Information Literacy

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Krishna Pani

Assignment 1

Written Assignment #1
1. A. Keywords: Computer Security, Innovative Technology, Technological ethics
B. CCBC Smart Search
C. I chose this database because it has a high number of indexed articles and
books as well as a reputated amount of authors and publishers. Database
also provides with the option to cite and reference articles.
D. Works Cited
1. Queralt, Ramn. "Ethics As A Beneficial Trojan Horse In A Technological Society." Science &
Engineering Ethics 19.1 (2013): 13-26. Humanities International Complete. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.


2. Nunan, Daniel, and MariaLaura Di Domenico. "Market Research And The Ethics Of

Big Data." International

Journal Of Market Research 55.4 (2013): 2-13. Business Source

Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.

2. The article I researched was about the ethics of kicking a robot dog.
As robots increasingly progress towards a equilibrium with humans and nature, the
morality of being unkind or unjust towards them is a question that must be
answered. Spot is a 160 lb dog who became an internet sensation after Boston
Dynamic employees kicked it around to show the world how robust and sturdy the
robotic dog was. Many people criticized the action of kicking the dog by saying that
the robot is close enough to a real dog so if children were to see these kinds of
actions, what would prevent them from acting like that to real dogs. Although there
are many supporters of the act there are just as many opposing it. The argument
here is that the dog cannot feel pain so it is a void statement to say that kicking the
dog was immoral. This is a question that is still debated online and in person today.
b. Works Cited: Parks, Phobe. "Is It Cruel to Kick a Robot Dog? -" CNN. Cable News
Network, 13 Feb. 2015. Web. 01 Mar. 2015.

3. A. The key words I used were: Kicking robot dog, Ethics in robots, and
injustice among robots.
B. Lin, Patrick. "Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews." Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of
Robotics // Reviews // // University of Notre Dame. Mit Press, 2012. Web. 01 Mar. 2015.

C. Google Search and DuckDuckGo



CNN news

Articles from colleges and Scientists


Krishna Pani
Assignment 1

Wikipedia articles, 1,080,000 results

No advertisements, does not say how

many results
Duckduckgo provided me with articles that were more relatable to the topic I
was searching for by providing me with reliable sources and more depth
intellectually about my ideas.
T: Written on Feb 13, 2015, Updated 8:43 am ET
R: Relates to the ethical dilemmas society faces with technology
A: Written by CNN reporter Phobe Parks, Digital Public Assistant at CNN
A: The article was written from a third person view without personal opinion
or bias integrated
P: Written to display two sides to a ethical decision made by tech experts

5. Ease of Access: The first article was less easily assessable compared to the
CNN article because it was not as widely known
Timeliness: The first article was written in March 2013, the second article was
written on Feb 13, 2015
Authority: The CCBC article had a more reputable source based off of
references and citations but the CNN article did not. The CNN article however
did have a video of the original poster and pictures of tweets from the
opinions she posted.

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