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d y k hun qin

Lesson One Exchange Currency

mi k:
Lo ji, w xing b mi yun hun chng Rnmnb.


Excuse me, Id like to exchange some US dollars for Renminbi.

Xio ji:

Nn yo hun du sho?

How much do you want to change?

mi k:


W bi mi yun.

Five hundred US dollars.

Xio ji:

Qng nn xin tin y zhng du hun dn.


Fill in the exchange form first, please.

mi k:


Jn tin mi yun h Rnmnb de b ji sh du sho?

Whats the rate for US dollars to Renminbi today?

Xio ji:

B ji sh y b b din li sn.

The rate is 1:8.63.

mi k:
W tin ho du hun dn le.


Ive finished the form.

Xio ji:

Qng sho dng. Zh sh nn de qin.


Wait a moment, please. Here is your money.

mi k:
Xi xi.


Thank you.

1. hun qin: to exchange money

2. bi: hundred
3. tin: to fill in
4. du hun dn: exchange form
5. jn tin: today
6. b ji: rate of exchange
7. qng: please
8. dng: wait
9. y hur: a moment
10. xi xi: thank

d r k ch k o y

Lesson 2 Eating Roast Beijing Duck

Chng y chng, zh sh zhng zng de Bijng ko y

Have a taste. This is traditional Roast Beijing Duck.

Zn me g ch f?

How to eat it?


Xin n y zhng bo bng, b y pin fng zi l min, rn hu b m ho

jing de cng ji zi bng l ji k y ch le.


Put slices of roast duck inside the thin pancakes which are smeared with sweet
bean sauce and scallion.


Mng bi le.


I see.


Ko y de wi do zn me yng?

How does the roast duck taste?


Wi do ho j le, zhn sh mng b x chun.

Its very delicious and it really has a well-deserved reputation.

1. ko y: roast duck
2. ch: eat
3. chng y chng: to taste
4. zhng zng de: traditional
5. zn me: how
6. bo bng: thin pancakes
7. y pin: sliced duck
8. fng: to put
9. l min: inside
10. rn hu: then
11. jing: sauce
12. cng: scallion
13. zhn: really
14. ho j le: delicious
15. mng b x chun: to enjoy a well-deserved reputation

d sn k wn l

Lesson Three Asking the Way

mi k:
Lo ji, x dn l zhr yun b yun?


Excuse me, is Xidan far from here?

L li:

B jio yun, q ch di r sh w fn zhng zu yu.


Yes, quite far. It will take you twenty-five minutes by bicycle.

mi k:


zu ch fng bin ma?

Is it easy to take a bus?

L li:

Hn fng bin, yao zu q zhn ch, xi ch ji sh.


Yes, very easy. You just take seven stations to go to Xidan. You cant miss it.

mi k:


Qng wn do f yu ji yu du yun?

And could you tell me how far is it to Fuyoujie from here?

L li:


Nn q x dn de sh hu, l gu f yu ji.

On your way to Xidan, youll pass by Fuyoujie.

mi k:
F yu ji do x dn yun b yun?


Is it far from Fuyoujie to Xidan?

L li:


B yun le, zu sh fn zhng ji do le.

Not too far, you just need to walk for ten minutes.

1. wn l: ask the way

2. l: from
3. zhr: here

4. yun: far
5. lo ji: excuse me
6. zu ch: take a bus
7. fng bin: easy
8. zu yu: about
9. b jio: quite
10. l gu: pass by
d s k zi z yu sh chng

Lesson Four At the Free Market

N hi:


Xin shng, nn yo dinr shn me?

What can I do for you, sir?

mi k:

P to du sho qin y jn?


Whats the price of grapes per jin?

N hi:
Y kui b mo qin y jn.


One yuan and eight mao per jin.

mi k:
Ti gu le, pin yi dinr xng ma?


Thats too expensive. Can you make it a bit cheaper?

N hi:


Zu du y jn pin yi w fn.

The most I could come down is five fen.

mi k:
Y kui li mo qian y jn k y ma?


How about one yuan and six mao per jin?

N hi:


Du mi k y.

If you buy a lot, thatll be okay.

mi k:

N me w mi w jn ba.


Then Ill buy five jin.

