 per- Cent for the sect . 5. Leg curl: the weight by 10 percent also. Move immediately from the leg curl to the barbell jquat with barbell: The squat performed last in ‘he bitocks this oye loads effectively locks and ham- strings. Lift the barbell iron cs Packs fotrerghe descend until ‘ome in cont aH not lock your 4 yrees_ in kmoes. Reneat for maximum repetitions. Res ‘m bay" minute or two before working your calves, locked as v0 ly contract and ately ell nears a gastrocnemius, across your knees, do ‘he ‘maximum number of rape: ae 8 ty a and smoothly. Jeg raise: Hang trom an overhead bar. sng hat at ‘up slow} i touch your toes to the y lower peat. Teun ere Lie on oar neck, — your heels ios 10 to your butt tir ees wide. 1 your shoulders slowiy in 10 seconds toward your hips. Only one-third of a standard sit-up can be performed in this manner. You'll feel a rdlatoly afte te nangih ly after the hanging ‘11, Back raise: Lie ‘acedovin back raise ma- chine, or have a friend hold your legs down ey $e 28 ase Teer lees eee ie ee ot his! jench. Raise your torso backward slowly and care- fully arch your back. Pause. Lower smoothly and eat, "te Sun Stif-logyed deauiift with barbell: Stand care- ful with a barbell. Lower it smooth! my four a8 far as comfo ly possible, rbell back io standing your knees. Lift the pest and repeat. You'll feel a deep burn in YOU wer back muscles. Note: A thicker horizontal line in the workout chart Indicates a brief rest period. Exercises enclosed by the darker lines compose a body part cycle a = he performed with minimum rest between em. DAY 1 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE jeturn Eat Meal 5. lead, eta, prepare fr Fat Meal 8. Bedtime, YOUR SCHEDULE KEITH'S CALORIES MEAL: BREAKFAST ‘ounces catmeal instant) 300 tablespoon margarine 100 4 teaspoons brown sugar 2 alicos bacon 10 ‘cup orange juice 120 eum nontat milk 80 MEAL 2: SHACK ‘plain bagel 200 ounce cream cheese 100 (MEAL 3: LUNCH Tuna salad: 1.6¥ ounce can tuna in water 200 100 160 35 10 0 2slices bread 160, Tangle 80 1 cum nonfat milk 80 cup raisins 100 (MEAL4: SNACK ¥1,800-calorie shake 800 2 chocolate chin cookies ‘commercial 100 MEAL 5: DINNER Spaghett! and meat sauce: ‘oan ground meat sautood ‘with desired vegetables: ‘mushrooms, peppers, and onions, spices, 1 cup tomato sauce ‘Loup of spaghettl, cooked 605 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese 70 rendticks 385 {aope 85 Teup carrots ts Crom frozen) 60 MEAL %1,800-calorie shake 900 2 chocolate chip cookies _100 Total 5,541 YOUR CALORIES | WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: Logs idominals Back Tours Your EMERCISE ‘Wi/Reps —Wt/Reps- log eur | 7 {ag extension | toa pross a5 Tey extension 0 Pov cumt ‘0 | Bouawiennanen | 225 wet] 360 | Donkey call raise: a Tovttcanrace | 225 Hananenratse | Bat. | Bdwt. Bat. | a | 185 Be SHOULDERS, UPPER BACK, AND GHEST On Day 2 ares be working your shoulders, upper back, ‘are four pre-exhaustion cy- res wo 9 shoulders, one for upper back, and one jor ches! hest. It’s important to move Ld from exer- cio to exercise within a cycle. Here's 1. Lateral raise with dumbbelts: = elbows the dumbbells. ad ress the bar overhea slowly. Do not lock your elbows. Keep them a bent. Lower smoothly and rome Bent-over raise with dumbhelis: Bend over until bas torso is parallel to the floor. Raise the dumb- lls: sou backward until your hands are shoulder ea your elbows straight during the entire 4, Press behind neck with barbell: Use your tri- eps to force your pre-exhausted deltoids to a sesper aoe of fatigue. Keep the movements slow and a Beni ent armod pullover with barbol:Li ace ae a sturdy bench with your head barely off tt Wave a spotter hand von abarbell and Dace iton your chest. Lower the bar over your face and head and try ‘to touch the floor. Keep your arms bent and pull the bar back over your face to the chest. 6. Pulldown to chest on lat machine: With a nar- row underhanded grip, pull the bar Heat to your chest. Pause. Lower smoothly and repeat. 7. Pullover with one dumbbell: Lie crossways on a hench and hold a dumbbell on one end with both hands, Keep your arms ay ‘83 you lower the dumbbell ly behind y said. Stretch and raise the sonds. neck on lat machine: With a parallel il gr if possible, nul the bar slowly behind bar te 9. Bent-over row with barbell. With a narrow un- derhanded ‘Grip, pull the barbell slowly near your ‘touch your waist. Pause. Lower soar it, Take seueea: I-minute break and get ready to work your chest. 10. Bench press with barbell: Do your bench presses ‘slowly and smoothly, and avoid the lock-out 11. Bent-armed fly with dumbbells: While lying face up on a bench with dumbbells over your chest, lower the dumbbells to your sides in semicircular arcs as low as comfortably possible. the dumbbells slowly in 10 seconds along the 8: to the top position. 12. Bench press to eck wt a barbell: Lower the barbell smoothly in 5 seconds, keeping your elbows wide, and lightly touch the bar to your neck, Press the earbell slowly in 10 seconds back to the top position. e how-to of arcs, ou'll be blasting your shoulders from several it angie DAY 2 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT Tn Wake | THREE-DAY SPLIT: Eat Meal 1. Shoulders, Upper Back, Chest ‘Read newspaper. Se Kern's Your Got ready for school. EXERGIBE WUReps _WH/Rops Leave for school. Meal 2. 80 Eat Meal 3. ‘Leave school. Return home. Eat Meal 4. Relax o take nap. Leave for aym. “3|~ ag | ag “a lg YOUR SCHEDULE a of “8 os “8 og “a DAY 3 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE Wake up! Eat Meal 1. rspaper. Eat Meal 5. Read, study, prepare for next day. 10:00pm Eat Me 10:30pm Bedtime YOUR SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: Upper Arms, Farearms, Neck Kelth ‘Your events WoReps _WURops 85 were 0 2 60 wens t Regatvechnay | Bt. 7 50 homrumn | : | 50 oatnecane | 10 8 Negative dip Bat. 7 5 winartel a 40 wanna |e 40 o 0 j 30 | act iG th 180 | 0 Bdwt. “8 SLOW IS EFFECTIVE = Alter the first three days you should be sore, pleasantly sore. Most of this soreness should disap- ‘pear over the next few days since you'll be repeating routines in the same order. fom should also ie catching On to the eating pl: re: led ady added several poun U1 tay we ‘Keep ing those calories and adhering i those super-slow repetitions jour body is sure eeving in the super-slow sone takes a little pa- tence, especially since you've probably had to re- duce the weight initially to le the ‘orm. Here are six reasons why super slow . more effective and efficient than faster styles of lifting and lowering. = More muscie tension: Siow re Jonger period of effective musci anetitions employ mare momentam softs, fast renettions are coutor- tive for maximum strer sth development 1 Mare muscle fhers: Muscle increased by activating more muscle fluers or by the fring rate. Because the firing rate at slow st ccoad the firing rate at fast speeds, ater muscle force profuced at slow spents is apparently due to greater recrultment of muscle fare senscle power: Power ix the pesduct o tre ime ower can be enhanced by ing muscle force, the movement speed, or ath fash component, however, must be trained s¢ imum results. Combining of training Is not an Improving either the stren na factor. You can litt heavy weights slowly or weights quickly. Because near maximum re: 's ossentlal for maximum strength fevelonm ‘oduce movements. jut slow weight sauses less tissue trauma at the start ant tah of te exgreise movements an is {ess likoly to cause injuries. Slow repetitions should he the preferred technique for building muscie. ‘momentum: Momentum plays @ part in virtually he faster the movement, the str ut ac ands on the target muscle aroun ‘and increases stress onthe Joints, For best results trom super-siow exercise, have a ‘training partner push you through the workouts. Here, Keith talks Hoffmann through a set of curls. ty DAY 4 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR SCHEDULE WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: Lops, Abdominals, Lower Back EXERCISE ‘WURey Log car ‘90 Eotonnm | 190 Log press, as | Fegan tao | bare | ko | a Bbckraise Bint. rere F PROPER BREATHING om 0! te real challenges in using 3 aan wea heavier, works site feel u're nat pe tie enough air, You ws aotaa tah ing your re ay a deep my 30, on tn other words vor are aor ing your any tines ‘such off/on-ing Is synced vara ering oe or eit weit ton teat Rot Ret ally, is the exe inuous, Pinned vet traction for J or ~ neck, and a breathe breathe breaths are not meceatary, In fact, It's to your bene practice short, rapid breaths with pub a = blowing out rather than taking in large ait re ce ba tendency that you may ny oF p a headache. It will also 8 foading of the muscle, which will lead to 8iz8 stort rapid ieeathin ‘out during ~ aie tt session today and see if it doesn't lead to the pelemaace Of at least one more repetition in each Emphasize breathing out firing each super-siow repet- tion and try not to hold your brea ee DAY 5 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES 6: WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: Shoulder 4a | za “3 4g ns MS -3\4 Contrary to what you read In t cle magazines, vitamin and min ills are aot nec THE ALMOST PERFECT EXERCISE The wrist curl with a barbell, if performed in the correct manner, is almost a perfect exercise. It pra- vides full-range directness of resistance and vary- LA roars that almost matches your potential strength. a a zy hd resistances in the wri apnliod directly to your primary movi thar of movement is sue tha there sist ea nebeasee ‘ag the work is performed. ithe angle of the for rm on your thighs is proper, the resistance reaches its highest point st 8 the involved muscles reach their strongest positions. ‘Third, the geometry of the involved joints and muscu- lap attachments is such that the strength ere a pro- gresses throughout the movement, steadily | ing a8 the muscles shorten trom fat steeten to ful four hips cs than your rknoeee (3) ws and fareaeres securely on your ret mee _, ‘thi mn. may teant forward ti your body ur igle between your biceps and forearms is ess th 90 degi (5) Flex your wrists slowly. (6) Pause in - contracted position. (7) Lower smoothly and repeat. (8) Do not allow your feoace ta upeel (een the barbell firmly in the palms of ies bay pod iors cael inthe ete = iby mov- shortens the jon't allow tis to happen in your training, Stick with correct form and your forearms will grow at a much faster rate. the wrist curl with your forearms on your IF on a bench as shawn. In either sty! DAY 6 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES Wake up! —_ —_ Ext Mea 1, npn Return tome, eal 4, Leave for workout, Workout. WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: Unner Arms, Forearms, Neck Tans Yor EXERCISE WUReps — Wt/Reps 7 1 1 90 withbortet uj iz ‘Bic 60 wind it rt ——— 60 Inean pessonn e Rooatives =| Dat. 7 Wrist curt 15 ‘with barbell 0 . Reverso wrist curt | 45 | 8 40 wee |? Ae UCAS Ue AROS Ur Re Soo ET aC une RT CPUC LC Ot oe i UL RE USC i tions that are necessary for your body to produce SEE TR Ue cy mT a L -seead CCC a uae re CTE CVT Ue y CTU UM oes cc Uae Se ae ea CTY SOT TSR a CEU ea DSC e AOE Ure should be looking for the most productive method of Crs ; - UU OC CCR ee ae) RT) SS Cas SN OOM Se Irae Se me SLES] CEU OLE tau CU Ed Nk ry SO LT a rns SO eS TL RC CO UE LUE CUM ay re CC UCU is ASE Ra aa me eT TU Ome Ino) TIC ea en De A ST CU Cen ro Pe U ee eer PET CO CMT er cre limit, your body will eventually be overworked to the PT 7 Eo eR Cn SO OOM Ue abnormal growth is dictated, and if the recovery Ce ee Se OR ee Bey CT TE ROU UTC I ue LU Obviou Bu) Ey SE UC et re Lorn cyt Diy Reg: Pra CUO CR MAC aL Re ECD Ue Dut TEU ae RUS ce sie. Under eee ree CC a eT ‘maximum growth stimulation while leaving your re- Pea mf Dh la alli Peg LL Looe eras raft PT DRE Rte eeu Lea DEEL OS eRe Le PLT SUE a ecg DAY 7 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ‘Wake up! Eat Meal 1. YOUR SCHEDULE KEITH'S FAVORITES is 8 eeces as toner ie throughout 8. The rch yes onal hecaseacl vre: ao i ie pages on which they SIRLOIN BURGER x pout lean ground a inces aged Ue ecm tou fresh must 1 tablespoon on, ely hopped Ye teaspoon liquid! smoke Combine ail ingredients and mix well. Form patties 1-Inch thick and broil ‘several minutes on each side (medium Yet: 2 servings Calories 405/serving ‘BRAWNY BURGER % pound lean ground sirloin 2 ounces Braunschweiger (liver sausage) 1 tablespoon plain nontat yopurt 2 tablespoons onion, finely minced 1 teaspoon caraway seeds Combine all Ingredients and mix well, Form patties 1-inch thi rail Yield: 2 servings Calories: 365/serving CORN CASSEROLE 2 cups skim mitk ed , Chopped 2 teaspoons butter-tavored salt Pinch of pepper Scald the milk. Stir in remaining ingre- tents and turn mixture into a casse- role. Bake in a preheated 325°F aven for about 1¥ hours. servings 89/serving VALUE OF PRE- EXHAUSTION It will be to your advantage during the second ek, and subsequent weeks, of this program to concentrate 0 on aes very quickly from one exer- cise to the next during each body part cycle. I ‘kly, in less than three se tr xercise to a multiple-joint exercise, is pre-exhaustion. Pre-exhaustion makes it pos- {o work almost any ta large muscle harder than would normally be possibl In exercises involving two or