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Lesson One Story 1 Listen and read. What are the children doing in picture 5? © 51 wanted to do a first aid course. Me tao. The teacher said you were very 4 ¥ don't think rl be @ doctor. 1 *coult | at it_ Maybe you'll be a doctor one day. i put on bandages —" Ed We've got plasters and slings .. Kate Put them away, Ed. We don’t need them now. |Jatan No. My leg really hurts! Fines, we do, Look! § ed it’s OK We know first aia Paramedic You haven't broken any bones, fi. but you need to go to hospital, || Libby The teacher told us it was important to support) Thanks, kids. You're my heroes! | @ patient's head, Here, we can use my jumper. Come and visit me in hospital. Kate ve got my mobile phone. tm calling an Do you know who that is? It’s jim Wi = Fisher! He's the best 2 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act. 3 Read again and write the words. eetse hospital ~ambulance Libby 1 The children have just done a first aid_course . 2 was very good at first aid. 3 Kate calls an “ 4 The man is going to Lesson One a 1 Read the story and answer the questions. 1 Is Libby good at first aid? Yes, she is. 2 Does Ed want to be a doctor? 3. Has a man fallen off his bike? 4 Do they use Fin’s phone to call an ambulance? 5. Has the man broken his arm? 6 Dothe children support the man’s Leg? 7 Is the man a very good footballer? 2 Look at the pictures. mbieors the events in the correct order. Libby helped support the patient’s head. (_] The children did a first aid course at the DSD Club. Ed was looking at his first aid kit. (_} Kate called an ambulance. (_] The paramedics came and gave the man first aid. [—] Libby and Kate were talking about the cours The man went to hospital in an ambulance. They saw a man fall off his bike. (_] oo zewoaan 3 Write three things you can do to help if you see an accident. A Unit? Callen ambulance! first aid kit = nt Dictionary Workbook 5 2 Write the words. 1__cut __nounahote in your skin, where you have hurt yourself noun a place where your skin is purple, blue or green, where you have hurt yourself __ noun a box with plasters and bandages in it, to help you when you hurt yourself noun a piece of material you tie around your neck to hold your arm when you hurt it 2 3 4 noun a place where fire or heat has hurt your skin 5 6 noun a person who sees « doctor because he/she is ill or hurt Dictionary Workbook § 4 Read and circle. 1 Please pick on Gpyour clothes from the floor, 2. He put down / up the box because it was very heavy. 3 Please put on / away your toys now. 4 We put on / down sun cream so we don't get sunburn. Lesson Two Words Complete the sentences. cut burn bruise bandage plaster sling patient 1 Ibroke my arm and I had to have it ina sling for four weeks. 2 Ifell in the park and now I've got a big purple on my Leg. 3 They took the to the hospital in an ambulance. 4 Dad touched the hot oven and now he has a ‘on his hand. 5 The nurse put a __ around my knee to support it 6 Leilo fell off her bike. She has a on her hand 7 Mum cleaned the cut and put a onit. 8 Mum keeps a in the car. 2 Match the pictures to the phrasal verbs. SE a ea look-afser handout dropoff cheer up | peering SANGRE PEL ADEE) look after 3 Write the definitions for these phrasal verbs. Check the dictionary pages. 1 drop off verb 2 cheer up verb 3 hand out verb 4 look after verb 4 Complete the sentences. drop off puton took after cheerup putaway take-off hand out 1 Please take off your shoes when you come into the house. 2 Ican't come to the park. I have to __ my little sister. 3 It's cold outside. Remember to ahat and coat. 4 My unt and uncle my cousins at our house every Saturday 5 It’s bed time! Please your books and go to sleep now. 6 At the beginning of the course TU the first aid kits. 7 My brothers are sometimes sad, but they when I play with them. Words Unit 7 Bi Lésson Three Grammar 1 | 1 Listen and read. What does Chip do wrong? © s« J Ob nol t've hurt ray hand. | chip! 1 need some bandages! ) wait'a minute, Professor, D CO fetee Cin j vou said you needed some sandwiches. No, Chia. said reeded some bandages! 2 Read and learn. PU sates) mu Diract speech: "Tneed some bandages” In reported speech, we change the present to the past. He said he needed some bandages. “Ineed some bandages” "We're making some sandwiches.” Use reported speech to report what somebody else said. Reported speech: He said he needed some bandages. They said they were making some sandwiches. 