1. z yu sh chng: free market

2. jn: jn (Chinese unit of weight)
3. gu: expensive
4. pin yi: cheap
5. zu: most
6. du: a lot
7. p to: grape
8. n me: then
d w k do png yu ji zu k

Lesson Five Being A Guest at A Friends Home


fn zu ho le, kui li ch ba.

Now everything is already prepared. Come on, lets eat.

mi k:


zh me du ci, kn zhe yn du chn le.

So many delicious dishes! It makes my mouth water just to look at them.



li, ji ci, du ch dinr.

Here, take some more.

mi k:


zh xi ci du sh nn z j zu de ma?

Did you cook all these dishes?



sh a, zn me yng?

Yes. How do you like it?

mi k:


Zhng gu rn zu ci de shu y zhnb cu.

The Chinese are very good at cooks.



li, gi n dinr zh g ci.

Now, let me help you with the dish.

mi k:

bi k q, w z j li.


Dont stand on ceremony. Ill help myself.



ch bo le ma?

Are you full?

mi k:


xi xi, ch bo le.

Thanks, Im quite full.

1. png yu: friend

2. zu k: be invited
3. fn: dinner

ci: dish

5. chn: greedy
6. z j: oneself
7. zu ci: cook
8. shu y b cu: be good at
9. ji ci: eat
10. bo: be full
d li k kn bng

Lesson Six Going to See a Doctor

mi k:


w shn t b sh fu.

I feel very bad, doctor.

di fu:


n nr b sh fu?

Whats wrong with you?

mi k:


tu tng, hn shn mi jnr, hi k sou.

Ive got a headache and a cough, and my whole body feels weak.

di fu:


f sho b f sho?

Do you have a fever?

mi k:


b zh do, ho xing b f sho.

I dont know. Maybe not.

di fu:


xin ling ling t wn ba. sn sh b d. b zu zhng ki:a.

Le me take your temperature first. 38. Open your mouth and say ah.

mi k:


di fu, w d de sh shn me bng?

Whats wrong with me, doctor?

di fu:


zhng gn mo. ch dinr yo ji hu ho de.

Youve got a cold. Take some medicine and youll be all right.

1 kn bng: to see a doctor

2 tu tng: headache vv
3 hn shn: all over, from head to foot
4 jnr: strength, energy
5 k sou: to cough
6 f sho: to have a fever
7 t wn: temperature
8 zu: mouth
9 zhng ki: to open
10. bng: disease
11. gn mo: to catch a cold
12. yo: medicine
d q k tn tin q

Lesson Seven Talking About Weather
mi k:


n ju de bi jng de tin q zn me yng?

What do you think of the weather in Beijing?


bi jng de qi tin zu ho, chn tin jng chng gu


Autumn is the best season in Beijing, since there is a

lot of wind in spring.


mi k:


xi tin de tin q ne?

How about in summer?


bi jng de xi tin b ti r, yn wi jng chng xi

y, hn ling shung.

Its not too hot in summer. Because there is a lot of


rain, its nice and cool.

mi k:


dng tin lng ma?

Is it very cold in winter?



bi jng de dng tin b jio lng.

Yes, its rather cold in winter.

mi k:

zh me shu, yo sh l yu de hu, qi tin zu ho,

chn tin h xi tin y b cu.

That is to say, autumn is the best season for tourists.

And spring and summer are also okay.




n shu de du.

Thats right.

1. tn: to talk about

2. tin q: weather
3. qi tin: autumn
4. xi tin: summer
5. chn tin: spring
6. dng tin: winter
7. gu fng: to blow
8. r: hot
9. xi y: to rain
10. ling shung: cool
11. lng: cold
d b k zu ch z q ch

Lesson Eight Taking a Taxi

mi k:


s j, q bi jng fn din ma?

Driver! To Beijing Hotel?

s j:


q, qng shng ch.

Yes. Get in, please.

mi k:


w yu j sh, nn k y kui y dinr ma?

I have something urgent. Could you drive a little


s j:


bi zho j, y dng zhn sh gn do.

Dont worry. Well get there on time.

mi k:


ch fi zn me sun?

How do I pay for fare?

s j:


y gng l y kui r.

One yuan and twenty fen per km.

mi k:


w hui yo gn hu li, nn nng b nng dng y


Ill be back. Can you wait a moment?

s j:


k y.

