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Text Set for Globalization

Book 1:

Readability: 12-18

Faberg, E., Murphy, A., & Bl, H. d. (2009). Human Geography, People, Place, and Culture. New York: John Wiley
and Sons.

This is a textbook covering the aspects of human geography. Throughout the book the concept of
globalization comes up as different aspects of human and regional culture are discussed.
Vocabulary words are highlighted to make them easier to identify and pictures are shown to help
students discover see what the words are describing.
Book 2:

Readability: 12

Friedman, T. L. (2006). The world is flat: a brief history of the twenty-first century. New York: Farrar, Straus and

This book explains the process of globalization as well as the positives and negatives that
accompany it. It also offers the importance of accepting the movement and ways that one can be
successful in the twenty-first centurymostly by being adaptable.
Journal Article 3:

Readability: 8

Naqvi, A. (2014). Cities, not countries, are the key to tomorrows economies. The Financial Times Limited.

This article discusses how without the growth of cities, countries cannot hope to continue to
develop. Also discussed are the importance of cities being well organized and how the
infrastructure of the cities also have to continue to develop and improve.
Journal Article 4:

Readability: 11

Economist article
This article speaks specifically about the country of India, its economy, and how it has been
dealing with the globalization movement. It describes that Indias movement of modernizing and
interacting with the world has been a process. Also pointed out is that it will continue to be a
process as they still have quite a ways to go.
Political Cartoons 5:

Readability: none

Keshav in The Hindu, India. CWS/Cartoonists International.

Micahel de Adder/
Heng in Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore. CWS/Cartoonists International.
Luojie in China Daily, China. CWS/Cartoonists International.
Spradling, G. (2011). Globalization Part 2: Political Cartoons. Elmberg English 2011-2012. Retrieved April 20,
2014, from

These cartoons explain different aspects of the globalization concept. They allow students to
explore how people interpret the movement and begin to form their own opinion as to what they
think about the movement. The pictures also allow students to work on the skill of interpreting
what they see.
Website 6:

Readability: none

StrataLogica - The Learning is in the Layers. (n.d.). . Retrieved March 3, 2014, from

This website gives information in written form as well as through videos and maps. It allows
students to interact and see how goods and services travel between places in order to be
completed. Students can also create their own projects to show their understanding of

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