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Topic C#

To use preprocessing directives

in our program, we use the using

To indicate the end of the

statement, we use the following ;

To indicate the statement as

multiline, we use the following we don’t use any symbol to indicate multi line

In console applications, we
should keep the main method class whose name is same as that of the file name.

To indicate comments, we use

single line: //, Multi line: /*..*/, documentation ///
the following symbols:

How to use keywords as

prefix the keyword with @ symbol

Case sensitivity Case sensitive

bool,char, byte, short, int, long, float, double,
primitive data types:
decimal, string
char: ' ', long: L, float: f, double: d, decimal: m,
literal type indicators:
string " "

implicit and explicit conversions Present and Explicit conversion is done by: (data
of data types: type) variable
Declaring constants: const Datatype variable = value
Declaring and initializing two or
int i=0, j=1, k=3;
more variables in the same line
Total numbe of keywords: 77


we use carriage return (Enter)

we use _(Underscore) symbol to indicate that

the statement is a mutiline

module whose name is same as the name of

the file name.

single line: ' or REM

put the keyword in square brackets[].

Case insensitiv
Boolean, Char, Date, Byte, Short, Integer, Long,
Single, Double, Decimal
Char: " "c, Date: #mm/dd/yy#, Short: S,
integer: I or nothing,Long: L, Single: F, Double:
R, Decimal: D,
Present and explicit conversion is done by using
functions as Ctype (varisble).
Const variable As datatype = value

Dim I As integer =1, j As double = 2



we use ;

we don’t use any symbol to indicate multi line

class whose name is same as that of the file name.

single line: //, Multi line: /*..*/, documentation /** */

ther is no way to use the keyword as identifier.

Case sensitive

boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double

char: ' ', long: L, float: F, Double: D

Present and explicit conversion is done by (data type)

final Datatype variable = value

int I =2, j, k=3;


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