more muscles ant joints, a point of failure is reached when the we cI ible to continue. In this cas ie cis Inthe barbell squat, for example, failure is usually reached when the lower back if ice the best possible results. Bat hy sting the thigh muscles the problem can first tthe Jeg extensions in the super-slow style for maximum repetitions. oe do the leg curt in the same manner. Third; do the barbell squat, but allow no rest following the ve & curl, not even for a second or two. = Immediately to the squat racks and start squattin YoU Wil find that very ite resistance is requlred he squats, prokatt less than half the amount of it that you normally use. Regardless of the light it being ust when you do reach a point a fail- jowel ly. When you fail, it wil jour exhausted. ‘an four thighs will be wot harder than previously. By pre-exhausting ue thighs hefore squatting, jou have removed the weak link represented by lower-back involvement in squats, Other examples of pre-exhaustion that are applied — ‘this week or other weeks are: trunk curl followed by hanging leg raise, —_ Serge au iene ! ae and ki rais rt] times two or more single-joint movements stacked before the final exercise, which make the cycle even harder. Inall cycles, however, keep the time between exer- cises to three seconds or less. Thus, you may need to cone your equipment according. Once you un- rstand pre-exhaustion, you can use it to enormous ativantage in almost every workout. In working your legs in the recom- DR Ue RT OM Ne PO a) LL dha oA rs 59 DAY 8 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE ‘Wake upt Eat Meal 1. Read newspaper, Get ready for school. ‘Leave for school. Eat Meal 2. Eat Meal 3. KEITH'S CALORIES any style 180 2 English muting, toasted 280 Giabtespeens eiy/prenarves: | 100 Yecantaloupe {cup nontat milk 90 MEAL 2: SNACK Cheese sandwich: 2 slices bread 160 Zounces cheese 200 Ye cup applesauce 50 MEAL 3: LUNCH 4 slices bread 320 8 slices turkey 280 ‘1 cup cream cottage cheese © 285 {cup canned orange sections = 130 2 whole carrots 65 ‘cup nonfat mit 150 MEAL 4: SNACK ¥e2,000-calorie shake 1,000 4 chocolate chip cookies 200 MEAL 5: DINNER 2 cups chill with beans & beet 680 1 cup cooked brown rice 2 cups chopped broccall 2 cornbread mutfins 1 cup nonfat mit MEAL 6; SNACK ¥e2,000-calorie shake 4 chocolate chip cookies YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: Legs, Abdominals, Lewor Back Leg curt z og extension A ‘Leg press 7 Leg extonsion Foscur 1g Featwinnarton | 265 Bony canrase | 380 Sento ca raise La Bawt, NOT DEMONSTRATE IT BUILD STRENGTH, 3 Aerieat is one thing; a acenpetiive weld wala titi contest is a differen build Strength has little A pula with ie Bestway to demonstrate strength. Yet many b je mistake of training as if they we ing meet, perhaps being more inte ing thee ers than in trying to br and strength. Olympic lifters and power lifters must practice ‘maximum, single-attempt lifts, both in training and in competition. But there is no reason for bodybuilders: ever to attemat heavy singles. While maxima mals: cular size iot be produced without maximum muscular strength, tt does not follow that hulding strength requires heavy single-attompt lifts. On the contrary, greater strength and size will result from “ be ponte formance of super-slow repetitions within range. aximun size and strength can be reiaces with- out ever exerting maximum force, even tl ough maxi- mum contraction force is a requirement for mum growth stimulation. For growth stimulation, it is only necessary to produce momentary max! =n Contraction force. This can and should be d aiter your momestar ability has been retuced b nf ee of atleast three repetitions that did not valve ‘maximum contraction force. in effect, by the tine fou produce maximum force, your momen- tary abit will be reduced to the poli at which the oe of injury is greatly decreased. Bodyuaiiters & ‘do not hurt themselves during a first ra jetition because they were not warmed up prop- ly. They hurt themselves because they are stron- vest at that point in the set. And they make the mis- take of moving at maximum speed at a time when this Pesults in more pull and much more jerk from the tet muscular size frometrios rease in the acceleration factor. @ sini tempt lifts are always first repeti- it should be evident that they are the most dangerous tyne of movements. Since maximum growth stimulation can be induced by neceritare | maximum contraction force, most of ie pe langer can he avoided by reducing the out eve ‘of ability before producing maximum force, Once again, you can accomplish this by per forming three or four repetitions ae to a maximum movement. Or it can be even better accomplished by pr working them in an isolated a wine’ to i Bvolvins them ina neavier muti jout mover wally Important for DAY 9 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ogi Ng lg of i= iS o|~2/-2|~ 3 ie ~g|~8 4 CARROTS IN ORANGE JUICE 1 pound carrots, sliced on the diago- ‘nal Into ¥e-Inch-thick ovals ¥e cup orange juice Put carrots in a small sauce pan or Casserole with a tight cover. Add the Orange Juice. Cover and either simmer on top of the stove about 20 minutes or bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Yield: 8 servings Calories: 75/serving THE MOST DANGEROUS REPETITION Most bodybuilders bet ‘that they are a injury If they terminate a set prior to the most di cult opet is, They consider the last rt tions the most danger ous, In fact, the opposite is true. The farther you progress into a set, the safer the work. Regardiess of the number of repetitions involved in a sot, the first repetition is the most dangerous and the last repetition is the safest. The more difficult it f jon eee safer it is. The more dangerous it seems, The last of Bi Fopetitions, bor te to ee Ae fret act following |Papetition, By the time yo pd a rom it which you are capable of [pre dos i tition, the 100 pounds will feel very meavy. At that moment the 1005 pounds rity are lifting will actually be Very heavy, since it will momentarily require 100 vorcont of your strength to move It. Everything is relative insofar as feelings are con- me The | anne ie injury, however, isnot related stead, your connective stance to i erform work in the sense that they Contract like muscles, their resistance Is not reduced during the performance of a set of several repetitions. if a particular tendon has an existing level of resistance capable of withstanding 100 units n that level of resistance remains con- be 100 = ing e Fepetition, however, your momentary ability may be reduced t0 only 10 units of pull. at ‘that point you are ‘hot strong enough to hurt yours wae cuaataly meee be ules avoid the most ‘oductive all their sets because of an inne ear of th iy vate ae Pight up tong soma good, thay stop. They a are act ing tee safest! ae all the: Geb producing the maximum growth stimulation my seek, Don’t let this happen in your training. Always work ‘through those last repetitions. so.a4-way neck maching, use neck harness, DAY 10 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES [WORKOUT = = Wake unl THREE-DAY SPLIT: Eat Meal 1. —— [Upper Arms, Ferearms, Neck Read newspaper. —_— ‘Keith’ ‘Your Get ready for school. ____ | extneise WtiReps _ WUReDs Leave for school, ——————— Eat Meal 2. — _ | biceps cart 95 Eat Meal 3. = ‘vartell a Leave nang 2. ; @ eat — | Septet |B | er Resative chin ap | Po! — |e 85 = — 1 | __ 85 — aa | | Aosatve ap YOUR SCHEDULE — 0 — | wltrberten e 50 nn 7 | —_ 40 evra! v 38 __ — | 7 = 180 wnnerta a @ — [Bdwt. +20) iwersiray | 8 | ie TUNA MACARONI T0838 3 cups elbow macaroni cooked ac- cording to directions on package 2 7-ounce cans water-packed tuna ¥: cup green pepper strips: ¥« Cup thinly sliced green onion 2 tablespoons dried pimiento ¥e cum diet French dressing Combine alt ingredients and toss well. wl eat you are 6 performing Jeg extension. You ns and bet na ‘fit You cones ‘tat var ‘speed is remain determined to maintain uniform However, the speed grows slower as you tiecome we: musculature becomes Often it can still lift the very slowly. Such slow movement and muscle teebleness dull sense tion and movement. E igh you are moving, eter eit. You musi ety i on foe movement. Delibet aly rete capt tha that you are nolonger moving. elleveinit, Have the mind-set that on le is incapable, I'm going to ‘anyway! ot many Cases, upward movement will continue and you li complete pete Give it time, Whittie on it. The repetition quire 30 seconds to fini Once the repetition completes, smoathly lower it and try another. wn er give up if additional positive move- ent Is ible. And then stop only after you've spent another 10't0 15 seconds ‘trying for an extra recia of an inch. These helptul hints above were a ew ihe trom Ken Hutchins’ revised book, The Utti- mate Exercise Protocol, whi onic highly recommend, Ken has supervi er 10,000 sup outs, and no one understands the e phasophy ‘nd techniques bi ar tea a es. To order a copy Hs fe check or money oe derive P.O. Box 1801 tasselborry,| AL aznie-01 Occasionally it's okay to have an assistant help you do ‘several forced repetitions at the end of a super-slow DAY 11 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES | we ro oil SPLIT: Wake un! — : | fat Meal. ee Read newspaper. — Keit ‘Your: Get ready for school. a EXERCISE ‘WuReps —Wi/Reps Leave for school. 7 +. 71 Eat Meal 2. — | boot i 1 Eat Meal 3. a H Leave school. Return home. == | ene " fatten” — et x OF ‘nap. | Leave for gym. — | ‘Sret cs Workout. —_— _—+ Rtn tne. Tamm | 170 30am Rad, su, repare lr —_ iy. 170 10:009m Eat Meal. = € 10:30pm Bedtime. 255 YOUR SCHEDULE T— = — 400 —_ WT — — 225 w | — ——_ __ — 7 awe. — _ at a — \bavn, 20 _— _ 5 — —_ ut. +10 _ _ 8 R __ — lhe. 195 wins | og SHORT A INFREQUENT WORKOUTS Proper exercise increases strength by create a pay rowth. It makes demands on your cee need for growth. Your body will not provide some- thing that Is not rm paired at least not in the way of streng! — size raat ts youcan do almost Lany thing jou want to with a prope ir he limits of muscular ‘arawth are determi eaty wal potential. But within those tines tr ‘ing de- grees of Le ag Improvement can be produced in almost anyb improvements does not take Sim scents rue, crating results ca scan au short and infrequent Workouts ‘while contain many ethor types of ays seth activity, and while im- proving your st ercise should on Constantly imgee rove your strength crease your overall an s other physical activities. What frequenth hao far cry from what should product aver-increasing feel ng stron ith and nimpraner exercise program will leave sonstantly ty tired, with little energy for feeling should be a warning that I is ae ena ly, it Ps a wart quently ignors are untraine you will fee! tired as a result of your tia wor but this feeling should not continue. It it overtraining. In short, your workouts ai encoauing your recovery ability. On the other hand, as a bodybuilder, you should be tired at the end of a workout, is is true even though you may have trained for years. But you should not in tir thin 20 mi mTgs yous uid have re- a nee through your entire ld be able to do so, even . It takes very little high- ite growth. get tel cise DAY 12 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES | er eur — | Shoulders, Upper Back, chest — Keith's: Your _ Wiens _ woteps —_ 85 wit a z 170 — | wienternen®®® | 7 ~~ OF —— | Bomt-over raise 50 with dumbbetts. o 7 105 — | eattiaerent et | 7° — he | Bast. 180 — | wert" | | —_ —_ 40 vo 70 t 145 us 130 5 —————_—_—_ 240 240 100 wo _ 150 __ TT BICEPS ACTION The prime — of the pews | is supination, or twat of the hand. On the right arm, the 8 the hand in a clockwise direction; tet he twisting is done counterclockwise. The -— at accomplished by the bicepsis strictly tne simple ‘test will prove this: Bend toward your oer arm ag iar ag ‘Keeping your hand in a pronated posit ‘other hand on your cops of the bent ai ge berg . not poate even ‘the bend- In other words, mpl " is) nent as far as possible, your ‘onl rroee of its function. Now For this on position than you can are Pavare rp sition, your icons is e prevent fed from ‘twisting into full contraction; thus It messi t ee all the eens muscle fibers in the work The sara ditterence LY strength that is s0 ob- vious when nmal ace jared to the re- | a curl demonstrat forearm increases the tenting It ls also true that bendli reases tha twisting sree This is ill Lema ‘when you twist @ dumbbell in various positions. It will be apparent = you can exert a greater faites force with a bent you can with a straight tron ‘ihe ave tiscussion it should be plain that a = -cur! bar to work your biceps is not i$ using a straight bar. An easy-curl bi moves air nant in the direction of pronati rather than supination. It does not fully your hand, but it goes at least partway, too tar to permit your biceps to function best. ‘Thus, any exercise for the biceps should be done with a fully supinated, palms-up grip. Curls with a straight bar allow supination of your hands ant feeres, ‘which produces a higher involvement of iceps. DAY 13 RECORD YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT THREE-DAY SPLIT: —— | Unner Arms, Forearm: rn i H | 7 | i 65 a entvechinap | Bit. 70 0 70 a i 5: 5 g. H i i a i 10 55 e 1 40 a 40 v THE STRONGER NEED LESS While proper exercise is capable ot prosecies ‘enormous increases in muscular mass al tly does not praduce a proportionate in- ap ity of your racovery ability. In practice, this means that a stronger person lit- erally cannot stand as much high-intensity work a: —— person. When regular training is sta beginner will grow rapidly as a result of intensity training, ins three or four 3 much as is required. Apparently, a weak individual Is unable to exceed the recovery ability of we ‘system. He is net strong enough to i - on his racavery ly that cannot me becames str onger ints mak his recovery ability his ability to = ‘such — is increas mors rapidly than his ability them. ery, when @ let we te tan trength has thal ly cal level, the amount of rane must After twa weaks of six-day: mum. During your workouts will be decreas You should ee plenty air rast a real ion today. lies and 8 record b oth Keith and David had each te y more than 1 pou ob of body wight by t your an your eating, exercising, ant inoty ‘weight. Eat and rast wel today to replenish your recovery ity. DAY 14 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ‘SWEET AND SPICY PORK STEW ee —— We pounds lean ground pork 1 medium onion, minced —— 2 cloves fresh gariic, pressed 1 teasnoon tried sage Eat huttet nruncn, ——_____—_ tienen Meals 3 & 4. 