01 Biodiversity

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Rossen Vassilev

What is biodiversity?

All plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms...


Their genetic diversity


The Ecosystems

Biodiversity is the miracle we call life.

Biodiversity is everywhere - in the hot
geysers and icy mountain water,
deserts and jungles, in the depths of the
sea and in the air of the sky.
Biodiversity is what distinguishes our
planet, making it alive and unique.

Concept of biodiversity is proposed by American

scientist Walter Rosen in 1986 (from the Greek
"bios" = life)
It is the diversity of life forms and living conditions of all the complex
interrelationships between organisms, and between them and the
environment impact of inanimate nature on organisms, natural cycles of
substances - everything we associate with the concept of "life."

Importance of biodiversity
People depend on biodiversity:
Water and oxygen

Ecosystem services

Natural balance
Organic production
Climate regulation
Purification of water and air
Decomposition of waste
Prevention of erosion
Maintenance of soil fertility
Carbon Capture

Biodiversity in danger
Numerous threats from human activities :

Excessive hunting and fishing
Pollution and drainage of wetlands
Habitat fragmentation

The Problem
75% of the genetic diversity of crops has
been lost over the last century
It is believed that every hour 3 biological
species disappear, or 20 thousand per year
24% of mammal species and 12% of bird
species are globally threatened
More than 50% of wetlands worldwide have
been drained

Biodiversity protection
Legislation, conventions, institutions
Protection in situ & ex situ
Protected territories
Protected species

Activities for biodiversity


Research and Inventories

Laws and Regulations
Management plans
Restoration and re-introduction
Sustainable management

International conventions

Convention on the Conservation of European Flora, Fauna

and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention 1979)
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of
Wild Animals (Bonn Convention, 1979)
Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio 1992)
Convention for the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
(UNESCO 1972)
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance
(Ramsar Convention 1971)

European legislation

Directive 79/409/EEC 2.04.1979

on the Conservation of wild birds


Directive 92/43/EEC 21.05.1992

on the Conservation of natural habitats and
of wild fauna and flora

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