How To Create A Strong Password

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How to create a strong password

Using passwords is the common way of authorizing in various Internet services. Often a
password is the only barrier on the way of malefactors who try to get access to your
personal data (information about credit cards, banking accounts, application licenses,
personal IDs, correspondence, etc.)That is why it is extremely important to create strong
and secure passwords.
Follow these tips for creating a secure password:

a password should be made up of eight characters or more;

a password can contain digits, Latin characters, and special characters ("$", "?",
"!", "<", ">", "", "#", "%", "@", etc.);

it is highly advised to create a password which includes a combination of upperand lower-case alphabetic letters and digits;

same password should not be used for different web services.

Try to avoid in a password:

common words or set expressions;

any easy-to-guess sequences like: qwerty, 123456789, qazxsw etc.;

personal data: first and last names, your or your relatives' birthdays, names of
your pets, addresses, passport numbers, social security numbers, etc.;
passwords from other applications (e-mail, databases, etc).

How to keep your password secure:

do not tell your password to other people;

do not enter your password on other computers (especially in public places);

do not keep your password written together with the login;

do not keep your passwords in a prominent place.

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