Getting Started: System Core

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Getting Started

How CDI works

Adding OpenWebBeans to your JavaSE project
Adding OpenWebBeans to your Servlet Container project
OpenWebBeans as part of JavaEE Containers
OpenWebBeans configuration

OpenWebBeans Plugin Structure

OpenWebBeans consists of a core system which heavily uses SPIs (Service Provider Interfaces) to
extend it's functionality. The core system itself is purely JavaSE based and does not need any
further dependency. All special JavaEE features get added via separate plugins.

System Core
OpenWebBeans Core
SPI definition

Commonly used Plugins

Web plugin
EL plugins 1.0 & 2.2
JSF plugins 1.2 & 2.x
Tomcat plugins 6 & 7

Technical Integration Plugins

EE Common plugin
Java EE plugin
EJB plugin
EE Resource plugin
JMS plugin
OSGi plugin

Testing Strategies for CDI Projects

General guidelines for testing

Deltaspike Test-Control
Apache DeltaSpike CdiCtrl
JBoss Arquillian
Writing unit tests for OWB itself

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