8 cups Poultry Stock Return home, 8 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut Watch TV. ——————— — “into %-inen stices Take ana 3 ribs colery, cut into 1-inch diago- Enjoy deive or walk. nal pleces Eat Meal 5. ——————— ——_ 2 large nears, posted, cored, and Holt ar progare ‘cut into T-inch chunks . 1 teaspoon dried savory Eat Meal 6, i teaspoon paprika ae: —— Mix pork, onion, saritc, save, alsnice, and sit together well, For meatballs about 1 inch in diameter. In 2 large ket- —— theo stockpot, slowly cook meatbalis to brown them on ail sit that tt negins to needed. Use the stock as needed for ‘quid to get It started. aia tone, ater 10-15 minutes of cooking, drain off any tat, then add re- —_—_ — maining st0ck, swe 10 partially covered for another 10 min- —— utes oF until sweet potatoes are tender. ‘S servings Calories: 428/serving DEVILED EGGS 8 ougs ¥%4 cup plain, low-tat youurt - 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice ¥: teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Ye teaspoon dry mustard —_ ———— — —— 6 blac olives, pitted ant sticert —,- -— —— — Hart-bot the ong, noc and stice in half lengthwise. Remove yolks and ‘mash them with remaining ingredients — ———____ —__________ —__eacopt olive stices. Spoon eng ye —_ —— _ ——__ ish witn ote sticos. CONTRA- a LATERAL TRAINING fa Nolan etme Texas nance) isa great baseball pitcher. Curing the summer of 1890 he threw the a no-hitter of his career, won his 300th major “4 a game, and became Cie only pitcher to surpass: career strikeout iheowin, fast ball is not only = cr shed, That's Sie ae ae Coming off tl abled list. The t naiged hn On Day 15 and tt 17 you'll work right lower bod fernated with lel weet body exercises. On Day 1 left lower body alternated ent er body exercises, You'll rest on y 19 and 21. ein between on Day 20, you'll do a shurtene form of both workouts, Nare's the scoop on today’ if routine 1. curt: Lie facedor Right curl machine. Curl any your rt Pi it ‘super-siow protocol. Keep your left le straight lur- entire movement a rar % it leg. Do not tis your hi ee _— to he jeg extension with nd th 16 movement arm. Straighten your nati feet rag leg slowly in 10 seconds. Keep a left leg faxed and bent. Lower smoothly and repeat for maximum repetitions. 4. Left overhead aress with dumbbell: This exer- lormed seated. Press the dumbbell but avoid the lockout. Lower greatly. "Examination of his workout ‘egimen asic #n id repeat. signs of overtr: ining. Ryan romneer routine is it ing ees: Keep the repetitions slow and an sesortment printing back- oth oid the tendency to twist. You'll really Tee ome swimming, throwing & fal hg one so nt thi cat wig Sees penal a arene rial alr work, ant wel work. He 28 some weight training almost every day, even my dnd jc machine. Place bath arms ‘a ‘the starting rina problem, | de- cided to nts’ worth of advice and note it ila my weekly | fines Column in the Dallas Times Nota ‘saxtraordinary talivery style buts tremen- Gr body, ‘since he pitches with his right t it also re- ‘quires an almost equal overloat borne by his rb this force ‘ection of a split routine for one side of his upper body and the o| onor side of his lower body; hence, the name con naan ame aa rate woul ment ar erence. Inever heard back from Nolan ine from the aur club, so | acts know er tried the o prapeant know, howe 360th pt ng iknow tt te tan wooo — is one of the most sali ren 8. I've: fie body — includi ilthand Davia b uta noted te teottion ti ‘produce ani the facilitating effect it had on their recovery my keep your elbow! it smaothiy and fextaad it back to the top. ioe for ‘maximum repet position, but only use your left. Bring your fet arm eat ‘across your body and contract your left pec- ower may and repeat. Immediately move i a bench pr 7. ‘oft bench press with machine: You may use @ ‘dumbbell on this exercise, but you'll feel more se- Cure on a machine. Raise and lower a ince in si the super-siow style using only your left art i. aight it calf raise: Use either a uml ora standing calf-raise machine for this movement. Raise and lower you Eg ir right heel — ‘and smoothly. Keep - ley ean ane do mat nes her curt with dumbbell: Use a high preacher nch with aa aimostvertical decline. H jour lett arm ie front with a dumbbell in your and. Curt the tH Il slowly to the i Lower ‘smoothly and ‘epetition 10. Left tric aps with dumbbell in your folt ha hand. Press It overheat = your left ear. Lower the dumbbell i saad ‘deadifft: You'll really tee! these in your lower hack, especially Wf you don't quite stand up in the top position. DAY 15 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE ‘Wake ua! Eat Meal 1. Read newspaper. Get ready for school, Leave for school, It MEITH'S CALORIES MEAL 1: BREAKFAST 2 cups Cream of Wheat (regular) 4 teaspoons brown sugar 2 slices toast 3 teaspoons margarine ‘Ye cups nonfat milk ‘cup orange juice MEAL 2: SNACK 1 plain bagel 1 ounce cream cheese 4 teaspoons jelly preserves Ye cup dled apricots (MEAL 8: LUNCH Cheeseburger: 5 ounces ground beet 1% ounces cheddar cheese ‘Thamburger bun 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 1 tomato, sliced 3 lettuce leaves: 20 French fries (2° long) 1¥e apples MEAL 4: SNACK ¥e2,200-calorte shake Thrown ‘Ve teaspoons margarine cup creamed corn ‘1 cup nontat mitk YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT CONTRA-LATERAL SPLIT: Right Lower Body, Left Upper Body, ‘Keith's Your EMERCISE WUReps — WUReps Fists cart 90 8 z 80 onlatmectine a Anton ertensin | 100 {ett everhead bd prose with amie | 7 Ef 205 | ‘ight leg press: ‘0 | Fete ny with machine a 7 80 wih mae 8 Fit cal ratte 9 Tettgreacrer curt | 40 ‘attain e _| tricops extension) 38 wih gum 2 eee Bick atee [bow 18 LEFT LOWER BODY, RIGHT UPPER BODY Totlay, you'll work the left side of your I and the : ht side of your upper body. You'll need to eral modifications toward the ent const ot the back raise and the sti ‘aged deadlift, substitute the trunk cur! and the re- eae trunk curt. and lastly, you'll do the 4-way neck Be sure and keen your eating at an above-adequate level. Study Keith's listings yesterday for sugges- ae down your food servings in the appro- a consist Here are brief notations about your exercise schedul |. Left Jeg curt: Do the same thing for your left hamstrings today that you did for your right ham- is yes terday. pulldown on Jat machine: Stabilize your upper indy ith your’ lett arm as you do the pull with i yom, right arm. ft ley extension: Try to keep your face relaxed fou perform the maximum number of super-siow ns. Right rece press with maine A little body aay permitted in this pore im 5. Leftieg press: Your training p: may wi to give you a couple of assisted ronetitions on is movement. 8. Right fly with machine: Try to do at i — the ‘number of repetitions today as you did yester- love quickly fo the bench press. . Right bench press with machine: Avoid locking your arm at the top until your last one or two epetitions. . Laft calf raise: You'll be sury resistance you can handle on the tall esp cially if your form is slow and strict. The r son is that you ety fo account for the fact that you've ter entire body weight on one leg, a8 onposar to two, Right eee curl with dumbbe hips down fou’ ll be less likely to che 1 mph triceps extension with dumbbel ‘smooth at the turnarounds and move slowly. as = curl: nee curl your torso inte the posi te “Toverse rani ‘on your hack with your = by your hips a at on the floor. Bend your knees and place your Close to your torso and keep them there. ns is ie starting position. Pull gS hips slowly up and toward chest. Your lower ick should be CI] & floor. Pause, lower smoothly, = eet a strong contraction in your jomini tg 18. 4-way neck machine: Work all four sides of your neck. DAY 16 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE Wake up! Eat Meal 1, Read newspaper, Get ready for school, Leave for school. Eat Meal 2. Eat Meal 3. Leave school. Return home, YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT CONTRA-LATERAL SPLIT: Left Lower Body, Right Upper Body ars Your ‘EXERCISE WReps —WUReps itt tag cur 80 car 0 z cnet mace o ett tep extonsion 1s ism overhead press & Totti press os 6 160 wh etine w Tyner oress | 85 witmechne S| 10 fortcaitratse % _ I wor" |e Monttricapextension| 40 wait dene @ | —— | Trunk cart pew 28 Revers trunk car | et Fray ck maine | 42.5 DOMINANT ARM SIMALLER aft ecperseheed observer at any major body- iiding championship will notice an interesting com- ‘ontestants. In almost all cases se mee bodybuilder Is larger an his ripht arm, w toa significant d This is true because ine left arm of a right-handed person must work harder to perform its share of an caually dv divided work load. The left arm does not more, nor differently—It works harder, with i. Intent of eee ave itresponds hy grow- right uae hanfod individual a Jacks some ordination in his left arm. His beaace a C7 Control are both less efficient in his left arm. This remains true to some CY ree rel ordless of the length of time that he hi training pea that do nat involve balance or muscular coordination, the left arm Is almost always stronger as well as lary whoa this interesting fact Is brought to the atten- ‘tion ‘ most bodybuilders, their response usually is: extra set of curls and m. Then it will grow aerhinders sts that mn only harder exer- te this has been pointed out repeatadly t bodybuilders, Hromains large! 3 misudertaa, Ye usual practice is to do more ual exercises and more sets of each exercise in the mistaken belle! that this increase in amount of exercise will alse produce ‘an Increase in intensity of effort. sah have one arm or one leg bigger than the other, ve a Chance to correct the situation with the eral program. pat hard, brief exercise DAY 17 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE Eat Meal5. Read, study, prepare for ‘next day, YOUR CALORIES Fight og extension ; a - tereovornes 55 ress witndumbben! | 18 nto ress a5 fereny win machine | 170 wo Tote onc 70 with ma eal 0 ‘light cat raise | 9 a 45 wane |B Tee tcopsertenson| 40 widuneet "0 | a= Backraise jalan | z ae it 215 ‘Stittlegged deadittt ic PROTEIN FACTS The facts about protein and muscle built ma not at all what the muscle magazines ue idybuilders to believe. Most of — rt that muscle is are — up of protein” ai hk. = oa leree muscles, you agsive amount “a physiological fact hat muscles are com- posed mostly of water. Rarely is an American athlete deficient in protein. in fact, research notes just the Opposite. It also shows that athletes, especially boayualans and weightlifters, consume three times as much protein per tay as they need for max = ee. growt! mutelines no. Mal Bite Hyou wi = day do you need? Here Is a iy weight in punts By = ou Wi 20 300 und odytuer than 108 grams daily. Yet canzergtion of of mre than 300 grams of protein per day has become an important ne necessity for most bodybuilders. Such unscientific eating mera are unnecessary as well as petoatiaty Consuming massive pp" of primar. hoe threatening to the liver and fey Tha we portant organs inthe mr ein utilization tein cannot be stored to any ext metabolism and excretion of tay, ‘able protein loads can impose ‘serious stress and may cause a dangerous enlargement of two very impor organs. ‘The eating plan recommended in this course con- Erp ian aes, amounts of protein, with- Get me out of your mind that you need massive ‘amounts of protein in your system to build larger, stronger muscles. You o nor ily in this book pro- ‘maximum muscle DAY 18 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES | WORKOUT Wake up! CONTRA-LATERAL SPLIT: Fat Meal 1. ————— — att Lower Body, Right Unper Body Read newspaper. ET Kelth’s Your Get ready for school. EXERCISE ‘Wt/Reps = WI/Reps Leave tor school. nc Eat Meal 2. | Latttes curt 85 Fat Me: a Leave school. Fexspagom wo fat heal Ot Relax or take nap. as E } Leave for gy —___— —— _| Lettion extonsion m0 Workout. Return home. a ey T 60 — Meal 5. —_________________ | Mumoverneanpress | $0 Read, study, prepare for next day. SS —- ooo Ent Meal 6. —____ _____ | Lattag