Of course.

mi k:


dng hu fi zn me sun?

How is the waiting fee determined?

s j:


w fn zhng y kui r.

One yuan and twenty fen fiveminutes.

1 ch z q ch: taxi
2 s j: driver
3 q: to go
4 shng ch: to get on
5 j sh: something urgent
6 y dinr: a little

7 zho j: to worry
8 y dng: certainly
9 zhn sh: on time
10. ch fi: fare
11. gng l: kilometer
12. hu li: to come back

di ji k l f

Lesson Nine Get a Haircut
l f sh:


xin shng, nn yo l f ma?

Do you want your hair cut, sir?

mi k:


sh de.


l f sh:


nn l shn me yng de?

How do you want?

mi k:


zho yun yng l ji xng.

Just the same as usual.

l f sh:


nn gu lin ma?

Do you want your face shaved?

mi k:


yo gu lin, zi xi y xi h zi.

Yes, and Id like my moustache trimmed.

l f sh:

qng nn do zh bin x tu.. chu fng sh sh yu


Please come here to have your hair washed. Do you

like some pomade while drying?


mi k:


sho li y dinr.

Just a little.

l f sh:


ho le. nn kn k y ma?

How do you like it now?

mi k:


hn ho.

Very well.

1. l f: haircut
2. yun yng: original shape
3. gu lin: to shave (the face)
4. xi: to trim
5. h zi: moustache
6. x tu: to wash hair
7. chu fng: to dry hair with a drier

d sh k tn ji tng

Lesson Ten Talking About Family

mi k:


n ji yu shn me rn?

Who are there in your family?



w, f qn, m qn, g ge h mi mei.

My father, mother, an elder brother, a younger sister and me.

mi k:


n f qn du d su sh?

How old is your father?



t jn nin li sh le.

Hes sixty years old.

mi k:


t hi gng zu ma?

Is he still working?



t y jng tu xi le.

No, hes already retired.

mi k:


n m qn gng zu ma?

And your mother?



t sh g ji tng zh f.

She is a housewife.

mi k:


n g ge h mi mei ne?

How are your brother and sister?



w g ge sh di fu. w mi mei hi zi shng zhng xu.

My brother is doctor. My sister is studying in a middle school.

1. ji tng: family
2. f qn: father
3. m qn: mother
4. g ge: elder brother
5. mi mei: younger sister
6. tu xi: to retire
7. di fu: doctor
8. zhng xu: middle school
d sh y k kn jng j

Lesson Eleven Watching Peking Opera



w du jng j fi chng gn xng q.

Im very interested in Peking Opera.

mi k:


w y sh, w hn xing xu y xi.

Me too, and I would like to learn it.



xi xng q chng n d x yun yu jng j.

There will be a Peking Opera show at Changan Theater next week.

mi k:


sh ma, shn me x?

Really? Whats on?



ch yi xi bi jng r bo, l min y dng yu gung go.

Wed better look at the advertisement in Beijing Daily.

mi k:


w mn y q q kn jng j ho ma?

Lets go to watch Peking Opera, okay?



ho, w gi n mi x pio ba.

Okay, Ill buy a ticket for you.

mi k:

xi xi, mi ho hu go s w y shng.


Thank you. Please let me know when you buy it.



fng xn ba.

Dont worry.


jng j: Peking Opera


xng q: interest


x yun: theater


ch: look up


gung go: advertisement


x pio: ticket


go s: let sb. know


fng xn: dont worry

d sh r k d din hu

Lesson Twelve Making Telephone Calls

mi k:


nn ho, zh l sh bi jng fn din ma?

Hello, is that Beijing Hotel?

xio l:

Xiao Li:

sh de, nn zho n wi?

yes, whom are you going to speak to?

mi k:


qng zhun sn r yo b fng jin, w zho sh m s xin shng.

Extension 3218, please. I want to speak to Mr. Smith.

xio l:

Xiao Li:

ho de, qng sho dng.

Hold on please.

mi k:


t b zi, nn nng bng w gi t sho g hu ma?

He is out. Would you have a message conveyed to him?

xio l:

Xiao Li:

dng rn k y.