3 Read and circle, 1 [Julie is my best Fiend. Ss Karen said Julle is (Gaher best friend. » Fanaa Helen said she was watching / watched TV, 4 GED what did they say? Ask and answer. am Fm calling ar ambulance. My arm hurts. We know first aid. 5 don’t know what happened. ) 66 Unit7 Reported speech 2 ( We want to stay at home, Nw The children said they want / wanted to stay at homd 4 [we're going ta a party. The boys said they are / were going to a party. (tare z3) il one. Robin She said she was calling an ambulance, — @ caspas cianrnr in ci Van pone 0 of Won Lesson Three Grammar | Ree , In reported speech, change the present to the past. 1 Complete the table. foes She is a docti | He wants an ice cream. [1am riding my bike. a 2 | N Complete the reported speech sentenc 1 “I'm Learning how to do first aid.” Debbie said she_was learning how to do first aid 2. “We're good at putting on bandages.” James said they 3 “The patient is feeling much better” The doctor said the patient 4 “Ineed to use the telephone.” Toby saidhe In reported speech the pronouns and possessive adjectives change too. 1 he/she my his/her me > him/her we > they our > their us > them “Tgave my book to the teacher.” > He gave his book to the teacher. we A reporter is interviewing an actor. Report what the actor said. Change the words in bold. 1 Reporter Hello, Brad. How are you feeling? Brad I'm feeling OK but my Leg hurts a bit. 2 Reporter Is your leg broken? Brad My Leg isn't broken, but I have a big bruise. 3. Reporter Can you go to work? Brad can’t go to work for a month. 4 Reporter What are you doing in hospital? Brad ‘I’m reading all the cards from my fans. Reporter Well, I hope you get well soon! 1 Brad said_he was feeling OK, but his leg hurt a bit. 2 He said 3 4 Bi Unit 7 Reported speech 1 Listen and read. Who was coming to visit the school? © 55 —_—o Last Monday, our teacher told us she had got a surprise for us. She told us a doctor was coming to the school the next day. She said we were going to learn first aid. We were all very excited. Our teacher said that it was important to know first aid so that we could help in an emergency. —— 2 Read and Learn. Gera Use said and told with When we use reported speech, we sometimes change reported speech. the time words. Oli teacher tol nethe nad “a doctor is coming to the school tomorrow.” got a surprise for us. She told us a doctor was coming to the school the next day, Direct speech: Reported speech: tonight, today that night, that day this week/month / year that week / month / year now then tomorrow the next day next week / month / year the next week / month / year She said we were going to learn first aid. 3 Read and circle. 1 Tim said /Goldme he fett ill. 2. Our teacher said / told us we were going on a school trip. 3 Mum said / told it was raining. 4 Corla said / told her friend she was going to the party. 5 Ben said / told he wanted to leorn first aid. 6 The boys said / told they were playing football. 4 Rewrite the sentences. Use reported speech, [Trpsnclna shonping tamer: (1s cold today = we're having a party next a —= ‘m having a guitar lessor guitar lesson tomo tomorrow. ) G ‘My mum isn’t working this week. DY S\aurfienas are playing in the park now. 1 Harry said he was going shopping the next da Lesson Four Grammar 2 ‘We use said when we just report someone's words. We use told when ‘we want to say who the person was talking to. 1 Write said or told. 1 Mrs Maxwell told Jeremy the right answer. 2 Amelia the cake was delicious. 3 We the policeman there was a robbery at the theatre. 4 Dad me to wear a helmet when I ride my bike. 5 The paramedic Elena was very brave. 6 She she was having her lunch. 2 Read and circle. 1 Tina told J /(me)she was going to her piano lesson. 2 Mum and Dad said us / we could go to the park in the afternoon, 3 Patrick told them / they the library was closed on Sundays. 4 Ania and Katie told him / he it was raining 5 Sam said he / him was thirsty 6 Fabio told us / we there was a great film on TV, 3 Complete the reported speech sentences. QQ irregular verb list 1 [Get ready, children, because \__ Grandma told the children to get ready because the bus was the busis coming new. J” coming then. 2 We're going on holiday to. NS Ellis said they \__ Spain next week. 3 ‘Mur, | feel ill this Jamie told his mum he morning. i 4 [My brothers are going to. \_ Vera said her ro thecinema tonight. J 5 [mon the school football \_ Joe told his dad that he team this year, Dad. 6 ‘We haven't qot ss Emma said they school tomorrow. Reported speech: said/ told Unit 7 5 esonFve emmeng = 1 Look ot the website. Who do you think the text Is about? 