press am Bodtime. | ty | 170 YOUR SCHEDULE : ‘machine 0 75 - — fewere 7 — — if 80 _ Toft caitraise = _ _ = =t — beacer= | $ — | Thnettcegs exons a | — win deme “ 7 = — Feet Bt @ —— — | Roverse trun curt es 3 —— | Bway neck machine Sa TU Race toa maximum degree. MUSCLES AND SURVIVAL MS CeO PT OU Ca, CS a ae SO LER TT ERE Ce el Cee eC LS SUR MRE RU Las POU TCM TS EOC LO Ea aes) CE eT a3) mn Pg] Pap Te) Dette ee COC Ce rea 3 SUSU URC ue Ce UO ee taris and soleus of the treated legs grew dramati- coy Cr ne heed a COO eee Se ee but UU Scr EEO Ty (caps. One group was hypophysectomized—the hy: OA Te a COU UT aU um Wy DE RU SE ec Ce alack of insulin. Another group was placed on a star Ne UU SUE Can Combinations of the same procedures. Ce eer eT PO ULE RCE Sa cay DS uu ee ice Ss Tur tes ey ‘Soleus muscles over- Laie UT RA an RCAC SOM IC Cur tet einer TE UT Le ‘They grew in spite of the fact that their growth and COU ec Wee LUM oe ee Tee AED eA Rae POTS CM ae eo EL Gee OU ET Tag logical priority. If stimulated, muscle will grow in Ru rir) Baha PR SET COU CA ce Ga ‘Survival resources, coped Pe eT aaa ‘priority allocation, however, Pe a RT CU TRE uc ae off, or put to other uses. a i Ce iE BARA ny jou are tiseleased with the size of your muscles, PUT RU aU et ‘stimulation is a result of exercise: pure and simple, ee DAY 19 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES Eat Meal 1. Read newspaper. Got ready for school. Yor SCHEDULE GAJUN-STYLE CHICKEN BREASTS ¥e cup butter 1 tablespoon treshly squeezed lemon juice ¥e teaspoon dried thyme, crushed Ye teaspoon dried oregano, crushed ¥4 teaspoon cayonne pepper % —— finely ground fresh black Salt to taste 4 boneless skinned chicken breasts (4 ounces each), pounded thin Melt butter in a small saucepan over a low heat. Adu lemon Juice, herhs, black pepper, and salt to taste. Con- {tinue to cook tor several minutes over alow heat until herbs soften. Hoat over a large cast-iron skillet to high. Coat both sides of the breasts Well with the butter mixture. Cook the breasts for several minutes on each side. When done, they will he black on fhm catade and tandor oni jy 0 tne ins Yield: 4 servings Calories: 222/serving WHEAT GERM CHICKEN 1 frying or roasting chicken (3% to 4 pounds), cut up and skinned 2 tablespoons safflower oll mixed with 2 tablespoons water Ye cup wheat germ Ye cup whole wheat flour ¥e teaspoon poultry seasoning Silt ead frothy prone pepoer ts ie Brush chicken pleces with oll and wa- ter mixture. Set them on a rack for Several minutes to drain, in a plastic shake wheat gorm, flour, and sea- ‘sonings to mix. Then shake each plece ‘of chicken in the plastic bag until coated with the wheat germ mixture, Place them evenly apart on a baking “ack, and bake them in a 375° ven for 45-50 minutes. Yield: 4 servings Calories: 385/serving CONTRA-LATERAL COMBINATION _ na peat Ing accustomed to the ‘sdifferent, isn'tit? But it's also very “Ws vein ha raul ‘only one side of pw ‘upper | body and the other side of your lower body sor Whitley said after his first contra-lateral workout. “But | guess it balances out after a weel It does balance out. In fact, today’s training ses- = is a combination workout. You'll do a simplified jersion of the workout you did on Day 15 combined with ay 18. You'll also work your arms together. Here is the order. 1, Right leg curt 2. Left pulldown on lat machine ‘Aight leg extension Left overhead press with dumbbell Loft fly with machine Left bench, ress with machine . Left feg curt }. Right pul fidown on fet mactine 9. Left leg extension 10. Right overhead press with dumbbell 1 ph ty with aching 12. Right bench an ded, the ad bar. Rush to the next exercise. Biceps curl with barbell: Alter the chin-up you went t be ‘ale to handle much weight on the curl, = Ce of what you normally use. Take ‘handed grip on the barbell and stand. Anchor ir elbows against the sides of your waist and keep m there throughout the movement. Lean forward sitgly, Look ‘down at ae ‘hands and curl the weight slowly in 10 seconds. Lower the bar smoothly and repeat for for maximum repetitions. ee a Trp ‘the dip ina similar manner as the pein ion chin-up. Take 30 to 5 seconds to move veto tl chy ‘and an a amount ‘time to lower. Rush to the triceps extension. wh ee extension with one dumbbell held in id a dumbbell at one end with both fants ror press It overhead. i ag many super-si repetitions as possible. Don't quit until you ve tries fore ‘atleast 10; seconds, to nove athe ‘dumbbell past the sticking point on the last repetition. Today, you'll work your right leg, you'll exercise your left ley. DAY 20 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT Conte aren seu: | Ent Meal 1. — —— — Combination | Read newspaper. OO Kelth’s ‘Your Do home chores. EXERCISE WuRops _wUReps | Eat Meal 2. — Wash —— _ | Rone og curt ia 95 a — | entdtinactne o Eat Meal: SS Leave for workout. ——_____________ _____ | Rit togertension | 115 Workout. Ww ines Tottoverteadpress | 95 Eat Meal 5. — | wnat 0 — |S 180 — | vitiachne 0 | ferenanen 80 YOUR SCHEDULE — | winteeche’s* | | fetta 100 — = o ~ — mem |e —___| Letteg extension ® ~~ — {0 | 85 __ ie iL cimeaad braes 10 __ |e on | — |i 180 _ —— | fltthine 10 = — — 80 — _ 8 — —_ — 25:P __ _ 20h —_— — 85 a _ __ a eT or — — 30? | 300 _ —_ 70 2 | — — noth hands | A | SLEEP GUIDELINE red in buildin jot occur during exercising or eating. occurs during resting situations, primarily while you are asleap. It Is essential, therefore, that you get at least 8 wary) of sieen night. Teenagers on the program, etter off trying to yet approximately fact, will be th hours nigh re Newborn bi | whe have phenomenal growth rates, sleep of 16 to 18 hours a day. By age 1, they are own 0 18 to 14 hours of daily sleep. As youngsters get older, their need for sleep gr: tet decreases until it levels off in adolescence. eects sense all ly pemee st wore eres fest a . pers off once peo ye about one re woproniately rcent require significantly more = less see ontrary to common belief, the need not decline in later years. Instead, the ne elder) fin find that thelr sleep becomes more restless Both Welt an and David Cena to get as mach sleep as Could during the 42-day program. Any time they catch an xtra hour, especially on weekends, ‘they did so. cocaine -10-30-minute midatter- ‘noon ee iso r ing. ith and David commented that the oa — and exercising plan helped them to sleep me ly. This reintorces ‘the fact that researc ins at sound sleep is mor fective than restless Seen ‘You certainly sleep when you're tired, and as you are well aware, this course 1s guaranteed lake you tired. Here are a few additional tips to help you sleep more soundly jom Is dark, quiet, and hear it ticking ivory morning, If yon jel Youneed more sieep, go to hed earlier, sleeping later. evening. Although it ts initially 8 with the soundness of the Tasnazers on the Bigger program should strive to yot ‘1 hours of sleep each night. DAY 21 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES SHRIMP AND BROCCOLI —— ‘Wake up! — 1 tablespoon butter: Eat Meal 1. 2 tablespoons onion, finely minced Read newspaper, Fr na ii Eat Meal 2. —— 2 tablespoons whole wheat pastry Attend church, four Fat buttet brunch, _—~ 4 ounces aged cheddar cheese, —— | mated % teaspoon freshly ground white a pepper Take a nap. 3 cups braccol lorets, steamed Enjoy drive or walk. 1 pound fresh medium-size shrimp, Eat Meal 5. peeled and deveined Relax or prepare Juice of Ye lemon tor next day. 2 tablespoons toasted wheat germ Eat Meal 6. “Paprika to taste Neate, — Malt nutter in a small saucopan over a _____ low heat, Quickty sauté onions, then YOUR SCHEDULE ‘add % cup of the mil and stir until hot. —— Blend remaining ¥4 cup of milk with ‘our and add to saucepan. Stir aver a ‘medium heat until mixture thickens. — — a - ——— — Ait cheese and pepper and continue to Stir until cheese melts, Se ‘Arrange broccoll and shrimp ina 9 SS ____.>*+ 12 noth baking ath, Squeeze tomon, Juice over the top, then cover with —_— ——~ cheese sauce, Sprinile with wheat germ ard papa ane take in 2 250° ‘oven for 20-25 minutes, Yield: 6 servings TSS Calories: 201/serving —_ —-. |S cop margarine Tc sugar 2 oes — OE 1 teaspoon vanilla cam att purpose tour 4% teaspoon baking powder —— = — ~~ Ye cup chopped pecans — — tat oven on 850. Spray 8 x 8 x 2- Inch baking pan with vegetable spray. Malt chocolate and margarine in ‘minutes or until brownies start to pul ‘away from sides of pan. Cool slightly. SS —___ bat into 1% « 1Y-inch squares, PROGRESS CHECK This ig the halfway point in the 42-day plan to get bigger. How are you doing? Are you bigger, signifi cantly bigger? Both Keith and David at this stage had already added ever 1S peu ‘of mass to each of their bodies. ‘But was it all muscle’ No, not entirely. i | took their skinfold measure- imants a5 jain at the same sites and concluded that fan iad ronda a slight increase in body fat. It was not ee eating schedules, far the program was worki well. ant we val committed to 10 follow through wi va are enthusiasm for bs Paid Gs days. hae you are also enthust abont your Pesults 80 tar If, however, you are alseatsth jd with your Drogress, please ask yourself these questions ee you performing each repetition in the recommended super-slow Style? Super slow is harder to learn and more dit enough leve Toguarantee their continued mass building, Keith's daily calorie consumption was bumped to 7,000 ss David's was increased to 4,600. Be sure and ai your level Caeser eat Your contr: workout schedule for this week will remain ‘simian to last week, with the Change occurring in the frequency. The frequency of the workouts will decrease from five per week io Week. The combination workout will be om! tal Z rw anda rest day will be added on Wednes ay, Day It's okay to perform a few minutes of stationary cycling 35 a heart-lung warm-up prior to your super-siow workout. DAY 22 RECORD = S — Eaten Leave for school. Eat Meal 2. Eat Meal 3. KEITH'S CALORIES MEAL 1: BRE Ghpancakes (4° dia., from mix) 360 8 teaspoons syrup 140 2 teaspoons butter ¥e Cup prunes with pits 280 ‘1 cup nonfat milk 90 Yecup grapetruit juice 80 MEAL 2: SNACK 2 bran muffins (trom mix) 80 2 teaspoons butt waning = 70 ‘1 cup orange sections (tresh or canned) 180 Tapple 80 ‘1 eup nomtat milk 90 ken 2: mca 400 320 peanut butter = 190 2 tablespoons preserves 100 1 small plum 15 ‘1.cup tomate juice 50 ¥ecantaloupe 50 MEAL 4: SNACK ¥2,400-calorie shake 1,200 4 chocolate chip cookies 200 (MEAL 5: DINNER 500 20 380 220 ‘cup canned carrots 34 slices French bread 300 MEAL 6: SNACK ¥2,400-calorie shake 4 chocolate chin cookies YOUR CALORIES Total 7,028 WORKOUT _ CONTRA-LATERAL SPLIT: Right Lower Body, Left Upper Body | EMERCISE Hittin cat 105 190 ontatmactne eS Han eg extension io Tanaris | 95 press with dumtben |g —_—_—_—_—_+-———_| uaenwess | 25 Tere ay witn machine igo Torenen 85 with machine 7 Himceatrace | 80 $ 50 winanseet | 7 10 45 wine) ig Hexrat ‘bawt, +20] Finnecsenaun m8 PARALLEI-GRIP PULLDOWNS The latissimus dorsi are the largest, strongest muscles of the upper body. When highly developed, they add impressive width and icxness: not only to your upper back, but also to your chest Many bodybuilders, nowever, fail to fot complete development of these muscles brimarily becouse . This oncention in ind spacing and grip. mest bodybuilders perfor marcas for the ta- tissimus dorsi muscles with a wide grip. The wide- land spaci iy ‘Say, provides more stretch anda greater ri movement for these muscies. A wide grip, in fact, provides less stretch for the la- tissimus muscles than would afforded by a narrow grip. Furthermore, the wide grip actually prevents a greater range of movement by aevving ‘the upper arms less rotation around the shoulders. All forms of chinning and pulldown exercises for the latissimus dorsi muscles involve working the bi- Ceps of the upper arms. The neaes are smaller weaker than the latissimus m and tl lybuilders we ir tatissimus: micleswth the arms in their weakest pi ‘possible position’ ‘The biceps are strongest for tent eee the hands are in a supinat [1 builders work their latissimus dorsi ustiee with Co aces ine mooie ned ition. Turning the hands jell 7 lly iy cupieaed (galees om) ig 1) sigieanty nk the latissi us muscles ha Tarder than = be possible with the hands pronated (palms der Pesults, As an efficient —— should not look tor’ ways! to make exercise: Look for ways to make them harder ant t tus more productive. SOU ray ata ar. DAY 23 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT rr ‘Wake up! = CONTRA-LATERAL SPLIT: Eat Meal 1. ———————. — [eft Lower Body, Right Upper Body Read newspaper, ————_ —_ — Kettrs Your Get ready for school. WUReps Wt/Reps tates 105 | al 2. a Ent Meal 3, T | fetura home. 100 | urn ——— Eat Meal 4, a Rolax or take nap. TS 1 /— Leave for gym. ——_____—. Lettlegextension =| 125 Workout. 10 Return home, TF oF? TO Eat Meal 5, | Rit overtcatpress | 70 Read, study, prepare for 10 Ent heas, OO 225 Beutime, . rs TT 200 YOUR SCHEDULE — 0 — 30 — i 85 — 8 — — 4, 50 — —— | Meeiaasen” "| —— 10 — 50 — windinber —__ — |t Bat, +45] __ Trunk curt i [tiara | Blt ——_ — _—__ | ___} OO Sy neck mci | 45 a LONG AND SHORT MUSCLES Excessively large muscular size is aa de- termined hy the involved muscle bell tremely wide. Wide muscle bellies are the result of a long muscles. 