Of course.

mi k:


qng t gi mi k hu din hu, din hu ho m sh li b ji ji b lng b

Please let him ring back to Mike whose phone number is 68998088.

xio l:

Xiao Li:

ho de.


d din hu: make a phone call

ho m: number
zhun: an extension
zho: speak to
sho dng: hold on
hu din hu: ring sb. back

d sh sn k q z xng ch

Lesson Thirteen Riding a Bicycle

mi k:


w z le ling z xng ch.

Ive rented a bicycle.

xio wng:

Xiao Wang:

sh ma? zh xir n fng bin du le.

Really? So now you can go wherever you want to.

mi k:


zi bi jng q ch yng gi zh y shn me?

What should I be careful of riding in Beijing?

xio wng:

Xiao Wang:

zu z xng ch zhun yng do, zh y hng l dng h xng rn.

Keep on going in the special lane for bicycle, and take care of the traffic
lights and pedestrians.

mi k:


w xing q ch q y h yun.

Id like to go to the Summer Palace by bicycle.

xio wng:

Xiao Wang:

ho a, b gu sh jin chng dinr.

Good. But it will take you a bit long time.

mi k:


cng chng l q do y h yun di yng du chng sh jin?

How long does it take from the urban area to the Summer Palace?

xio wng:

Xiao Wang:

d yu y g bn xio sh.

About one and half hours.

q ride
z xng ch bicycle
z rent
xio sh hour
zh y be care of
zhun yng do special lane
hng l dng traffic
xng rn pedestrian

y h yun Summer Palace

d yu about

d sh s k t y hu dng

Lesson Fourteen Sports Activities

l li:


s din bn le, do yn dng chng q dun lin ba.

It is half past four. Lets go to do some exercises in the playground.

mi k:


ho de. d qi hi sh po b?

All right. Play ball or go running?

l li:


t z qi ba.

Lets play football.

mi k:


hi sh q li bng ba.

Lets go skating.

l li:


y ho. n kn, do ch du yu rn zi dun lin.

All right. Look, there are people doing exercises everywhere.

mi k:


n ling wi tng xu de y mo qi d de zhn ho.

Those two classmates are playing badminton very well.

l li:

n bin zhng zi jn xng pi qi b si, zh bin zi jn xng

wngqi b si.

A volleyball match is going on there, and a tennis match is going

on here.

mi k:


zh bin hi yu ln qi b si, b fn sh sh b b r sh.

18 20
A basketball is match is going on here, and the score is 18:20.

l li:


w men gu q kn kn ho ma?

Lets go and have a look.

mi k:


ho ba.


t y : sport
hu dng : activity
yn dng chng : playground
dun lin : to do exercises
d qi : to play ball
po b : to run; running
li bng : skating
do ch : everywhere
tng xu : classmate
y mo qi : badminton
pi qi : volleyball
wng qi : tennis
ln qi : basketbal
jn xng : to be in progress
b si : match
b fn : score
d sh w k tn xu x y gng zu

Lesson Fifteen Talking About Study and Work

l li:


n sh xu shn me zhun y de?

Whats your major?

mi k:


w sh zhun mn li zhng gu xu x hn y de.

I come to China just to study Chinese.

l li:


n zi nr xu x?

Where are you studying now?

mi k:

w zi bi jng y yn wn hu d xu xu x.


At the Beijing Language and Culture University.

l li:


n xu x j nin le?

How many years have you studied?

mi k:


y jng sn nin le, hi ch y nin ji b y le.

Ive already studied for three years. Ill graduate in a year.

l li:


b y y hu hu gu ma?

Are you going back to your country after graduation?

mi k:


sh de, w yo hu q gng zu.

Yes, Ill return to my country and find a job.

l li:


hu gu zho gng zu kn nn ma?

Is it difficult to find a job?

mi k:


b ti kn nn, yn wi w de gu ji dng hn y de rn b ti du.

Not very difficult, because there are not so many people in my country who
know Chinese.

l li:


zh n ho yn.

Whish you good luck.

mi k:


xi xi.


xu x: to study
zhun y: major
hn y: Chinese
nin: year
ch: to be short of
b y: to graduate
kn nn: difficult
ho yn: good luck
d sh li k h ch

Lesson Sixteen Drinking Tea

l li:


n x hun h ch ma?

Do you like drinking tea?

mi k:


w fi chng x hun.

I like it very much.

l li:


zhng gu de ch tng chng fn wi w zhng.

