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Evil impacts and implications
............ breads most of the
social and economic
Causes of ...........

.............. had become one of the most embarrassing

problems all over the world especially the third world
countries like Pakistan. It is replete with the dangers of
devastating dimension.
..............not only destablizes and demorlizes a nation but
also breads depression and frustration in a society. It
creats the feeling of uncertainly and unsecurty among the
masses. If ......... creeps in a society , it demolishes the
inner strength , outar splendoer , economic prosperity and
social peace of a nation.
....... the demage done is not only immediate but for
reaching. Consquently, nations good image is spoiled all
over the world. Widely spread disappointments in the
common people owe much this bad practice. It is like a
white elephant who is eating away national health and
unity imperceptibly. The uncheckd spread of ...........
collapsed moral and economic pillars of a nation.
........... is highly detrimental and devastating for a
country like Pakistan. It has destroyed economic and
political stability. If the evil of ....... is not wipped in the
bud ,it may spread rapidly like a bush fire and may engulf
the whole nation or region like an epidemic.
It badly shatters peoples faith in Government institution
and supermacy of the ........ It deprioves people from their
mental, physical, spiritual, moral and economic health and
territorial intogrity.
Every place loving individuals who long and dreams for
peace , prosperity and protuction must ponder over the
causes of the social cancer of ..........

The main causes are man illiteracy object , poverty , social

policies of Government , instabilot insatiable, desire to
occumulate wealth and become rich over- night, lust for
power etc. Ethnic, social and regional diversities also
freed the confrontation among the people.
Feudalism unever distribution of wealth , lack of education
and health facilities also pave the way to spread .......... in
a society. External factors like involvement of foreigen
agencies are also spreading ....... in the country.
An elaborate system of control is needed to check .........
An organized comittee should be set up and with sufficient
resources Government authorities ,NGOS and national
mass media should also take necessary steps at the levels
to uproot the groving menance of ........
The accussered shuld be given examplary punishments. It
is only then that we can eradicate the evil from the

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