2 Listen and read. ©) s6 fce a A day in the life of a Rob Elliot has worked os ¢ firefighter for eight years ard he loves his job. Rob's day starts at 9 a.m. Rob and the rest of nis crew meet in front of the fire station to get their instructions tor the day. “Every day is different, says Rob. “On some days, | drive the fire engine. On other days, I wear the breathing apparatus. | enjoy every part of my job." Rob has rescued people from all kinds of situations. “\We get called to road accidents, floods, reil and oir crashes or chemical spills,” says Fob But firefighters do more than rescue people. They give first aid and they cleon up and check sites after an accident or disaster. They atten work together with the police and aaromedies. They also train people in fire safoty. Today, Rob and Jenny, another firefighter, were ousy checking the equipment. But suddenty, there was a call. A house wes on fire and there were two people trapped in an upstoirs bedroom. Tho firefignters jumped into the ‘fire engines and raced to the house, Rob and Jenny ron upstoirs while the rest of the team used hoses to put out the fire. Rob and Jenny iound « mother and daughter in one of the bedrooms. They opened a window and helped the mother and her tittle girl to ctimb down a ladder. Soon the fire was out and everyone was safe. “And it’s still only oleven o'clock,” said Rob. 3 Read again and answer the questions. 1 Does Rob always drive the fire engine? 2 Does Rob enjoy his job? 3 Do firefighters give first aid? 4 Were the people trapped downstairs? 5 Did Rob and Jenny use hoses to put out the fire? 6 Did Rob and Jenny help the mother and daughter? (cel Unit? Reading: an account we eo ee eae No, he doesn't. Te Ee ap a ETRE) iat SS ee Can l FSSSGT 56888 [ abaed diiog 1 Look at the text. Write the paragraph titles. Safety atsea SeaRescueCharity Safety onthe beach Disaster areas | 1 Sea Rescue arity The Royal National Lifeboat Instition (RNLI) is a charity that looks ofter people in the sea around the UK and Ireland. The RNL has more than 300 lifeboats and works on more than 100 beaches. The lifeboats can travel very fast and have lots of first aid equipment on them. Last year they rescued over 10,000 people who were in danger at seo. | | { 2 RNLT lifequards work on Britain’s beaches. They watch the beaches and make sure everyone can enjoy them safely. Sometimes they use special cars to travel foster. The RNL trains the lifeguards to give first aid and to rescue people who are in danger. They also give people information about how to stay safe on the beach, 3 If a boct gets into @ dangerous situation at sea, the RNLI sends « lifeboat out to help them. RNLI crew are all volunteers. They cre normal people with jobs, but when the alarm goes, they stop | what they are doing to go and help people in danger. If a boat is Lost at sea, they work with the coastquard to find it. ‘The RNLI flood teams go all over the world to help people in places where there have been big floods. They use their special boats to go to sites that other organizations cannot go to, and get people out of danger, 2 Read again and correct the words in bold. 1 The RNLI works to keep people safe in the mountains. sea Last month they rescued over 10,000 people. Lifeguards work on roads around Britain. The RNLI sends an ambulance to help people in danger on the sea. The RNLI flood teams work all over the country fa Unit? Reading: website 2 3 4 They give first aid and make sure people are crowded on the beaches. & 6 noun a long tube that you use to put water on a fire verb to teach people how to do something noun a place where something happened or is happening noun when a lot of water suddenly covers a piace Dictionary ; Workbook § noun a special mask that helps you breathe when there is a lot of smoke a and fire noun a dangerous thing that suddenly happens, for example a fall or car crash, verb to look at something carefully to make sure it is safe verb to take someone away from a dangerous place to @ safe place 2 Listen. Why has the lady made the phone call? © 57 VEC Et Emergency service needed: 4 ambulance 3 Listen again and complete. Caller's