4 mascio sleauth i messured rom the tonden tachment at one end to the tendon attached other end. The longer . coer 's muse! greater the cros: a and the v the muscles can bect ce A short muscle cannot be very wide because its angle of pull would be so poor that it would not be able to function efficiently. The body, area: would not athe length ner usc ant peneti your muscles perce ic. You cannot iensten them through exercise, nutri- tion, or sate | else. What you are born with is ‘what you die wit All the competitors in the most recent Mr. Olympic Contest had long muscles in most uf their major bot parts. This accounts, in part, for their great size: lers have great ge- to determine beeps and tri- eps length = ten are somes | on va homes 8284 ‘of my book 7 gr ar bt area aren jour i crm ot or at least the larger they wil after ‘raining. Path Whitey has long muscles, sspocially in bie calves, thighs, hips, chest, and forearms. ac Counts for much of his mass-bullding potential. Regardless of the length of your aie muscles, ‘the program in this book will help build them to their fullest potential. th me of Keith Whitley has long pectoral muscles. we DAY 24 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ‘Wake up! ——— Emeal; TURKEY VEGETABLE GUMBO Read newspaper. ~~ He pounds meaty turkey pieces with Get ready for school. hones, cooked or uncooked Leave for school. 8 cups water Eat Meal 2. ~~ 2 cloves gartic, peated Eat Meal 3. 2 hay leaves Leave school. 1 medium onion, chopped Return home. —————————— 2 large ripe tomatoes, peste, Eat Me seeded, and chopped ‘Take a nap. 1 cup fresh or {razen corn Freshen up. —————— 14 cups tresh or frozen okra, sliced ‘Watch TV. %4 cup fresh parsley, chopped Eat Meal 5, 1 teaspoon each dried marjoram and Read, study, prepare for | ‘thyme moxt day. Ye teaspoon red pepper flakes Eat Meal 6. Salt to taste Bedtime. a YOUR SCHEDULE water, garlic, and ‘kettle or stock- Lower heat, artially cover, and simmer about te urs uti ture meat to fall from the bones. Strain broth, and reserve turkey pieces. Chill, and tte any tat ott the top. Pour stock back into the pot with re- TS maining ingredients. Simmer covered F010 minutes. Remove turkey tren hones and discard any skin. Cut turkey —_, sO thes int bite-size pieces and add to — the gumbo, Simmer § more minutes. Mitt: 8 servings Calories: 214/serving SSK NOE ATS ip cap part ter Ye cup honey _S— % cup skim milk powder fp cap toast wheat germ ied peanut butter ant honey in sma howl. na separate small bovil mix ‘milk powder and wheat germ together. ratty st ry mixture into part hutter—honey mixture, Spread on ——_ So rac pagor and Knead until et Beenie. Pat down unt ve-inch thick and cut into 1-Inch squares. Chillin —_— os petriger ator and store in covered amt, Cit: 12 squares Calories: 75/square 18 DARK EYES AND LEANNESS ita seta were programmed to analyze the atice of the winners iybuilding contests over the last 50 years, an un- expected factor ‘mould undoubted aurtace. The vast majority of the winners would have dark eyes, dark halr, and dark skin. A high correlation would exist between low body fat, or muscle definition, and dark skin, ey air. There would be a few I skinned, blu biond-haired champions, | tay vould be the exception rather th jat and cold are stressful to the human hy. 4 ram relationship seems to exist between body fat and annual mean tet The an temperature warmer 150 ive lean he relative fatness ‘oe caldwell ane can ite traced back to a panied roughly 18,1 ot ara 000 years ago. In the cold regions of the we luring oa time ws pore, ‘he Pati to store ‘arpies ia mn with the least possible total food intake may ave ‘made the difference between life and Central heating, air conditioning, and mass pri duction of wai thing all serve to minimize a mot ern individual's exposure ironmental ex- tremes. Even so, scientists can document the degree ‘to which the contemporary American still is pro- rennet by blueprints laid down by our Ice Age “tina to ‘these characteristics mean to the body- builder? Generally that bodybuilders with dark si hi ‘compat with light skin, ir, and eye: ni hair, netic advantage ‘muscular defini- id look at fatness or leanness of your mother and father. Do the same for your grand- jarents. Check out the color of their eyes and hair. iow, reevaluate your body's potential for lean- hess—and he realistic in your assessment. Ata boght of 5-9 und a woloht of 225 poands, muses. far Darry Thornton of Dallas plans to enter the National Bodybuilding Championships. wz DAY 25 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT we ae CONTRA-LATERAL SPLIT: Eat Meal 1. —— | Right Lower Body, Lett Upper Body Read newspaper. —QeE=eee Keith's ‘Your Get ready for school. ‘EXERCISE WtReps — WU/Reps: Leave for school. rs i Eat Meal 2. | Rip tog curt ip Eat Meal 3. Leave school. i, sansa 105 fMena ona machine ow Relax or take nap. TO Leave for gym, | fgtttep extension | 180 Workout, 0 etme {ott ovrtead 15 fd ty, popae fr weet ewan | Eaten Timionsress | 240 Bedtime. Tt Toreny witnmacine | 210 YOUR SCHEDULE 7 Ww 90 — winnaci | 7 __ Fight cat rate 5 — 9 50 Lat pmaeenee curl 2 — i 50 {ete tricapsoxtenston| a with I 0 — Back raise pew s20 —_— Finriopoaientu 2B CALORIE-DENSE BLENDER DRINKS In your quest to get bit in 42 days, may mt fr ta help Yu consi the Fe eesutpending speeds up the ‘Many Tigt-cafris oni foods may be combined and blended effectively for a calorie-dense shake. Some of the recommended foods are: = Peaches Hone) 1 Wiest germ al = Suttower ou Keith Whitley consumed a hefty blender drink wnast every day of the opram, jelow are the igredients, }, for three of his with calorie taoriten, CHO (ALT. ——EE Calories 3 cups nonfat milk 270 2 cans ice milk 370 3 a8 mes, oon boiled 45 cap sal 481 3 lespoons Tiacolato aesire 180 2 tatlespom cong i 3 tablespoons mal ot powder 176 1787 BANANA SHAKE Calories 3 cups nonfat mitk 270 5 gg wile, soft holed % V, con sation ol 481 1 cup nontat milk 245 2 bananas 200 4 tablespoons molasses 200 Ye Cup ct 0 egg whites are always lightly cooked, a8 op- po to sp Raw eggs can cause food po! a eggs are more nutritious. After soft- bali ‘hee opus te the ens are discarded. The yolks at is: nha fa polyunsaturated fatty acids and mixes well with other ingredients. itis relatively iarpens mpared to wheat germ oll and the var- is medium-chain tri care ote, aoe Kay tan 2 colori dense food imately 1,800 calories, and mended ati among carbohydrates, ase the calories per’ teins. To inci jer day of while le eening ihe ‘he same ratio, aad th een each in- Geeta eiminnec DAY 26 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT —= a CONTRA-LATERAL SPL Eat Meal 1. [Lett Lower Body, Right Upper Body Read newspaper. ee Keith's: ‘Your Get ready for school. ‘EMERCISE Wt/Reps = WUReps Leave for school. T ——= Eat Meal 2. | letties curt 10 | Eat Meal 3. 7 Leave school. Seat sai 110 1 Lm —— | evintmetine o Relax or take nap. TF ve for ay —— | fetigextensin | 135 Workout. 10 ‘Return home. 4 ~ , 80 Eat 5. —__| Right overhead press: Attend sporting event e ‘Return home. TTT FE Eat Meal 6. | Ltt eg press 70 Bedtime. 7 L— | thy 220 YOUR SCHEDULE — [sti | “to ee 1 — —— [Meters | 49° _ | fatteatrnan | — — 9 TT 6 —= widen | — —_ iy ‘extension - 55 | | wt damabet i FF OO ic Bat, 45 =e Eee eee—_s=S ee eee hess a —— | Reverse trunk Curt — Bray nacre | 80 —_ | c eo 6 2 oo Doron rm ite Do not carry your weights Eee LPs your hodly greatly. LAYOFFS AND VACATIONS Day 27 and Day 28 are back-to-back rest days. You'll need the next 48 hours to replenish your recov- bryanlity andr ready yourself for the next two weeks of the pro In te meantime, it's an appropriate time to dis- cuss la apes and vacations, four botlyhullding routine should eee a | ter tellto degenerate iit arut. you ma the motions without extending yourse eoton bound to plague = Ht you become bored, your train- ing will not pr jorthwhile results ‘and if this , you may lose interest in exer- Best bodybuilding results are motel it tayotts are occasionally permitted, as long as they are not ‘scheduled in avancs. Hyou look forward if ‘a sched: led I jour incenti il s ee is forced to mune otf, you will te ‘rahing mies xpecte ith ner Afar erelaal casita sons, mural rouuires sack breaks, f proper layett should involve at least a week of inact Macthity In Cases one solld month away from exercising ‘wil do do more good than six months of steady training. Hany degree of muscular size or strengths: ea tt will bi stablished within a short time. in gee progres | toward unprecedented ievels of Infact, abet pertormanca| in many types of sports ate oft. Powerlifters, for training reduced per' afew days out of rae often makes tp possible : fift more than ever before. Similar results observed in those sport activities that require triel but very intense effort: pole-vaulting, shot-putting, and sprinting are examples, Inalmost all cases sae month of pomulae tralteg {ails to produce marked improvement, the need for a layoft Is indicated. Again, the layoff should last at least a full week. Ten days would be better yet, since training could normally terete a iday and — ‘on Monday of the second following week. can; onetime do wonders for ter n layoff, but int most cases training should be sumed at the same lovel at which it was terminated. can 5 instances meohine F mines or illness, should never ‘month. wis Seana Within 30 Mtays, all normal nysi0 lo} mants for a Break in training will sur DAY 27 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES E CF ————— —— _TURKEV/CRANBERRY STIR-FRY Read newspaper. = 9 Cun freshly squeezed orange juice ‘Do home chores. —— 2 tablespoons low-sodium tamari Eat Meal 2. 2 tablespoons rice vin Wash cars. —_—————~ 12 gunces cooked turkey breast, cut Eat Meal 3. Wn strips Go grocery 1 tablespoon peanut off shopping. Brits celery, diced Return home. _ 2. green onions, chopped eens 4 1 ‘cup whole cranberry | La . a tablespoon grated orange Go out to eat Meal 5. ‘Ye Cup chopped walnuts G0 to movie. —_—_—SS=S=— _________Gombine orange juice, tamari, and vin- ‘gar ina large bowl. Marinate turkey —— Bleces in the mixture for 1 hour. Heat ‘ll ina wok or large nonstick skillet. Soriano ————————$ $e il ‘tent isp. key YOUR SCHEDULE ‘toss until hat. Stir in cranberry ret Ish, orange rind, and walnuts. Add any —— remaining marinade and stir quickly ver a medium-high heat until most of ‘the liquid has evaporated. Yield: 4 servings —— Calories: 858/serving — sa S —. —_ cucu ee satan = 2 mei cucumbers a rts celery, thinty sti 2 green onions, chopped 2 tablespoons tresh parsley, — ‘snipped (reserve 1 tablespoo 1 tablespoon fresh dill, snipped TT, sR tablespoons sattionver oll SSeS mayonnaise 2 tablespoons buttermilk —_ sO — ar teaspoon trestty ground pepper sa Salt to taste 6 hard-bolled eggs, cut into bite- SS = ‘sized chunks. —— Peo! cucumbers and score the outside with a fork. Cut the cucumbers in halt lengthwise, scoop out the seeds, then —— _ Slice them ¥-inch thick. Set some slices aside for garnish. Combine ev- erything in a medium serving bow, —— Adil the egg chunks last, tossing them ‘carefully to keep them intact. Garnish ‘the top with reserved cucumber —— silees and parsiey. Serve chilled. Feel: 4 servings Calories: 187/serving a WUE Ce ey ning Pe LUT RECT co DAE OE Oy pa STS or plateaus will probably be encountered. Usually, a yon Pe SRO eee CS Dey Lapel sticking point, many OT CUTE Urs ae rg reached their genetic potential. most always, they PM ei eed CT er Le DRC Oy UL ae ‘spond to a brie! layoff, or when a plateau ts encoun- ar ety LO possible methods will Lea Ca NE ee Te resistance of 100 pounds, the weight should be in- creased to 105 pounds. This extra weight will proba- TT Ee UL he or four repetitions. But if you perform all tt Se LU ee ee make progress. And soon, experience indicates, you Po be i i) Td Cr Le UL) a) Cg ateas husting remedy: t aly A CAT OSCE LUCE SUC CO Ta POR ee sistance, or substitution of a similar exercise— RE a ee Ba Ce ee eH aaa Cro uy Lied PORTE UCR Cg TT DE RUUD Ts PCR Ca) ce oe the UR a OMI NE Poe ery usually ba la DSSS UT URS UCE ta ETT Total failure to produce continuing progress is al- me Cay ar ROC Un aC ct or failing CRU CRC cL Prot ts DAY 26 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES —— TURKEY HASH 1 tablespoon safflower —— 1 large white onion, chopped 1 Sas iosh parte. recent — 1 pound cooked turkey pieces, — chopped Dash of Worcestershire sauce — Pinch of cayenne pepper —— _ Salt to taste Heat oll in a large skillet and sauté on- Jon, garlic, and bell pepper until semi- Soft, Add potatoes and toss over a ‘medium heat for 8-10 minutes until fie es eed ay ‘turkey and seasonings smut te severe! ieton were ot heated through. FRESH PEACH CRUMBLE 2 cups pecied, sliced peaches 2 teaspoons lomon juice 4% teaspoon almond extract 2 tablespoons sugar %4 cup whole wheat flour % cup finely packed brown sugar 2 teaspoons safflower oil ¥: teaspoon ground cinnamon TE taiageeie eaapeee Uaaeaae Freent m Minx peaches, lemon juice, almond extract, and sugar in a large bowl. Transior to a 9 5- {inch loaf pan lightly coated with non- stick spray. Bake 30 minutes. Biend flour, brown sugar, oil, cinna- ‘mon, and almonds. Sprinkle aver fruit ‘and continue baking until topping is ligttty nrewned, about 15 to 20 min- ules, Serve warm, ‘servings Calories: 181/serving positive part of the movement. _—_— ae, the next two weeks, az be emphasizing ae, lowering, eae during most of xercises. To better understand negat ‘aln- iscussion of various types of strength is necessary. There are three types of strength: = Positive strength: The muscie is shortening against resistance. “esi th: The muscle is scartio force bt vary United movement i occur 1 Negative strength: The muscle is igthening against resistance. ae aximum . The his positive rangi in the at s bed b pounds. ithe can cart t00 is, then car 1s show that the average tras can poe a re midrai ‘Thus pads Pa rch iyiewer er 140 pounds: eee cs So his negative strength reveals that an ay male vouiybitdar can nt percent more resistance ‘than he can lift. He can /ower 20 percent more than jercent more than he can lift. strength test, research reasing elther positive or negative strength Boars resene ina ees In- crease in ig, which you have the pos! you to lift tive pee of'a sper-siow repaint ati met ve phase of a super-slow repetition Is ute itis not as important as the positive. , on the other hand, focuses heart any tala, geet you are much cu stronger the lower! than you are in the liftin tise at aa ee t more resistance innegative exerci fo do $0, you'l eed one: eee to help oui te wean min peat tn ‘the first several negative repel be able t atone area - pent rau ot you shoud nat try. eae nh lower- ing repetition should take from 8 to 10 Gor regen 7 you —_ = = Gownward mover ard Yor however, you au shi stub ia ‘ee to ae into 4 slow, cael ‘smooth descent. After two or threa 8 you should in tinge ‘to stop acceleration. Stop at this point, more re oe ieurmara tition for negative-oni st repetition range neh ve-only exer- cielse oi net cae eal ae aneen tions, up the wel workout, whe 's Your negative aut for the next two /eeks. You'll be on a three-days-per-week (Monday- Wednesday Fritay) ‘schedule. 