Chinese tea may be classified into five categories.

mi k:


n w zhng?

which five?

l li:


l ch, hng ch, w lng ch, hu ch,jn y ch.

green tea, black tea, Wulong tea, scented tea, and compressed tea.

mi k:


w x hun do ch gun l h ch.

I like drinking tea at teahouses.

l li:


w y sh. zi zh l k y bin lio tin bin xn shng ch wn hu.

So do I. We can chat while enjoying Chinese tea culture here.

mi k:


ch q yun y zhng gu. rn men r chng shng hu zhng l b ki ch.

Tea originated from China. It is the center of attention in Chinese daily life.

ch: tea
h: drink
zhng li: category
l ch: green tea
hng ch: black tea
w lng ch: Wulong tea
hu ch: scented tea
jn y ch: compressed tea
ch gun: teahouse

lio tin: chat

xn shng: enjoy
wn hu: culture
q yun: originate
r chng shng hu: daily life

d sh q k wi wn bng rn

Lesson Seventeen Visiting a Patient
mi k:


l li, n de bng ho dinr le ma?

Are you getting better now, Lili?

l li:


ho du le, xi xie n de gun xn.

Much better. Thanks for your concern.

mi k:


n xin zi gn ju zn me yng?

How do you feel now?

l li:


w du xing ch yun le.

I even want to leave hospital.

mi k:


bi zho j, ho hor yng bng, zh y yng yng.

Dont be so impatient. You should take a good rest and nourishment.

l li:


d lo yun de, hi rng n po y tng.

Sorry for making you have a long walk.

mi k:


yng gi de, w gi n mi le dinr shu gu.

Its all right. I bought some fruit for you.

l li:


xi xie, rng nn p fi le.

Thank you for spending money on me.

mi k:


zh n zo r kng f.

I hope youll get well soon.

l li:

xi xie.


Thank you.

wi wn: to pay a visit

bng rn: patient
gun xn: concern
gn ju: feeling
zho j: to worry
yng bng: to recuperate
shu gu: fruit
p fi: to spend money on
zao ri: soon
kng f: to recover
d sh b k wn r q y sh jin

Lesson Eighteen Asking About Date and Time
mi k:


jn tin j ho?

Whats the date today?

wng l:

Wang Li:

jn tin sh q ho.

Today is the seventeen.

mi k:


mng tin xng q j?

What day is tomorrow?

wng l:

Wang Li:

mng tin xng q r.

Tomorrow is Sunday.

mi k:


zu tin sh xng q s ma?

Was yesterday Thursday?

wng l:

zu tin b sh xng q s, sh xng q w.

Wang Li:

No, yesterday wasnt Thursday, but Friday.

mi k:


n shn me sh hu q ch chi?

When will you go on business?

wng l:

Wang Li:

li yu r sh sn ho.

On the twenty-three of June.

mi k:


n zi n l di du chng sh jin?

How long will you stay there?

wng l:

Wang Li:

d yu ling g yu.

About two months.

r q (ho): date
mng tin: tomorrow
zu tin: yesterday
yu: month
ch chi: on business
xng q y: Monday
xng q r: Tuesday
xng q sn: Wednesday
xng q s: Thursday
xng q w: Friday
xng q li: Saturday
xng q r: Sunday

d sh ji k

yu hu

Lesson Nineteen
l li:

mi k, qng n yu kng do w ji li wnr.


If you have time, please come to my house, Mike.

mi k:


ho de, n shn me sh hu zi ji?

Okay, I will. When will you be at home?

l li:


ch le gng zu, q t sh jin w du zi ji.

Ill be at home all the time except at my working hours.

mi k:


w xng q tin q n ji ho m?

May I visit you on next Sunday?

l li:


hun yng, shng w hi sh xi w?

Yes, you are welcome. Morning or afternoon?

mi k:


xi w k y ma?

How about afternoon?

l li:

k y, n w men y q ch wn fn ba.


Okay. Lets have dinner together.

mi k:


xi xi, w y dng q.

Thank you, I will definitely be there.

yu hu: appointment
yo qng: invite
kng: free time, spare time
ji: home
wnr: play
ch le: except
wn fn: dinner, supper
y q: together
shng w: morning

xi w: afternoon
wn shng: evening

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