nome: Address of emergency: 51> Street Type of emergency: + accident Vehicles: two, one motorbike | Number of people: ° oe | 4 Ask and answer. Use the prompts or your own answers. “=; Emergency, which service? ee Police /Fire/Ambulance J am] - please = What's your name, please? = ——— (your name) } it’s ‘Where are you calling from? : (your home address / Cm yourschool address) ‘What's the emergency? (There's afire /a flood /an accident / How many people need help?) a robbery 1 ( Sok. Heip is on its way." Please stay calm. One. / Two. / Three. / Four. / Thani you. Goodye. | Tdon't know. /I'm not sure. Words in context 1 Complete the sentences. { hoses floods rescues accident breathing apparatus check 1 When there are_floods , the RNLI and the fire brigade both help people in danger. 2 Firemen sometimes have to wear 3 They use to pour water over fires. 4 When there is an , the RNLI or firefighters have to come immediately. 5 They have to if anyone needs first aid 6 The RNL thousands of people from the sea every year. coastguard noun a person who works at a beach or a swimming pool to rescue people who are in danger in the water noun a team of people who work together noun a person who does a job but doesn’t get any money for it noun the emergency service which watches the sea and rescues boats 3 Complete the text. Write the letters in the correct order. Meet a crew member Hil I'm Isobel and I'ma ' volunteer (olervetnu) with the RNLL I started working onthe beach asa* (rdliugaef) but then I joined the ° (reew) who go out in the lifeboat. We go out to“ (cusere) boats at sea. We get a Lot of information from the s (gdoacsrtua), too. We need to get to the (iste) of the accident as quickly as possible because people are in danger. I'm not scared, because the RNLI (rtiasn) us for all kinds of situations. Worden context Unit 7 fi 1 Look at the text. Where do you A think it is from? 2Toe) Chae Ke eo h ecm elaal Le} za brod School basketball star Jake Parry, aged 12, is in hospital after a fire at his home in Park Road last night. ‘The fire started when an electric heater in the Parrys’ living || room caught fire. The family were all asleep in bed, but the smoke alarm woke Jake up. He catled the emergency services and then woke up his parents and his sister, Jenny, aged eight. ‘The fire brigade rescued the family from the house and paramedics took Jake and his family to hospital, Jake's | parents and sister have already gone heme and Jake will be | ‘out of hospital later today. Firefighter Bill Sanders said Jake wos very brave. “He thought quickly and he saved his family.” Jake told reporters he was looking forward to going back to schoo! to play in 1 How did the fire start? an important basketball match on Friday. 2 Who called the fire brigade? 3 Read again and answer the questions. EN ee De) >) & Number the parts of the newspaper report in | When we write a newspaper report, we include: the correct order. + Aheadline (the title of the report) CO Two children and their parents are sofe after a This tells us what the report is about. flood trapped them in their home yesterday. ued ee ches (CD Emma said that the firefighters were amazing. + Ashort introduction “They arrived so quicly,” she said. Mr and This tells us the most important parts of the Mrs Ticks told reporters they were very glad story, but not all the details. that the emergency services were so organized, School basketball star Jake Parry, aged 12, isin hospital after a fire ot his home in Park Road last night. (DF Emma Hicks, aged 11, and her brother Tim, aged nine, were at home with theiz parents wh (7) Family Trapped in Flood enrodin egy the river near their house flooded and filled th: | This tells us all the details. | street with water. The water started to come + Aconclusion into the house and flood the downstairs room: | The family quickly moved upstairs and called the emergency services. Firefighters arrived ina boat and rescued the family. The family i staying with relatives, This tells us what happened in the end ‘and what people said about the event. Firefighter Bill Sanders said Joke was | very brave, “He thought quickly and he saved his family.” a ee + ~ TO; Unit? — Writing a newspaper report ky 1 Look at the pictures of Toby and Sophie and choose a headline for the story. a) Brave boy saves man Ol b) Rescue at the Lake (_] ¢) Girl saves cat from fire (_] 2 Read the sentences. Which part of the story do they belong to? Write I (introduction), M (main body) or C (conclusion). 