4 curl, negative only: With 40 percent more wih than you normally handle, have a spatter help iting the movement arm to tJ contracted pesttion. thet transfer, or handoff, ae ihe resistance should be gradual. Lower the weight slowly in 10 ‘sapemts tain betiom. Tapeattor 6 10.10 repetitions. 2. only: Wave a spotter oxi negative asic race the movement arm arm. Hold briefly at the top and lower slowly in 10 seconds. Repeat for Hi 8 i apetitions. Move | Immediately to the squat °F Squat ‘with barbell: You'll detinitel; req ire two ters, one on elther end of the bar, exer- 8 y= plenty TN eacends. Signal your spot- tors at the bottom when you want their assistance lt do the coms at tS ae, when you Want ty rest in eave repetitions as continuous as 4. Overhead press with barbell, negative only: This exercise is best done on a machine or in a power rack i a seated positon, have your spotters you to the top. You be shou = wer ‘lowly iaiOsavonds, opoat fret 10 titions. row with herder, nogative only: _ waaay be stimul after tters assist you in itt- barbell to to Shar ve uur eliows slowly in doconts. Re- peat for Bt Sto sO repetiins, 6. Pullover Gumbbell: Do the pullover in the normal, super-siow style. Afterward, quickly go helt Jat machine. Pulldown behind neck oni avaiable, ose aban ‘ait parallel gris rip. Ona tne stands behind you and helps you pull the bar pena your neck. my [femme ‘slowly in 10 meee Repeat for 6 to 10 mits difficult to paige i is oxarcee in ina i sive ‘Stick with ai sipee: sie proto ‘om the fly mie to 0 the jench press. 9. Bench press with barel, negative only: Don't heavy on the bench press. Lower the har slowly in 10 seconds to your chest. Let your qo tos you back to the top. Repeat for maxi- 1s. 10. Bi shoul cise. Gi pressdown on lat machine: Do this ianrs In the normal super-slow style. tulchy do Oey my ‘ward, re as only: You can do the dip without it as many negative-only repeti- ons as possible. DAY 29 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE ‘Wake up! ea ea Read ney Gat realy for school Leave for school. Eat Meal 2. Eat Meal 3. KEITH'S CALORIES MEAL 1: BREAKFAST 4 cups cornflakes 440 2 cups nonfat milk 180 3.078. Brown & Serve ‘sausage 240 2 cups apple juice 240 MEAL 2: SNACK 2 cups iowtat yogurt with fruit — 162 1 plain haget 190 1 tablespoon Simply Fruit preserves 20 (MEAL 3: LUNCH Roast hea! sandwich: years. roast hee! 450 11 onion roll 200 300 Mustard 10 ‘alll plokte 2raw carrots 2 cups nonfat milk Tcvocoate ‘chin cookies: YOUR CALORIES: 1,300 ‘200 Total 7,504 WORKOUT NEGATIVE-ONL Whole Body vrs Your ENERCISE WuRens — Wt/Reps — Oo i 220 negate any 7 fon nts 65 meatve say v z 316 exiatmparnn, | 315 ‘verteadpress win | 200 hartell, nogative ony) = 8 5 160 Darel nopatve only 8 i 140 taevecnopranty | 8 7 th ‘ 0 sires | fo Ts opatvecoty UWE, 40, 45 Sal SORENESS, CRAMP AND WATER Negative exercise, If you are not accustomed to it, will make you vory gore. ‘The soreness results trom exercise involves more muscle fl- ause of the greater number of mus- eper inroad into your starting level of ie a possinie. Third, negative exercise pro- 8 more stretching to your muscles and connec- Sues tive-induced soreness Is felt sooner than nor- jegative soreness. It not only occurs rest on Poe part is an absolute necessity during periods of negative exercise. It is very easy to overtrain, ie to get to bed an hour earlier th suming the required four food groups. Drink plenty iter is instrumental in the muscu- lar growth process. It aso helps prevent muscular cramps. Hf your muscles are prone to cramps after heavy negative training, probably need to con- ‘sume more fluids. tt ally tant to drink Bounces of anana of this oreuram is de endent on your cates, Consistency in a cising, ‘esti , ‘Your body operates best tis 5 ‘subjected to tong things at the same approximate time each day. ‘Try to be on schedule, but at the same time remai flexible. There are certain unavoidable situations that will Interrupt 1m four planning. Anticipate and me ire for such situations and deal with them in a bene- ictal manner. Drink pl each day. Water helps with sore- ne essential to the DAY 30 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ——— oo 6:00am Wake up! fated. POTATO ONION SALAD newspaper. SE * Get ready for school. en ae rd rata rose Leave for schoal. 1 large sweet red or white onion, fat Meal 2. ——— ‘ siices' 1 cup lite mayonnaise 1 tablespoon each safflower oll and ————— white vinegar — ; ie fresh parsley, snipped spoons celery seeds — a t spoon freshly ground black ee pepper ra Meas, ‘a Salt to taste next ay, } Pronare _ ‘Wash potatoes. Steam them whole Eat Meal —_~ —— with the skin on for 30-40 minutes Bedtime. or pressure-cook them 5-10 min wes, resting thom after 6 mites). You may also cook them in a micro- a wave oven for 20—25 mines. When cooked properly, potatoes —_, sont be tender on the utsite but 2 little more firm toward the center. les of potatoes are ‘When tone, let the potatoes cool, ——S rove the skins, and cut them into Jarge chunks. Combine all Ingredients —_— ~~ well in a large serving bow!. Cover ee ee ‘Overnight for maximum 1 pound fresh green beans, or OC Renin hag teen gre a es ns Ye cup bolting water —_ Ss = 1 tablespoon dict margarine ae ¥ cup finely diced Canadian bacon Ye teaspoon salt — (teaspoon pence 1 tomato, medium Cook green beans in water until ten- der; drain, Melt margarine in a non- —_ tick sttt ant sauté bacon unt brown. Add beans, salt, and pepper to — skillet, and top with tomato wedges, Cover pan and heat through. —— — —____________ Yield: 4 servings Calories: 88/serving Throw arock into a pool of water and it will make a splash. A wave will run oe oad of ee peal. The larger the al the gr lash and the big- ‘the wave. Asimilar effect results trom exercise. This factor called the indirect effect. ‘one muscle grows in response to exercise, ‘the entire muscular system grows to a lesser de- ‘gree, even the muscles that are not being exercised ital The larger the muscle that Is growing, ort one ‘of growth, the greater this indirect greater effect will Among bodybuilders, this effect is most noticeable asaresult ol erformiag squats. Performing barbell cone a 3 si ae oro, will induce large-scale jhout the body. For ce. ta 2 ‘oe foot man man weet ing 150 pounds ts put o Fegular schedule of heavy squats, he may gain "30 pounds of muscle mass within a ye | of this f ‘owth, beaver, will not take place in his legs and jower back. Considerable gr will also occur in ‘the shoulders, chest, neck, and: —_ This individual have 18-inch upper arms at the ne ig of his im, and at the end of his program his arms will frat ly be at least 15 Inches In circumterence. mnaceiar mee exhibit similar growth to a prea or r This happens despite the Le i no smectic ‘exercise was performed for aes possible to build various muscles dispro- itely through the use of an unbalanced exer- cise routing, ‘the — to wn ane = on this imbalance Oe meena build ithe sz fh of th rank bay a ore pet unless the large muscles of the are ined. Young bodybuilders often ignore the training of their legs, concentrating instead on their arms and torso. Such a lopsided program ‘will permit the arms to grow up to a point. Additional growth will not take placa, however, untilheavy exercises for the! ears wided. Then the arms immediately start grow! oriing only the arms would have the largest in rect effect on nearby muscular nemius | produced by build arms would not be as great ag that resulting ebay} the much larger muscles of the thighs ‘The indirect ettect tegen 0 ommns. One, the larger the muscle ma: ger the indirect effect wl be. Two, tie gt ester hed tance between the muscle that is being exercised and the muscle that Is not being exercised, the smaller the indirect effect will be. DAY 31 RECORD MEITH’S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES YOUR SCHEDULE WORKOUT NEGATIVE-ONLY: ‘Whole Body. EXERCISE tog can 2 | nega ony 7 | 280 negates 7 | | A 315 rawon | To 7 210 tartenagatvesny| 160 bert nope nly) 7 A = te aumeel io | : afl. sieranatetees) 27P ‘negative only | tt 125 bam, Lr ¢ tariabnescnly | 7 MITTEE TPE PEE i th tn tnlatmechine @ ‘Dip, negative only (aes 19 negative-only dips, itis impor Sa pest realy Iween repetl- 3 thor means you a of single-attempt lifts. When you reach the bottom, quickly climb back {a the tap postion and continue te lower slowly. OVERALL BODY TRAINING eee denleey "ect effect leads to several }, your training program ust includ exercises for 8. at eorecion! concentration ea toward working the largest mu Dractit lower t body be worked before Your upper body. us our thighs are exercised bef ick before your ch tora your fort ms. ‘Since your waist muscles are used to stabilize your inner body in most exercist shout worked after your arms and forearms. The muscles ‘on your @ of their critical location, ‘should be exercised last. The inairect effect is ly related to cori chemical reactions inside the working muscles. A: muscle works intensiv ti a chemical is mrouced that spills over ts the entire hotly. sees there is a limit to your overall recovery abil- ity, and sin co many of Your bod 's chemical tunctions at ct the entire boy. it should be evident that train- toa day is amistake. That's why the program in Sradually reduces your training frequency Kk six, to five, to four, and to thi PTnreo- times per-week training, workouts per week, are much mor duciny hes especially for advanced body! most odybuiders of all i workouts and perform several times too many cree. cises waa iam There wations for split routines, such as those ipsreted in this book, but these’ routines should he very brief and applied in the context of helning hodyuuliaers ‘to understand that whole-body ira 9 iesa times per week is better in most stances. Best results trom negative-only training require that exercise your legs before your torso, and your DAY 32 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES CURRIED TUNA SALAD ——— Wake up - 2 tablespoons lite mayonnaise Eat Meal 1. 4% teaspoon curry Read newspaper. ——————————— = ¥% S-ounee can pineapple tidbits, Get ready for school. drained Eat Meal 2. 