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Sophia Henderson

Pathway Exhibition
Lesson 6

February 25, 2015

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing in support of Sophia Henderson pursuing a career in the field of psychology. I have known
Sophia for the past 18 months and am currently her individual therapist as she works to strengthen her
coping skills, clarify her values, and build a life worth living.
Sophia has several strengths that will make her thrive in the field of psychology. First, Sophia strongly
values helping others. This has been evidenced in her support of her peers, her volunteer work at
animal shelters, and her passion for finding ways to inspire those in recovery from eating disorders.
Next, Sophia is very entertaining and possesses both a light-heartedness and a quick-witted smart
humor. Both her peers and adults find her to be engaging and fun to be around and she has the ability
to make everyone in the room comfortable with her charming nature. Finally, Sophia feels emotions
very deeplyboth her own, and those of others. She is able to empathize with both adults and her
peers and can connect with people, even those who have experiences or struggles very different than
her own.
Sophias desire to help others, her good humor, and her ability to deeply connect with people all make
her an excellent candidate for a career in psychology. I hope that while she pursues her education, she
continues to volunteer in mental health clinics, perhaps as a psych tech in group therapy, as her skills
are a perfect fit for this career.

Erin Parks
Erin Parks, Ph.D.

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