1 The police thanked Sophie and said everyone should learn about water safety 2. Ayoung boy is safe after an accident at the Lake this afternoon. 3. Toby was playing with some boats when he fell in the water. {_] 3 Write a newspaper report of the story. Use the pictures and the sentences to help you. 1 (headline) 2 (introduction) 3 (main body) 4 (conclusion) __ UT hitiacanempenr open ee ences Ree uu eee Me eae sce Restarts ec Eoeoni fetes Complete the sentence. ‘We don’t like playing Sosketball,” said the boys. 2 boys said they playing basketball. Write I (introduction) or C (conclusion). Write (introduction) or € (conclusion). Police officer Martin Harris suid that Toby | Ten-year-old student Karen Willis Nene oa saved a little boy's life when he fell Seu sas into the river. Ete Karen said she was glad the boy was POSTE ss louhsjeu | safe, “hope he won't play near the stealing from a shop in the town centre river again’ on) ter } Pease hit 7 Review Lesson Eight Complete the text. | | first aid kit burn plaster patient accident firsteid train bandages Ileamnt how to give ' first cid last year. I've got a? ___ with Lots of things in it. It’s got slings and ____ Last week my brother had an in the kitchen, The oven was very hot and he touched it. He had o smalt on his hand. Iput his hand in catd water for ten minutes and then put a on it. My brother was a very good _and he didn't cry. I Like helping people. When I'm older, T want to ® tobea poramedic. 1 Complete the reported speech sentences. 1 “We don't like playing tennis,” said the boys. The boys said they didn’t like playing tennis. 2 ‘My dad is working today,” said Carl. Carl said his dad we day. 3 “Our school is very big,” said the girls. The girls said very big. 4 “Pizza is my fovourite food,” said Tim. Jim said pizza favourite food. 5 “I'm wearing my new jacket,” said Tina, Tina said she ai new jacket. 6 “We're going to the park tomorrow,” they said. They said they tothe park the next day. J Circle the mistakes. Write the correct sentences. 1 Dave: “I can’t see the TV, Alice.” Dave (said Alice he‘can't'see the TV. Dave told Alice he couldn't see the TV. 2. Jenny and Samantha: “We're going to a party tomorrow, Sarah.” Jenny and Samantha said Sarah they are going to a party the next day. 3 Jill: “I'm going to visit my cousins this weekend,” Jill said she went to visit her cousins this weekend. 4 Joke: “My grandparents are going to visit us soot Jake told his grandparents were going to visit they soon. Review Unit 7 | Reported speech (! Grammar practice 1 Complete with said or told. Tip Remember: She said, ‘ > She said (that) ... She said to me, ‘..' -® She told me (that) ... She told me, *..." > She told me (that) ... Kate ...54id__. Bill had won the lottery. Mark... me he was going to give her a ring for her birthday. She .. ‘IV haven't talked to Tim yet” He 7 his boss that he had found a betcer job. She ......- to me, "Tl never forgive you! she'd be at the office until The security guard...» US that We couldn't enter the building ‘The cest will begin in five minutes; the teacher -.....-.. to the students, 2 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech 1 My mother told us,"! have been looking for lasses all day’ Aer told us that ohe had looking for her gle day. ‘I don't understand? Georgia said Sue told me,‘I saw Charles on my way to school! My brother told me,'I'm not going to help you’ 5. She said wo me,''ve decided co move co 2 bigger house, 6 ‘Ineed a new CD player! he said. party! 8 ‘Jack had been watching TV for hour said. 9 She told me,'l was working all ay! 10. Alex said,"Bill is looking for a new job! I “Ive never been to Italy! Mike said to me. 12. ‘No one was paying attention, she said. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. |" She said co me,Yay can borrow my camera’ She told me | could 2 James said to Anne, ‘You must call the police!” 3. I said to him,‘I can’t help you’ 4 ‘I couldn't hear him; she said. 6 “You should see a doctor; he told me. 7 “ye brother might still be in bed, she said. 8 He said to Carol,You needn't get up early’ 9 My dad told me,"You must stay at home! 10 She said,"The Smiths may move to London? 11. ‘would love to join your he told us. 12. She said,‘David must be tired! 