1 7-ounce can tuna, drained and bro- es __ ‘kan into chunks Return bora, ——————— ma smattnawi, comnine the mayon- tatMeal —____________ tase, curry, and pineappie. ad t Take a nap. flaked tuna. it time permits, cover: and Freshen up. cil the mixture to allow flavors ti Wateh TW. lant. Serve on a bed of fottuce of in a Eat Meal 5. sumtwieh, Read, study, preparefor Yield: 2 servings next —— Calories: 220/serving Eat Mea Bedtime, YOUR SCHEDULE CNW? st 1 pound extra-lean hamburger oped Ys teaspoon ground cloves ¥e teaspoon basil —— Salt and pepper to taste large skillet, brown the ham- burger, onion, and garlic. Drain the (grease. Add the tomato sauce and sea- —— Sonings. Cover and simmer for 20 min- tutes to 2 hours (longer time yields — hetter ttavor). —— Yield: 4 servings —— Calories: 180/serving —— MASHED POTATOES ——— 1 large (8-ounce) potato with peel, diced % cup water —— 4% Cup nontat milk powder Salt and pepper to taste Gook the potato in the water in a cov- ered pan about 15 to 20 minutes, or —— _intll tender when plerced with a fork. Do not drain the cooking water. With ‘masher or big spoon, mash the potato and the cooking ‘water. Add the milk powder and sea- ‘sonings a8 desired. Yield: 1 serving —— Calories: 225 STRENGIA VERSUS SIZE For years, exercise physiology texthe stated that * h of a muscle is in to undere is concent. An understanding of muscular ste id muscular ‘strength, in simple terms, is in order. h of a muscle, you must Once the above points ar salersims implica- tions are obvious. Botybuilders, who are primarily ated a muscular size, must train for maxi ular onal ith to build maximum muscular size. Competitive | weightlifters, who are interested in must train for maximum muscular size to imum strength. In other words, body- bles and ‘weightiters should train in much the Stun ofthe size-vorsus trength contusion comes trom the practice of comparing one frainee With an juch comparisons cannot be done on a mean- ingtul Masia. Exeapt le cases lavelving identical ‘twins, itis scientifically impossible to m: tional ms between two viduals Ex pranea 9 iaentical twins, there are still 10 make many comparisons loss, ‘an accurate. This does not mean that you should not make com- parisons, Meaning{ul evaluations can be made hy Comparing you to yourself over a certain period of Mosceremant of your boty, betore aad atter this 42-day cour to you. ing your results to sith aur lavid's, sting, can be misleading. Be careful. i He terms, nether the size of amuscie nor the great of a muscle is an easy thing to measure. On basis, it’s easier oe fie Hy any ken el ml outs. time oe do exactly yer repetitions of ‘mn axel ‘cle it in red on your workout sheat. To le it should be done in the same. aun s a the . If this is the cas Fe DAY 33 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES newspaper. Get ready for school, for school, WORKOUT NEGATIVE-ONLY: Whole ee itmcmam, | 1g ee th 75 miata" |g TE etree Bn, a ed BUT BRIEFER yi co is certainly not easy. [tis asier to do an extra set en is to perform thet inst ‘one or two hard repetitions correctly. This i¢ or two repetitions, however, are actually the oly ductive movements in the entire ‘set. it are skipped, the entire potential benefit of sheen ae. ‘thatirst w repetitions ina énathing nore han pr iscles $0 that the las Can Cause the evercompe cess, to occur. ‘Although most bodybuilders seldom exert them- ‘selves to that’ eet, toes ‘they oe eee st fen if only dui slow rates of gr Barbells are tos, and ike ‘any tool, they are sub- ject to misuse. Barbolis make it possihie to perform at ut ir, effective at building muscle. But il dogs not ensure that a particular bouybativer ‘al ‘understand the proper utilization of this tool. Nor does understanding guarantee correct "its possiie ‘to go through the motions of training ‘a8 outlined in this book at tain little worthwhile results, Just as smear! tain quantity t On a canvas does not create a meaningful painting lifting and lowering a certain amount of weight wi = fens sarily iroiace ins in muscular size and ingth. ig th pat an the fae hw to a Js put on the canvas and how the pelts ‘Much of the Figger Muscles in 42 Days concept can be reduced to two rules: = Train hard, a8 hard as possible, Hono trah too mache Nutritious food complements your high-in workouts DAY 34 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES : ‘Wake upt ———___—— — _ souriwest cuicken wit Eat Meal 1. Ped MT EREY UK A jo home chores, jeoons Eat Meal 2. a ey inet Wash cars, —————— 5 teaspoons chili powder Eat Meal 3. 2 teaspoons paprika Go grocery ¥ teaspoon black pepper shopping. ————— 4 chicken breast halves, skinned Return home. and boned Eat Meal 4, 4 ounces thinly sliced Monterey Take anap. ——————— © Jack cheese, cut to tit pocket in Go out to eat Meal §. ‘chicken breast 0 to movie. ¥e Ped pepper, cut into ¥-inch-wide fated! pd a —__________ ___W gottow or green pepper, cut into Bedtime, Yeinch-wide strips ————— —— _ 2 Latlespoons minced tresh ci regano, or parsley YOUR SCHEDULE 1 avocado, a nets 2 ripe tomatoes, sliced _ 2 teaspoons tresh lime juice Preheat oven to 375°F. Mix bread — —__ crams, 4 teaspoons chiti powder, na- prika and v4 teaspoon pepper. Place Hireasts smooth side up. With a long ate, curt a targe horizontal pocket in ach breast, leaving one exige intact 80 attached top can be flipped track. ilo 1 ounce cheese per react. Line pocket with ¥ ounce cheese and arrange 2 rows of red pepper strips over cheese down iengt of treat, with a row of yellow or green pepper —_ tins in between, Sprint with a —— —__________ ___________ pinch ot chit powder, penper, and ci- lantra, oregano, or parsiey. Top with — ——————_ — _pemaiting ¥e ounce cheese, fold breast trier, and secure eriges with 2 tooth picks. Repeat with remaining breasts. —_- OO Birnie tat the treat crumb ix tare oa tire pate ant completely Coat 2 breasts. Repeat with remaining — Coating and chicken, Bake chi covered, in a large lightly oll for 10 minutes. Uncover and bake 10 —_ a SO — arts Discard toothpick agonally slice chicken into ¥-Inch-wide slices and fan on a warm plate. On the — side, serve avecado and tomatoes ‘sprinkled with lime juice and cilantro. OVERTRAINING 8 canatie - jeowaray from in short time. But to i recovery, they must 1 mands upon the whole system, and your system cal hot recover quickly. System ry requires time. Ifa muscle is worked hi egatively, hard enough to stimulate growth, come x System PeCOV- ery requires chemical action mnt HB com much less than 48 bours for maxinina If additional exercise is performed before system recovery ls complete, muscular size and strength ined. perpase, af training is to improve your muscu- and strength. If that training is conducted pr ru y seeait ate prove until you Peach youl ie poten “The averal sta MM less than hal as stron as he could be. He ts nowhere near the size he coult be. His traning Should steatly Increase his muscu- i ee nd sti oe Alter an J) riet on jeriod of gains in size and tren ly bodybuilders make littie cng wt iiss ould suggest Po ‘wrong with t program. Rather than doing r, they do more, progressively mor One of the most common mistakes in bodybuildi overtraining, gross overtraining, overtraining car- Pied to ridiculous extr You can easily overtrain if you do too much nega- tive exercise. Include no more than 12 exercises in any one workout. Make sure you perform no more than three eee workouts: per. —_ work- outs per weel jecially it yt ‘8 alr sonably strong; may Wea o even DEttOr 6 Buying cereal grains in bulk is economical. Cereals are loaded with the nutrients needed to boost your system Pet DAY 35 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE ‘YOUR CALORIES ‘8:00am nap. Fale dries or eam, felaver evare for next day. Eat Meal 6. Bedtime. EDULE ‘ROAST BEEF SALAD ‘1 pound leftover lean roast heet, thinly sliced re a, Shred ietuce and ss Camion 3 serving 2 ened eee 1 ogg or 2 eng whi 2 tables; ‘teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda tonapeen bahieg powder 1% cups flour Proheat the oven to 250°. Mash the bananas with a fork, Add the e milk, sugar, salt, baking soda, Beat well, Gently blend ‘the flour inte the banana mixture and ‘stir for 20 seconds or until motstened. i Into a Hahty olled or wax- oat pan, Bake for 45 iimtes or unt anit hearted ear the middle comes out for winston “in 12 servings Calories: 140/serving or slice iatividaal muscle {ines pentorm on an al nothing basis. Only the number of fibers that actually required to move a particular amount of sistance are involved in any movement. In effect, a fiber is wor not at all. A movement a wan vaaual amount o op ornor each bod ae iber will always te working as nar as possible—or not at mee the ‘strength will decline with each additional re hi praca, a set migl ‘ia vali imber of fibers in mi ‘he olin ta fashion. ve Arak repetition ivoies 10 fibers, hl ntributing 8 of power to the move jent. the involves the same 10 fibers, whic! Ute only 9 units of power each, uninvolved fiber—an eleventh fi bower, power cies up to the sar ‘volved in the first repetition. The third ae oa Prelve toe: ‘the same initially used 10 fibers, wit! contributing only 8.1 units of vows plus thee leventh fiber that was used previously only during the second repeti- ‘tion, and which now contributes 9 units of power, plus a twelfth fiber, a fresh fiber that is involved for. fhe first time poll during the third repetition and Contributes 10 units of power. ich of the first three Fe titions, res, would result in ait lount of pol braduction. And all of the involved fibers would rs ways be contributing to the limit of their momentary ability. The fibers, however, would leg reise voeet more muscle fibers, in Comparison to normal po: ative movements, and It works the invalved fers f0 8 deeper level of ie. In this final week of the 4: ee jou have three more negative workouts. Give act ine your best effort. Maximum-effort training merits high-quality food, and: you should have your eating sc: in full force val ut nsginice and consistency are making you 170 Tries ny ET sa T CCIE en cs ay DAY 36 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE ‘Wake up! Eat Meal 1. Read newspaper. Get ready for school. Leave for school. Eat Meal 2. Eat Meal Leave school. Return Rolax or take nap. Leave for gym. ‘Workout. Return home, Eat Meal 5. Read, study, prepare tor ext t KEITH'S CALORIES MEAL 1: BREAKFAST 4 wattles (trom frozen) 480 2 tablespoons syrup 105 2 teaspoons butter/margaring = 70. 1 cup orange juice 120 4 slices Canadian bacon 200 ‘14 cup nontat mith 185 MEAL 2: SNACK 2 blueberry muffins 280 2 teaspoons butter 70 ‘hanana 100 Ye cum raisins 100 ‘1 cup nontat mitk 90 MEAL 3: LUNCH 2 corn togs 2 cups macaroni and cheese 2 cups applesauce 2 cups tomato juice (MEAL 4: SNACK ¥e2,800-calorie shake 1,400 20 pretzels (small sticks) 70 MEAL 5: DINNER 2 cups homemade beet and vegetable stew 440 Spinach satat 2 cups torn spinach 40 1 cup slice mushrooms 20 2 tablespoons Ranch dressing 40 2 cups brown rice, cooked 484 8 cornbread muffins 450 ‘teaspoons butter/margarine — 105 ‘1 cup raw strawberries 6 ‘Tcup nontat milk 90 MEAL 6: SNACK ¥.2,800-calorie shake 1,400 4 chocolate chip cookies 200 Total 7,994 YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT NEGATIVE-ONLY: 3 Squat with barbell, ‘epative on) Overhead press with ‘uapbell, negative only 5 Upright row with vel negate enly over with 7 Pulldown nenind neck ns curl with jell, neg. only wm sl situate aba into a gg extension aa heap} METABOLIC Oe eae ale are all about? It's that simple, isnt it? Not quite. There is some truth in your assumption, but a key pola is missing. it tis mechanicalwork, More impor- i r ie me ‘work that is produced by your din the exercise. a SCE produce force, and that’s all they do. The force produced by your muscles often results in movement of a body part and a Movement of a = i, dum! he affected by kinetic ener y O° lomentum, which are not bata pert of meta- _ boli work. Metanole work is your geal in any body- ‘building exercise, and it often results in mechanical work. Recruiting momentum to create movement is not for overloading the muscle and thus stimu- a a 's only vena for explosive movement, ery th 8. Jerking, lunging, 2 bangin ing Wl |damage your tissues. Even if that ge is ie ent at the time, S000" OF or later it will take Keep the muscle lores flowing, whether or not the weight is moving ag a it towing sical) and smoothly. an it deca aunts te to make the weight rte 6, ling and press- ing into may not be moving, but your muscles are work they're prea or hich I I it you back off and sion in the involved mi be reduc An i Ba might 4 2 bicyclist at the base of ‘i’ site king up to get at it will make it hill, But in proper exercise, you'r fea to ma it ae you're inoking i make ‘t dyenrot edison from a dead ad stapat ive required far more mets i, ‘atinough by the time /ou got to the top of the ie oe work would have been the same in ei On any ous baildin exercise, what your muscles ny ie nore important fivan the action of the or wel Thinkin terms of metabolic work. When movement ceases, just keep pushing or pulling, breathe, con- Centrate, visualize it moving—and maybe you will get ‘another repetition. 175 DAY 37 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ——— BARBECUE BEAN CASSEROLE ounea can red ro ey beans 1 1eaunce can mckpe —— Y Sagarboore sauce —— 2 tablespoons brown sugar ; ‘teaspoons mustard Drain the beans. In a saucepan or cas- to 60 minutes; uncover the lat 16 min- —— ites to thicken the sauce. SS hefore cutting into squares. eee Yiold: 9 squares Calories: 180/square HHITITE ITT RELAXING THE FACE Effective workouts require an all-out effort. If the 1 ott cessive facial contor- ‘tions and continual grunts and groans—the effort is nat = great as it could be mall must les of i) face = neck cee K targ cise lax al ail the uninvolved muscles. iking faces Seerepere seat pressure. 30 eee iy ing your teeth your’ -intensity exerciss vates your blood pnewe temporaril need to make it higher by ae face: a Pesults (rom straining to force air out — hemlet mouth and nose are closed. This is called the jalva maneuver, and is potentially fo and sua lifting a heavy weight can prod fs tye athing. The resulting com- pressed exh ition dramatai increases pres- ure in the chest area, cutting down the ve une ot toad returning to he heart 50 dreaticaly it dizzi- hess of sno escecn There’s even a possi- Brei power iors ‘o mo ‘hei eesti which creates a rigid Cy id provides Super a ‘the upper orci Learn to relax your face and bret aonrap lat during high-intensity exercise. Doing so will accen- tuate the muscle-building eft On all negative-only repetitions, try to keep your face Doing so will allow you to concentrate more on DAY 38 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES per. Get reat for school, Lave for schon. nm Relax ar take nap. Leave for gym. Pkout. 