Carter Mediation Camp David

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- What approach best describes the mediation attempt?

How did the mediator(s) understand the nature

of the conflict?
Carter understood the nature of the conflict as problem-solving, technical. He thought it was about
substantive issues, not about emotions.
- What was the dominant mediation style used? How did this show in the underlying mechanism and the
particular tactics employed?
Carter saw his role as being that of a facilitator at the earlier stages, but the degree of his involvement
made it more of a formulation attempt. He made the clarifications regarding misunderstandings and
attempted to reconcile viewpoints and differences, make both Begin and Sadat like each other, and put
forward proposals and make clear what differences remained. Carter saw his duty to facilitate, not to
confront or bargain.
From the perspective of the Israelis, however, Carter was a hard bargainer. They saw the US as allied
with Egypt in the negotiations, and trying to get Israel to make concessions and reach an immediate
settlement. Problem: Begin saw politics and hard bargaining; Carter saw facilitation and problem-solving.
Egypt saw the same preference from the US towards Israel. He saw Israel as being protected by the
United States prior to Camp David. But Sadat also viewed the US participation as one of potential
benefactor in the negotiations and one of potential dealmaker vis--vis Israel.
- What made the mediation attempt effective?

1) By stating that agreement was the objective of the summit, he would put the
blame on Sadat and Begin if they failed to reach one. He was investing
considerable time and effort, and failure to reach an agreement would only be
due to one (or both) of the parties.
There was also an implicit threat: the loss of the relationship with the United
2) By confining them to Camp David, each leader was physically separated
from his capital. As a result, communication could not go to or from the
leaders. They could also not play political tactics and tie their hands with public
3) The news blackout made it costly for any leaks and for leaders to live the

The structure of the mediation attempt was fundamental, but what Carter did
before was also critical.
1) Pushing Geneva as an undesirable alternative.
2) Carters persistence and knowledge.
3) Carters use of a proposal and laying out his idea of a just settlement.

Important on symbolic gestures: Page 16 of pdf.

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