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Short Dialogue

about asking and giving opinion

A : Hey,B. How are you?
B : Good enough. And you?
A : Im good too. What are you think about K-13 or our new curiculum?
B : I think government turning us become a robot. That curiculum must be
A : Yeah,i think so. Its very annoying for student and teacher even the headmaster
B : (laughing) Haha.. You right ! But ,would you agree with voted President Joko
Widodo for the increasing the gasoline price?
A : Absolutely disagree ! I am just normal people who want normal gasoline price.
Because the gasoline is the first of human need in daily life
B : Yes,you right. By the way, i must go home because my mom need me.
A : Of course,you must help your mom. Okay,see you next time. Bye !!
B : Bye !!

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