6 Rewrite the sentences using the word Reported speech: commands and requests In order to convert orders and commands or requests into reported speech, the imperative that exists in direct speech changes into the infinitive, Direct speech Reported speech ‘She said to me, ‘Listen carefully.” She told me to listen carefully. ‘Don't read Anne's diary," Alex said | Alex told him not to read Anne's diary, ‘Amanda said, ‘Please go awey.” ‘Amanda ached them to go away, He said, Please don't make a mess.” | He asked us not to make a mess > The reporting verbs that we usually use to convey a command or order are tell (tell) and order (order, command). We choose which of these two we will use according to the style and content of the sentence. We do not use say (to). “Stop complaining,’ Jim said to Lisa. chm snid-to-Lisa-to-step complaining. X Jim told Lisa to stop complaining. “Answer my questions,’ the judge said to the thief. Fhe-judge-said-to-the thief-to-answer-her-questions- x The judge ordered the thief to answer her questions, > The reporting verbs that we usually use to convey a request are ask (ask) and bea (beg, beseech), again according to the style and content of the sentence. We do mot use say (to). Please is omitted when we change the sentence into reported speech. ‘Please let me read your article,’ Charles said to Becky. Charhensand tr teckent let harread heraricle & Charles asked Becky to let him read her article. The little boy said, ‘Please, please, don't switch off the light!” ‘Thelitle-boy-said-te-his-mother-notte-switeh-offthelight: x The little boy begged his mother not to switch off the light. 6 The teacher said to us,’Read the instructions carefully’ to eer The teacher ....... Meet 1 sary the instructions carefully. 7. ‘Please, please, don't drive so fast!” 2. He said, Don’t make so much noise, Tom: Paula said co Jason, begged told Bible esta et cae 1 0 He EN 5 nich fast. noise 8 Elsa said to Maggie, Please meet me at 3. ‘Don't be afraid; she told me. to the station at six thirty’ asked She er Bee teal Elsa so at the 4. ‘Give me the money!" the thief said to station at six thirty. her. ordered 9 He said to me,'Don't worry! told The thief the Hee ee eweecy money 10. ‘Follow that car!" the detective sald to 5. ‘Don't leave your toys on the floor’ she the driver, ordered said to her son. his The detective rennet She told her son 2 that car. on the floor, Reported speech: questions > When we convert a question into reported speech, the syntax of the sentence changes. The verb in reported speech does not tum into a ‘question, but into a positive form, The tenses of the verbs, the pronouns and time markers change, as in statements ‘Where are you going?" he asked me. He asked me where I was going. If the question in direct speech starts with a question word (eg. what, where, when, how), the question in reported speech starts with the same word. "Why are you crying, Jenny?’ David asked. David asked Jenny why s! crying. 7 Rewrite the questions in reported speech. ‘How often do you exercise? "How often do you exercise?” the doctor asked him. The doctor asked him how often he weercised. 2 ‘Do you speak English?” the tourist asked us. “When did he call?” she asked her mother. Jeff asked hey “Can you hear that noise?” Emma asked Frank,'Have you finished?” "Where's the newspaper?’ he asked me. > However, if the question in direct speech starts with an auxiliary verb (eg, be, do, have) or with a modal verb, the question in reported speech starts with the words if or whether. ‘Did you post the letter?” she asked him. She asked him if/whether he had posted the letter. > Some of the reporting verbs/expressions that we use are: ask, wonder and want to know. ‘Where's Jack?" he asked. He asked where Jack was. ‘Why didn’t he call?’ she wondered. She wondered why he hadn’t called. ‘Who are you talking to?! he asked. He wanted to know who I was talking to, 7 ‘Are the children still at school?" she asked him, 8 ‘How old are you" she asked me. 9 He asked me,'Did you have a good time?" 10 asked her, ‘What time does your train leave?" 11 ‘Is dinner ready” she asked her mother. 12. "Why did you leave so early? she asked him 13. ‘Have you finished that article?’ the boss asked him, 14 ‘When did Walter and Janet get married?" | asked her. 1S | asked Mum,"Do you need any help!” 16 ‘Was the exam easy?’ she asked us. 17 "What's your favourite colour?” he asked me. 18 "Will you help me?’ she asked him.

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