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EDT 520


The purpose of the NETS is to generate knowledge, professional

development, collaboration and advocacy. ISTE provides
educators and students with service and leadership to improve
teaching and student learning through the appropriate use of
technology in K-12 classrooms and through professional
development for teachers.
I was introduced to the ISTE NETS about 5 years ago. Upon
settling into my new office space, I found a binder containing the
NETS for Students. It was organized according to age groups, with
a section for K-5, 6-8 & 9-12. The binder included rubrics for each
set of standards and examples of projects that might
demonstrate the use of every one. The problem was that nobody
was using them or even aware that they existed. I presented
them to the Principal and she said they were old and outdated, as
technology standards were a thing of the past. Technology
should be an integral part of all subjects.
Since then, a few strategies have been implemented to support
the NETS in RSU #78. The Maine Common Core standards align
with the NETS and we have adopted the Common Core standards.
The school board is aware of the NETS for students, teachers &
coaches. They know the requirements and have approved a
Technology Plan, which supports the ISTE's NETS. All teachers
have been informed that they are responsible for integrating
these standards into teaching and learning. We are working on
aligning technology standards to standards in other core subjects.
Students/Staff complete a Technology Assessment, which
demonstrates their technology proficiency. They give examples of
how they have used technology to reach the benchmarks
expected of their grade level. Within the assessment there are
questions that are designed to show proof of digital citizenship
and responsibility.
We have done a good job at developing benchmarks and
performance indicators for each grade level in our K-12 school.
The K-5 Technology Class just updated the curriculum to better
align with the standards. It includes lesson plans for

demonstrating the skills each student should know and be able to

do, at each developmental level. There is an emphasis on
Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship. We used all this data as a
basis for creating our Technology Assessment. Students in 8th
Grade piloted the NECAP testing program last year and we are
using it for assessment this yr.
In evaluating the curriculum we have found many instructional
tools and resources available to students and teachers. Through
IXL Math, Lexia Reading, CPAA, Compass Learning, etc. We have
succeeded in securing these resources into the budget and
integrating them into instruction. We still need to work on
Professional Development, enabling teachers to use these tools
effectively. All teachers have been provided with detailed
curriculum guidelines/resources with suggested
projects/assignments to show use of technology in their
The first step to recognition of the ISTE NETS-S is having these
standards listed in our Technology Plan. Through coordination
with administration and key stakeholders, we were able to secure
our schools future of Technology Curriculum. Our Technology Plan
promises the following:
Curriculum Instruction and Assessment: K-12 Curriculum is
and will continue to be aligned with National Educational
Technology Standards (NETS). Teachers will integrate the
technology curriculum into all subject areas. K-2 The written
curriculum outlines procedures and skills for student introduction,
practice and mastery of specific National Educational Technology
Standards at each grade level. The K-2 team and the technology
department will provide effective and engaging software and
online learning resources as an integral part of K-2 core
curriculum. All lessons involving technology in the classrooms will
focus on intelligent and appropriate uses.
Grades 3-5:
The written curriculum outlines procedures and skills for student
introduction, practice and mastery of specific National Technology
Standards at each grade level. The 3-5 Team and the Technology
Department will provide effective and engaging software and
online learning resources as an integral part of 3-5 Core
Curriculum. All lessons involving technology in the classrooms will
focus on intelligent and appropriate uses.

Grades 6-8:
Technology Instruction is integrated throughout the Middle School
Curriculum and is aligned with the National Educational
Technology Standards. The 6-8 Team and the technology
department will provide effective and engaging software and
online learning resources as an integral part of 6-8 Curriculum. All
lessons involving technology in the classrooms will focus on
intelligent and appropriate uses.
Grades 9-12: Technology instruction is integrated throughout
the High School Curriculum and is aligned with the National
Educational Technology Standards. The 9-12 team and the
technology department will provide effective and engaging
software and online learning resources as an integral part of 9-12
curricula. All lessons involving technology in the classrooms will
focus on intelligent and appropriate uses.
We still need to work on the last strategy which is to implement
more professional development opportunities dedicated to
awareness of student technology standards and ideas on
integrating them into their instructional experiences. We still
need to work on including proof of implementing technology
standards into our evaluation process for staff members and
holding staff who are not aligning their curriculum with the
student technology standards accountable in some way. It is
much easier to build a curriculum from scratch using these
standards as a guideline. I think it might be difficult to have a set
curriculum in place and somehow figure it out how to integrate
each technology standard into it individually.

Technology is an ever-changing vast resource for creativity,

knowledge, business and social networking. As Children of this
Technological Generation, our students are Digital Natives. It is only
natural that interdisciplinary learning activities, through technological
means, create a highly engaging and effective learning environment
for students.
- Technological Skills: Understanding modern programs, hardware,
software and the physical responsibility of owning and caring for

-Literacy Skills: Typing, reading through navigation and research.

-Producing communicators: Social networking between parents,
classmates through Skype and Blogs. Creating alternative
presentations through PowerPoint, iMovie, slideshows and other online
-Organizational Skills: Creating organized folders for projects and
subjects, navigating between programs. Interdisciplinary Educational
Gaming including puzzles, time management, strategy, memory and
-Creativity: Problem Solving Technical Glitches, Creating Blogs,
presentations, animations, designs. Challenge Based Learning through
solving problems by collecting information and communicating to
create real world results.
-Researching and Data processing through Practical Problem
solving: The information available online doubles every 45 minutes.
Thus a student must learn how to use discretion in using/ viewing and
scanning websites that contain the most viable and specific
Goal 1: Impact Real World, becoming aware through technology.
-Create active Blogs as a portal for parents to view their
childrens learning and progress in a general classroom setting
as well as in technology classes.
-Teaches students how to safely navigate a highly controlled social
networking system to communicate.
-Creates more classroom accountability and allows parents the
opportunity to experience their childs education first hand and
digitally. Needed: Flip cameras, parents permission and
establishment of a secure Blog.
-Create secure Pen Pal Blogs with other schools throughout the
world -Enforces effective communication skills and exposure to other
lifestyles, interests, cultures and traditions.
-The Big Idea Project: Every challenge starts with the selection of a
big idea- a broad topic that has importance to students and their
communities. The idea is to create a blog that helps to network and
create change in real life situations. Use of maps, graphs, polls, and
designs, researching and networking would likely be included.

Goal 2: Create more interest in cross curricular technology use, by

more effectively establishing curricular needs with classroom teachers
and helping them to better utilize technology in their classrooms.
Staff Professional Development- Training to enhance classroom
technology use and evolve simple means to create better parent
communication, essential literacy skills enforce cautious web use
behaviors, as well utilizing engaging activities for students -Needed:
Training and use of flip cameras, blogs, Mac Apps for iPads, SMART
board apps, and use of iPads in the classroom

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