10 WORKOUT NEGATIVE-ONLY: ‘aire Your EXERCISE. WUReps — WUReps i 295 Haat ty @ 40 Reza . a 360 Raton | 8 ————~ 1 275 tarelnogsteany| 8 185 Bell negate oniy) Be § 120 cnecomatet os 255 ciutmane, |e ‘negative only 1 140 windomets | 8 3 | 390 tarbal o 10 180 harvelcnescanly | 7 Taps press-down | 90 ania machine o Mh. seoave cay B60) NON- STRENUOUS HOBBIES Leave your workout a ‘the you i inden 's an off-day, 80 keep exercisiny sing out of Too man) y Beh ae iy malate trainees spend the majority ot the about bodybuilding. rt ring a about tyne Ty ‘the thing to do when nthe more you can concen ‘nit ing your Workout, the better. But when you're outside the sym. direct your attention to thee aspects of yout Bocome devoted 1 your schooling or to your job. Get interested in several non-strenuous hobbies, lt laying a music ve the library, pe ond ian for- eign non-B or learn to snoak ‘another Ian fo pra already have a keen interest fn food newspaper Ni, about foo es yee Control of ar eatin jell-being mm oar have to eal that com icated study ‘it and prot In other words, get involved in other meaningtul activities besides bodybuilding. Your lated muscles will thank you for it by growing Intense Interest in a non-strenuous hobby can Improve your badybutt DAY 39 RECORD MEMES SCMEBLE ___, TOC ‘Wake up! _— Eat Meal 1, —— APPLESAUCE RAISIN BREAD Gotrecay ter teh 1 16-ounce jar applesauce Got ready for school. en ie dd aes eae % cup sugar ree TT % cup safflower oll - a = ‘teaspoon cinnamon Return home. 1 teaspoon salt OS 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup raisins 1% cups flour Preheat the aven to 350°. Combine the —— applesauce, ogy, sugar, oll, cinnamon, ‘salt, and baking powder. Mix wt 9:30pm the raisins, Gently mix in the flour. 10:00pm —— _ Stir 20 seconds or until just motst- —— ened, Pour into a lightly olled or wax- YOUR SCHEDULE papered 4° x 8° load pan. Bake for 45 —— minutes or until a toothpick inserted ‘near the middle comes out clean. Let ‘cool for 5 minutes before removing trom the pan. —— Yield: 16 servings Calories: 145/serving or slice TIAL RaTSIN COOKE —_—— Sw __ £0 satttower ott 1 cup brown sugar 2 eggs or 4 egg whites 2 tablespoons mit 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon SS. — I traspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soxia ‘We cups uncooked oats SS. — _T copraisins ‘1% cups flour Preheat the oven to 375°. Mix together ‘soda, oats, and raisins; mix well, ~~ then gently stir in the flour. Drop by —— rounded teaspoons onto a lightly olled ‘baking sheet. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes —— or until firm when lightly tapped with —— alinger. Yield: 3 dozen Calories: 95/cookie 184 CONCENTRATION What is Greg Norman's demeanor wimas 's about to toe off, or Steffi Graf's when she’s ing to lichael Jordan joking with his fnmates when he’s eyeing a free throw All of these athletes are in deep states of con- They're probably aven visualizing the xecution of their respective feats, if scores, Graf's tennis ranking, and Jordan's pol hava me ree ae ar all taller immensely 0 It body! vuullding ‘gym and iat you're ih to witness is a romper room. Jokes, small talk, loud music, and goofing-off proliferate. ‘building benefits ersely af- mus fected uy a fach uf coneentration. You're hampering your goal of getting bigger. Toget the best workout you possi ny can you must trate. You must put your mind into it. , Who often trains bod ul rs cl rt ‘except what they're feeling fram the mave- lent,” explained Sikora. “It’s all business. meh Hutchins has coined a concept he calls mtg neltrati. are in a totally darkened room,” writes at ct 'No sound—other than your boaiyt functions—is heard. Your: only ¢ communication sense with yet pony | a In the dark, you must imagine your bot ae y This imagery is eagle for proficient motor trol. It ts also the foundation for superior mental Control. It is required to perform internal muscular contraction.” Mental Fate is important. i alae the motions . rae ans y demanding later ren vikely to think of such demands as being fun. Proper exercise is brutally hard. An gctiiyy that {s fun should be classified as recreation, with per haps a small dose of exercise effect. Botsy Hoffmann visualizes the set bel ‘successfully bet repetition. DAY 40 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES WORKOUT ——_ NERATIVE-ONLY: — | Whole Body =— ‘Keith’ Your | ewes WURops — WURons te 310 matvony |B i | 370 ri a {k 378 I itv) ge > Ratentprers win) 300) | rarettnesateony| 8 : : | en) 10:30pm Eat Meal 6. ety YOUR SCHEDULE | Frater wen 130 itive wi P| a Puttiown benind neck | | 285 — — ent — an © J 140 TOTO nr, a i 390 | — —_—_———— — | metres ony | “8 — — 10 160 | — — | karnee ony |B —_ __ 85 __ — 7 _ — |e | fi, negative ony SUPER-SLOW CATS Pr Bill onres has lifted evel te for 30 years. He Is professor and chairman of the department anatomy at the University of Texas Southwestern Dallas, For many years he has ial cats a ‘e interested in ar he Pasats ofa sx, ‘study was published in the yiled 3 ‘sport Science Research . The ieee will pines uy 5 ixty-tvo cats were operant coat a, using a food reward, to lift ee with nein ight fore- by pertorming a tlexion exercise. The “4 une in one side of aclear plastic sped a bar, which was attached to weit via a iy ‘and. paley 5 i. ‘The cats then ieee their wrists agains' , which lifted the weights. five days per week. All ing Ii 100 grams. The weight was increautt 8 as the cats progressed. When a cat failed to make pre , ins thames of te right and et fortis Wore and weighed. ‘The cats were not forced to ears by punish- ment. tis, the the intensity and speed of training was dependent upon each cat's versonality and motiva- tion for food. This in turn resulted maleeed range of performance values and muscle eases, which was accounted for with propriate statisti: tistical analyses revealed the following trained with the heaviest nt cats that used slows iscles than those final analysis, the si “ittnn, ‘the greater was the muscle mass increase. Ys believes, to sé the muscular size of a human. ren you should already know this by now, ne of the experimental cats of Dr. Bil Gonyea, ‘wrist curl with one- his body we DAY 41 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES il Wake up! 7 Eat Meal 1. 7: 8 YOUR SCHEDULE toes 4 can shredded Monterey Jack % trspoen pepner Mix bran flakes, parsley, and onion in abowl, xo pers shape nt pation Dip ate cram Incture to coat Place patios on eased baking cont ene bate ot tel servings Calories: 140/serving ‘STIR-FRIED VEGETABLES 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 cups broccoli florets and stalks 2 cups cauliflower florets and stems 1 teaspoon safflower oll 1 garlic clove, minced Combine sugar, sherry, and soy sure ‘ina small bowl. Stir. Slice stems tr vouttablesciagonaty and cat frets ich pieces. vee of wot or skillet. Add vene- ‘tables, garlic, and onions; stir-iry 3 ‘minutes. Graduall - i MOMENTUM On this the last day of the 42-day program, it’s a i time to review what has happened. u began hy accurately taking measurements of your rhody and esti jour metabolic rate. Then you planned a progressive eating plan where you @ lually added calories to your diet each week. ‘oinbined with eating was a six-week exercising and resting program. Each day for 42 days you were ntine sat tag through an accelerated muscle- “y mn van muscles should ofinitely be bigger, tn much larger are they? You'll find out tomorr fou go aoe the post-measurements and eval nian soci la itime you're to be commended for com- plot a yatta training program. You've used the super-slow style almost exclusively for weeks. As you know well, super-slow eliminate mentum, and momentum is the impetus ‘movement. Momentum can also transcend to your emotions, ‘says super-siow trainee Stephen Wedan, who also writes for several bodybuilding magazines. “It is comlertaie tdi ‘along, even when that something we're doing does not work very well. Drifting oops cect in unhealthy relationships because the world is a cold place to be alone in, It can also keep smart opie i a at working surrout I ec Minar it my brilliant ideas don’t succeed out there’ ie traditions in the gym, svn it oneth proved to be of much help! tin spec a Yb toa was a i aa ay be can really, ‘get some stares, can’t they? Keith, David, and | experienced the stares and com- ments too, But when something works as well as this brogram dogs, you can withstand such behavi did—and you did. As Mike Mentzer, former Mr. American and Mr. Universe, often sai “tT know that itis is ti accent ideas th new, especially if they apne to hallenge tat which is near and dear to you. But remember—If you ‘want to lead the orchestra, you have to turn your back on the crowd.” When a program produces 3 it results, you can 195 DAY 42 RECORD KEITH'S SCHEDULE YOUR CALORIES ee — Wake up! — Eat Meal 1. om mmenende: TT . —____________ ____ 1% cups chopped onion ‘Attend church. 1 cup uncooked converted white ee ae i an, Ss vice lal . —— 1 cup chopped green pepper Return home. 1 cup chopped celery Wateh TV, —___ 1 teaspoon chili powder ‘Take a nap. ——_______ ____ 1 Bounce can whole tomatoes, Enjoy drive or walk, chopped Eat Meal 5. —_—_———— = T teaspoon sait Rolax or prepare 2 cups water for next day. 8 tablespoons bacon bits Eat Meal 6. = Bedtime. Melt margarine in a heavy skillet, and = sauté onion, Stir in rice, green pepper, celery, chili pow ‘salt, Add water. Bring mixture to a —— boll; reduce heat and simmer, uncov- ered, for 20 minutes until liquid is ab- —— _% Cup low-fat milk mixed with 1 tea ‘spoon vinegar ———— —— 1% cops All-Bran cereal cup nt water %4 cup honey —— _ % cup saftiower oit —— _%e teaspoon salt ‘We cups flour Preheat the aven to 400°. Line muttin tins with paper baking cups (or use —— honstick mutfin pans). Make butter- ‘milk by mbcing the milk and vinegar. Let stand for § to 10 minutes. Combine —— the bran careal, hot water, honey, oil, ‘and egy. Let stand for 1 to 2 min- \dd buttermilk, then the flour —— with baking soda stirred into it. Mix gently. Fill the muffin cups % full, Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. ——~ — Yhela: 12 muttins —— Calories: 160/muttin Ty ella i elle a Great! You've finished the program and you de- serve a reward. Let me treat you to the most expen- ‘sive buffet dinner in town. Please a charge it to my American Express card. The Seriously, | wish | could buy you and ai ie partici- rane in the BIGGER MUSCLES program a special ner. You cortainty ave earned ft, Your greatest re- ward, however, is the muscle you've built Turn back now to the measurement sect your training partner to err 0 you in Lo sites as before. Record your “after” measurements ext to the “before” pt on page 28. De- termine the difference between each pair. Compare your results with Keith's and David's. ‘KEITH'S AND DAVID'S RESULTS: Below Is a listing of Keith Whitley's and David la mond's 42-day, before-and-after measurements: KEITH'S MEASUREMENTS After Difference 1 = «17h th 18% © 20% ™ 18% = 20% 1% Wh 15% % 14% 18% % 50 54% a David's weight gain id 4.2 pounds per week for ‘Summing the twelve be! aaeere Keith's percentage of body fat increased from 2 to ments showed that Keith g 3.6. Mul ay these percent Mf by his before-and- ‘out his body and David ated 20% total ches. Most after body weights respect and subtract the sorter among these ease ae were those titferences. Daing this ‘Shaws Kt added 5.2 pounds of the chest, thighs, upp is, and calves. David of fat. Subtract 5.2 pounds of tat from 34.3 pounds of put inches om is cl eithadded 4¥¢inches. bo body weight, and his muscle mass gain was 29.1 on his ne increased the gia . his 3 ios ya 4% pou 5 ind Ke roved his by pects of bod i af slightly Ov oh i rere MUSCLE AND Keith finished the ayn weighting 280.3 fey which was junds from his startin 4 one ipht of 248, a ant of is average welght gain was 5. Mave hey: a he comes cas ann 186 and finished a 4.2 2 pou ing th is pias, to note that Wott jained most of fis ring Days 1 through 25. Some of this could ie reeause he was Overtrained and possi 4 ginning of ‘ogram. Davit arated at the of irom oneal to three| renmatars as a anon mat ir eel ot Kas 36 pounts and Da is y, muscle? Below are their actuall) lore ant ater skinfold values. KEITH'S SKINFOLDS: Before After meters) _(in millimeters) Chest 1.6 20 Waist 3.0 78 Thigh 40 0 Total 85 146 Percentage ‘of Body Fat 20 38 DAVID'S SKINFOLDS Before (in miltimeters) 75 18.0 16.5 42.0 13 m1 on hang a ulti ‘this managed slit fantly less than 1¥ fot weight, ah t ee swelled each call by 1%¢ inches. 2 af fa fatin six weeks, wore! pounds of ti it z a feaves 22.5 pounds of muscle In then final pesiyas: | rn eet 29.1 pounds of ‘and David 5 pounds. ‘muse cl mass fermen was remarkable, lly when you consider that he was a national- ier bodybuilder who has trained for over ten junds in42days for years. per week. : arr weights ofeach, it a ems was also cen since he was a teen- id been trai alittle aver a year. ouinave access tn 3 calipers, you'll defi- int to calc fs our muse ‘gains and to it 's and David's is program has most sgtinttoly teat mustcelogron. 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