Case TB

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Supervisor: Dr. Kamarul Ariffin

Mr M/ 54yo/ Male
History of PTB in 2008, completed treatment
Works in a stall
Active smoker ~ 35 pack years
ADL independent, NYHA class I

Initially brought in by employer as noted pt

tachypnoiec, however pt claim hes comfortable
Claim had productive cough x 2/52
Whitish sputum
Hemoptysis several times : blood streaked in sputum
Pleuritic chest pain

Associated with:
On and off SOB, aggravated by vigorous coughing
Night sweats
Good appetite but claim had loss of weight (change in
trouser size)

No fever
No PTB contact

In ED, noted SPO2 on arrival 89% under room air,

pick up to 98% under NPO2
Noted coarse crepts at right mid to lower zone

FBC: 4.7/ 9.5/ 31/ 30

CXR impression at ED: bullae at right LZ + fibrotic
right lung + deviation of trachea to the right side
Right pneumonia TRO PTB reactivation with pancytopenia

Pt admitted to W1


Started on IV Augmentin 1.2gm stat then TDS

T EES 800mg BD
Hemoptysis chart
KIV Mantoux
Blood ix taken: FBC, coagulation, RP, LFT, ESR, FBP
For sputum C+S and AFB
Daily FBC
For PR: brownish

RP: 135/ 3.3/ 1.7/ 50

Corr Ca: 2.13/ Mg 0.85/ PO4 1.08
LFT: TP 72/ alb 35/ TB 8.9/ ALP 70/ ALT 8/ AST 11
LDH 231
ESR 57
Coag: pT 12/ apTT 34.9/ INR 1.14

Seen by specialist (1/11/14)

CXR noted: ? Lung lesion sent for reporting
Sputum AFB x1: no AFB seen
Pancytopenia for Ix
To trace FBP
For pt to wear mask
KIV CT Thorax after review CXR reporting

Pt claim still having blood streak in sputum, cough

Noted sputum AFB no.2: AFB +2
FBP, CXR reporting: pending
Sputum C+S: NG
Sputum AFB no.1, 3: no AFB
t/o W10
For TB notification
To start T Forecox III/III CM

Right upper lobe

(fibrotic collapse)
Right lung

Treat as relapse PTB

Started T Forecox III/III OD
IM Streptomicin 800mg OD
T Pyridoxine 10mg OD

FBP will be available CM (requested urgent)

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