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Carlos Directo

Professor Lynda Haas

Writing 37
7 March 2015
(Original): Several critics and experts on comic book lore agree that it is through the masterful
use of several techniques in comic book illustration and the underlying message of animal
sympathy that "We3" is able to grip readers to the journey of Bandit the dog, Tinker the cat, and
Pirate the bunny. Team We3.
(Revised): Authorities like Marc Singer and Lisa Brown agree that Morrison and Quitely
masterfully use (several) techniques in comic book illustration and storytelling(such as) as
well as (communicate) the underlying message of animal sympathy that We3 is able to grip
readers(.to the journey of team We3.)

(Original):In the beginning of Browns interview, the introduction mentions Morrisons
participation in the Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group in the 1980s and his many years
as an animal advocate lend depth of his writing(Brown 82). It is clear in We3 that Grant
Morrison is bringing the use of animals for military purposes to light. Singer points out that Dr.
Trendle regards the animal weapons as simulated combatants rather than living creatures in their
own right.(Singer 209). Morrison makes it evident in We3 that the dog, cat, bunny were
abducted from their lives as house pets and trained to be killing machines. Maryann Mot of
National Geographic informs of the fact that more than three hundred canines are trained to

patrol and detect. To kill on command and to protect themselves or their handler. This is very
similar to the pets in We3. They are certainly able to protect themselves and each other even if
it resorts to killing and taking lives. Brown adds to the topic by stating in one of her early
questions The U.S. has an unfortunate history of stealing companion animals in order to use
them in labs for scientific and medical experiments(Brown 82). Brown is reflecting on the fact
that Military use of animals is an important topic Morrison wanted to shed light on.
The beginning of Browns interview mentions Morrisons participation in the Animal
Liberation Front Supporters Group in the 1980s and his many years as an animal advocate lend
depth of his writing(Brown 82). It is clear in We3 that Grant Morrison is bringing the use of
animals for military purposes to light. Singer points out that Dr. Trendle regards the animal
weapons as simulated combatants rather than living creatures in their own right.(Singer 209).
Morrison makes it evident in We3 that the dog, cat, bunny were abducted from their lives as
house pets and trained to be killing machines. Maryann Mot of National Geographic writes an
article about the fact that more than three hundred canines are trained to patrol, detect, kill on
command, and protect themselves or their handler. This is very similar to the pets in We3.
Singer also talks about this when he talks about the fourth weapons lethality and willingness to
kill. They are certainly able to protect themselves and each other even if it resorts to killing and
taking lives. Brown adds to the topic by stating in one of her early questions The U.S. has an
unfortunate history of stealing companion animals in order to use them in labs for scientific and
medical experiments(Brown 82). Brown is reflecting on the fact that Military use of animals is
an important topic Morrison wanted to shed light on. While both Mot and Singer signal the
danger and worry these military trained canines may hold.

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